Extreme Demon

Chapter 174 Approaching 1

What's wrong with you? Chen Yunxi pinched Lu Sheng's hand against hers in confusion. You look so serious?

Lu Sheng came to his senses.

Nothing. He forced a smile. Maybe I've been too busy recently and am a little tired.

Chen Yunxi smiled and said, You are working too hard and you are already so good. Why don't you stop and take a good rest? You can't live your whole life for external things. You must also live for yourself. Are you alive?

Lu Sheng smiled.

It makes sense, but it's a pity. The way this world is, if you don't move forward, others will surpass you. If you stop moving forward, you will feel regret when you encounter difficulties and lack a little strength.

I don't like to hear nonsense. Chen Yunxi turned her head, I didn't know until now that you are actually the leader of the Red Whale Gang. You don't know. When I heard the news, I was completely confused. She couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing. It took me a whole day to recover.

Is it that exaggerated? Lu Sheng scratched her little nose.

It's really exaggerated! Chen Yunxi pouted. The number one master in the North, how majestic is this title? How domineering? Have you never seen my dad like that, smiling from ear to ear all day long?

By the way, have you come into contact with any strange strangers recently? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

No? Chen Yunxi quickly became vigilant upon hearing this, Did something happen?

It's nothing. Have you been feeling unwell lately? Lu Sheng asked again, while a trace of Baoping Qi kept passing through Chen Yunxi's body to check.

No? I don't feel anything. It seems that I have gained a little weight recently. When she said this, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Sure enough, girls attach great importance to their weight.

Lu Sheng checked for a while and finally found an extremely weak and strange smell on a piece of skin on the outside of Chen Yunxi's right arm.

It should be the mark left by the Hongfang Master.

He also felt relieved.

This mark seems to be just a mark. Although I don't know what it does, it is so weak and I don't feel any danger, so it should be fine.

‘Master Hongfang probably just had doubts and left a mark, which was considered to be a clue in advance. He didn't take me seriously. He didn't even threaten me with Yunxi. ’

Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

'But why did Lord Hongfang suddenly put a mark on Yunxi's body? Did she discover something, the correspondence between me and the umbrella girl? ’

He thought for a moment, and while talking casually to Chen Yunxi, he carefully wrapped the trace of mark with Baoping Qi.

In the end, he still didn't remove the trace of mark. It seemed that the owner of Hongfang was just secretly suspicious and didn't really decide to take action.

In order not to alert others, he hesitated and did not remove the mark.

The Jiuhua Festival will be here in a while? Do you want us to watch the Jiuhua flowers bloom together? In a Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers on the outskirts of the city, there is a large sea of ​​Jiuhua flowers. It is very beautiful. There are Feilian troops patrolling the surrounding areas. It is very safe. Yes. Chen Yunxi suggested. He looked at Lu Sheng with a hint of expectation.

Jiuhua Festival Lu Sheng showed a helpless expression, I'm sorry, I really have something to do that day. The blooming of Jiuhua Flowers is not the deadline given by the Xinyou Club to attack the Hongfang Master.

When Chen Yunxi heard this, she was immediately disappointed.

Okay, then I'll invite some good sisters together. If any young master joins in, don't be jealous?

Don't worry, am I such a stingy person? Lu Sheng smiled. Every person of the opposite sex that Chen Yunxi comes into contact with every day has not been carefully screened by his masters. There are no less than five masters following him around at all times. Protect.

Coupled with Lu Sheng's reputation in the North, the possibility of something happening was almost zero.

Okay, by the way, this time my father found someone to take over a big business, and the other party's details are a little uncertain.

Well, I'll send someone to check later. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

The two stood in the garden for a while, and then Lu Sheng sent someone to send Chen Yunxi back.

He did not let more masters protect Chen Yunxi because he knew it was meaningless. There was no strong man under his command who could protect Chen Yunxi under the eyes of the Hongfang Master.

The Hongfang Master's method of directly attacking people close to him made Lu Sheng more and more sure of his previous decision. Hongfangzhu is an unstable and dangerous factor.

In the evening, he went to Yanshan City again. In an independent courtyard in the inner courtyard of the government office, he met the old Taoist Bai Feng who came up to him.

Gang leader Lu, you are well! Long time no see, it seems that your strength has become more refined! Bai Feng looked less like a Taoist and more like a businessman.

Brother Bai Feng, what's the point? At our level, it's not easy to go further? Lu Sheng sighed.

The two walked into the inner lobby side by side.

Xiao Hongye had also arrived long ago, and the three of them were still in the meeting. In Beidi, the three of them have always been able to grasp the changes in the situation.

The banquet has been set and the maids and all have been sent out. This is not Xiao Hongye's Xiao Mansion. There are not so many tricks, just ordinary meals.

Come on, come on. Old Taoist Bai Feng greeted Lu Sheng to sit down. Let's talk while eating.

Xiao Hongye also stood up and greeted Lu Sheng.

Brother Lu came too late. I'm going to drink three drinks as a penalty!

Brothers, please forgive me, there have been too many things lately. Lu Sheng hugged his fists and said with a smile.

He found a seat and sat down, and happily punished himself with three glasses of wine. The three of them ate around the square table and exchanged some unnutritious and tentative polite words with each other.

Old Taoist Bai Feng kept raising his glass, after three rounds of drinking. He put down his wine glass and looked at Lu Sheng.

Brother Lu, your actions have been getting bigger and bigger recently. I wonder if there are any changes or adjustments in the gang?

Lu Sheng shook his head.

I guess the reason why you two invited me here is for this matter. He had already thought of his words and said with a smile. Speaking of this, several forces in Qumen were suddenly attacked recently. I wonder if you two have heard about it.

Bai Feng quickly looked at Xiao Hongye. This is something Wuyoufu and Hongfang did together.

Xiao Hongye laughed twice. It seems that you and I can't help ourselves. He misunderstood Lu Sheng's meaning and thought it was also an order from someone above. As one of the nine families in the Central Plains, the Shangyang family is powerful and powerful. Not to mention him, even if the entire Wuyou family stands up, it cannot compare.

Naturally, this matter will not be mentioned for the time being. As long as there are no large-scale accidents for ordinary people, the impact is actually not big.

Actually, the reason why we met this time is to discuss the matter of Lord Hongfang and see what the two parties behind you mean. Bai Feng put down his wine glass and said solemnly. Hongfangzhu has been taking action one after another in recent days, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid that she will suddenly become fierce. If she takes action to massacre the city, the matter has been reported to the court, and there will be experts from the General Division coming down soon.

But you and I both understand that someone of Hongfangzhu’s level cannot be blocked simply.

Xiao Hongye also sighed.

What Brother Bai Feng said is absolutely true. We in Wuyou Mansion are helpless. Master Ye Lingmo is also worried about this matter now. Master Hongfang acted too fiercely. He killed at least hundreds of people in the Martial Alliance, and then walked along the road. There are at least hundreds of people in the mountain city.

This is only what we know. I also received news later that this gentleman massacred three strongholds outside, and thousands of people were killed. Although these are just gangsters, their numbers are too large.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly. What countermeasures do these two brothers have?

The current plan is to find out what the boss needs, and we will find a way to get it for her. Bai Feng said helplessly.

Xiao Hongye was also helpless. At the snake level, he could basically form his own family power and stand on his own in this miserable world.

This kind of level is not something that guys at the third level can deal with.

Lu Sheng was a little disappointed, thinking that these two people had some new ideas, but he didn't expect that it was just like this.

After the three exchanged information for a while, Master Bai Feng inadvertently mentioned something, which caught Lu Sheng's attention.

Speaking of Li Shunxi, after he left the North and went there, news about the soul-suppressing lock soon spread in the Central Plains. It was said that he was wanted by the Huang family of the nine families in the Central Plains. Not only did he destroy other people's soul-suppressing locks, but he also ate them. The sapodilla that has been carefully cultivated for hundreds of years is missing. I don’t know how many people want to find him and seize the essence of the sapodilla.”

Isn't he just an ordinary martial arts master? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Not anymore. Bai Feng shook his head, Like Brother Lu, his identity is a bit confusing.

Oh? What's wrong with my identity? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

Brother, you! Bai Feng pointed at Lu Sheng and said with a smile, Your mother is not the biological daughter of the Sun family at all. Her identity is unclear. Although this matter is secret, it is not impossible for our Supervision Department to find out.

Lu Sheng thought he would tell other things, such as his strength, but he never expected it. This incident actually brought out my mother Sun Yan, who had been dead for a long time.

He didn't even know about this, so he made a note of it in his mind. He chatted with the two of them for a while, and decided on some plans on how to deal with the sudden action of the Hongfang Master. It wasn't until late at night that he said goodbye and left.

Northland Icefields.

The huge ice field has a delicate name, Baicao Ice Field.

Due to the extremely harsh climate on the ice sheet, with blizzards raging from time to time, most residents gathered to build a small town and covered it with a huge cone-shaped lid to prevent falling snowflakes from accumulating on top.

Small cities are like triangular tents, leaning against some hills. Some small towns can accommodate hundreds of people, like cottages on the ice sheet. The smaller ones can accommodate more than a dozen people.

They first dug a big hole in the ground, laid the foundation, then planned everything, and finally cast the ice pick cover bit by bit. Most of them were not easy to build.

A white blizzard roared across the sky.

The master of the red shop was wrapped in a white cloak, and he was followed closely by the umbrella girl Sakura Sakura, who was also wrapped in a thick white cloak.

The two of them walked to a small city that was more than ten meters high. This strange building was very big and spectacular.

It is located on the ground, just like the pyramid, except that its main body is underground.

That's right here. Hongfangzhu licked his lips, a hint of hunger flashed in his eyes.

Sister, be careful, the umbrella girl whispered.

Don't worry. Apart from those few people, who in this vast Northland can threaten me? You just need to protect yourself! Lord Hongfang stretched out his hand and pressed it against the rough and cold wall of the small city.

In silence, a huge hole melted out of the wall of the small city. These walls are actually made of ice.

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