Extreme Demon

Chapter 167 Absorption 2 (Thanks to the alliance leader sister Wuxia for the reward~)


The treasure map unfolded, and the dense dots on it suddenly appeared in front of Lu Sheng's eyes.

His eyes quickly focused on the location of the medicine.

The umbrella girl can be controlled for the time being and can help hide it, but sooner or later it will be exposed. Lu Sheng gently rubbed his fingers on the map.

Ye Lingmo, Hongfang Master. It's really tricky. He frowned. Hongfang Master's strength had exceeded his expectation. With his current strength, let alone one person, even three more would not be enough to be the main player of Hongfang.

Judging from the Umbrella Girl's description of the Hongfang Master, Ye Lingmo is not even his enemy. This Hongfang Master is a bit too strong.

Do you find it difficult? Suddenly a sharp man's voice suddenly sounded in the study.


Lu Sheng's eyes darkened, and the blood net all over his body suddenly exploded, and streams of blood-colored smoke flew in all directions, trying to sweep away every hidden corner of the study.

We mean no harm, the shrill voice continued. Not affected by the blood network at all. We and Master Hongfang are also enemies.

Lu Sheng checked it over and found that he couldn't find out how the other party was talking to him. With a shiver in his heart, he said slowly.

So, who are you?

We. Our name is Xinyouhui. You may have never heard of this name. You just need to know that we are here to kill the Red Boss. The voice became sharper.

Kill Hongfang Master? Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged. Naturally, he would not easily believe this person's words.

You don't need to know the reason, you just need to know that we have a life-and-death feud with her. The voice explained simply. The reason why I found you is that I hope you will cooperate with us and kill the Hongfang Master together.

Lu Sheng's heart became more and more awe-inspiring. It was obvious that the other party knew that he controlled the umbrella girl, otherwise he would not have come to him.

The other party's methods were so unpredictable that he couldn't even find out where the other party was hiding.

The blood network quickly recovered it and returned it all to his body.

Why should I believe you? Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Whether you believe it or not, we will take action. The voice paused, I can tell you briefly.

That woman killed two of our Dharma Kings and more than a dozen flying gods! In the end, the deputy leader personally took action and intercepted him halfway, but he still escaped.

Isn't she going to fight for the Red Dragon Tribulation? Lu Sheng suddenly interrupted.

Red Dragon Tribulation!! Yes! It's her! We've already got it! The sharp voice began to roar faintly, and seemed to be slowly getting angry. But at the critical moment, that woman actually stole the main part of the magic weapon!

There seems to be something wrong with this man's brain. It seems that the forces that were enemies of the Red Dragon Lord during the Red Dragon Tribulation have arrived.

Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly, but his expression remained unchanged.

Since you said you want to cooperate with me, you must show your sincerity in cooperation.

Well, you have the cronies around that bitch. That's not enough, far from enough! the voice said sharply.

You don't know how strong she is. After getting the Red Dragon Tribulation fragment, she is still getting stronger. In order to kill this bitch with 100% certainty, we need to make some preparations in advance. A little preparation!

What preparations? You haven't expressed your sincerity yet. Our Shangyang family and the Hongfang master don't have any sworn hatred, and they can be resolved with compensation. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Sincerity. Don't you like practicing martial arts? This is for you. The voice paused.


A delicate gray box suddenly shot out of the window.

Poof, the box smashed through the window paper and landed firmly in front of Lu Sheng. It spun a few times on the desk and slowly stopped.

The Cloud Snake Reeling Heart Pill is the supreme replenishing medicine in the eyes of mortal warriors. It can be regarded as a meeting gift. The voice chuckled, How about a real gift, a complete Cloud Snake blood? The poison in it is enough for you. It’s just around the corner to temper your own black membrane and step into the level of the four lines!

Lu Sheng picked up the box and opened it gently. Inside, there was a pearl-like elixir lying quietly inside.

The other party actually directly gave him this kind of elixir. Even though the elixir was very tonic, did he really dare to take the medicine given by such a completely unfamiliar force?

Are you worried? There's something wrong with the elixir? The voice chuckled. Just find someone to try. That's it. I hope you have thought it over clearly when I come to you next time.

The sound eventually faded away.

In the end, Lu Sheng still didn't realize how the other party was talking to him.

He looked at the pills on the table quietly. The appearance of this Xinyouhui disrupted his arrangements.

After sitting quietly in the study for a while, he suddenly spoke out.

Somebody come!


A guard quickly entered the door and knelt down on one knee.

Prepare the carriage, I'm going to the dungeon.


The Red Whale Gang's dungeon is actually a water dungeon.

All prisoners are divided into four levels. The top level is the most common prisoners, who are usually imprisoned for non-homicide cases.

The second level is for jailing people with stronger martial arts skills and characters who have committed murder cases. Gangsters and the like are also here.

On the third level, there are some serious criminals, strong martial arts, or influential characters.

The final fourth level is also the darkest and cruelest level of the Red Whale Gang. What is imprisoned here are top masters who have committed heinous crimes and are extremely powerful.


The iron door of the water prison was suddenly opened, and there was another heavy iron door inside.

Lu Shenglian walked slowly in, flanked by guards on both sides, and a cell leader was leading him all the way down to the fourth floor of the water prison.

The space was dark and depressing, and the air was filled with the stench of rot and mold.

The jailers who were guarding each had a somewhat distorted expression. It was obvious that they had been in this environment for a long time and their mentality was somewhat affected.

Gang leader, this fourth floor even houses some top masters that even the old gang leader couldn't handle before. At that time, it was the people above who took action to catch them and throw them away.

As for the inside here, I dare not go in. The old man stood in front of the iron gate with a grimace. This is the last iron gate. They have passed thirteen iron gates in a row. This is the fourteenth and the last. After passing through this dangerous passage, there is the most dangerous and darkest, terrifying heavy water prison with very little light.

It doesn't matter, I can just go in by myself. Lu Sheng said calmly with a calm expression.

If the gang leader wants to come out, just shout at the door. The old man swallowed his saliva and whispered.

Yes. Open the door. Lu Sheng nodded.

The old man had a grimace on his face, his hands were trembling a little, and he trembled for a while before unlocking the last large iron door.


The heavy square iron door made a sharp and sharp sound when it was slowly opened from the stone wall.

The jailers on both sides felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, holding knives in their hands and staring at the door.

Lu Sheng looked inside and could only see darkness. He stepped in without hesitation.

After getting used to the light for a while. Inside is a dark, narrow corridor, and the floor of the corridor is a square water prison. There was constant sound of water rippling inside.

The entire fourth floor was deserted and quiet. It was not known if all the prisoners inside were dead.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and walked slowly into the corridor. The sound of the iron door being closed and locked was quickly heard behind him.

Without looking behind him, he slowly walked up the corridor. While looking down.

He slowly walked past the water prisons one after another. To his regret, they were all empty and there was no one inside. The dirty black water soaked into one-third of the water cell. Even if the people inside are still alive, they may be soaked and rotted away over time.

Lu Sheng frowned slightly. It was so smelly here and there was no ventilation. It was hard to imagine that anyone could survive here.

Fortunately, the fourth floor is very large, with dozens of prisons in it.

He walked slowly step by step, carefully observing each water prison.

Time passed slowly. I don't know how long it took. Finally, Lu Sheng finally saw a figure in a water prison.

He paused and looked carefully, but then he shook his head and left the prison.

The figure in the prison had become swollen and was floating on the water like a balloon. He was facing down and his whole body had turned purple and white. The smell of corpses was soaring into the sky, even from a height of several meters, Lu Sheng could still smell it. Smell clearly.

Young man. What are you looking for when you come here?

Suddenly an old voice made him stop.

Lu Sheng's eyes followed the sound, and beyond two consecutive prisons, he saw a person. An old man was leaning against the cell door, his body away from the sewage, hanging in the air.

Who are you? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

Tell me first, why are you here? The old man smiled slyly and asked.

I came here to find someone to test the medicine. Lu Sheng made no secret of it.

The drug tester? The old man was stunned. What do you think of me?

You? Lu Sheng felt the old man carefully. His inner energy was very strong.

Even Zhang Wuya may not be able to match the total amount of internal energy of the old man in front of him. Lu Sheng had never felt this sense of danger from a second person before, as if his entire body was being compressed by springs and could explode at any time.

He glanced at the iron door of the water prison, reached out and took out the key, squatted down, and inserted the key into the big lock.


The iron door slowly sank, and the old man's eyes instantly lit up, like an owl in the dark night, wide open.


He suddenly looked like a civet cat, and in the blink of an eye he emerged from the gap in the iron door and clawed at Lu Sheng.

The speed of this claw was not very fast, but the inner energy emitted by it was faintly locked into the surrounding air, blocking all directions that Lu Sheng could dodge.

The cultivation level is good. Lu Sheng's eyelids moved. The right arm popped out like lightning.


His hand was straight and strong, holding the old man's neck. Hang it in mid-air.

It's just you. Lu Sheng picked him up, turned around, and walked slowly towards the way he came. The old man in his hand struggled desperately, but no matter how hard he used his power to hit Lu Sheng, it was of no avail.

A series of frightening sights came from the darkness. They were all staring greedily at Lu Sheng who walked in. But now they saw that the old man was captured instantly. Those sights suddenly disappeared and dispersed like frightened rabbits.

It’s another week’s thank you list~ Thank you all for your strong support. Now that the plot has entered a stable period, it’s really touching to have so many people encouraging me. ?﹏?The following is the list of 10,000-point rewards last week.

The magic stick is alive

Book Friends 20170208140839512

Radish Geng 01

The descendant of wind @

Book friend 160209044759476

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