Extreme Demon

Chapter 179 Ambush 4

Lord Hongbo stood up again, and his strength returned to his prime almost instantly. And it has been faintly strengthened.

Completely different from before, Lu Sheng used both hands and feet, as well as the spiked elbows and knees on his body.

The knife had already exploded and shattered in the first moment of the fight.


Lu Sheng was hit by a knife and crashed into the stone wall again.

Although he crossed his hands to block the knife, the huge power contained in it still could not be removed.

Above his head, a huge boulder more than ten meters wide rolled and fell.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, ignoring the tiny cracks on his carapace. He suddenly pulled out his body, stepped on the stone wall, and flew towards the roof of the cave like a gecko on the vertical stone wall.


The long sword with red light slashed past his original position.

Hongfangzhu's whole body was burning with red flames. She looked at Lu Sheng above her. She jumped into the air and chased upwards.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

The two men were constantly cutting off large chunks of stone from the stone walls surrounding Xianxian Tian.

The entire mountain rock began to shake.

Five Spiritual Slashes!! Master Hongfang once again launched a killing blow.

At this time, her power seemed to be endless, and the red light first compressed quickly, and then exploded suddenly.

Boom! !

This knife hit nothing. It sailed dangerously past Lu Sheng's side, completely blocking the entire sky and creating a big hole.

The rumble came slowly.

The huge line of sky finally could not withstand the continuous destruction. Half of the cliff on the left began to slowly tilt, slide down, and hit the river heavily, dividing the entire river into two sections.

The water vapor is getting thicker and thicker, almost blocking the view.

Are you dead?? Hongfangzhu felt disturbed by the falling of the huge stone, and the aura on her body was burning fiercely. This kind of power was not obtained out of thin air, but the last thing she obtained from the fragments of the Red Dragon Tribulation by burning everything in herself. the power of.

I said I am the strongest!!

Two rays of red and blue light suddenly lit up from the rain of gravel. A low, slightly crazy voice came from behind.

Then there was a ray of light, a red and blue intertwined light and shadow, with an aura that seemed to be able to sweep everything, smashing all the stones and rushing towards her.

Yin Yang·Divine Power!!

Five Spiritual Slashes! Hongfangzhu hurriedly raised the knife and mobilized all his strength.

Bang! ! !

But it was too late. The moment the huge and sharp force hit her body, it penetrated dozens of fist-sized holes.

The two flew across a large area of ​​​​the river and landed on the river bank in a sea of ​​flowers.

The petals of Jiuhua flowers scattered all over the sky.

The two fought wildly, and the Red Dragon Tribulation's injuries from being hit did not affect the combat effectiveness at all.

This was the power she had gained by giving everything and sacrificing everything. How could she fall here! ?

I will not die here! Never!! Her face became more and more ferocious in the flames.

Die to me!!!

The long knife exploded suddenly, and could no longer withstand the terrifying heat. The fragments of the Red Dragon Tribulation condensed out of thin air into a longer and larger flaming knife.

The seven or eight meter long flaming knife suddenly slashed towards the entire ground where Lu Sheng was.

Void Spirit·Infinite Slash!!!

Hahahaha!! That's right, that's it!!

Lu Sheng laughed wildly, his hands one red and one blue, using the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong and Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi to burn the liquid at the same time.

Red and blue combined to form a colorless ball in front of him.

Yin and Yang unite·Yuansha!!

Boom! !

The flame knife and the ball exploded in advance before they contacted and expanded.

Flames and twisting turbulence intertwined and exploded, tearing deep ravines everywhere in the surrounding flower sea.

The power at the Black Snake level was already condensed, but when the two of them fought to this point, the huge destructive power they produced had already produced too much escaping power.

This means that they are no longer using the power that they have completely mastered, but the part that they are not yet able to master.

The red flames ignited the surrounding forests and flowers, and the fire spread, producing thick black smoke.


Beside the fire, Lu Sheng crushed the branches with his foot and stood in front of the Hongfang Master.

It seems that I have won. Lu Sheng looked at the hilt of the red dragon calamity fragment that had been completely dimmed and extinguished. Slowly raised his hand.

Hongfangzhu sat helplessly on the ground, holding a broken knife in his hand, with traces of black smoke constantly coming out of his body. That was the smoke lingering from her five senses and seven orifices.

Do we have any grudge? She looked up at Lu Sheng's raised right hand and asked suddenly.

Lu Sheng was stunned.


Just because of the fragments? Master Hongfang seemed to have misunderstood something.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment, then laughed.

Yeah, just because of the fragments.

His palm suddenly fell down.


A red shadow suddenly flew over and slammed into him.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng used the side of his hand to hit the flying umbrella girl accurately.

But at this time, he was still in the state of yin and yang combining to burn gas and liquid. Even with a casual palm, the power was far beyond what the umbrella girl could withstand.

At this moment, the figure of Hongfang Master suddenly swooped forward and blocked the umbrella girl.

The two hugged each other in front of Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

The yin and yang inner energy violently rushed into the two women's bodies.

boom! ! !

The two of them rolled and fell to the ground.

Sister!! Yingying quickly got up and rushed to the side of Hongfang Master, pear blossoms and rain.

The red shop owner raised her head and vomited out a mouthful of black blood. She tried her best to look at the umbrella girl beside her and showed a weak smile.

.It's not your fault, Yingying. The black smoke covering Master Hongfang's body became thicker and thicker.

The integration of yin and yang internal energy brings extremely terrifying penetrating power.

Not only her, but Yingying's body was also full of holes the size of fists. The terrifying explosion of positive inner Qi drives the highly condensed inner Qi threads of negative inner Qi. This is the effect it brings.

Back then, I shouldn't have turned you into a ghost. Lord Hongfang's eyes began to blur, and thick black smoke gradually came out of his body. Some of the hands and feet gradually revealed their original shape, and they were clearly tiger claws covered with white hair.

Lu Sheng watched this scene, and the intensity and excitement in his heart slowly cooled down. Although he felt a little emotional about the pairing of Yingying and Hongbozhu, this did not become the reason for him to let them go.

Yingying killed so many members of the Red Whale gang, and Hongfang Master even prepared to attack Chen Yunxi. The conflict between them cannot be eased.

But there is no need for him to take action now. Although the umbrella girl was blocked by Hongfang Master, she was still hit by the penetrating force. Lu Sheng's power was undoubtedly irresistible to her at the level of three lines. of.

The fire gradually spread here. Lu Sheng watched the two of them hugging each other. The umbrella girl was crying, hugging the Hongfang master who was no longer moving, and crawling away from him little by little.

She was trying to stay away from Lu Sheng. Although she didn't even know she was happy too.

Lu Sheng ignored her and pulled out the fragment of the Red Dragon Tribulation that was stuck on the ground. He looked at the other places where the previous battle had taken place.

Although his original purpose in this war was to get rid of the insider, now it's time to reap the rewards.

The Cyclops of Xinyouhui, you can go and see what you can gain. There are also Ye Lingmo's corpse, and the Hongfang Master. These are all snake-level.

Lu Sheng relaxed his body and returned to the cathode state of a human being, which was more than one meter tall.

The recovery power of this state far exceeds others, and it is the best recovery state. He had fought with the Lord of Hongfang before, and it was not without injuries.

The power of the fragments of the Red Dragon Tribulation exceeded his expectations. Lord Hongbo was seriously injured and poisoned. He had also been assassinated before, and the black snake membrane on his body was broken during a deadly fight with the Cyclops Chaohu.

Under such a broken body, he can actually burn himself with the support of the fragments and exert that kind of terrifying power.

He somewhat understood why the demons of the aristocratic family were so eagerly pursuing the fragments of the magic weapon and magic blade.

After regaining his body shape, Lu Sheng took a step and flew lightly to the place where Chao Hu was killed.

The huge Cyclops corpse floated on the river, and blood continued to overflow into the river along his body. All over his body, only the single eye on his head was still glowing with a faint golden color.

Lu Sheng sensed it carefully, reached out and groped Chao Hu at the same time, and soon found a small black bag. This thing was hidden close to his waist by the giant. To his regret, he did not find any yin energy on the corpse.

He inspected Chaohu from beginning to end, and in the end he could only look at the single eye on its head.

This thing can emit golden light and is very powerful. It should be the essence of this giant.

Lu Sheng's right hand quickly turned black, the five fingers became sharp and hard, and extremely sharp black blades sprouted from the fingertips.

He raised his index finger and thumb, aimed at Chaohu's one eye and stabbed it gently.


Blood and water mixed with some kind of light yellow mucus oozed out.

A round eyeball was gouged out by Lu Sheng, with some blood-red meridians connected behind it. There is also a diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the eyeball.

Let's call this the Eye of the Giant. Maybe it's a good thing. Since his hard work has continuously caused physical changes, Lu Sheng's instinct has been able to detect many things that are good for him.

Just like human beings, they want to eat all kinds of food from time to time. When the weather is hot, they want to eat cold food to cool down, and when the weather is cold, they want to eat warm food to warm up. I feel salty and want to drink water, and I feel hungry and want to eat.

He put his eyeballs away and carefully wrapped them with a piece of rag, then Lu Sheng opened the little black bag again.

Shaking it gently, three dried light gray fruits fell out, like ginkgo fruits. Don't know what it is.

Lu Sheng put the eyeballs and fruits together and threw them into a black bag, then got up and went to inspect the other corpses.

The remaining three corpses have no Yin Qi, and these giants do not seem to rely much on external objects, and there are not many things that can be found on them.

Lu Sheng dug out their one eyes as a collection and put them in a small black bag.

There was also a woman wearing a mask. Although her body was unwrapped and she had only one eye, her height was different from the others and she was no different from ordinary humans.

This is a complete race. Lu Sheng judged in his heart.

With little gain, he quickly came to Ye Lingmo.

He dragged Ye Lingmo's body to the shore. This guy's originally burned body had changed into its original shape, that of a black-haired and red-faced ape.

Lu Sheng flipped through him and found a book woven with some kind of special metal wire, which recorded a strange practice method.

He didn't recognize the words on it, but he also knew that it was the demon's technique. It was created by them in order to explore the limits of their abilities. As a human being, even practicing it would have no effect.

The body structure is different, so no matter how good the exercises are, it will be useless.

Aren't demons and humans the same? Aren't humans' martial arts also a method of exploring their own limits and improving themselves? Lu Sheng sighed slightly and put away his things, but he also didn't feel the Yin energy.

He took off an ear from Ye Lingmo as a trophy.

He threw Ye Lingmo's body together with the Cyclops and burned it completely before he went back to find the umbrella girl and the owner of the red shop.

The bodies of the two women lay in a cluster of ashes on the shore, leaving only some black fur bones and a pink concentric knot on the ground.

From the shape, it can be vaguely seen that the Red Lord is a small white tiger, and the umbrella girl Sakura is some kind of human-like race.

As usual, Lu Sheng went forward and searched for a while, and found a book from the owner of Hongfang.

A small, delicate black book, only about the size of a fingernail.

This thing Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and stuffed it into the black bag.

There is a certain yin energy in this book, and it is not as strong as usual.

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