Extreme Demon

Chapter 177 Ambush 2

Sitting cross-legged on the cliff.

Lu Sheng's long hair was blown by the wind.

The two knives were staggered and inserted into the ground on his right side. Apart from him, there was no one else around.

There was a line of sky below him, and several figures were fighting madly. Huge collisions and roars kept coming from far away.

Lu Sheng knew that it was Xin Youhui who was encircling and suppressing Hongfang Master. However, it seemed that Chao Hu, the vice-leader of Xinyouhui, was in trouble. After just a few head-on collisions, he was quickly suppressed by the leader of Hongfang.

The knife with the red light fragments seemed to have extremely terrifying power. Every time it slashed at the Cyclops, it would avoid it with great fear and did not dare to resist.

As time goes by, the number of people who are interested in traveling gradually decreases one by one. In the end, only Chaohu was left to fight against the leader of Hongfang.

The two of them were fighting with all their strength. Hongbozhu's strength and speed were extremely terrifying, but she was still a few steps behind Chaohu. If it weren't for the knife in her right hand, she would never have gained the advantage.

The Cyclops Chaohu's mace was damaged at this time, and his ferocity became fierce. From time to time, light golden beams of light shot out from his one-eyed eyes. The leader of Hongfang was forced to dodge from time to time.

Lu Sheng noticed that Lord Hongfang would occasionally cover his chest, as if there was pain there.

It seems that we can't rely on our minds to wander. We can't deal with the enemies who have plotted against them. They're just a bunch of demons and reckless men. Lu Sheng's heart was calm and he was not surprised by the current result.

In his opinion, no matter whether Hongfang Lord wins or loses, she will never leave this place alive.

Boom! !

At this moment, there was another deafening huge explosion below.

A large amount of river water was blown up and fell down like heavy rain.

The master of Hongbo was panting heavily in his chest, and the long knife in his hand severely blocked a light golden light coming from the opposite side.

It was shot from the single eye on Chaohu's head. This pale golden light struck the river water. The water flow disappeared and evaporated instantly, passing over the rocks on the shore. The rocks suddenly emptied, as if they were split in two by the sharpest blade.

But unlike this time, this time the beam of light is continuous and shoots out from the one eye.

Chaohu released golden light while approaching her step by step.

You won't have a chance! He had already expected the current result. This golden light is called evil eyes, which is his innate ability. After years of hard training, it gradually became more and more powerful, forming a special force. .

You actually forced me to use the evil eye! If this light is used too much, it will shorten the lifespan, so he will not use it easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

But I didn't expect that they would come here to encircle and suppress them. An ordinary black snake who was far inferior to me last time. Now there are faint signs of entering the upper third level.

A mere tiger demon can actually push me to such a point. Chaohu stepped on the water step by step and approached Hongfang Master.

The golden light became thicker and thicker, becoming more and more dazzling.

Master Hongfang gritted his teeth and persisted. The Red Dragon Tribulation fragments on the handle of the knife continued to release red light, resisting the golden light.

A subtle red light kept flashing in her eyes, and her body was almost reaching its limit. Every inch of muscle and every ounce of strength in the body was squeezed and sent to the handle of the knife in front of him to resist the golden light.

Sister. The umbrella girl's soft voice came from behind.

I won't lose. Hongbozhu's eyes flashed and he growled. Won't!!

Changing ghosts!! Her right hand and the knife suddenly disappeared, becoming translucent for a moment.

The transformed hand and knife passed through the golden light at the same time, and landed on Chao Hu's head with a vicious chop.

The speed of this knife was so fast that Chaohu didn't even have time to react. He staggered and screamed, retreated and fell into the river.

Redhead also let out a roar of pain. After being transformed into a virtual spirit, she lost her physical body and naturally could not block the golden light, so her chest was hit by the golden light, and a big hole was punched through her entire chest.

Hahahahaha!! Die! Hongfangzhu seemed not to care about the big hole in his chest. He swooped down and continued to pounce towards the tiger in the river.

The single eye on Chao Hu's head was struck from the front by the knife. At this time, he was bleeding profusely and roaring in pain. Feeling Hongbozhu rushing towards him, he summoned all his strength and punched the opponent.

At this point, there are no moves anymore, just the most primitive strength and speed of fighting.

Unlike humans, they have a variety of moves and martial arts. Most of them only compete in the most basic strength, speed, defense, and the most basic martial arts. Martial arts are just superfluous to them.

The soul-changing phantom is Hongbozhu's innate power secret technique. Just like Chaohu's evil eyes, as a demon, every individual will have the same innate power.

These special powers can be gradually transformed by practicing different secrets of the Code, becoming stronger, wider, and even qualitatively changed.

This is the function of the demons' techniques.

Although Hongfang Master is extremely talented, the secrets of the techniques he practices are only ordinary after all, so he is extremely thirsty for higher-level secrets.

Chaohu doesn't have this problem. His evil eyes are so powerful that he acquired them through magic skills. If it weren't for the Red Dragon Tribulation fragments, the outcome of this battle would be nothing more than a replica of the last time. The owner of Hongfang had no choice but to run away in panic.

The raindrops slowly fell down from nowhere. Getting bigger and denser. It gradually turned into a downpour.

I don’t know how long the fight lasted.

On the river bank, when Lord Hongbo finally pulled the knife out of Chaohu's huge body, two huge wounds were opened on his chest and neck.

The flesh and blood of her body tried to heal and close as quickly as possible, but it was blocked by a layer of faint golden light and could not be removed.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Redhead gasped violently and fell to her knees, with rain pouring down from her body and face.

Suddenly she remembered something and turned around to look for it.

Yingying! Yingying!!

She quickly stood up and staggered towards the umbrella girl on the river beach not far away. Yingying seemed to be seriously injured in the aftermath of the fierce battle.

Yingying, what's wrong with you?! Master Hongfang quickly picked up the umbrella girl.

Poof! !

Suddenly, a bloody blade plunged straight into Hongfang Master's abdomen.

Master Hongfang froze instantly. Yingying let go of her arms, lowered her head and stared blankly at her abdomen.

The flesh and blood there is shrinking rapidly.

You!! Her eyes were blank and she staggered back a few steps. Yingying.

elder sister.

The umbrella girl cried bitterly, her eyes faintly showing the deep blue color of Yinhe's net. The dagger coated with jade powder in her hand was shaking violently. She wanted to throw it away, but another force in her body forced her to hold it hard. tight.

She stood up and walked towards Master Hongfang again step by step.


The second knife, this time, stabbed hard into Lord Hongfang's left shoulder.

Originally it was aimed at the forehead, but the umbrella girl shook her head desperately and used all her strength to deflect it.

The knife penetrated deeply into the body.

ah! ! ! !

The Red Shop owner suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and his short snow-white hair quickly turned into blood-stained red.

The huge repulsive force knocked Yingying back hard and she fell to the ground.

The rain fell harder.

A figure quietly emerged behind her, and it was Lu Sheng who had been waiting for a long time.

He held two swords in his hands, his breath was as lifeless as a stone, and he was completely unnoticed while standing behind Master Hongfang.

That's almost it. Lu Sheng slowly raised the knife.

Chi! !

The sharp double knives suddenly slashed towards the back of Lord Hongfang.

clang! !

At this moment, a vague figure suddenly appeared in front of Lu Sheng, blocking the two swords fiercely.

Ye Lingmo? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.


Ye Lingmo took a few steps back and felt an unimaginable amount of power surge out, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Is it you!!? He was stunned. He didn't expect that the person who appeared at this time was actually Lu Sheng.

This ordinary leader of a human gang actually dares to secretly attack a snake-level palace master with a knife? !

Only then did Hongfangzhu realize something was wrong. She turned around quickly and saw Lu Sheng behind her. She didn't look strange at all. At this time, she was still immersed in the pain of being hurt by the person she loved.

I didn't expect you to come too. Lu Sheng looked at Ye Lingmo in surprise.

Why can't I come? I didn't expect that you were the one behind everything. You killed the officiant, right? And the regional envoy, it's you too? Ye Lingmo said coldly. And the umbrella girl, was it also your fault?

So what if it is? So what if it's not? Lu Sheng slowly walked forward, Do you think you can still leave here alive?

Just you? Ye Lingmo sneered.

Yeah. Just me.


Ye Lingmo appeared in front of Lu Sheng in the blink of an eye, grabbing Lu Sheng's head with his sharp claws.

Just when his claws were about to touch Lu Sheng's forehead.

boom! !

An invisible blazing flame exploded out of thin air, blocking the claws for a moment.

A meaningless struggle. A deep voice came out.

A large amount of white smoke dispersed.

There was a snap, and in the smoke, a blue-black arm that looked like it was wearing armor suddenly stretched out and firmly grasped Ye Lingmo's hand.

Who can be killed by such a weak attack? Yourself?

Lu Sheng grabbed Ye Lingmo with one hand and smashed it to the ground.

Bang! ! !

Huge cracks spread along the river bank in all directions, and a pit several meters deep appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye.

The smoke dissipated, and Master Hongfang could see Lu Sheng's face clearly.

He was originally just an ordinary human being, but now he had turned into a monster over two meters tall, covered in a thick layer of mirror-like armor.

The horns, sharp claws, and the thick long tail behind it were swinging freely like a whip.

This green-black humanoid monster seemed to be covered with a layer of thick metal-like armor. Its shoulders, elbows, and back have sharp black spines. Extremely ferocious.

The figure is even more well-proportioned and streamlined, giving people the feeling of not having any excess tissue.

He just stood there, his whole body naturally exuding a sense of calmness, elegance, and ferociousness.

Kill him!! Ye Lingmo jumped up with blood on his face and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Hongfangzhu's eyes turned cold and he rushed towards Lu Sheng like lightning.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The two of them joined forces and attacked Lu Sheng like a violent storm, but he blocked them one by one with incomparable accuracy.

boom! !

In the blink of an eye, Hongfangzhu was hit on the head by a knife, and his whole body flew out and rolled away.

Ye Lingmo blocked Lu Sheng's slashing knife in mid-air with all his strength.

clang! !

With a horizontal slash like a silver line, the sharp claws on his hands broke instantly, and his body fell hard into the river as if it was about to break at the waist.

Huge waves of water splashed up.

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