Extreme Demon

Chapter 168 Absorption 3

Lu Sheng carried the old man not far and sat down next to a relatively clean-smelling prison.

Then he took the elixir that Xin Youhui had given him and stuffed it into his mouth in the blink of an eye without the old man paying attention.

Lu Sheng ignored the old man's expression that turned into a pig's liver shape.

Eat it, let me see the effect after eating it

He stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the old man's chest, and traces of pure Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi quickly penetrated into his body. The aggression began to spread rapidly throughout the old man's body.

A fine and obscure Yinhe net was quickly set up, and the old man's original huge inner energy was slowly guided into it.

This is Lu Sheng's method, let others try the medicine, and if it is really effective, he will absorb the increased inner energy through the Yinhe Net. This is absolutely foolproof.

Moreover, there were so many heavy-duty prisoners in the prison, which gave Lu Sheng a vague idea. The masters in these prisons could be a tonic for him to improve his inner energy.

There are twenty or thirty prisoners in the fourth floor of the prison alone. Most of these people were imprisoned in the past few decades, and those further ahead have long since died.

Anyway, the felons on the fourth level will die sooner or later. Lu Sheng plans to use the Yinhe Net to completely suck out their inner energy and use the waste.

He was somewhat looking forward to it. After absorbing all the inner energy of these masters, what height would his own inner energy cultivation reach?

After taking the elixir into his mouth, the old man's whole body began to tremble slowly. A large amount of heat steamed out from the top of his head, and his skin highlighted dense dark red blood vessels.


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the old man's mouth. Uncontrollable internal energy surged and boiled violently in his body.

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he reached out and gently pressed his forehead. A trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi quickly penetrated into his body.

As soon as his inner energy entered the old man's body, he felt that the old man had turned into a barrel of explosives and could explode completely at any time.

A large amount of internal energy surged out from the old man's stomach like a fountain, spreading to the meridians of the body's limbs.

If his physical body was strong enough, maybe dozens more of these pills could reach the point where the inner energy would be liquefied, but unfortunately the old man's physical body was too weak.

He couldn't bear the inner energy that was calculated from the elixir alone for more than a hundred years.

Help me! The old man's eyes bulged, and countless bloodshot eyes filled them.

The Yinhe Net was quickly constructed within his body, and Lu Sheng waited quietly, about ten breaths later.


With a harsh inhalation sound, the old man shuddered, his eyes rolled up, and he suddenly passed out. A large amount of inner energy surged like a spring, was guided out by the Yinhe Net, and poured into Lu Sheng's body along the palm of his hand.

The old man's hundreds of years of positive inner energy was absorbed and swallowed up in just a short moment.

Letting go of the old man's body, Lu Sheng took a deep breath. A large amount of internal energy in his body was running wildly, transforming rapidly in the Yinhe Net. All the internal energy that did not match his own aura was transformed at such a high speed, and then It turned into Lu Sheng's own inner energy.

As time passed, Lu Sheng's whole body was shaken, and a new drop of Baoping Qi liquid slowly condensed out from the middle of his chest.

This drop of liquid is the result of the condensation of the old man's internal energy and the elixir.

This conversion rate is not bad. Before, once the Yinhe Network was completed, I should have thought of coming here to absorb the inner energy. But it is not too late to think of it now.

Lu Sheng stood up, ignoring the limp old man on the ground, and continued walking towards the other cells in the dungeon.

He needs more prisoners to absorb the inner energy.

As we moved forward slowly, we saw that in each prison there were many corpses, bloated corpses. There are also some living people, but they are all exhausted of energy and blood, not far from death, and have become crazy, far worse than the old man before.

Lu Sheng guessed that the old man was the last one to be imprisoned, so he could still retain a certain amount of vitality.

He walked around all the prisons, and there were only a dozen or so prisoners left in the prison. Among them, only five prisoners were still full of energy, and the rest were not far away from death and were full of energy. The consumption is about the same, not to mention the internal energy.

the second.

In the second prison, the prisoner was a thin woman with astonishingly bright eyes.

The woman was not wearing any clothes, but the thick black dirt on her body made it impossible for people to think of words like seductive and sexy.

She looked up at Lu Sheng with disheveled hair. They were separated by a cell door, but Lu Sheng could still feel the other person's extremely energetic energy.

I heard the screams of the old guy from Dingyang Shou. Are you here to let us out, or are you here to test your skills? The woman's voice was hoarse, as if she had injured her throat in her early years.

It's considered a test of strength. Another Tianyuan.

Just by standing in front of the cell door, Lu Sheng felt the woman's majestic inner energy. This is the prison of the largest gang in the North. It is really not something that ordinary people can imagine.

He said, how could it be possible that not a single Tianyuan celebrity appeared in the entire Northland? It turned out that it was not that he had not appeared before, but that he had either been in an accident or was locked up in prison.

As for who did it, apart from the Zhen family, there was no one else.

I heard it, I heard you let go of Dingyang's hand. The woman said seriously. Are you going to let me out too? Like him?

What? Lu Sheng was stunned, not understanding what she meant by asking this question.

I'm a little scared. The woman said seriously. I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill you as soon as I come out. I don't recommend

I suggest you find some experts to pin my hands and feet first.

Lu Sheng was startled, then laughed.

You're very interesting. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the arm-thick iron railing, and pulled hard.


Amidst the terrifying sound of metal twisting, and under the woman's straight-eyed gaze, he forcibly pulled out two iron bars as thick as forearms into an O-shape.

This kind of power has simply reached an inhuman level.

Come out. Lu Sheng looked into the prison.

The woman's eyes became brighter.

She looked at Lu Sheng, put her hands on the moss-covered wall, jumped out suddenly, and flew out from the gap between the iron bars in the blink of an eye, landing gently on the flat ground not far from Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng saw her eyes flashing continuously, as if she was suppressing some unknown impulse in her heart.

What's your name? he asked in a low voice.

Zhao Jiaojiao. The woman answered seriously.

You are very powerful. Lu Sheng showed rare admiration, You are even more powerful than the old man in front of you.

Of course, if I hadn't taken the initiative to try my hand at the Zhen family and ended up being captured, I wouldn't have ended up here. Zhao Jiaojiao said calmly, looking like a normal person.

How many years have you been imprisoned here? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

I don't know, maybe twenty years, maybe fifty years, I won't remember this kind of thing anymore. Zhao Jiaojiao said casually. Now that you've let me out, what are you going to do?

I originally planned to abolish your cultivation. Lu Sheng said with a smile, But now I have changed my mind.


His figure suddenly flashed, appearing behind Zhao Jiaojiao as if teleporting, and slapped her on the back of the heart.


Zhao Jiaojiao's whole body shook instinctively, and a large amount of terrifying and violent inner energy surged out of her body. This inner energy was even stronger than the Chiji Nine Evils, as if they were bombs that would explode upon contact.

Bang! ! Bang bang bang bang! !

A large amount of internal energy exploded on Lu Sheng's body, like white balls of light the size of a fist, which caused the entire prison walls to tremble violently.

Huge sound waves are constantly surging in the dungeon. If an ordinary person comes, their eardrums will be shattered in an instant.

But it had no effect on the two of them at this time.

Zhao Jiaojiao tried to turn around, but no matter how strong she was, she was still far behind Lu Sheng.

Before she could turn halfway, a majestic inner energy surged into her body, instantly overwhelming all her inner energy defenses.

A dense and complicated Yinhe net quickly formed within his body.

More than an hour later, Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the dungeon, followed by Zhao Jiaojiao, who was wearing a black cloak.

All the inner energy of all the remaining prisoners in the cell was absorbed by him. Except for Zhao Jiaojiao, all the other prisoners who had their inner energy drained quickly ran out of energy and no inner energy to support them. In Lu Sheng The moment he finished his work, he was sucked to death.

At this point, only Zhao Jiaojiao survived in the entire fourth-floor water prison.

You go freshen up, and someone will bring you to me later. Don't try to run, you are a smart person and know that it is meaningless. Lu Sheng said calmly.

I, Zhao Jiaojiao, am not that stupid. Zhao Jiaojiao smiled.

That's good. Lu Sheng nodded. He called the guards and gave his orders, and soon several female gang members came and took Zhao Jiaojiao down to rest and wash up. And he went directly to the study.

In one breath, he sucked up all the inner Qi of all the prisoners on the fourth floor of the prison. Now he has at least nearly four hundred years of treasure bottle Qi in his body. Four drops of Qi slowly floated and rotated in his chest, completely absorbing the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong. The positive gas is suppressed by hydraulic pressure.

What's a little troublesome is that the inner Qi transformed from the Yinhe Net is all Baoping Qi. Just to increase the Yin inner Qi, we must find a transformation method to balance Yin and Yang! Balance Yin and Yang!!

Lu Sheng suddenly thought that one of the functions of the Yin and Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi is to balance Yin and Yang. The principle of this Kung Fu is to achieve a state of balance between Yin and Yang by nourishing Yin and Yang.

Since the Baoping Qi can transform other positive inner Qi before, it should also be able to transform it back.

After breathing in four hundred years of inner energy, Lu Sheng felt slightly swollen.

He entered the study and simply closed his eyes and meditated quietly, studying how to transform the inner energy into positive energy.

Xu Chui has met the gang leader. After sitting for a long time, Xu Chui, who had already reached the level of Tongyi and even concentration, slowly walked in and knelt down on one knee.

I'll give you a task. Lu Sheng said calmly without opening his eyes.

Gang leader, please speak. Xu Chui lowered his head and said respectfully.

Bring enough manpower to capture all the masters in Shanhumen who have been secretly opposing my Red Whale Gang and send them to prison. Note that only masters are the masters, internal masters. Lu Sheng warned.

Yes! Xu Chui responded in a deep voice.

Since he came back last time, he has completely taken charge of the Flying Eagle Hall. With his normal strength, it is enough to deal with the masters of Shanhumen, not to mention that he has hidden trump cards.

Now Xu Chui can also be used as a Tianyuan.

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