Extreme Demon

Chapter 182 Not Smiling 1

After dinner, Lu Sheng took the little umbrella girl to a newly built secret room.

The previous one was completely devastated because of his practice, and it was completely unusable.

Lu Sheng laid out all the trophies he had collected before for the little umbrella girl to identify.

What is this? He picked up the delicate little book and waved it in front of the little umbrella girl.

Only sister knows this, Yingying stammered.

Are you sure? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes at the other party. You have to know that I can't kill you, but I can keep you in a state of death forever. You know what I mean.

The little umbrella girl shivered all over. It looked like he was in a state of fear of death. She looked carefully at the little book again.

This is a set of magic rules that my sister got by accident, she said intermittently.

Legal decision?

Lu Sheng became interested and continued to ask. Soon I learned the purpose of this magic from the little umbrella girl. This is a magic that is purely used for monsters and monsters, and cannot be used by humans at all.

Moreover, the characters used above are not used by humans, but a system called spiritual script. As for Lingwen, the little umbrella girl didn't know it either, only the master of Hongfang knew it.

Although it was of no use, it finally replenished some Yin Qi.

Lu Sheng had already absorbed all the Yin Qi in the little book, and gained about fifty units. It just so happened that he had used up all the Yin Qi before, and now it was replenished.

Now he has three forms in total, the monster-like huge body in the anode state, the weak-looking young master in the cathode state, and the strongest form in which yin and yang are combined into one.

In fact, he didn't have any reference points to judge how strong his strongest form was. In the previous battles, he only compared it with two snakes, and there was no other reference point.

He named his strongest form the Destroyer. The power, speed, burst, and defense of this form have all reached their strongest peak. It can almost destroy all the powerful people Lu Sheng has encountered so far. So he named it the Destroyer.

In this form, he can continue to burn gas and liquid, thereby greatly increasing his explosive power and lethality. At that time, he is truly at his strongest.

So, what about this? Lu Sheng took out the golden one-eyed eye obtained by the Cyclops Chaohu again, What's the use of this to me?

The little umbrella girl opened her mouth, and suddenly her eyes changed, from light red to pale white in an instant.

Hmph! She turned away, You think I will tell you?! It's a dream!

Oh, are you Hongfangbai now? Lu Sheng smiled. This guy seemed to have become younger as his body became smaller and his mind was slightly affected.

So what? Do you think I'm that idiot Yingying, so easy to bully? The little umbrella girl continued to snort coldly.

How about we make a deal? Lu Sheng reached out to pick up the little umbrella girl, grabbed her by the back collar, and easily lifted it up with one hand.

Let me go!! The little umbrella girl tried to struggle and twist, but was unable to move under the strength of Lu Sheng's big hand.

No matter what, you are truly defeated at my hands. Are you right? Lu Sheng asked.

. The little umbrella girl turned her head and said nothing.

Don't you want to regain your original strength? Lu Sheng was tempted.

What do you want?! The little umbrella girl immediately turned around and shouted.

Tell me, we have no grievances. It was you who provoked me first, and then I fought back, and it ended up like this. Whose fault is it? Lu Sheng said with a smile, So I actually have no sympathy for you. Interested, if you weren’t planning to attack me, I wouldn’t have planned to deal with you.”

The little umbrella girl thought about it carefully, and it was true that from the beginning to the end, Lu Sheng had never provoked them. In the beginning, it was the umbrella girl Yingying who attacked the Red Whale Gang headquarters because of the conflict with the Zhen family. The contradictions deepened step by step, and finally led to the tragic ending of the battle between Yixian and Tianyi.

Cooperate with me, or continue to maintain the status quo. Lu Sheng put her down and sat upright, You choose.

Even if I regain my strength, will you let me go? the little umbrella girl asked coldly.

To be honest, I don't know. But it's better than having no hope, what do you think? Lu Sheng smiled.

The little umbrella girl was silent for a while.

She was weighing the pros and cons, but in the end she probably felt that restoring her strength was the first priority, and finally agreed.

Okay, I promise you, I will cooperate with you as much as possible. I will not harm the forces and interests you belong to, but you must also help me, and if conditions permit, help me regain my strength. She said seriously.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

He picked up the one-eye.

So, tell me now, how is this thing best used?

The little umbrella girl looked at the one-eyed man.

This is the Eye of the Giant. It is often called the Red Gold Eye, and is also called the Golden Wave Pearl. If you don't mind, you can transplant it on your body, and it will give you an extra secret power.

Huh? Transplant? Lu Sheng was stunned.

Yes, after the transplant, the power has dropped to about 50% of the original, but it is not bad. I still remember that because of this, the Cyclops family was hunted extremely harshly before. Because the red-gold pupil was once hunted by a certain I like the magic blade and like to use it as decoration beside the altar. The little umbrella girl explained.

It's only 50% of the power, forget it. Lu Sheng didn't ask how to transplant it. For them who have reached such a level of physical control, it is not difficult to accept and reject the new body.

Then there are these bones. How can we use them better? Lu Sheng took out Ye Lingmo's body, as well as the corpses held by Hongfang Master and Yingying.

You!! The little umbrella girl suddenly became angry.

Isn't this recycling waste? Lu Sheng didn't care.

Are you humiliating me!? She screamed, jumped up and threw herself at Lu Sheng's face, and was easily caught by him and pinned to the ground.

Okay, stop making trouble.

Give me back the bones! You pervert! I'll swap with you! Swap!!! The little umbrella girl struggled and shouted. She finally saw the reality clearly. She couldn't fight or run away, so she had to admit defeat.

Okay. You said so. Lu Sheng then let go of her.

Hong Fangbai then snorted angrily and fell to the ground. Looking at the bones on the ground, she was still a little angry.

The method you used to control Yingying can be used to control the puppet substitute. I will refine the secret technique of the puppet substitute. Do you want this?

Oh? Lu Sheng's eyes lit up. He has always felt that although he is strong, his subordinates are not strong enough, and the safety of his relatives and friends cannot be guaranteed. But this stand-in puppet sounds very powerful, maybe

But this kind of substitute requires you to find enough resources and materials. And it is extremely difficult. Even I am just getting started. The little umbrella girl said quickly. I'll teach you how to get started, and you'll return my bones!

Okay! Lu Sheng nodded.

The two communicated with each other in the secret room for several hours. Then it came out slowly.

But after coming out, Lu Sheng felt that the guards around him looked at him a little strangely.

Especially when the little umbrella girl came out, she looked exhausted, which made him feel that the eyes around him were getting more and more strange.

Fortunately, outside, he always uses the Yinhe Net to control the words and deeds of the little umbrella girl to prevent her from saying something she shouldn't say.

This time he really got a secret technique from the little umbrella girl, called thread manipulation. It is a technology that uses things like silk threads to control puppets to fight or move.

No wonder he has never seen Hongbo master use this thing. Just using silk thread makes this secret technique useless.

It’s no wonder that Master Hongfang had no reservations and even recorded the original text of the secret technique intact and gave it to Lu Sheng.

The two walked out of the secret room. Hongfangbai followed Lu Sheng, jumping and jumping just to keep up with him.

She glanced furtively at the guy in front of her.

“I wasted no less than a hundred years on this technology, and even used up the resources of the original Red Square.

Study hard, study hard! It's better to jump into this bottomless pit like I did back then and make no progress in cultivation for hundreds of years, so that I can have a chance. Hong Fangbai thought with malicious intent.

The two came to the study one after another.

Lu Sheng pulled out a chair and sat down.

You just said, secret technique? Superpower? What is that? He suddenly asked.

Hongfangbai was stunned.

In addition to our powerful and strange bodies, we demons and monsters also have various abilities. Isn't your ability to suddenly increase your aura a kind of secret technique? Why do you ask this? Don't you know? ?

Lu Sheng thought for a moment before realizing that she was talking about the burning of his own gas.

Okay. He understood it as the unique innate magical powers of monsters and monsters. He thought of Chaohu's one-eyed golden light and Hongbozhu's ethereal body, which seemed to be similar.

He sat down and began to read the urgent reports sent by Yu Lianzi and others. Generally, Yu Lianzi would only send urgent reports for major and important matters.

Yu Lianzi was responsible for the management of the city along the mountain, while Lu Sheng arranged for several other elders to be responsible for the rest of the area. Among them, Fei Ying Tang, led by Xu Chui, was responsible for nearly 30% of the gang's central area. Zhao Jiaojiao was also appointed by him to be responsible for 30% of the area.

Speaking of Zhao Jiaojiao, Lu Sheng frowned slightly. This guy is a martial arts madman. Although he was defeated by himself, it was because of his Tianyuan strength and the growth rate of Yinhe Network without bottlenecks. Cultivation is steadily increasing day by day.

Although she has just begun to take charge of the area, the number of ghosts and strange things that appear in the city area under her command is the least. Many of them were rushed over and eliminated as soon as the news came out.

Lu Sheng casually flipped through the urgent report sent by Zhao Jiaojiao, read it for a while, and then started to look at the area of ​​the city where the last elder was responsible.

Huh? Suddenly his hand paused.

On the piece of paper he picked up, the date was clearly marked as being sent more than a month ago. But the content on the paper made him squint slightly.

After reading the content, he gently placed the letter on the table and tapped it with his knuckles unhurriedly.

The bright white skylight outside the window came in and fell on the pale yellow letter paper, reflecting the line of words on it.

‘Ye Hongnan, the helmsman of Huanpei City, has been out of contact for thirteen days and his whereabouts are unknown. ’

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