Extreme Demon

Chapter 181 Calm 2

That's all, I don't want you to obey him completely, but if someone comes with a token, you need to fully support him. Whether it is resources or human intelligence. Is it okay? Tell me the truth. Shangyang Jiuli said seriously. .

Seeing this, Lu Sheng also put away his smile and thought about it.

Don't worry, Miss Jiuli. If the other party's needs are related to you, my subordinates will give their full support.

Seeing his answer, Shangyang Jiuli felt relieved.

In fact, although she nominally controls the Northland, the real person in charge is Lu Sheng in front of her.

As a master of the Three Marks level, although Lu Sheng's strength is far inferior to hers, he can still be regarded as one of his generals, and he is still young, so no one can predict his future development.

If this causes him to have a grudge, it will not be good after all.

Being able to stabilize such a large territory as the Northland, such a talented general would be a good player that every company needs to compete for.

What's more, Lu Sheng has already entered the three lines at a young age. Even within the Shangyang family, this level is considered elite.

This is also the reason why Shangyang Jiuli has always paid more attention to Lu Sheng.

If there were a few more talents like this, she could safely cultivate in the mountains.

Okay, tell me whatever big thing happened during this period. And how is my brother? Shangyang Jiuli asked carefully.

Lu Sheng didn't hide it either. After winning the duel in Shangyang Ce, he boarded a ship and escaped overseas. He also talked about the recent incident of Hongfang Master killing people on a spree and then disappearing together with Ye Lingmo.

At first, Shangyang Jiuli was calm, but when she heard that the two palace masters were missing, her expression became serious.

So, this Northland is really in some trouble. You try to stay as you are and secretly find out which force is causing the trouble. Once you find out, you must not alert the snake. It is not you who can deal with the forces at the Palace Lord level. Resistance. Shangyang Jiuli warned.

Now Lu Sheng is a general under her command. If something happens to him because of this, it will be a big loss.

She counted all the people under her command, and there were many who could match Lu Sheng's strength, but none of them could match his management ability.

I understand. Lu Sheng knew that his current external identity was that of the Shangyang Jiuli family, but that was fine.

Jiu Li has always been indifferent, and devoted himself to the pursuit of a higher realm. He has been practicing hard. As long as he provides her with enough resources, he can pull off her tiger skin at will, which is very helpful in hiding his secret strength and identity.

The two asked and answered questions again and chatted for a while. After a while, a red shadow fell from the sky, and it turned out to be a bloody bird. There was a paper roll tied to the bird's leg, and it landed gently on the stone table. Shangyang Jiuli grabbed the bird, took off the paper roll, and checked it.

Okay, I have to return to my family immediately. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can light the token and I will send someone to help. She said in a low voice.

Understood. Lu Sheng nodded solemnly.

I hope you can take a step further next time we meet. Shangyang Jiuli said the last thing. When she stepped on her foot, her whole body suddenly flew into the air, her big sleeves fluttering. It unfolded into the wind and glided out like a giant bat, quickly flying hundreds of meters. Then he jumped again and continued to fly.

Lu Sheng watched her leave, put away the incense box in his hand, and straightened up.

With her blocking the front, the effect seems to be pretty good. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he also flashed towards the distance, disappearing into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.

Without stopping all the way, he returned directly to the gang, where Chen Yunxi's mark had disappeared due to the death of the Hongfang leader.

Hongfang's influence in the North also disappeared and was quietly lifted.

He also began to formally contact the remaining forces of the Martial Alliance, and the Yinhe Nets were quietly spread out one by one. This thing's ability to conceal aura was top-notch, making it difficult for ordinary experts to detect it.

Soon they were pleasantly surprised to find that their skills began to improve by leaps and bounds. The speed of improvement in cultivation is several times faster than before, and the inner energy seems to have no bottleneck, constantly rushing upwards.

Of course, because of the limitations of their physical fitness, the limit of the inner energy they can hold is no more than a hundred years, but even this is quite extraordinary.

Lu Sheng plans to wait a few years before harvesting again. Once the number of people increases, the amount of internal energy harvested will be extremely considerable.

Time passed slowly, and more than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

After the Hongfang Master incident, Ye Lingmo disappeared, and the successive disappearances of Wuyou Mansion masters in front of them made all the forces in the North panic and did not dare to make any big moves.

The minions of each force quietly put away their weapons and kept to their own devices. The entire Northland ushered in unprecedented peace.

But this kind of peace was a bit short-lived for Lu Sheng.

Hahahaha!! Lu Sheng, you didn't expect me to survive, did you? I, Hong Fangbai, crawled out of hell just to avenge you again!! Go to hell!! Five Void Spirit Slashes!!

Bang! !

Lu Sheng slapped the villain who jumped in front of him to the ground. Looking at this guy with quite a headache.

Ooooh, Yingying, Yingying, it hurts. The little girl, wearing a wide red skirt and holding a red umbrella in her hand, hugged her head, got up, squatted on the ground and started crying.

One day, he went out for a trip, and when he came back, he found that the concentric knot left by Hongbozhu and Yingying was gone, replaced by a red meat ball the size of a watermelon.

Just when he was about to imitate Nezha's father and chop the strange ball with a knife, the thing suddenly burst open, and a petite girl no more than ten years old, holding a red umbrella and wearing a red dress, jumped out from inside.

Judging by her face, she looks like a young version of Umbrella Girl Sakura.

This guy was holding a big red umbrella that could cover his whole body. He was also wearing an adult-style dress, with a long skirt hanging out from behind his feet.

When he first came out, he clamored to seek revenge on Lu Sheng, but in the middle of the rush, he was tripped by the hem of his own skirt, fell to the ground on the spot, and fainted.

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment, but he didn't kill the girl again. He directly planted a Yinhe Net inside her body, and then treated her as a mascot and kept her in the gang for fun.

For the first time, he saw that a demonic creature could regenerate after being killed. This was a rare thing and worth studying.

But I didn't expect that this guy would make the gang go crazy in just a few days.

This little umbrella girl has no lethality. She can only hit people on the head with a folded red umbrella, but the force is not strong. She can only knock out small bags. It hurts, but it is completely harmless.

Everyone thought she was some kind of relative or niece of Lu Sheng, so they didn't dare to fight back and could only run around.

Unexpectedly, this aroused the little umbrella girl's competitive spirit. Others' forbearance and dumbfounding made her feel insulted.

Her strength had plummeted to such an extent that it was all Lu Sheng's fault, so all the hatred was focused on Lu Sheng.

From time to time, the little guy would make surprise attacks like this, which was a common occurrence.

Although it has no lethality, it can still disgust Lu Sheng.

Yingying, don't mess around with your sister next time, and go back to eat obediently. Did you take a shower yesterday? Lu Sheng lifted the little umbrella girl and asked her to sit on the chair obediently.

Wash it. Yingying obediently glanced at Lu Sheng with a hint of fear.

Let's eat. Lu Sheng picked up the rice bucket next to him with one hand, ate half of the roasted whole lamb, chewed one bite of meat and one bite of rice.

He and the little umbrella girl were the only ones at the dinner table.

The large disc-shaped table was filled with all kinds of delicious food and drinks. Yingying was using a small bowl, a small wooden bowl used by children, and was picking up vegetables with chopsticks.

Do you think I should call you Yingying or Hongfangzhu? Lu Sheng asked while eating.

I am Yingying. My sister's name is Hongfangbai. Yingying stammered in reply.

As she spoke, she felt that she was speaking too slowly, and couldn't help but raise her head and glance at Lu Sheng, as if she was afraid that he would be angry.

It seems like you don't hate me at all? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

I don't hate you. Sister, I'm too tired. It's better to use Yingying's body like this. She can relax. Yingying replied in a low voice.

Lu Sheng suddenly realized. After careful questioning, Yingying stammered out the real reason for this change.

It turns out that although Yingying is a ghost, her body is actually weird, and the weirdness is transformed into a ghost. Originally, she had no sanity. It was the red boss who chatted with her boringly every day and treated her as a real sister. Slowness gives him a stable mind.

At the last moment, Yingying had a strong unwillingness to let Hongbozhu's sister die, which finally caused some irreversible changes between her and Hongbozhu.

She used herself to absorb the Red Lord, and the two were reborn together.

Weirdness is immortal. Lu Sheng suddenly remembered this statement. Originally, he thought that weirdness was immortal because it was not strong enough to break the black film.

But now that the black membrane has been broken, the umbrella girl can actually be reborn, although she has lost all her power. but

He suddenly thought of all the strange things that had appeared in the Northland in the past few years.

Every time the aristocratic families get rid of the strange things that appear, but when they appear again, the interval is extremely short. It’s nothing more than a few years.

That's why big gangs like them are needed to collect intelligence and constantly suppress new weird things.

Can aristocratic families really kill weirdos? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

Yingying shook her head and said she didn't know either.

Lu Sheng looked at the delicate little face of the little umbrella girl, and he had some doubts. Even if it was a noble family, it might only make the weirdness disappear longer, but it could not actually eliminate them fundamentally.

Have you and Hongfang Master agreed on who will show up and when? Lu Sheng asked again.

Sharing the same body creates many problems, and they also share a young daughter.

Yingying's character is weak and delicate, while Red Boss's character is violent and powerful. The two are simply two extremes.

As long as sister is willing, Yingying can do it anytime. Yingying rarely said something fluently. It was obvious that she was serious about what she said.

Lu Sheng has always wondered what the weirdness is, but as ghosts and monsters, Yingying and Hongfang are still alive, so perhaps he can get the answer from them.

This was also the key to him not killing him a second time.

There is also what he has always wanted to figure out, the source and composition of Yin Qi.

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