Extreme Demon

Chapter 178 Ambush 3

One is seriously injured, and even the black membrane is broken. The other is so weak that he doesn't even look like a snake. Just the two of you, what can you do to resist me?

Lu Sheng walked slowly towards Ye Lingmo in the water.

There was a loud crash, water splashed, and Ye Lingmo flew out. Covered by the waves, he curled up into a ball and pounced on Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng held the blade with one hand and made a sudden slash. .

This knife cut away all the water splash in front of him in an instant. However, Ye Lingmo cleverly moved to avoid the blade and got closer.

Bang! !

Ye Lingmo hit Lu Sheng on the chest. But all his palm power was blocked by the thick carapace. Before he could sense the result, a dangerous threat approached crazily, and he hurriedly retreated out of the way.

Chi! A silver line suddenly appeared and landed horizontally in the area where he was a second ago.

Blood flowers spread.

Although Ye Lingmo dodged in time, his speed was a beat slower after all, and his arms and neck were almost cut in half, leaving traces of blood.

He flashed back with a pale face, and in a blink of an eye, he passed dozens of meters and stood on the bank of the river. He looked back at Lu Sheng again.

This terrifying monster is stepping into the water step by step.

Half of his calves were submerged in the water, and the spikes on his back were like flags. The knife held in both arms was full of cracks and could break at any time, but it was restrained by an invisible force and still maintained its blade shape.

Kill!! Lord Hongfang came out from the side like a cannonball, and slashed at Lu Sheng with a translucent long knife in his hand with a fierce red light. .

The red light rolled up a large wave of water, forming a huge momentum like a wave, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters around.

Wow! ! !

A large amount of water waves were stirred up and hit Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng raised the blade with his right hand and accurately blocked the blade in the water waves.

Useless struggle. He flashed the sword, and the terrifying power, driven by the unparalleled explosive power, produced unimaginable force and hit Hongfang Master in front.

In just one moment, Hongfangzhu felt as if he was struck by lightning. His whole body was bent by the huge impact and he fell into the water.

Ye Lingmo knew that he could not stop. Once the opponent seized the opportunity to kill the Hongfang Master in one fell swoop, it would be his death.

When he saw Lu Sheng raising his blade high, he was about to slash it down.

He roared with all his strength and charged forward again.

The leader of Hongfang took a breath and rushed forward with a roar. Both of them knew that this was a critical moment. They worked together to barely equal each other. If one person was seized the opportunity to be defeated in advance, then this fight should also end. The curtain is up.

Lu Sheng also didn't expect that Hongfang Master, who had been severely damaged to the point of losing his strength, could still maintain such a level of combat power.

And Ye Lingmo actually still has such a strong will to fight.

Although the two of them pose little threat to him, they can rely on their super self-healing power. As long as more than 70% of their bodies are not destroyed in one breath, they can recover quickly. And to kill them, at least their entire bodies need to be completely destroyed.

However, isn't this better?

Lu Sheng felt inexplicably excited and happy.

It had been a long time since he had fought so happily. He was afraid of this and that. Even if he had great strength, he would not dare to completely indulge himself.

There are too few opportunities to completely let go of the fight like now. It was so little that he cherished every minute and every second in front of him.

He felt that he was born to fight!

The fight is like his blood, and the pain is like the embellishment on delicious food. All his desires can be satisfied in a fight to the death.

clang! ! Bang! !

Blocking Ye Lingmo's impact with a knife, Lu Sheng knocked him away with an elbow and watched him smash into the huge stone wall like a cannonball.

The gravel fell and rolled into the river, causing ripples in the water.

What a pity. Lu Sheng blocked the Hongfang Master who was charging from the side with one hand and slashed him twice, then hit him hard in the face with a shoulder bump. Then he turned and whipped the leg.


The owner of Hongfang didn't know how many times he was smashed into the bottom of the river. Different from the previous times, this time, she tried several times to get up again.

But the injuries were so severe that even moving her body was a luxury. A large amount of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong's inner energy raged in her body, inhibiting her self-healing power and burning her muscles and internal organs that she was constantly trying to heal.

His internal organs exploded, more than 80% of his blood was lost in the fierce struggle, his muscles and tendons were extensively torn, and several major bones were shattered.

There was even a blood-red crack on the forehead of her skull, through which the slightly squirming brain could be seen.

An ordinary person would have died many times with an injury like Hongbozhu's, but for a snake-level expert, this was just a minor injury that could be healed in a short time. The real trouble was that the things that were raging inside her body were That kind of fiery weird power.

However, Lu Sheng did not deal with her immediately. Instead, he walked towards Ye Lingmo who was embedded in the stone wall and was also unable to move.

For him, Ye Lingmo, the palace master with relatively complete strength, was the opponent who should be dealt with immediately. As for Hongfangzhu, she was poisoned and the longer she waited, the weaker she became.

Walking in front of Ye Lingmo, Lu Sheng stretched out his hand.


He grabbed the opponent's neck and pulled him out of the stone wall.

If it weren't for my injury, Ye Lingmo said bitterly while struggling with blood in his mouth. He was expelled from the Northland, and the injuries left behind severely affected his strength. This was the real reason why he was weaker than ordinary black snakes.

If my strength were complete, you should be the loser...!!! Before Ye Lingmo could finish his words, he was burned hot by the blazing Chiji Jiusha Gong internal energy, and invisible flames burned from his body. stand up.

A large amount of water vapor and blood evaporated, turning into smoke and drifting away from his head.

His body was like a writhing shrimp in mid-air, bending and struggling, but still unable to break free from Lu Sheng's iron-like arms.

The Black Snake is indeed strong, but no matter how strong its self-healing power is, it still takes time to recover. During the period of no recovery, the Black Snake is no different from an ordinary Jing level.

The bones are broken, but they still can't support it, and the muscles are torn, but they still have no strength.

The little time it took to heal was enough for Lu Sheng to kill him countless times.

For the current Lu Sheng, the transformed Ji Yang Dao body can give him stronger speed and strength to tear apart the opponent's body.

The Yang skill, which is extremely lethal to monsters and monsters, can cause maximum damage after tearing apart the opponent's defense.

Let him go!! Hongfangzhu got up again, and she also saw that the situation in front of her was not good. The red translucent long knife in his hand quickly emitted brighter and brighter light.

This was also the reason why Lu Sheng didn't touch her first. The knife seemed to be on the verge of breaking out at any time.

So he planned to deal with other problems first and then deal with them slowly.

Lu Sheng ignored it. Ye Lingmo screamed in his hand. A large amount of blood in his body was evaporated, and his flesh and blood began to wither and burn at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed to be transforming into a mummy.

Huh? Suddenly he felt something was wrong and raised his other hand. He suddenly found that he couldn't move his body.

Ink Lock!! Ye Lingmo suddenly opened his eyes, and a jet of smoke as black as ink spurted out from his mouth, wrapping around Lu Sheng's waist.

Do it quickly!! He roared wildly.

The red boss struggled to raise the knife, and the red light on the blade bloomed dazzlingly at this moment.

Five Spiritual Slashes!!! She concentrated all her power on the blade, and flew up. The light on the blade was like a small sun. In the blink of an eye, it spanned a distance of tens of meters and fell hard on the frozen body. Lu Sheng moved.

clang! !

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

The river exploded, forming a fan shape behind Lu Sheng, splashing dozens of white water columns more than ten meters high.

A large amount of water was evaporated by the high heat and turned into white mist, shrouding the surrounding area.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and it was almost impossible to see my fingers.

at this time.

boom! !

In the mist, Lord Hongfang screamed and flew out upside down.

A tall figure walked out of the thick fog, it was Lu Sheng. Ye Lingmo didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He was holding it with one hand, shaking it without making any sound.

What an amazing blow. Lu Sheng praised in admiration and reached out to touch the scar on his left chest. On the carapace there, there was a slender dent one finger deep. This was the place where Lord Hongfang slashed with all his strength.

It's a pity that my yin and yang are now one, the blood net and the yin crane net are combined, and I am flawless both internally and externally. Even such an amazing knife can only cause this little mark.

The farce ends here. Lu Sheng casually threw Ye Lingmo to the ground in front of him, Kill him and it will be your turn.

He slammed down with a single sword.

There was a loud bang, and most of Ye Lingmo's body was smashed. His body had already lost a lot of blood, but when it was smashed again, it immediately burned like a human-shaped torch, lying on the wet ground within the sky, quickly curled up and blackened.

A generation of black snake-level palace masters died in this wilderness without any explanation. No one knows about it except the red shop owner and the umbrella girl.

After the knife attack just now, Hongfangzhu was exhausted and completely overdrawn. She lay on the river, rising and falling with the water, motionless.

Lu Sheng approached directly, glanced at the umbrella girl who was also silent in the distance, and then focused his eyes on the knife in the hand of the Hongfang Master.

The fragments of red light on the hilt were so beautiful and alluring that he couldn't refuse. That kind of pure red light seems to completely mesmerize people's eyes.

Is this the fragment of the Red Dragon Tribulation? Lu Sheng, who had Yingying as an undercover agent, naturally knew what it was. He reached out curiously to grab the handle of the knife.

Are you really willing to give up everything in exchange for power?

I do.

Suddenly a deep voice sounded beside him. He saw Lord Hongfang suddenly open his eyes, with two dancing flames burning in his pupils.

A strong, indescribable hot feeling rushed towards me.

Boom! !

Lu Sheng's huge body was blown away by a huge explosion in the blink of an eye, and crashed into a stone wall in the sky with a bang.

The entire stone wall on the left side of the sky was also shaken violently by this terrifying explosion and impact, and large chunks of gravel fell into the water.

I am the strongest!! Hongbozhu stood up again, her whole body was burning with red flames, and the flames spurted out from inside her body.

The strongest!? Lu Sheng pulled himself out from the stone wall, No, I am, I am the strongest!!

Uh-huh! !

Almost at the same time, the two disappeared at the same time, like two aurora, suddenly colliding.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, but red and invisible flames entangled with each other. The fight between Lu Sheng and Hongfang Master was far more intense than before.

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