Extreme Demon

Chapter 170 Half Moon 1

Rumble. Rumble. Rumble.

Huge rumbling sounds continued to come from Lu Sheng's body.

His stomach was like a bottomless hole. A large amount of dishes, braised pork and rice, were stuffed into his mouth and swallowed in a few mouthfuls.

Lu Sheng was sitting alone in the dining hall, surrounded by his subordinates, but when they saw him eating, everyone's throats kept beating, and their stomachs felt full just by watching him eat.

Report! Bring the Master of the Transformation Sect! A guard outside the door shouted an order.

Lu Sheng put down the big bowl in his hand and wiped his mouth.

Bring it up.

In the current period when the Red Whale Gang rules all the gangs in the North, his words are a black and gray imperial edict in the North. No one dares to disobey once he gives the order.

In autumn and winter, the faint sunlight falls in at the gate. It is not too warm, but it can drive away some of the chill.

But for the owner of the Transformation Sect who had just entered the door, no matter how warm the sun was, it could not drive away the chills all over his body.

Kong Yi, the new sect leader, was the new sect leader who took office less than three months ago. The previous sect leader died of a sudden illness at home, so it was his turn as the deputy sect leader to take over in a hurry.

Kong Yi was a thin man with a background as a pickpocket. When he walked in, he was wearing a large brocade robe and looked like a monkey in human clothes.

Kong Yi has met Gang Leader Lu. He stood in the middle of the dining hall and cupped his fists towards Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng grabbed a pork leg and slowly dipped it in soy sauce. It sizzled!

His mouth suddenly opened to more than twice its original size, and his sharp fangs bit off most of the pork leg, including the meat and bones, in one bite.

Kong Yi felt his heart tremble. How could a person open his mouth so wide? And teeth, how can human teeth be so sharp?

Is this gang leader not human at all? But a demon? !

Master Kong's efforts during this period are to maintain the stability and tranquility of our northern land. I see it all. Lu Sheng said calmly in an official tone.

Kong Yi didn't know what he meant, so he could only respond with a haha.

Yes, yes, everything is due to the good leadership of Gang Leader Lu.

Lu Sheng looked at this person. The internal energy cultivation in his body should be pretty good, but he couldn't tell much just by looking at the surface.

Just now, he received news that Lord Hongfang was going to his master's house, Lu Mansion. Although he knew that the umbrella girl would definitely stop him, the feeling that the danger might fall on his family at any time made Lu Sheng finally make a decision.

It's time for all the gangs in Northland to be unified.

So he immediately ordered that nearby gangs come to discuss alone. As the leader of the largest gang in the North, and because Lu Sheng was now stronger and more powerful than Hong Mingzi, naturally no one dared not listen to his words.

Kong Yi was the first door owner. The Change Sect is mainly an organization composed of the following nine types of liars, thieves, craftsmen, fortune tellers, and the like. In fact, the force is not very strong. The first response is also normal.

I asked you to come this time because I intend to give you a good fortune. Lu Sheng continued to eat the dishes in front of him without raising an eyebrow.

What kind of fortune do you dare to ask, Leader Lu? Kong Yi instinctively felt something bad.

A creation that can greatly improve your skills. Lu Sheng put down the pig leg in his hand, stood up, and walked slowly to Kong Yi.

Kong Yi, leader of Gang Lu, is not happy, you still have to do the same Pfft!

Kong Yi felt something bad in his gut. Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly rolled up and his whole body was shaken. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the white palm pressing on his chest.


Hiss, a cold inner energy rushed into his body, and Kong Yi's body trembled violently.

After a while.

The door of the dining hall opened, and Kong Yi exited with a calm face, escorted by several of his subordinates, and left slowly.

Lu Sheng sat motionless and continued to eat. He did not absorb Kong Yi's inner energy. Although he was not weak in Wuyun Zhenqi, which he had practiced for thirty years, and was a master even at the concentration level, this was not his purpose.

He needs more manpower, more subordinates, and stronger masters to protect what he wants to protect.

So he just implanted the Yinhe Net into Kong Yi.

The Yinhe Net is equivalent to implanting a new meridians without bottlenecks in Kong Yi's body. From now on, there will no longer be a limit to the growth of his body's Qi, and he can increase without limit. As long as the body can hold it.

The growth of inner energy was originally extremely slow, but the emergence of Yinhe Net at least made Kong Yi's accumulation speed several times faster. And it can break through the meridians bottleneck. It is conceivable that in the days to come, Kong Yi will definitely improve his skills rapidly. If it is taken together with a large amount of drugs, it is impossible to say that one can achieve a hundred-year skill level within ten years.

Serve another dish. Lu Sheng put down the rice pail in his hand, wiped his mouth and ordered.

Now it's time to wait for the next gang leader to come.

After absorbing the inner energy of all the masters in the prison, his cultivation inner energy at this time, the Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi, had reached an astonishing seven points of energy.

Translated into years, that would be a full seven hundred years of skill! This does not include the three hundred years of cultivation of Chiji Jiusha Gong.

Once added, it will be a thousand years of skill!

The transformation of yin and yang requires a time process. It takes several days to transform the yin and yang jade crane treasure bottle energy into the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong. If the transformation is balanced, my Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong can reach 500 years of power.

Lu Sheng carefully calculated whether the specific power of five hundred years of skill could resist Ye Lingmo.

The answer is almost impossible

Ye Lingmo's level puts me much more pressure than the six lines of Bai Zhan.

It’s not enough. The Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong with five hundred years of inner energy is not enough to fight him. I need more and stronger inner energy.”

He didn't know how strong the snake level was, but judging from the details Li Shunxi said at the beginning, a snake level person, no matter how many levels he came to, could not resist.

Snake is already another level of force. Only the head of the palace can achieve it.

Are you worried? Are you scared? The maid had just brought new dishes and a few buckets of rice. Before he could leave, Lu Sheng heard that sharp voice again.

Xinyouhui? His heart trembled.

Master Hongfang is getting more and more anxious. She is starting to get scared and we are ready to take action. The voice deepened and continued.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

You all get down, he ordered.

Immediately, all the guards, maids and servants responded and quickly retreated from the room.

Soon, Lu Sheng was the only one left in the dining hall.

Tell me, what is your purpose? Lu Sheng whispered quietly. With the other party's ability, he believed he could hear it.

This is our sincerity.

Following the sound, a small white round box appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

He didn't realize how the other party had delivered it at all. As soon as he blinked, he saw a box sitting there out of the corner of his eye.

This made Lu Sheng even more fearful. After his great improvement in strength, the previous sense of imminent threat had gradually faded away.

But now that I encountered this heart-wandering meeting, I suddenly woke up. The world was far more strange and dangerous than I had thought before.

Can I replace it with the elixir from last time? I just lack the tools to train my subordinates. Lu Sheng knew without opening it that this was the good thing that this person promised last time, which could make the black film break through the first level.

But he has no black membrane at all, so this thing is useless to him and is not as good as the pill last time.

Replace it with the elixir from last time? The voice was also stunned, as if he didn't expect Lu Sheng to make this request. Yes, yes, but that pill can only be taken three times, and then it will be completely ineffective, and its value is far less than this one. Are you sure?

Sure, of course, if there is a better medicine for increasing internal energy, that would be even better. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

This is the best. Among the medicinal materials that were not used last year, this elixir is the most effective.

The white box slowly faded and disappeared.

A new black rectangular box appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

He stared closely at the disappearance and appearance of the box, not even seeing how it was taken and delivered.

He stretched out his hand and pulled it gently, and the box opened with a snap, revealing two pearl-like elixirs inside.

It's the same Yun Shejuanxindan as last time.

Tell me why you're here. No reward for no reward. Lu Sheng said carefully as he closed the box.

The other party was a powerful mysterious force that could hunt down the Lord of Hongfang, so he had to be careful. Even if there was a tiger skin from the Shangyang family behind him, he couldn't be sure whether the other party had evil intentions.

Hehehehe, that's so refreshing! The voice laughed. Our deputy leader, Chaohu, has already set off in person and will arrive here within half a month.

We know that you have someone beside you, the person closest to you. Therefore, we hope that you can quietly let that person take this thing with him.

A black jade-like thing appeared on Lu Sheng's table.

Jade ornaments are generally in the shape of a ring, with a gap for hanging on clothes. The gap is mostly made into various patterns. But the gap in this Yujue is a little different.

Lu Sheng picked up the jade, and the gap on it turned out to be a sharp mouth. It seemed to be the mouth of some kind of beast.

As long as this object is within ten feet (33 meters) of the Red Boss, it will cause the Red Boss to be weakened and poisoned without him noticing. The voice explained.

Lu Sheng played with the black jade, but couldn't tell what material it was made of, and it didn't seem to have any strange abilities.

Okay. Can you tell me when you will take action? He thought for a moment and said seriously.

The voice suddenly laughed.

What? You also want to observe the fierce power of my guild leader? It doesn't hurt to tell you that when the Jiuhua flowers bloom in half a month, that's when the guild leader will take action!

The flowers are blooming? Lu Sheng repeated.

The voice fell silent and became silent again.

He reached out and pinched the black jade, playing with it casually, and then looked at the two Yun Shejuan Heart Pills.

Threats are approaching step by step. At such a critical moment, the Red Fang Master does not retreat to adjust his state and deal with the enemy. Why must he search everywhere for the person who destroyed the Red Fang? This is unreasonable. He frowned slightly.

Could it be that she is not looking for someone at all, but is looking for something else in the name of someone?

Or perhaps there is something important missing from the red square that I destroyed. That's why she looked around.

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