Extreme Demon

Chapter 173 Half Moon Four (Thanks to Prince Wuxia and Sister Sheng for their second alliance)

Some masters of silent footwork had already circled behind the man and were slowly approaching.

The man raised his chin slightly, letting the light from the hall shine on his face. His face was wearing a goat mask with extremely bright red and white patterns.

Try to stop me if you can. He slowly raised his feet and took a step forward.

Click! !

Lightning flashed across.

In the dark and cold towering dense forest.

Countless white smoke lingered in the forest like mist, making the entire forest blurry.


The sound of heavy footsteps came from deep in the forest. Alarming some lurking insect beasts, subtle rustling sounds could be heard everywhere in the grass and shrubs. It was the sound of insects crawling around after being frightened.

After a while, just when the dense forest was about to fall into silence again.


Another heavy footsteps came.




Rhythmic steps shook the entire ground, slowly approaching in the white mist.

Soon, a huge gray giant, carrying a mace as thick as a human waist on his shoulder, walked step by step in the forest.

The giant has only one big mouth and one eye on his face. The eyes were extremely small, only the size of a walnut, and were surrounded by layers of horny gray folds, like focused lenses.

The giant advanced step by step until he reached two huge and thick trees, and then slowly stopped.

In the white mist, two big trees stood tall and upright. Their huge crowns almost covered dozens of meters around them, blocking the light blue lightning that flashed across the sky from time to time.


Suddenly, two huge red eyes opened in front of the giant.

The eyes were so huge that one eye was almost as tall as a giant.

Two long, narrow, huge red eyes emitted light in the white mist, dyeing even a small patch of mist red.


A long, low voice of doubt came from behind the eyes.

It's you, Chaohu.

The giant put down the mace on his shoulder with a bang and lowered his head slightly to show respect.

I failed. I let that woman escape.

The blood-colored eyes moved and stared at the giant for a while.

The fragments, the biggest fragment was taken away from her. She can't escape. You still have a chance.

Yes, I still have a chance. The giant nodded towards the tiger. I have sent my men to release a piece of Youpo Jade. In half a month, I will go directly to find her. This time, she can't run away.

I believe you. Huge Eyes said slowly.

I was just careless last time. This time, I won't let up anymore! Chaohu said in a low voice. Madness and cruelty flashed in his single eye.

Be careful. The more lives she kills, the stronger she becomes. This is the characteristic of Red Dragon Tribulation. The giant eyes reminded her.

I understand.


In just seven days, a major event happened in Jielong City, Donglin Prefecture.

One of the two largest gangs in the city, the Qingkui Gang, its gang leader Roulong died suddenly and mysteriously while holding a banquet in the evening to entertain the bosses of various gangs who were close to him.

Not only him, but also many gang bosses who participated in the banquet were killed one after another. Half of the forces in Jielong City lost their leaders overnight, but they gained an advantage over another large gang, the Baisha Gang.

It's just that when the Baisha Gang swallowed up the power of the Qingkui Gang, the leader of the Baisha Gang strangely didn't show up.

It is said that the gang leader caught the cold that night and was recuperating in his room, so it was inconvenient to take action. But in fact, there are rumors that on the same night, the leader of the Baisha Gang also inexplicably announced his retreat, and then handed over all matters to his deputies and subordinates.

The entire Jielong City was originally focused on fishing, and these gangs controlled the largest and most fishing boats. Now that gang forces are in chaos, the fishery industry has also been affected.

Subsequently, there were rumors one after another from people in the world, saying that there were many internal masters in the city who had inexplicable accidents. They either announced that they were in seclusion, or they went missing and their lives were unknown.

Some people think of the Red Whale Gang summoning order that is now spreading a lot. It is speculated that Jielongcheng did not listen to the instructions, and the Red Whale gang came to settle the matter. The rumors are quite convincing.

Lu Sheng slowly closed the letter in his hand. This was information from the Jielong City spies, and it was about the recent events in Jielong City.

In fact, he didn't need to look at this thing at all, because all these changes were caused by him himself. He killed the person, and those who were in retreat had their inner energy sucked dry in one fell swoop, and had to retreat to hide the truth about the disappearance of their skills.

During these seven days, he traveled hundreds of miles every day, traveling between the Red Whale and Jielong City. No one noticed at all.

A total of forty-three internal masters have been sucked in in seven days. The internal energy of these people is too mixed and turbid, and it has been transformed into treasure bottle energy, and there is not even one out of ten. All added up, it only adds three drops of energy. Lu Sheng Shaking his head slightly, It seems that except for the inner qi cultivated by top techniques, the rest of the inner qi has too many impurities, and the harvest from absorbing it is minimal.

During his trip to Jielong City, he secretly attacked, and 80% of the inner energy he absorbed came from the top five masters. The rest of the forty-three masters were added together to arrive at the remaining two levels.

Three drops of Qi liquid are almost equivalent to three hundred years of skill. Lu Sheng carefully sensed the internal Qi flowing in the Yinhe Net in his body, plus the internal Qi of the people in Shanhumen that he had absorbed previously. After the transformation, his Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong has now reached the point where there are more than seven drops of qi liquid.

This is the result of simultaneous progress in the balance of yin and yang, so it should be slower. Both Baoping Qi and Chiji Jiu Sha Gong have reached seven hundred years of cultivation.

After solving Jielong City, we can go to Gongye City. Lu Sheng began to calculate the next point.

If Gongye City can also absorb three drops of gas liquid, I can reach eight hundred years of skill. Then I will go to Li Huancheng, and then to Xichuan Mansion. His eyes narrowed slightly.

He used the Yinhe Net to absorb the inner energy. Once this hole was opened, he was like a flood that burst a dam, unstoppable.

Lu Sheng felt the increasing amount of gas in his body. Even with his current physical strength, he felt a little swollen.

Under the balance of yin and yang of the Aquarius Qi, in just a short period of time, he had gained hundreds of years of skill. This speed is even comparable to his previous use of Yin Qi to improve his martial arts.

Report to the leader of the gang, a letter from the Imperial Supervision Department. A guard said softly outside the door.

Lu Sheng came to his senses, but his train of thought was interrupted.

Send it up.

Konoe pushed open the door and came in, gently placed the envelope on the table, then bowed and slowly left.

Lu Sheng waited until the door closed, turned around, walked to the table, reached out and picked up the letter. Open the envelope and pull out the letter paper.

Above is an invitation letter from Master Bai Feng, asking him to come and discuss the recent frequent meetings with the Red Whale Gang.

The words in the letter were somewhat sharp, as if they wanted to put some pressure on him.

Lu Shengshi laughed.

I forgot, they thought I only had three lines.

What he is really known for so far is that he defeated the Umbrella Girl head-on. The rest of the killings of regional envoys and chief priests have not been spread to anyone who knows about it. Therefore, Old Taoist Bai Feng and Xiao Hongye still knew him very early.

In their impression, he was still a member of the Sanren family whose bloodline had declined and joined the Shangyang family.

The old Taoist Bai Feng was only at the three-grain level, and Xiao Hongye was about the same. For the current Lu Sheng, this level was really low.

He pressed the letter on the table with his hand and thought for a moment.

It's better to go and take a look. Now that we know that the real target of Lord Hongfang is not me, it would be good to find out some information.

After burning the letter, Lu Sheng handled some gang affairs in the study and then went out to eat.

Yu Lianzi just came to report on the important events that have happened in various places recently.

There was a big chaos in Jielong City. Qingkui Gang leader Roulong and a group of masters all had accidents overnight. This is the follow-up summary of the intelligence that was just sent. Yu Lianzi sent up a detailed file.

Put it aside? What else can you do? Lu Sheng said calmly.

Also, Mr. Shangyang Ce left the Northland and boarded a ship that sailed across the ice ocean. He has already set off this morning. Yu Lianzi said seriously, And Miss Shangyang Jiuli reported that a new list of medicinal materials is needed. This is one of them. There are some medicines that are not in the medicine storehouse and need to be collected.”

Report. Suddenly a guard ran outside the door. Miss Chen Yunxi has already set off for the headquarters. Master Ning San has sent people to protect her all the way. Please tell the gang leader how to handle it.

Yunxi? What is she here for? Lu Sheng has been very busy recently and hasn't visited her for a long time. People around him help take care of Chen Yunxi's chores.

Now is a critical period. A war may break out between Hongfangzhu and Xinyouhui at any time, and it may also affect him.

In addition, Ye Lingmo, the deputy head of Wuyou Mansion, is also constantly investigating the death of the chief priest. He is deeply involved in this matter and may be exposed if he is not careful.

At this time, Lu Sheng was not in the mood to fall in love with Chen Yunxi.

But she is still her fiancée after all. She came to see her in person, and it was impossible to ignore her after all.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment: Bring her to the small garden.


Did she come alone? Is there anyone else?

Go back to the gang leader, there is no one else. Miss Yunxi secretly pretended to run away from home. Konoe replied quickly.

Lu Sheng's face suddenly darkened.

Yu Lianzi snickered on the side.

The gang leader has been very busy lately. I'm afraid I don't know that Miss Yunxi often goes to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. Every time, she burns a pillar of peace incense for the gang leader.

When Lu Sheng heard this, his expression softened slightly.

She is really interested. You go down first, and you can handle the rest of the chores by yourself. Also remember to take care of Deputy Gang Leader Chen Ying, prepare more medicine for healing wounds, and pay attention to your daily meals.

I know, don't worry, Gang Leader, I will watch carefully. Yu Lianzi said respectfully.

Lu Sheng nodded, feeling relieved about Yu Lianzi. After giving a few more instructions, he got up and headed towards the small garden.

The weather was a bit gloomy. Lu Sheng waited in the small garden for more than half an hour. Soon Chen Yunxi, dressed in men's clothes, walked into the small garden in a hurry.

Lu Sheng! You didn't even come to see me.

She looked cute and innocent, with a bright smile on her face.

I won't leave tonight, I'll just stay here with you, okay?

Lu Sheng looked at her with a smile. He kept looking until Chen Yunxi lowered her head in embarrassment. Then he smiled and said, I do, but it's not good for you. He reached out and gently touched Chen Yunxi's cheek. Posted.

A trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi quietly seeped out of Chen Yunxi's body along her cheeks.

Because the Baoping Qi itself comes from the health-preserving skill, as long as it is controlled, it will not form a net of Yin and Cranes, and it will simply serve the purpose of cultivating vitality. This kind of health-preserving internal Qi has a very good effect of prolonging life.

So he planned to try to clean up the hidden dangers in his fiancée's body, and then go back to clean up Lu Quan'an and other family members.

But as soon as the inner energy entered Chen Yunxi's body, Lu Sheng's originally smiling eyes suddenly changed.

A hint of weirdness!

He actually sensed an extremely hidden aura similar to that of the Hongfang Master from Chen Yunxi's body!

In addition to thanking the leader for their strong support, I would also like to thank everyone for their hard work in building the building. Lao Gun saw it, especially the legendary Tang Monk who built hundreds of buildings with one person (I can’t bear it) Just laugh first).

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