Extreme Demon

Chapter 154 Cathode 1

In the secret room.

It only consumes dozens of units of Yin Qi. Lu Sheng then crossed a huge time gap that countless people could not imagine.

The strong vibration made it impossible for him to concentrate on his thoughts. He could only sit upright and endure the severe pain in his internal organs.

Lu Sheng could clearly feel that the density of his body was becoming denser and more powerful amidst a large amount of inexplicable vibrations and forces.

Instead of liberating the anode state, he remained in his original state and endured the pain as if everything inside him was burning. The huge amount of pain lasted for more than half an hour before it slowly weakened and subsided.


Lu Sheng blew out a powerful breath, and a breeze seemed to be swirling throughout the secret room.

Where he sat, the ground was covered in bloody sweat and dead skin. In such a short period of time, he actually shed a layer of skin all over his body!

Is this the end? Lu Sheng looked at the modifier tiredly.

As expected, there have been new changes in the column of Jiyang Road above.

‘Ji Yang Dao: A period of great success in the Yang pole state. Special effects: Strength bonus level 8, shock level 5, defense enhancement level 6, burning level 1.’

A great success in the Yang Yang state? In other words, the modifier defaults to this Yang Yang path. Is there any possibility of further strengthening it? Lu Sheng's heart lit up.

This means that this modifier has been able to sort out the subsequent promotion levels through the existing martial arts foundation.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the road behind Jiyang Road for the time being.

After a burst of crackling noises, Lu Sheng stood up, with a crunchy sound like fried beans exploding all over his body.

He raised his hand and shook it gently, and an unparalleled sense of power came back from his palm, making people extremely fulfilled.

Although I don't know how much stronger my physical body is, so much Yin Qi will not be wasted. In this way, my inner Qi can be liquefied further.

He slightly adapted to the further changes in his physical body, and quickly went to the secret compartment to take out the golden ointment and several refined body training pills.

After taking the medicine, he took off his clothes, stepped directly into a wooden barrel of medicine soup, and soaked his whole body in the medicine.

These medicinal soups and potions are specially designed to relieve the hidden wounds left after his physical body was strengthened, so as to greatly shorten the time between the second strengthening.

Otherwise, continuous strengthening would be unbearable for Lu Sheng. The consumption was too great, and even if Yin Qi was responsible for it, he was a little worried that it was not comprehensive enough.


As soon as it entered the water, bursts of white mist steamed out of the wooden barrel, and a strong medicinal smell wafted out and filled the entire secret room.

The enhanced transformation on Lu Sheng's body consumed so much that the residual heat caused the potion in the medicine bucket to evaporate rapidly.

After soaking for a while, Lu Sheng stood up and dried his body, sat down to adjust his breathing for a while, and took out a delicate white medicine box from the hidden compartment.

This box contains the Fourfold Tiger Robe Pill, an ancient nourishing pill prepared by the Chinese alchemist and pharmacist.

Opening the box with a click, Lu Sheng immediately smelled a faint medicinal fragrance, which was refreshing.

Compared with the golden ointment he usually takes, the scent of this medicine is clearer, and it lasts for a long time and cannot be blown away by the wind. It seemed as if it could penetrate through the lungs and reach the bottom of his heart. After just a few breaths, Lu Sheng felt an icy cold comfort.

From the box, he gently picked up a white pill as big as a longan.

Such a pill consumes 80% of the gang's most precious yin-nourishing medicinal materials, and there are no new raw materials on the market. The Northland's accumulated medicinal materials for the past ten years are just like this.

In terms of value, this fourfold tiger robe elixir has no market price at all. In order to refine this elixir, the elixir masters and pharmacists of the Red Whale Gang have worked hard. There is almost a big bag of old ginseng, deer antler, cordyceps, dendrobium, etc. A big bag of consumption.

After countless failures, I finally succeeded in such a pill.

Lu Sheng sighed softly, stuffed the elixir directly into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

The taste of the Fourfold Tiger Robe Pill was just like the licorice mints he had eaten before. It was sweet, but it contained many different strong medicinal flavors.

The elixir mixed with saliva melted into a thick liquid and slid down Lu Sheng's throat.

The heat in his body suddenly subsided slowly. The process of fading was neither fast nor slow. At exactly this time, Lu Sheng took out another big box from the secret compartment.

A big black box.

Opening the lid, there was a mess of white hair inside. The hair was still stained with bits of flesh and blood, and a strong fishy stench rushed out.

Lu Sheng held his breath, stretched out his fingers, bit the hole hard, and then pressed it on the lump of hair.

This is the hair of the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion whom he killed this time. The chief priest looked at it and relied on his hair. After Lu Sheng killed the opponent, he found that this thing remained, and there was still a strong yin energy on it, so he decided to put it on his waist. Wrap him up and take him back to the gang.


There was no smoke, just the noise of something corroding.

Lu Sheng felt a large amount of yin energy pouring into his hair through his index finger.

This feeling lasted for more than ten breaths and then disappeared quickly. The yin energy quickly faded away until it was completely gone.

Retracting his finger, Lu Sheng felt a little regretful.

It's probably not going to work like that piece of metal before. It's not like ordinary things can carry that amount of yin energy. He had previously suspected that the piece of metal was a fragment of a divine weapon, but because he had no way to judge, he didn't dare to Take it out and ask someone to identify it, then just put it in the secret room and forget about it.

The Yin Qi was used up before, and even if there was any left, it was definitely not much. But this time, there are about twenty units on the hair. It's not bad.

Feeling the amount of yin energy pouring into his body, Lu Sheng found some silk and wiped his fingers clean, then his eyes returned to the modifier.

In the light blue box, he looked directly at the column of Chiji Jiusha Gong.

While your body's strength is improving, it's better to improve your yang skills first. We killed the chief priest in Shuangying City before, but we didn't see anyone from Hongfang. If Hongfang finds out that it was me who did it, the situation will be troublesome. Lu Sheng also felt a little inexplicably worried.

Although Shangyang Jiuli doesn't care about Wuyou Mansion, he will not resist such a big hatred for me for no reason.

Between the two chief priests and several regional envoys, this account was already a blood feud. You must prepare yourself for the situation. Become more advanced as soon as possible, so that Wuyou Mansion can misjudge their strength, so that even if they are discovered, they can deal with it calmly.

He really wanted to improve his Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi, but the current situation forced him to quickly improve his strength.

Fortunately, the balance of yin and yang in the body has been adjusted. As long as more yin energy is found, the yin and yang Jade Crane Vase energy can be quickly increased and the inner energy of the exercise can be balanced.

He comforted himself in his heart, and then slowly looked at the column of Chiji Jiusha Gong.

The three drops of qi liquid in the body rotate slowly, absorbing and exhaling a large amount of thin internal qi, which seems to have the effect of purifying the power.

Three drops of gas liquid. If there are more, my strength can last longer when I explode. Lu Sheng calculated carefully.

He explodes gas and liquid in the anode state, which can last for a stick of incense. One drop of qi liquid can increase one's strength by one to two levels, and two drops of qi liquid bursting out at the same time can easily reach six to seven lines of strength.

This was the case when he killed the officiant. But after two drops broke out, his physical body couldn't bear it. The meridians were damaged and the injury was serious.

After this physical strengthening, Lu Sheng had a vague feeling that the two drops of qi liquid erupted might not be able to hurt his body anymore.

Three drops of qi liquid are actually enough. My body is still weak right now, and some of it can't bear the high concentration of internal qi liquid. He was a little hesitant. If he continued to improve his positive internal energy in this way, he was afraid that his physical body would be unable to bear it again. live.

Lu Sheng had an inexplicable intuition that made him feel that it might not be a good thing for him to improve the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong now.

Yin and yang need to be balanced. More than 20 units of yin energy can at most increase the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong by one level, while increasing the yin and yang jade crane treasure bottle energy may increase it by two levels. It may be possible to condense the cathode state.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Sheng made a decisive decision, and his thoughts finally fell on the Yin Yang Jade Crane Bao Vase Qi column.

‘Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi: seventh level. Special effects: rapid breath recovery, enhanced poison resistance, high-speed self-healing, suppression of yin and yang, energy transfer, and assimilation. ’

He looked at the modification button behind Baopingqi and lightly pressed it.

The modifier slowly blurred. Immediately, threads of cold tentacles slowly extended from Lu Sheng's heart and began to extend in all directions of his body.

At the same time, the effect of the fourfold tiger robe pill that he had taken before was also triggered, and two cold and refreshing feelings quickly swept through Lu Sheng's body.


His skin heated up rapidly, and Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong instinctively fought against this coldness.

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Baoping Qi ignored the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong and instead spread its tentacles to every inch of muscle and skin of Lu Sheng's body.

The coldness and the heat were mixed and fighting, and as time went by, they slowly began to neutralize and balance.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Sheng closed his eyes and fell into concentration. He vaguely felt that the breakthrough at this level seemed to be extremely important for the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi. It might be a qualitative improvement.

He did not dare to neglect, he concentrated and held his breath, waiting and observing quietly.

Gradually, he realized something was wrong.

The tentacle threads of the Yin-Yang Jade Crane's Aquarius Qi are actually becoming more and more solidified.

It was as if a new internal energy network was being built from scratch inside his body.

It's not just the internal energy network, it's more like a new meridian! Lu Sheng thought of this and his body trembled slightly.

Yin Yang Jade Crane Baoping Qi is a mutated martial arts that combines health-preserving skills and yin internal skills. Its function has always been mainly to repair the body, but what Lu Sheng didn't expect was that this skill gradually became a bit evil as it advanced.

The new special effects of internal energy assimilation and energy transfer have made him a little confused. The internal energy that appeared at this time reshaped a network similar to meridians, which made him feel even more strange.

As the Yin Qi meridians formed and solidified, Lu Sheng felt as if there was a brand new meridian network in his body. The connection between this network and the physical body was extremely harmonious, as if it was completely original. No hint of delay.

A large amount of cold Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi continuously poured into the new meridian network and began to rapidly strengthen and solidify the inner walls of the meridians. The medicinal power of the Fourth Level Tiger Robe Pill is also constantly permeating, turning into nutrients to replenish and consume the inner Qi.

Finally, the blur on the modifier disappeared, and the Yin Yang Jade Crane Bao Vase Qi box became clear again.

Lu Sheng hurriedly looked towards the square frame.

‘Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi: The eighth level. Special effects: Yinhe Net, cathode state. ’

All the previous special effects are the only ones left.

The previous special effects of rapid regeneration, enhanced poison resistance, high-speed self-healing, suppression of yin and yang, etc., only two things that seemed to be integrated were left.

Lu Sheng only had a brief sense of it. After all, it was a new realm deduced from his knowledge system, and he quickly saw what the Yinhe Network was.

This is a meridian network purely condensed with Yin internal energy. The previous special effects such as enhanced anti-toxicity, high-speed self-healing, energy transfer, assimilation, and the most critical suppression of Yin and Yang are all condensed into this special effect.

This completely avoids the original crowded highway and builds our own overpass!

After understanding the function of this thing, Lu Sheng was full of amazement.

This modifier actually uses the idea of ​​an overpass for internal air circulation.

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