Extreme Demon

Chapter 166 Absorption 1

Dong Dong Dong Dong

The sound of rapid drumming suddenly sounded in the martial alliance. This was an alarm, and the sound of a large number of people running around could be heard.

Redhead licked his lips.

Mortal people always like fearless struggle.


The few Martial Alliance guards who had escaped far away suddenly exploded at this moment, and their chests seemed to have been slashed diagonally with a knife. He didn't go far before he fell to the ground.

The demon! The demon is coming!!

Go and invite the leader!

The chaotic crowd dispersed in all directions. The entire martial alliance fled like a flock of frightened sparrows, without even a single person trying to resist.

Lord Hongfang curled his lips in boredom, walked out of the hole, and headed straight towards the middle pavilion.


At this moment, several old men swooped in from the air and silently hit her from behind. Trying to sneak attack.


The bloody light exploded, and Hongbozhu did nothing at all, just quietly stepped forward. The figures rushing towards her exploded automatically and flew backwards, with terrifying knife marks appearing on their bodies.

Groups of blood flowers kept blooming around her, like fireworks exploding wantonly.

Hongfangzhu walked towards the center of the Martial Alliance. From her experience, as long as it is the center of a human building, it will usually be the core area.

Let's go!! More than a dozen people rushed up, holding heavy weapons in their hands, such as hammers, maces, axes, etc., and they all started hitting her.

With a look of heroism on their faces, they rushed over to protect their relatives and friends.

But to no avail.

Bang! !

The incoming figures exploded around her again, and then flew backwards, with huge knife edges appearing on the surface of the body.

Puff puff puff puff! !

A large number of corpses fell around, and some even broke the wooden doors and stone pillars. Blood splattered everywhere.

Hongfangzhu walked towards the center step by step. In the North, no one could stop her.

The Shangyang family can’t do it, and the Wuyou Mansion can’t do it either!

Here, she is invincible!

Wait! Suddenly a black shadow flashed and appeared in front of her.

clang! ! !

In an instant, a vague shadow of a knife flashed past, and the black shadow in front of him was thrown far away as if struck by lightning, leaving long scorch marks on the ground.


The black shadow spurted out a mouthful of blood and covered his chest with his hands.

Master Hongfang! Ye Lingmo steadied himself angrily. He was stabbed inexplicably and almost made a fool of himself, which made him feel embarrassed. At the same time, the energy and blood in his body was boiling, and he was also shocked at the opponent's strength.

.It's you. Master Hongfang said expressionlessly. Get out of the way, or I'll kill you too.

What use is it to you and me to investigate the situation if you kill everyone like this!? Ye Lingmo said speechlessly.

What does that have to do with it? It's easier to find out if you become a wandering soul. Hongfang Master said calmly, her eyes turned cold. Besides, I need your guidance to do something?

Ye Lingmo felt cold and did not dare to say anything anymore. The strength of Lord Hongfang exceeded his expectations. Even if his strength was not in head-on confrontation, being cut off with a single blow to the head was too embarrassing in a confrontation of the same level. .

I don't dare. Ye just wants to remind the owner of the shop. If you alert someone like this, you will most likely get nothing in the end. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a low voice.

Hongfangzhu paused.

Ye Lingmo saw that there was something going on and said quickly.

What's more, the owner's actions are too big. Even if clues are found this time, the murderer behind the scenes will definitely be discovered in other places later. This will make the investigation more difficult.

So, what do you think I should do? Hongfang Master's vision became more and more dangerous.

After we find out everything here, go to the Northland Supervision Department. We can use all the power we can. Ye Lingmo said quickly.

He knew that Lord Hongfang was killed in the Red Dragon Tribulation. So many forces that robbed the Red Dragon Tribulation actually allowed her to fight for a piece. It can be imagined that her strength is by no means as simple as he thought.

As for here, my Wuyou Mansion is here, and there are some secrets. Ye Lingmo said solemnly. I also found a clue from them that is not a clue. I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Shangyang family.

Shangyang Family Hongfang Master's eyes darkened.


On the road at night, Lu Sheng was riding a tall horse, holding a secret book given by Zhang Wuya in his hand and reading it carefully.

This is a Kung Li level martial art. Although the level is too low for him now, there is still something to learn from.

He tried to see if he could accelerate the transformation of the body's inner energy after gathering a lot of martial arts experience.

Hongfangzhu and Ye Lingmo put a lot of pressure on him. He could feel that Ye Lingmo alone could no longer handle it, and a stronger Hongfang Master was added to the mix.

If he doesn't transform quickly, even Shang Yang Jiuli won't be able to protect him once he is found.

But this level of level cannot be broken through by ordinary people. Lu Sheng's heart was racing. When his body was still in the transformation stage, if he wanted to resist either Hongfang Master or Ye Lingmo, he was afraid that he would have to fall. On the inside.

The biggest hope is the Yinhe Net. As for the Yin Qi. The Yin Qi has been completely used for the time being, but the Yinhe Net can absorb the internal energy from hostile martial arts masters.

Lu Sheng frowned.

If all these fail, if you want to quickly improve your strength. He suddenly thought of the treasure map left by Li Shunxi.

After settling the people this time, we started to speed up the search for the treasure. Hongfang Master's investigation was not that fast, but there was not much time.

Lu Sheng felt a little anxious.

Puff puff puff.

Amidst the subtle flapping of bird wings, Xu Chui slowly caught up from behind.

Gang leader, your letter. He held a roll of red letter paper in his hand. At first glance, it is a paper tube tied to the pigeon's leg.

Lu Sheng took it, opened it, glanced at it, and squeezed it. The paper suddenly burst into flames and quickly turned into black ash and disappeared.

It's news from the Umbrella Girl. Lord Hongfang has arrived at the Martial Alliance.

Speed ​​up! Lu Sheng immediately urged.

Zhong Yunxiu caught up from behind, with a puzzled look on his face.

Gang leader, what happened?

Lu Sheng's expression changed into a serious one and he nodded seriously.

The Martial Alliance was attacked, and the masters from Hongfang and Wuyou Mansion have already entered. I'm afraid now...

Zhong Yunxiu's pretty face was suddenly shocked, and she didn't seem to react for a moment. After a while, she slowly came back to her senses and clenched her hands.

She would not think that Lu Sheng had brought the Wuyou Mansion and others. Ever since the spy incident happened, the place in the Martial Alliance was actually no longer safe.

Zhang Wuya and others also quickly approached.

The alliance was attacked?! These people all had keen senses. Lu Sheng didn't hide his words when he spoke, so naturally they all heard it.

Afraid of a bird! We have all been brought out. The rest are either spies or stubborn people. If they die, they will die. This martial alliance should not exist like this. I will take care of Nian Shou during the days of hiding in XZ. That's enough! Guan Nian furiously threw the water bag in his hand to the ground.

You don't understand. You don't understand. Zhang Wuya looked a little dazed. Supported by the other Tianyuan old men, he apologized and went back.

Zhong Yunxiu's face turned pale and he was silent for a moment. Leader Lu, I wonder what the specific situation of the Martial Alliance is now? How much damage has been caused by the impact?

Lu Sheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Ye Lingmo, deputy master of the Wuyou Mansion, and Master Hongfang took matters into their own hands. He didn't finish the next words, but the conclusion was obvious.

Zhong Yunxiu left almost in a trance and returned to the bullock cart.

Guan Nian stayed alone and asked his brothers to go back and have some quiet time to ease the huge shock of receiving the news.

We have been using this stronghold for more than ten years, and now everything goes wrong. Guan Nian sneered, Those old stubborns, those rubbish who have been slandering us for having problems, will definitely be finished. Now it's better. Are you comfortable now?

He paused, raised his head and looked at Lu Sheng seriously.

Gang Leader Lu, I also know that you are not helping us for free. It is true that we did not do a good job in the matter of Brother Li Shunxi. But now the martial alliance is in turmoil. After the misunderstanding between Zhong Yunxiu and I was resolved, I heard from her that you have a way Can someone identify us as a spy?

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded. But the other party must let go of the black film.

Let go of the black film. Guan Nian's expression changed slightly. The black film was their biggest reliance on survival. Taking the initiative to let go was basically placing his own safety in the hands of the other party.

I'll think about it again.

Lu Sheng didn't force anything, he just looked calm and watched Guan Nian turn around and slowly return to his oxcart. It was time for the team to rest and he continued to get up and continue on his way.

The team waited until dawn before finally arriving at a new valley.

A huge white waterfall rumbles straight down from one side. Opposite the waterfall is a wide river, mountain, forest and stone beach.

The valley is located between the rocky beach and the mountain forest, surrounded by towering ancient giant trees.

Lu Sheng had already arranged for people to build some simple wooden houses here. At this time, everyone with the Wu League arrived and found the food, dried meat and vegetables hidden here from nearby caves. After that, he left all the affairs to Zhang Wuya.

Along the way, after having a detailed conversation with Zhang Wuya and others, Lu Sheng failed to persuade all Tianyuan to join him, but at least three of the more than ten Tianyuan were persuaded by him and were still hesitating.

These three are all people who like tranquility. Most of them study martial arts and elixirs within the alliance and do not like fighting.

Lu Sheng also needs such talents.

Lu Sheng was not in a hurry to settle down the people of the Martial Alliance. Now the entire life of the Martial Alliance relied on him and the Red Whale Gang. Sooner or later, they would be able to get the good stuff they had in their hands.

The top priority now is to quickly shorten or even break the transformation period. As for the way to shorten the break, the only way Lu Sheng could think of was to use pills.

Use powerful elixirs such as accelerating body metabolism to speed up the transformation period. Although such elixirs often have side effects, Lu Sheng doesn't care. He has practiced the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Aquarius Qi integrated into the health-preserving skills, and now he has a vague feeling that he will live longer than ordinary people.

After returning to the gang, Lu Sheng quickly returned to the study and dug out the treasure map given by Li Shunxi from the secret compartment behind the bookcase.

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