Extreme Demon

Chapter 171 Half Moon 2

Lu Sheng was thinking about it. He suddenly remembered that he first knew about Hongfang because they controlled the ghosts and searched for people born in the yin year and yin month, and Song Zhenguo almost became one of their victims.

Could it be that the purpose of Lord Hongfang... Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed even more.

He recalled all the actions of Lord Hongfang after his return. Because the umbrella girl was there, he knew every move he made.

As soon as she came back, she immediately started rebuilding the Red Square headquarters.

Then he went straight to the Martial Alliance and slaughtered them wantonly without saying a word. It's not like looking for someone to interrogate at all.

Then, head to Yanshan City. Nothing has happened yet. But I would never go there without a reason.

It seems that I have to go to the Hongfang headquarters to take another look. There may be something unusual hidden in the headquarters I destroyed at that time. His mind flickered, and he faintly noticed something.

From such an overall analysis, it can be seen that the drunken master of Hongfang is not interested in drinking. She seems to be preparing for the heart-wandering meeting.

This kind of preparation requires rebuilding the Red Square, which requires a lot of human lives, and it is not the lives of ordinary people, otherwise she can just massacre the villages outside and accumulate them at will. Rather than looking for excuses to go straight to the Martial Alliance to attack.

Needing an excuse meant that she didn't want people to discover her intentions. Now no one in the Northland can stop her from doing anything. In such an environment, she still has to find excuses to take action, which means that what she is worried about is most likely not the power of the Northland, but Xinyouhui.

Although this inference is not perfect, it should be close to ten. Lu Sheng understood in his heart. If I guess correctly, Master Hongfang will definitely find excuses to cause trouble when he comes to the city.

Report!! Just as the thought flashed across his mind, the central guard hurried to the door. Report to the leader of the gang and send an urgent message along the mountain city!

Send it up! Lu Sheng's heart moved and he said loudly.

Immediately, the guard pushed open the door and put the wax-sealed letter in his hand carefully on Lu Sheng's table, then knelt on one knee and waited for a reply.

Lu Sheng quickly opened the envelope and glanced at it.

‘The Dongshan Club was attacked along the mountain city. The leader of Hongfang killed twenty-eight senior officials in a row. The Dongshan Club existed in name only and all the masters were destroyed. ’

Sure enough! Lu Sheng's heart sank. Sure enough, Lord Hongfang is also preparing to deal with the threat of Xinyouhui. I said that destroying a Hongfang headquarters would make a powerful man like Lord Hongfang persist for so long. It turned out to be just an excuse. Just do it.

But fortunately, I have the Shangyang family's skin behind me. As long as it is not found out that it was really me who did it, there will be no problem. Just wait another half month and sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Lu Sheng felt much more relaxed after understanding the purpose of Master Hongfang. The opponent's real enemy is most likely Xinyouhui.

The only person who is really targeting him is probably Ye Lingmo.

But now that the battle between the leader of Hongfang and the vice-leader of Xinyouhui is approaching, Ye Lingmo is afraid that he will not dare to make a rash move and affect the situation of the battle.

And Hongfangzhu didn't dare to cause trouble again rashly, and a heart-wrenching meeting was enough for her for the time being. So Lu Sheng is safe for now.

No matter what, I try my best to improve myself, absorb inner energy and swallow treasure medicine, two-pronged approach, let's see how far I can push inner energy! I must reach the state of self-preservation as soon as possible. Lu Sheng will hand The jade jue inside was gently pressed on the table.

After quickly finishing the rest of the dishes, he got up and left the dining hall, going up to the alchemy room of the Red Whale.

Hong Mingzi and two other old pharmacists were sitting in the alchemy room arguing about something. Lu Sheng didn't even say hello to him. Today, he is the one who controls the overall situation of the Red Whale Gang, and Hong Mingzi is enjoying his old age.

After quickly taking the golden ointment, Lu Sheng walked to a window of the alchemy room, opened the window door, took out a small bone flute from his sleeve, and blew it hard in his mouth.

No sound came out.

Lu Sheng stood in a blind corner where Hong Mingzi and others could not see, and continued to blow for several breaths before slowly putting it down.

Soon, a white homing pigeon with jet-black eyes fluttered from a distance and landed gently on the windowsill.

Lu Sheng took out the charcoal pen and paper from the cabinet by the window, wrote a few words, then rolled the paper into a paper tube and tied it to the pigeon's leg together with the black jade.

Go ahead.

He released the dove and watched it flutter its wings, like an arrow from a string, and soon disappeared into the sky. Then he went back to the study where his boss handled official business.

Walking into the study, Yu Lianzi was already waiting there in advance.

Gang leader, all the lists have been sorted out. There are famous experts in the North. With the intelligence network of our Red Whale Gang, we can definitely make a ranking list as you said, gang leader. Yu Lianzi was a little excited.

Wen Wu is the best, Wu Wu is the second, this has always been the case. Everyone says that Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, is the best master in the North, but what about the second? What about third? no one knows.

Anyone who has achieved success in learning hopes to know how their own strength ranks in the general environment.

So Lu Sheng aimed at the good reputation of mortals and asked Yu Lianzi to send someone to compile a list of famous masters in the North.

The purpose is to create a ranking list of Northland masters.

Of course, the real purpose is to secretly find the target and suddenly absorb the inner energy.

Very good. Have you sorted out all the masters above the concentration level? Lu Sheng said with satisfaction.

It has been sorted out. The specific results need to be carefully investigated. But the approximate ranking is still fine. Yu Lianzi felt that he was participating in a grand event for people in the world. Rank the strongest list for the entire Northland. He felt that all the blood in his body was aroused by passion.

Bring it to me and see. Lu Sheng ordered.

Yu Lianzi quickly handed over the prepared list paper.

Lu Sheng took it, glanced at it roughly, and immediately landed on the list of concentration masters. He quickly jotted down some of the people closer to him on the list. There are also the addresses and identities of these experts.

Okay, we will need to send experts to compare and test this matter next, so it is not appropriate to move lightly for the time being. You should rest first. Lu Sheng put down the list.

Yes. Yu Lianzi nodded, bowed and stepped back.

After standing in the study room and reading the list carefully for a while, Lu Sheng wrote down the recent masters one by one.

Gang leader. A figure flashed, and Xu Chui appeared in front of the door, bowing his head in respect. Everyone has been arrested.


All! Xu Chui replied affirmatively without any hesitation.

Let's go and have a look. Lu Sheng put down the list and led him towards the water prison.

The water prison is not on the ship, but in a bunker on the shore.

When Lu Sheng arrived here, there was a chaotic vibration on the third floor where the prisoners were held.

The jailers who were guarding the cells all hid at the main gate, stuffing their ears with cotton so as not to listen to the sounds inside.

What's going on? Lu Sheng and Xu Chui frowned as soon as they entered the third floor. The sound was so loud, it was like listening to the bell in a small room with the door closed while it was ringing.

The prisoners who just came in kept smashing the iron gate. We couldn't stop them, the cell leader said helplessly.

These prison guards who come to guard are all masters of the level of Tongli. Of course, they will not be able to meet such masters who are at worst also the masters of Tongyi.

People from Shanhumen are rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and they also practice hard skills. Xu Chui added while standing next to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng nodded and strode into the prison corridor on the third floor.

In the rows of prisons on the side, middle-aged men dressed as hunters with bloodstains on their bodies were imprisoned. Occasionally, a few middle-aged women could be seen, but very few. Many people were banging on the iron gate with anger on their faces.

Lu Gang Leader Lu Sheng!?

Standing in a prison was an old man with white hair who was decrepit but full of energy. As soon as he saw Lu Sheng come in, he walked over sternly and pressed against the railing as thick as his forearm.

It's me. It turns out to be Mr. Yang, the previous head of the Shanhu Sect. Lu Sheng said politely. Walk to the opponent's cell door.

The full name of Mr. Yang is Yang Sunlong. He is the well-deserved number one master in Shanhumen, a gang mainly composed of hunters.

Unfortunately, Yang Sunlong was covered in blood at this time and was seriously injured. Apparently Xu Chui failed to hold back his hands during the arrest and severely injured him.

Gang Leader Lu, what on earth do you want to do!? You raided our mountain Humen for no reason. I admit that your Red Whale Gang is huge and we can't afford to offend you, so we should just hide, right? We are the strongest in hunting and gathering herbs in the mountains and forests. . If you need any help, you don’t have to do anything like this, just give me an order.

Lu Sheng shook his head.

You have been secretly controlling my division along the mountain city, and a lot of information about the masters in my gang has been leaked out at will. Do you really think I don't know?

The old man's expression changed.

Lu Sheng ignored him and asked the jailer to open the iron door and walked in.

The other people who were approaching Shanhumen slowly became quiet and stared closely at Lu Sheng. The old man was their number one expert, and when he met with Lu Sheng, it was considered a negotiation for everyone's benefit.

Gang Leader Lu! The old man Yang Sunlong took two steps back and stared warily at Lu Sheng who was imprisoned.

Shan Humen will be locked up in this dungeon for a while. Lu Sheng smiled at him and struck out with a lightning-fast palm.

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi circulated in the palm of his hand and was suddenly printed on the old man's forehead.


A trace of treasure bottle energy quickly penetrated into the old man's body, and then quickly formed a Yinhe net.


Old Master!!


One by one, roars came from other prisons. But to no avail. Lu Sheng remained as steady as a rock, his hand pressed on the old man's chest.

Xu Chui asked the jailer to give him the key and drove the others out of the third floor.

Soon the two of them and the prisoner were the only ones left on the third floor.

Lu Sheng's hand fell on the old man, and after more than ten consecutive breaths, Lu Sheng's hand fell on the old man.


The old man fell to the ground with his head up, his face pale, and he looked like he was about to run out of fuel.

Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly, and another trace of inner energy flowed into the old man's body. This trace is the inner Qi filtered by the Yinhe Net, and its effect of recuperating and recuperating is much stronger than his own inner Qi cultivation.

What he practiced was just a secret book called Black Feather Colorful Hands. He had practiced hard for fifty years, but after being absorbed and transformed by Lu Sheng, he only had thirty years of Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi.

He will recover quickly if he has good food and drink. Don't worry about it.

Lu Sheng gave instructions and went directly to the next prison.

There was also an old man in the second prison, wearing a white gown and a wine gourd hanging around his waist. One arm hung limply, obviously broken.

Master Lu, if you have something to say! I am Li Chong, the leader of the Shanhu Clan. If you want anything, just say it. I, Li Chong, will give it to you without saying a word and with both hands! Full cooperation! He was obviously attracted by the old man in front of him. scared.

Although the prisons here are independent, they are not far apart. The sounds from other cells are completely audible.

I want you to stand there obediently and don't move. Lu Sheng smiled at him, feeling the thirty-year treasure bottle energy he had just breathed into his body, and his heart felt extremely happy. As long as his physical body was strong enough, he could absorb it through unlimited Inner Qi, to improve yourself.

This kind of gain for nothing is much more refreshing than working hard to meditate and practice hard.

Leader Lu! The old man's expression changed before he could speak.


A lightning-like shadow appeared beside her, and a palm struck the back of his heart.

A large amount of treasure bottle energy poured into his body, building the Yinhe Network, and then absorbed and fed back his own inner energy cultivation.

Everything went smoothly.

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