Extreme Demon

Chapter 180 Calm 1

Putting away the exquisite pocket book, Lu Sheng looked at the small concentric knot again.

The pink concentric knot looks rough and simple, but it can still remain intact in such fires and explosions, which shows how extraordinary it is.

He reached out and picked up the concentric knot, thought about it, and stuffed it into the black bag together.

Finally, I looked around. The fire was spreading and the smoke was billowing, which would surely attract the attention of other tyrannical beings soon.

These snake-level powerhouses, even if they are just corpses, are definitely not mortal objects. How can we take them all back without leaving any traces? He frowned.

Suddenly he saw in a corner by the river, the tent boat that was hit by the waves and washed into the corner.


He didn't have hairbands on the corpses of several giants. They were too heavy and too big to cover up. But the rest is convenient.

The bones of Hongfangzhu and Yingying, as well as the remains of Ye Lingmo, were all stuffed into the canopy.

The rain slowly became heavier and heavier. Mixed with the light of the fire, water mist evaporated in greater and greater volumes.

Lu Sheng stood at the bow of the boat and pulled out a pole from somewhere in his hand. He propped up the canopy and headed up the river.


Wushou Mansion.

King Wuyou fumbled for the ruby ​​ring in his hand and frowned. Standing in the garden, you are blind to the gorgeous scenery of blooming flowers around you.

No news yet?

It's been two cycles since there was no reply. Zhao Rong, the deputy palace master next to him, replied in a low voice.

What is Ye Lingmo doing?! Where is the red-haired ghost Zhou He? King Wuyou asked in a deep voice.

Zhou He has also been out investigating, and there is no news yet. Zhao Rong replied.

Beidi, is it really that evil? King Wuyou frowned, I have hired so many good people to get in, and now there is no news about Ye Lingmo? What is going on?

He knows Ye Lingmo's habits. Although this person has many shortcomings and troubles, his biggest advantage is punctuality. He said that if you reply to messages once a cycle, there will never be any problems.

But now there has been no reply for two cycles.

Contact Yang Jiuli and ask her to mobilize local forces to help us check. I'm sure the Shangyang family will not refuse this small request. King Wuyou said solemnly.

A strange color flashed in Zhaorong's eyes. Your Majesty, Ye Lingmo is just an outsider. There is a possibility that he has betrayed his trust. She didn't finish her words.

Shut up! King Wuyou scolded directly, Do you know why I use him? If you had more skills besides bed skills, would I have to find an outsider to be the deputy palace master? Do you think I don't know his hidden ambitions? ?”

Zhaorong suddenly looked aggrieved.

King Wuyou looked at her and felt a little soft-hearted. He reached out and took him into his arms. His hands reached into his chest and started to knead it.

I also know that you have helped me collect good goods for so many years and it has been very hard, but you really can't do these things.

Zhaorong nestled against King Wuyou. What should we do if Ye Lingmo really can't come back?

We can no longer spread our strength. The royal family is pressing forward step by step. We don't have much time. Now they are just afraid of me and afraid that I will fight tooth and nail. King Wuyou said worriedly. We are performing rituals in another area, so we cannot delay.

Zhaorong understands.


Ye Lingmo's death did not cause many waves. Perhaps everyone thought he left secretly. After all, he originally defected to the Wuyou Mansion in times of crisis, and there was no loyalty at all. Except for the red-haired ghost Zhou He, he was still running around looking for the whereabouts of the boss. The rest of the people, that is, the people from Wuyou Mansion, were searching everywhere.

But such searches are not very intensive. Xiao Hongye presided over the search. Regarding this phenomenon that was exactly the same as the previous disappearance, he actually felt that the search was of little value.

Only the red-haired ghost Zhou He, like the old black man before, was still searching desperately.

But this time he really couldn't find any clues. Ye Lingmo was not like the old Hei Lao who had an action target when he went out. He just followed the Hongfang master to go to the appointment without telling anyone.

The area where the line of sky is located is also far away from Yanshan City, so there is no direction to find it.

The Wuyou Mansion's response was mediocre, but the death of Lord Hongfang caused more waves.

The prestige of the Hongfang Master has long taken root in the hearts of Bai Feng Lao Dao and others in the Northland.

This crazy woman represents the first batch and the strongest level of Northland. Even Shangyang Jiuli can only arm-wrestle with him after breaking through.

With such strength, some aristocratic families with inferior background dare not touch her easily.

But just like this, after a large number of controlled wandering souls from the Hongfang headquarters escaped overnight, the aura and marks of the Hongfang Lord disappeared, and all the forces truly understood that the Redfang Lord was dead.

She controls those wandering souls personally, and only if she is dead will these wandering souls not be able to sense the suppression of their instincts, and they will disperse in a rush.

Some people still didn't believe in the evil and secretly sent dead soldiers into the old site of Hongfang headquarters. As expected, it was empty and there was nothing left.

For a time, the Supervision Department cast a net everywhere, and even mobilized the Fei Lian Army to test and investigate everywhere in the name of patrol.

At this moment, Shangyang Jiuli finally came out of seclusion.


The heavy boulder slowly rolled aside, revealing the dark hole behind it.

Inside the oval hole, a thin figure with disheveled hair and a crown on his head slowly walked out.

The figure walked into the sun and her eyes suddenly narrowed. She had not seen light for too long and needed time to adapt to the brightness.

Congratulations, Miss, Miss Congratulations, for successfully breaking through the boundaries! A loud voice sounded outside the cave.

How long has it been? the figure said in a low voice.

Back to Miss Jiuli, it's been two months. Lu Sheng stepped out of the shadows and stood aside and said respectfully.

He was dressed in Confucian robes, his face was delicate and pale, and he seemed to have returned to his original gentle state.

Oh, you came in time. Shangyang Jiuli glanced at Lu Sheng in surprise.

This little leader of the Northland Gang is very good at seeing things, he is bold and careful, and he also has a measure of progress and retreat. Good job.

Miss Jiuli successfully escaped from seclusion and is a subordinate. How could she not be there as soon as possible? Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Not bad, not bad. You are very sensible, and you deserve to be helped by me to help you withstand so much pressure. Shangyang Jiuli nodded with satisfaction. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to the small tripod you gave me last time. The good things in it helped me a lot. This breakthrough was quite thrilling.

As long as Miss Jiuli is satisfied. Lu Sheng lowered his head and said, It's just that Lu Sheng never knew, what is the difference between the snake level after the seventh line and the restraint level? It would take so long for someone as talented as the young lady to break through. , I wonder if Miss Jiuli can shed some light on this.

He really didn't know whether the black snake would be destroyed in the same way according to his level of power after transformation. In the face of absolute violence, everything would be like paper.

So he really didn't know the difference between the Ju level and the Black Snake level.

Shangyang Jiuli had just made a breakthrough. At this time, he was in a good mood, so he started to explain casually.

Snake level and Jing level are both ways of describing the black membrane. The process of condensing the black membrane into a black snake is very complicated, but let me tell you in advance, you may not be able to take this step in your lifetime.

Lu Sheng suddenly looked like he was listening.

Shangyang Jiuli came out of the cave, his long hair spread down, and although his white eyebrows were still fierce, he looked a little softer and calmer.

Her face is not pretty, but it is very androgynous. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell whether it is a boy or a girl.

She just walked to the stone table and bench outside the cave and sat down.

You are curious, and of course it is. The snake level has always been called the palace master level because at this level, one can almost start a sect and establish a sect of their own.

If you can monopolize a mountain, the Nine Central Plains Families will not easily choose to offend you, but will use more methods to win over you.

Oh, why is this? Lu Sheng was stunned and then asked.

You seem to be very curious about this common sense. Shangyang Jiuli gave him a strange look. The reason, of course, is that if you can't beat him to death or offend him to death, the black snakes at this level are top-notch beings who have the potential to enter the upper third level. Once they enter the upper third level, it is equivalent to having one more enemy, a snake-level one. Going to the third level is already an absolute force that can suppress a family.

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up. As soon as he received the news that Shangyang Jiuli was about to leave seclusion, he immediately came over to pretend to be a subordinate, just to see how the Shangyang family would react.

After all, two Snakes died in a row, and the danger in the Northland suddenly increased. It is still unknown whether Shangyang Jiuli can still stay here.

So he planned to take the opportunity to come over and test it out. The result was just as he thought, Shangyang Jiuli didn't know the news at all.

Miss Jiuli, what do you mean by the third level? Lu Sheng asked again.

Nine layers are nine heads. Shangyang Jiuli glanced at Lu Sheng with a half-smile. There are nine levels in total, the upper, middle and lower levels, which represent the Hydra. Each time you upgrade one level, you can gain one more level of the power of the Hydra. When you reach the highest level of nine, it is equivalent to a complete Hydra reappearing in the world. This level It was a division that was personally made by a certain military commander a long time ago, and it is still in use today.

She moved her neck and made a small clicking sound.

Okay, enough gossip. During my retreat, you fully provided me with all the material resources I needed. I will remember this credit.

Now that I have successfully broken through, my family should send someone immediately to inform me to go back. You can run the business well in the Northland by yourself. If you get into trouble, you can set this thing on fire. Shangyang Jiuli took out a long incense box from his sleeve.

Thank you, Miss Jiuli.

When I go back this time, I may have to enter the Different Blood Peak to forge my body. If someone comes with my token, you must listen to their instructions. She took out another half-missed Kirin jade pendant and handed it to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took them one by one and lowered his head in response.

You must obey. He looked respectful.

However, Shangyang Jiuli didn't believe his appearance. This guy was a ruthless person who even dared to pick up corpses as the head priest of the Six Patterns of Wuyou Mansion. If he was really so obedient and obedient on the surface, she really didn't feel comfortable letting him sit in the North Land.

She has stayed in this northern land for so long, and she really regards it as her own territory. There is no one to disturb you here, there are enough resources, and you can get whatever you need. And far away from the whirlpool of family struggle. It's simply not too comfortable.

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