Extreme Demon

Chapter 153 Arrival 2


Lu Sheng sat in front of the picture of green pines and black crows with a golden sword, holding tea in his hand and sipping it slowly. The refreshing fragrance of tea slowly filled the entire living room, making it look quiet and dignified.

Kneel down!

Shang Qinglong put his foot on Yang Yundu's knee and kicked him down in front of Lu Sheng.

Without saying a word, Yang Yundu got up and tried to stand up again, but was kicked to his knees again. Only then did he have to accept his fate and stop moving.

Lu Sheng looked at the young scholar with a soft face below him, his expression a little careless.

Have you figured it out?

Yang Yundu smiled miserably.

I didn't expect that I, Mr. Yang, would be implicated in something like this after working hard for many years. He looked up at Lu Sheng.

What will you do if I deny it?

Lu Sheng glanced at him.

Divorce your current wife and formally marry Lu Yingying with a betrothal gift, or the whole family will be hacked to death. Which one do you choose?

Yang Yundu was suddenly stunned. He could tell that Lu Sheng meant that he was not joking, but that he really wanted to do something.

He has been taught by strangers since he was a child, and he has practiced evil skills diligently, and his strength has become stronger day by day. He did not expect that he would still be discovered by others when he reached his current state.

Aren't you afraid that I will run away in the future? Yang Yundu asked again.

If you escape, I'll kill your whole family. Lu Sheng said casually.

But I'm not really good with Lu Yingying. Aren't you afraid that I'll treat her badly in the future?

If not, I'll kill your whole family. Lu Sheng continued casually.

. Yang Yundu felt unable to communicate with the other party. Could he really be coerced into living with Lu Yingying like this, a master of understanding and a handsome young man?

He was unwilling to give in.

Any more questions? Lu Sheng glanced at him.

Do you really believe me? Do you believe that I will live with Lu Yingying? Yang Yundu refused to believe it.

I don't believe it. Lu Sheng replied seriously, But I believe in the knife in my hand.

Yang Yundu felt his balls hurt.

People have made it clear that they don't care whether he was a flower-picking thief before, but the attitude of the person in front of him is: no matter whether he is a good person or not, he can live a good life if he is caught, stuffed in a cage, and forced with a knife.

I have to say that this method is crude, but effective.

It didn't take long for Yang Yundu to give in. He was so powerful that Lu Sheng couldn't even lift a finger in his hand. There are still many masters gathered outside.

Even if he escaped, the vast area of ​​​​Northland was controlled by the Red Whale Gang. Where could he escape?

After handling the affairs of Yang Yundu and the Yang family, Lu Sheng arranged the affairs and handed them over to Yu Lianzi to keep an eye on, while he returned to Lu Mansion to gather with a group of juniors.

Autumn is bleak and the fallen leaves are flying.

The next day.

In the small garden of Lu Mansion.

Lu Shengzheng, Lu Tianyang, Lu Yiyi and others chatted casually, talking about some changes at home, Yiyi's college life in the outer city, and some exchanges and exchanges on homework and academic advice.

This time, all the younger members of the family have finally arrived.

The uncle's son, his cousin Lu Hongying, was originally practicing martial arts outside, but this time he moved to Yanshan City with his father.

Lu Hongying was a talented person, with a dignified appearance, a beautiful beard that had been planted at a young age, and with his martial arts skills, he seemed to be as stable as a mountain among the juniors.

Lu Tianyang was still the same, with dark circles under his eyes due to excessive drinking and sleepiness.

Lu Yiyi has matured a lot. She used to have a purely ladylike temperament, but now she has a hint of independence and decisiveness. Coupled with her good looks and figure, she also attracted much attention among the juniors.

Then there was Zhang Xiuxiu. This girl deliberately sat very close to Lu Sheng. She was wearing a low-cut black dress and a short skirt. From time to time, she tried to rub against Lu Sheng's body, looking like she was wet with coquettishness.

She is Lu Sheng's grandfather's brother. They are too far apart and have little status in the Lu family. It is understandable that she would try to get along with Lu Sheng.

The last person was a girl that Lu Sheng didn't see very often.

Sun Ruoqing.

She is Lu Sheng's mother's younger brother, that is, his uncle's daughter. She is a real cousin, just like Lu Yiyi.

Lu Yiyi was the daughter of Lu Sheng's mother's sister, Sun Zi Ning, who was married to Lu Dian of the Lu family. Because Lu Dian is not directly related to the main wife, the relationship is decided by Sun Zi Ning.

To put it simply, Lu Yiyi is the daughter of Aunt Lu Sheng.

There were also some distant relatives and relatives, a total of more than ten people, surrounding Lu Sheng in the middle.

Everyone was talking and laughing, chatting to each other while sitting in the pavilion in the garden, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

While they were joking, a man in black came forward and whispered a few words in Lu Sheng's ear.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then pondered.

I have something to deal with. You guys can talk first. I'll make arrangements for you later on about Hongying and Yiyi.

Brother, you are busy. We are all idlers. We can eat, drink and have fun in our free time, but it will not be good if it delays your business. Lu Hongying stood up to see him off.

Well, if you have any trouble, you can send someone to deliver a message to the Jinyu Flower House. I'll go first. Lu Sheng nodded.

Everyone stood up to see him off and out of the garden.

Lu Sheng left Lu's house directly. The carriage was waiting outside. When he got into the carriage, Yu Lianzi was sitting inside waiting.

Gang leader. Yu Lianzi bowed slightly and saluted.

Have you found a place? Have you checked it? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

He didn't expect that he would be able to find a treasure medicine left by Li Shunxi so soon.

I've checked it, and I'm 100% certain that it is. It's just that the place we're in is a bit dangerous. Yu Lianzi replied in a low voice. The first one identified was the soul-condensing grass. There are two plants in total. It is said that some Orion herb collectors have seen it from a distance. However, it is hidden in the mist and cannot be picked. It seems that there are evil creatures guarding it.

Lu Sheng nodded.

It would be nice to be sure it's real. If this treasure map is confirmed to be real, it means that the other treasures on it are probably real.

The precious medicines are of great help to him, and some can even greatly reduce the consumption of yin energy. Directly using the precious medicines and the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Technique can improve some martial arts realm without harming the body.

And this is just an ordinary medicine.

I want to go into seclusion when I go back. Lu Sheng thought for a moment and then said carefully, In five days, you must mobilize the manpower, and all of them will be crossbowmen.


In addition, for the juniors in my family, Lu Hongying and Lu Yiyi, you can just find some casual jobs and put them in place. Don't be too important, just take care of them in your leisure time.


After arranging everything, Lu Sheng went to Chen Yunxi's place again to visit his fiancée, and then returned to the Red Whale.

In the huge Red Whale Gang, most of the top executives perform their own duties, and he does not need to do it personally. He is only needed to take action when encountering major issues and dealing with major directions.

So he also has enough space and time to consume the gains gained from this trip.

Quiet room.

Lu Sheng sat down cross-legged and placed several jars of golden ointment aside. There are also two other buckets of prepared medicinal soup.

Dark Blue. He took a deep breath and recalled the modifier he hadn't checked for a long time.

Among the mess of techniques, his eyes focused on the Chiji Nine Evils Technique again.

The Yin Qi obtained by the Tea Gang last time has not been completely consumed. This time, we may be able to condense the corresponding cathode state.

In the anode state, it is obtained after the hard work is completed. In the cathode state, Lu Sheng vaguely felt that there was hope for the Yin Yang Jade Crane Aquarius Qi skill to be condensed.

My current cultivation can be roughly divided into two parts, the physical body and the inner energy. Lu Sheng organized his thoughts in his mind.

“The physical body is strong enough so that the inner Qi can continue to liquefy.

The more liquefied the inner energy is, the stronger it will be, the more lethal I will be against the demons of the family.

He looked carefully at the mess of hard skills he had learned.

“I have learned too many hard skills, but they are all non-overlapping aspects. When they are all combined, they form a powerful state like the anode state.

Integrating all these hard skills training methods, perhaps these hard skills can be regarded as a martial arts and viewed as a whole.

He thought about it in his mind for a while, and the idea came to him not long ago.

Suddenly the modifier trembled slightly, and all the hard work started to blur. Then the lines continued to disappear, and finally a new box was re-formed.

‘Unknown martial arts: Yangji realm. Special effects: Strength bonus level 6, shock resistance level 3, penetration level 3, defense bonus level 3.’

A lot of skills and special effects are displayed one by one behind this new unified martial arts, pulling out a long list of names.

How can it still be like this? Lu Sheng was stunned and suddenly became happy.

The number of boxes on the modifier was limited, and he was worried that he would not be able to practice new martial arts in the future. He did not expect that they could be combined like this.

Since the combination of so many hard skills can stimulate the anode state, this martial arts can be said to be the strongest among the hard skills, so let's name it Jiyang Dao. Lu Sheng thought in his mind.

Immediately, the unknown martial arts on the modifier was naturally replaced by the words Jiyang Dao.

Without a large block of hard skills occupying the box, the modifier looks much cleaner.

Lu Sheng looked at the Chiji Jiusha Gong and Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi.

First improve the Jiyang Dao. Strengthen the physical body.

I used almost thirty units of Yin Qi last time, and I don’t know how much is left. Lu Sheng had no way to measure it specifically, and could only roughly estimate it based on the flow of Yin Qi produced during consumption.

He looked at the button behind Ji Yang Dao on the modifier. Sure enough, Yin Qi was enough to continue the deduction.

Moreover, during these days, he also carefully studied the newly acquired Thousand Trees Burning Heart Palm. Because of the compatibility of his masculine nature and his extremely high attainments in hard skills, he got started very quickly. At this time, this palm technique was also integrated into Jiyang Dao.

Promote the deduction to the first level of Jiyang Dao. Lu Sheng's mind moved.

Buzz! !

In an instant, the entire modifier suddenly became blurry.

His deduction improvement this time was different from before.

Because Jiyang Dao is a martial art that integrates many other hard skills, improving it by one level is equivalent to improving all hard skills by one level.

Such consumption instantly made Lu Sheng regret it.

A large amount of yin energy was consumed like a wave, and the skin all over his body began to turn red. Countless hair-sized tremors were like threads, constantly spreading and flowing around his body.

This is not inner energy, nor a physical object, but pure countless vibrations, vibrations the size of a hair.

Such vibrations crazily improved and adjusted Lu Sheng's body.

If you are an ordinary martial artist, if you want to reach this level, you need to push all these martial arts to the limit, and then merge them together, advance at the same time, and have an impact on the physical body to achieve such an effect.

Without the modifier, even Lu Sheng himself would have needed at least hundreds of years to achieve it.

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