Extreme Demon

Chapter 172 Half Moon Three

Along the mountain city.

The owner of Hongfang chirped, inserted the long translucent knife in his hand into the ground, and sat down by a well in the house.

The umbrella girl Yingying sat on the edge of the well, holding a book in her hand and reading slowly.

There is still some missing. Hongfangzhu took a deep breath and gently touched the handle of the knife on the ground beside him.

This knife is named Yuan Sheng, and it has been with her for many, many years, maybe a hundred years, maybe two hundred years, she can't remember how long it was.

She didn't really like the knife at first, but she was used to it and was too lazy to change it. In addition, this knife is very hard and almost unbreakable, so it has been used to this day. But now, she and Yuan Sheng are completely integrated.

Lord Hongbo breathed out again and reached out to touch a red fragment embedded between the handle and the blade.

The fragment shone with a hazy red light under the gray evening sky.

This red light revealed a hint of enchantment, a hint of beauty, and a hint of danger.

The book doesn't say anything. The umbrella girl Yingying gently put down the book and frowned.

It doesn't matter. As long as I can feel the power, that's enough. Red Boss licked his lips and said in a low voice.

I can feel a steady stream of power pouring in. She held the handle of the knife, and a trace of red light slowly spread from the fragment into her body. It seemed that the entire yard was only red for a while, with no other colors left.

This is the Red Dragon Tribulation Fragment. A treasure that she had desperately snatched from many powerful enemies.

After a while, the red light on the knife handle slowly dimmed.

Hongbozhu gently pulled out the Yuansheng Sword and let the sword slowly fade and disappear in her hand until it was completely invisible.

She stood up.

Okay, next, let's go check out the next gang. What's the place called Gongqumen?

Is it okay? The umbrella girl looked at her worriedly.

Only then did she realize that Red Dragon Tribulation was continuously providing power to her sister, but this power did not come without a price.

I can still persevere, Hongfangzhu chuckled, his eyes revealing a terrifying will. As long as she has a knife in her hand, she will never be afraid of any enemy!

So what if it’s a matter of heart and mind? !

Yingying became more and more worried.

She knew that the power of things like magic weapons and magic blades was indeed far beyond the normal scope and could reach immeasurable levels.


This kind of thing is consumed by the power of the ritual sacrifice. One ritual sacrifice can last for ten years. This is a normal frequency of sacrifice. This is also a normal rule for aristocratic families.

Like a burning campfire, dry wood needs to be added every once in a while.

But my sister's current situation is different. She is basically using her own energy and energy to supply the fragments with power transformation. And the proceeds from massacres outside are far from enough to be used for ritual sacrifices.

Baifeng actually wants to provoke me to go to the Yang family. Damn it. By the way, Yingying, did you find anything? She stood up and stretched, her strong and well-proportioned muscles squeezing with her movements. Twisting, looking strong and powerful.

The umbrella girl gently hung a black jade in her hand on her clothes.

Nothing found.

Okay. If you find anything, remember to inform me at any time. The owner of Hongfang tilted his neck, I really want to go back to Hongfang, but it is more comfortable to rest in the well. I feel a little uncomfortable after staying in a crowded place for a long time. She frowned and pressed her chest.

We will go back when the construction is completed. The umbrella girl smiled and said intermittently.

Yingying, you said it would be great if we could stay like this forever, live together, play together, and do what we want to do together. Red Boss whispered.

Yes. Yingying lowered her head, a gentle look on her face. Yingying. I like my sister the most.

She reached out and touched the jade unconsciously. Lu Sheng asked her to bring it with her, but it didn't say what it was for, and she didn't dare to ask. I took it and studied it carefully, and found that it was harmless to the body, so I obeyed and hung it on my body.

But where she didn't notice, there was a faint black line in Yujue.


Lu Sheng put on a close-fitting outfit, gently put on a goat mask, and opened the window of the Red Whale Gang's master bedroom.

The Songbai River is calm at night, and the water waves beat against the ship wall in a very rhythmic manner. A cool breeze blew in from the window, blowing Lu Sheng's long hair back.

He looked around outside.

On the deck below, several gang guards masters were quietly guarding, yawning.

There are patrol boats on the river in the distance with lanterns, patrolling around the Red Whale.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

The third update has arrived.

Lu Sheng smoothed the folds of his black outfit, put his hand on the window sill, and took a deep breath.


He suddenly exerted his strength, and his whole body flew out from the window sill as light as a ghost. It was like a big bat in the dark night sky, making no sound. In the blink of an eye, it flew dozens of meters away and landed gently on the river.

With a snap, Lu Sheng tapped his foot on the river surface and used the force to fly towards the distance again.

He doesn't know any Qing Kung, and no one seems to be studying powerful Qing Kung here. Most of them are moving and transferring skills for actual combat.

Although he did not know Qinggong, in the cathode state, Lu Sheng could feel the yin and yang internal energy in his body constantly colliding and colliding, constantly producing some strange changes.

This change can reduce the resistance to his movement to a certain extent. Even if he weighs an astonishing amount, with the help of Yin and Yang's inner energy, he can still fly by in a simple and crude way at high speed.

This is like a person jumping long distance with all his strength. As long as the strength is strong enough, one can jump very far in one go.

He jumped up from the river again and shot away in the distance.

If someone could pass under him, they would be able to feel the invisible heat erupting from underneath Lu Sheng's body all the time.

It was this intense heat flow that allowed his heavy body to move as light and silently as cotton wool.

To put it simply, Lu Sheng relied on his extremely deep inner energy and used it as a jet to propel himself forward. It creates the illusion of qinggong in disguise.

Moreover, this kind of use, for him in the cathode state, the consumption rate of internal energy is not as fast as the return rate, so it has no impact.

Skimming across the river, Lu Sheng reached the shore with just a few breaths, and then slipped silently into the dark night.

His speed was so fast that when he accelerated with all his strength, he was like a gust of wind, flying hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. To him, one mile was just two blinks of an eye.

The faint moonlight emerged from behind the clouds and fell on the earth. He could only be seen like a wisp of black smoke, flashing across the undulating ground.

The direction of its advance is not along the mountain city, but towards Donglin Mansion in the north.


A thin flash of lightning flashed through the black clouds, lighting up the world for a moment.

Hahahaha! Everyone drink! You're welcome! Drink hard!!

On the top floor of an extremely gorgeous tower in Jielong City, Donglin Prefecture, the leader of the Qingkui Gang, Roulong, grabbed the thick ox leg with one hand and hugged the soft Meiji's waist with the other, laughing and greeting the guests at the banquet.

Although the Red Whale Gang is the leader in the North, they are just trying to avoid the danger for now. Even though those guys are strong, they can't reach my Dragon City.

This is Donglin Mansion, don’t worry! As long as I, the meat dragon, are around, I will never let the claws of the Red Whale Gang get in. The meat dragon promised happily.

The leader of the Flesh Dragon Gang is the number one expert in our Dragon City. We naturally believe what you say. It's just that the Red Whale Gang is very powerful, and now it wants to recruit people to join the alliance. Maybe it's because of ambition and some plans. A gang boss from Jielong City said worriedly.

These people are all the masters of Donglin Mansion. Strictly speaking, this place is no longer the North Land. Although it is not far from Yanshan City, it is already to the east of the sea. Next to it is the endless ice ocean.

If they were in a hurry, they would have to pack up their belongings and escape by boat, and come back to another place. Anyway, they don't have many other things in Jielong City, but there are many ships.

The Qingkui Gang is one of the two strongest gangs here. The leader of the gang, Roulong, is a fat man and is invincible. If an ordinary person punches him, he will be broken by the force of the rebound in the blink of an eye.

This is a remote place. We have control of the waterway to the islands to the east. The worst we can do is to have a falling out and sail out to sea! No matter what his ambitions are. The boss of another gang drank and ate meat without caring.

Being able to eat cooked beef in this freezing environment is no longer a luxury.

Why are you talking so much? Come and drink! In order to celebrate today's great harvest, we haven't caught so many seafood for a long time. This trip to the open sea will be enough for us to eat for more than half a year! The meat dragon raised the wine barrel and shouted.

Not bad! Drink!

For Jielong City!



The gang bosses all had red faces, raised their glasses and bowls, and drank down the wine in one gulp.


Suddenly, the door of the banquet hall opened a crack for some unknown reason. It seemed that the wind was too strong and it blew away.

The guards guarding the door hurried over to the two of them and held the door, intending to push it back again.

But just as he closed the door, a huge force suddenly hit the door panel.

Bang! ! !

The two bodies flew backwards and rolled out, hitting the wall and not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

In the cold moonlight, a man with waist-length hair was standing at the gate holding a long knife.

In the shadow of the light, his face could not be seen, only his messy long black hair was constantly being blown to the left by the wind.

It's really lively, there are so many people. The man's voice instantly overwhelmed everyone's laughter and clearly reached everyone's ears.


A cold wind swept in from the open door, blowing all the drunken people awake.



Someone touched the knife, stood up slowly, and looked over with fierce eyes.

Several others walked out from the small side door, not to escape, but to circle around and surround them from behind.


The meat dragon threw the barrel away, and the barrel hit the stone wall and rolled down. The remaining wine flowed out from the mouth of the barrel and spilled onto the ground.

He stood up slowly, a strange and cruel smile appeared on his fat face.

Someone actually broke into this place.

The huge body of the meat dragon was more than two meters high. When it stood up, it looked like a moving mountain of fat. Its two thick feet landed on the ground with a bang, making the entire banquet hall tremble slightly.

Hey Hey! ! He grinned evilly.

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