Extreme Demon

Chapter 152 Arrival 1

In the backyard.

Lu was lying on the ground gently to play with the dog, barking randomly, and her light blue skirt was messed up by her pulling here and there.

Lu Yingying sat in front of the woodshed with a big belly, her eyes were red, she seemed to have just cried, but she couldn't help being teased to tears.

Yingying has been crying like this since she found out that the Yang family scholar got married a while ago. Outside the yard of the woodshed, Lu Yiyi led Lu Sheng and watched the two people playing around inside through the crack in the door, sighing slightly. .

Yingying will go crazy if she continues like this. She didn't understand anything in the first place. She finally found a close person and thought she could trust her for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect. Lu Yiyi originally studied in another city, and this time she went home on vacation. But he didn't expect that after learning about Lu Yingying's situation, he volunteered to come to comfort her.

Lu Sheng looked at Lu Yingying's belly through the crack in the door.

How long have you been pregnant?

More than six months. Lu Yingying replied.

Lu Sheng calculated the time, and he and Chen Yunxi got engaged. Although the agreement was for one year, they settled down and fulfilled the agreement within half a year.

As soon as the time between the two sides is combined, it will be exactly half a year.

I will handle this matter. Lu Sheng's expression was gloomy and a little ugly.

Brother Sheng, what are your plans? It's useless to go directly to that family, Lu Yiyi said helplessly.

You don't have to worry about this. Lu Sheng said calmly, turned and left.

The Yang family, who was friends with the scholar Lu Yingying, was quickly investigated by the subordinates of the Red Whale Gang. The detailed intelligence details were placed on the table of Lu Sheng's study that afternoon.

He took a brief look and found that it was just a middle-class family in the city. Three generations of people had been promoted. Because of the tax exemption, they had gathered a large area of ​​land and became a squire. In addition, they were rooted in Yanshan City, had many colleagues and students, and were quite powerful. The only interesting thing is the scholar himself.

But that’s about it.

Such a family, because it is not too close to the upper class, does not know some sensitive information. Because he is separated from the lower class, he neither looks down on the lower class families nor relies on the upper class circles. It belongs to the category of more than enough than above and less than below.

In Lu Mansion's bedroom, Lu Sheng wrote a handwritten message to Yu Lianzi, and Fei Ge took it with him.

How to deal with it? With his current status, he naturally doesn't have to do everything himself.

Soon, in the evening, Lu Sheng was invited to go out to enjoy the night scene with a group of juniors at home, and a reply from the gang came.

The old man of the Yang family was so angry that he vomited blood and would rather die than obey. He said he wanted to see if there was any king's law in this city along the mountain, so he allowed Xiao Xiao to be arrogant.

Would you rather die than obey? Lu Sheng sneered and crumpled the paper in his hand. As expected of the Third Generation Juren, he has some backbone, but if backbone is useful, what else does martial arts do in this world?

After all, that is Miss Yingying's husband's family, so we don't dare to deal with it casually. Lord Yulianzi is still waiting for the gang leader's reply. A member of the guards nearby said in a low voice.

What's the reply? If you don't obey, I'll beat you! If you obey, you'll be beaten! That's meaningless backbone, that's stupidity! Lu Sheng sneered twice, I, Lu Sheng, seem to be a bit insecure in this Yanshan City.

Gang leader, what if you keep disobeying? the guard asked cautiously, I have heard that this young man from the Yang family is known to be a tough guy. He considers himself to be honest and upright.

Kill a few of them and just accept it? Lu Sheng sneered, If it doesn't work, I'll kill them all. There are so many small families in this mountain city, and the Yang family is the only one like him.

The guard's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly took the order.


Bang! !

In the Yang family's courtyard, the door was kicked open violently. Several servants who stepped forward to stop him suddenly softened half their size when they saw the person's clothes and did not dare to step forward.

The man from Shangqinglong was tall, bare-chested, with two big hammers tied to his waist, and walked into the mansion with great satisfaction. He had experience in this kind of thing, so Yu Lianzi decisively sent him to take action.

You! You you you you!! The old man of the Yang family is already eighty-two years old.

In this kind of world, it is not easy to live to such an old age. At this time, the old man looked at the people of the Red Whale Gang who were filing in. He was so angry that he was speechless and trembling all over.

What are you doing!? Rebellion?! Some middle-aged people quickly rushed out of the mansion. Several of them were wearing uniforms and looked solemn and upright, shouting at the members of the Red Whale Gang.

Hand over Yang Yundu, don't blame me for not reminding you. Whoever caused this is responsible. Shang Qinglong said lazily, holding a toothpick in his hand and picking his teeth slowly.

Report to the official! Go and report to the official! Let Lieutenant Qing come and see who broke into the houses in broad daylight in Yanshan City!! A middle-aged man with a majestic appearance and an official portrait. He strode out and shouted harshly. He was not at all intimidated by the Red Whale Gang members who were armed with swords.

Report to the official? Shang Qinglong chuckled, In Yanshan City here, what official dares to interfere with the affairs of my Red Whale Gang? You don't go out to find out what happens to the people who offend my Red Whale Gang.

He waved his hand impatiently.

Okay, okay, tell me quickly, how to deal with this matter. Your Yang family, Yang Yundu, has made the belly of someone's yellow girl, and now you dare to marry yourself?!

Shuzi!! Mr. Yang was shaking with anger and pointed at Qinglong. If your bitch hadn't seduced my Yundu, what would have happened today! That woman had harmed his reputation and morals, and she actually dared to come and bite her back!?

So, you don't want to be merciful? Shang Qinglong's expression quickly changed and became gloomy.

Good? How can we do good? The middle-aged man stopped Mr. Yang, stood up and said loudly with the same gloomy expression.

The good thing is to ask Yang Yundu to divorce his wife and drive him out, and marry Miss Lu Yingying upright. Then put up a notice saying that your Yang family is wrong, Shang Qinglong said with a smile.

Impossible!! You are going too far! The middle-aged man was also furious.

It seems that you are going to fight hard, you have the backbone! I like it! Shang Qinglong rubbed his hands, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted.

Hit me! Beat me hard! Even if you beat me to death!!

Just a few people dare to fight against their boss, and they really risk their lives.

Suddenly a group of gang members rushed forward like wolves and tigers. They were unable to deal with monsters and monsters, but against ordinary people, even the servants who wielded swords and guns were no more than a single enemy.

After three strokes, five divided by two, everyone in the Yang family was knocked to the ground and tied up one by one.

Some who resisted fiercely were beaten until they were covered in blood and dying. Some of them were not injured, but were tied up and kneeling on the ground.

Bah! Shang Qinglong walked in front of Old Man Yang and spat in front of him.

You don't even want to know the details of our Red Whale Gang. How dare you harm the young lady of Lu Mansion? Do you really think you have nine lives?

You, you, you!!!! Mr. Yang was old and couldn't stand the stimulation. At this time, he finally rolled his eyes and fell to the ground unconscious.



A group of Yang family children were filial, but they showed their true feelings when they were tied up, and they were excited to help the old man.

Shang Qinglong was quite bored and led people to capture Yang Yundu and his wife who had been hiding in the cellar of the Yang family for a long time.

Seeing Yang Yundu himself, Shang Qinglong was also slightly stunned.

No wonder I was able to seduce Miss Yingying. She turns out to be pretty good-looking. I'm a little tempted by the sight of her.

Yang Yundu had a delicate face, as beautiful and gentle as a woman. Even when he was caught, he was not too panicked, just a little helpless and sad.

Are you Yingying's friend? I can't help Yingying. He clasped his fists towards Shang Qinglong and sighed. It's a pity that father's orders cannot be violated.

The gang members who captured him did not tie him up directly because of his special status. After all, how could an ordinary academy student struggle?

Young Master Yang, if you don't stop, please give me a message so that I can go back and recover. Shang Qinglong was also polite to him. What if he obeyed? From now on, he will be a relative of the gang leader's family, so he can't be offended to death.

Yang Yundu looked at the family members who were tied up all over the yard, and some were beaten to the point of dying. If they were dragged on any longer, they would really die.

When I thought that all these things happened because of me, I burst into tears and felt depressed.

Okay, okay, stop pretending. Yang Yundu, what kind of temperament did you have before? You can disguise it better than anyone else. Don't think we can't find out your bad things. Shang Qinglong said impatiently. It doesn't matter if it harms other people, we can't control it, but if it harms our Miss Yingying, hey, you'd better accept your fate honestly and don't force us to do anything dangerous.

What are you talking about, why can't I understand? Yang Yundu's eyes flashed with a hint of sinisterness.

Pretend to be a handsome young man, go around to deceive girls' trust, and steal the blood of virgins. Hey, Yang Yundu, what level have you reached in your awesome Nine Provinces Fist? Shang Qinglong said with a mocking look on his face.

You!!? As soon as these words came out, Yang Yundu's expression suddenly changed. This is the biggest secret he keeps in his heart. How could the person in front of him know it? !

Ignoring the surprised, shocked and disbelieving expressions of the family around him, he took a sharp step forward and said sternly.

How did you know!?

So, no matter whether you were a big flower-picking thief before or not, and you fell into the hands of Qinglong, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, you have to go to Lu Mansion to plant flowers for me!

Don't even think about it! Seeing that things were ruined, Yang Yundu jumped up and flew up from the ground at an extremely fast speed, heading towards the outside of the high wall.


Shang Qinglong laughed, and also jumped up, catching up with his back even faster, and slapped him hard.

Almost at the same time, a figure also appeared outside the wall. It was a short old man with white beard and hair.

The two of them, one behind the other, clapped their hands at the same time, hitting Yang Yundu in front and behind him.

Bang! !

Yang Yundu flipped his body, moving his hands forward and back to actually block the two people's combined attack. Then he turned over with a kite and was about to fly away.


At this moment, several large nets soared into the sky and were covered with crossbow arrows, covering him fiercely. There were dozens of crossbowmen outside, all aimed at him.

Yang Yundu didn't dare to move anymore.

He had just stepped into Tongyi, and he didn't want to lose all his years of cultivation in secret.

Good guy, luckily I was well prepared! Shang Qinglong cursed and rushed over after landing, I almost escaped with this kid.

Yang Yundu fell to the ground, his face slumped, he was trapped in the big net and couldn't move, and he lay exhausted on the ground.

Shang Qinglong walked over and couldn't help but kick him. This net is made of thousands of oiled ropes. Even sea sharks can be caught directly in the net. Are you afraid that you will break free? Take it away!

When the Yang family didn't know how to react, a group of people tied up Yang Yundu layer by layer and escorted him towards the Lu family.

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