Extreme Demon

Chapter 169 Absorption 4

After Lu Sheng watched the person go down, he closed his eyes and began to try to reverse the movement of the Baoping Qi in the Yinhe Net. Sure enough, he easily transformed the Yin Baoping Qi into the extremely pure Chiji Jiusha Gong internal Qi. .

This is the wonderful special effect of balancing yin and yang.

Zhao Jiaojiao has met the gang leader. Suddenly a hoarse female voice sounded in the study again.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Jiaojiao now.

Very familiar.

Like a plump, red and fragrant peach.

Zhao Jiaojiao wore a pink strapless dress, her long hair was tied up with a simple mahogany hairpin. Her figure should be as convex as it should be, and as curvy as it should be, it was completely impossible to tell that she was already over forty years old.

Her white and pink skin looks like that of a 28-year-old girl, and her face is so pretty that one would think of a brightly red blood rose at a glance.

The most eye-catching thing is that she deliberately tore the hem of her long skirt open, revealing a cheongsam-like effect, revealing her entire thigh almost to the top of her thigh.

What? The gang leader doesn't recognize Jiaojiao anymore? Zhao Jiaojiao said with a smile.

Nice dress. Lu Sheng simply praised. I need you to help me collect the treasures on this map. He took out a castrated map from the drawer, with the locations of three treasures marked on it.

Throwing the map away, Zhao Jiaojiao pinched it accurately, unfolded it and took a look.

There happens to be a place that is Jiaojiao's hometown. She smiled. He seems to have become a different person from the unsmiling person he used to be in prison.

That's just right. Lu Sheng nodded. Go ahead, I'll give you a month. If you can't find it, just come back.

Okay. Zhao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows, turned around and walked out.

The eyes of the guards guarding the gate almost went straight.

Seeing Zhao Jiaojiao leaving, Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes again. Lord Hongfang and Wuyou Mansion were getting closer and closer, and he needed more and stronger power.

Capturing all the hostile internal masters and absorbing their internal energy for cultivation is only the first step.

As long as there is enough power, all Wuyou Mansion and Hongfang Master will die!

As the inner energy yin and yang was transformed, he faintly felt that the transformation in his body seemed to be slowly accelerating.

That's right. That's right, just do it faster. Lu Sheng focused more and more on the transformation. The corner of his mouth gradually turned into a hint of ferociousness.


Boom! !

Hongfangzhu roared and punched the black-gray stone wall. The mountain wall exploded, and a black shadow flew out in panic.

You bastards who are obsessed with thinking!! Master Hongfang suddenly ran away and was behind the black figure in the blink of an eye. Grab his arms with both hands.

hiss! !

Like a murderer biting his prey, the shadow man's arms pulled half of his body and was torn in half alive.

Half of them still exposed the white ribs, and a large amount of blood was scattered on the floor. Screams and wails spread all over the place.

This is the central square of the Wu League.

Everyone in the Martial Alliance had fled to death, but when Lord Hongfang was interrogating the wandering soul, he encountered a sneak attack by the masters of Xinyouhui.

But unfortunately, the team led by Dharma King Xinyouhui, who was able to kill the seventh-level warrior, was still easily slaughtered by her. And Xinyouhui also lost a powerful master, which may make them even more angry.

The guild master will not let you go!! The shadow man, who was still half alive, struggled to say the last words. Then his head was crushed by the red boss.

I'm tired of hearing this. A black light flashed on Hongfang Master's body, and all the blood disappeared, as if it had been absorbed by a sponge.

She glanced around.

The fire continued to spread and burn on the pavilions of the Wumeng League. Under the thick smoke, many strange corpses were lying in random directions, some of which were rhinoceros heads and human bodies, and some were snake bodies and human heads.

These are the killers sent by Xinyouhui.

All the way back from chasing the Zhen family, she fought against Xin Youhui's killer.

This is a powerful force that does not belong to the Central Plains or the North. Their magic blade abilities are extremely compatible with the Red Dragon Tribulation, so they are also the craziest among the chasing teams.

Sister. The umbrella girl slowly floated from a distance at this time.

After two days of searching, what did you find? the owner of Hongfang asked in a deep voice.

The umbrella girl shook her head slightly but said nothing.

Hongfangzhu suddenly became a little irritable.

Forget it, there are no clues here, let's go to Yanshan City! Find the old Taoist Bai Feng.

Yes. The umbrella girl lowered the edge of the umbrella slightly to cover her somewhat uneasy eyes.

Sister, forget it. Stop looking for it. She suddenly said.

How can that be done!? Master Hongfang interrupted her directly. Even the Supreme Art was almost snatched away! That is what we can rely on to explore ourselves to a greater extent! If it is gone, wouldn't it be that there is no hope for you and me to return to the sun in the future! There are still so many souls, all of which have been Kill that person.

But, that wandering mind comes again, the umbrella girl said worriedly.

Let them come. Master Hongfang didn't care. I want to see how many of them I can kill.

Sister. The umbrella girl wanted to say something else. But Hongfangzhu raised his hand and was too lazy to listen anymore.

The two cleaned up and quickly left with the wandering soul, heading towards Yanshan City.

The speed of the two was far beyond that of ordinary people. It only took half an hour for them to enter the city and slowly wander around the streets like two ordinary women.

The people from the Supervision Department quickly discovered the two of them and were shocked. After double-checking, they hurriedly reported the situation to their superiors.

When Old Taoist Bai Feng arrived, the two of them were sitting in a tea shop.

Old Taoist Bai Feng, I have met Master Hongfang. Bai Feng's posture was very low. Cold sweat broke out bit by bit on his body, and his muscles were extremely tense.

In all his years of living, this was the first time he encountered a ghost that entered the city so carelessly. Especially the Hongfang Master in front of him is one of the strongest people in the Northland.

Red Boss glanced at Bai Feng lightly.

Did Ye Lingmo tell you my request?

Yes. I have already said it. Master Ye made it very clear. The old Taoist also inquired about the information in advance. Bai Feng tensed up, fearing that he had done something wrong. Once the other party was provoked, no one in Yanshan City could do anything. If they stop it, if the Hongfang master goes crazy, he may even massacre the city.

Then what clues did you find? Tell me. Hongfangzhu picked up the teacup and took a sip out of boredom.

Now she looks like a tall, white-haired woman with a strong build. Although there is a faint ferocity about him, he is no different from ordinary martial arts masters.

Bai Feng lowered his head and wiped his sweat, looked around, his lips moved slightly, but no sound came out.

As his lips moved, Hongfangzhu's eyes shone slightly.

She pondered for a moment and suddenly stood up.

Then just go and have a look.

She dropped her words, strode up to the umbrella girl, and walked towards the street.

Old Taoist Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed.

But this will alert the enemy, in case it angers that family. He tried to dissuade the Hongfang owner.

Let them come to me. No matter who he is, I need an explanation. No matter who he is. Hongfangzhu said nonchalantly.

Bai Feng secretly complained. If anyone knew that he was the one who revealed the information, then he, the director of the Supervision Department, would be in real trouble. This feeling of being caught in the middle is not an ordinary discomfort.

He trotted all the way, closely following the two people from Hongfang. He knew where they were going and there was nothing he could do to dissuade them.

The few people were extremely fast and reached the core area of ​​Yanshan City in just a few clicks on the block.

The owner of Hongfang quickly stopped in front of a large mansion and looked up at the plaque hanging above.

Lu Mansion?

According to our informant's report, Gang Leader Lu Shenglu has a lot of connections with the Martial Alliance, but there is no evidence. Old Taoist Bai Feng quickly followed up and whispered. But this probably has little to do with the burning of the Hongfang headquarters a while ago.

A few people stood in front of the Lu Mansion, looking inconspicuous, like tourists who happened to pass by and were photographed by the mansion's decorative style, and stopped to watch.

Lord Hongfang stared coldly at the plaque of Lu Mansion, and suddenly turned back to stare at Old Taoist Bai Feng.

You have a good plan.

She turned around and left without saying a word.

The umbrella girl breathed a sigh of relief.

The leader of the Red Whale Gang is said to be very close to Shangyang Jiuli. The Lu Mansion in front of her is the family of Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang. If my sister is really instigated by the old Taoist Bai Feng and touches Lu Sheng's family, then the situation will be really troublesome. .

The Shangyang Family would consider this a provocation.

With my sister's fearless character, she will never give in to oppression.

Sister, let's leave the Northland. The umbrella girl said this without stammering. She followed Hongfangzhu closely, looking a little depressed.

It doesn't matter! Soon, soon I will become stronger, and then we can build a new Red Square together, and no one can hurt you or me. Don't worry, Yingying, I'm here, everything is mine! Red Boss held her hand tightly and said seriously.

The umbrella girl looked at her blankly, her sister had said this since a long time ago.

It's just that she watched her sister struggling hard, but her hands were tied. Although she was much stronger than others, she was still wary and didn't dare to do anything.

She struggled to support Hongfang alone, a so-called home where only the two of them were left.

Facing the Shangyang family, facing Xinyouhui, and facing the forces with huge backgrounds, he has always refused to give in.

She just stood aside and watched, feeling tired.

Don't worry, as long as I break through a little bit more, everything will be fine. Hongfangzhu smiled at her with an unfailing confidence on his face.

But the more she behaved like this, the more bitter the umbrella girl felt. The image of her sister enduring Lingchi's painful practice countless days and nights kept flashing back in front of her eyes.

She could see the restlessness, fatigue, and hesitation in her sister's eyes. She was too familiar with her.

Is it Xinyouhui?

The force that kept approaching, the elder sister came back with her broken arm covered in blood, a look that the umbrella girl still can't forget to this day.

How long has it been since I saw my sister looking so embarrassed?

Yingying lowered her head, and the thought of leaving came to mind again.

She didn't want her sister to have such a hard time, and the power of Xin Youhui was slowly chasing her here. They couldn't hide for long. Even if they rebuilt the Hongfang and used the secret book of magic to build a hidden magic circle, they still couldn't hide from Xin Youhui.

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