Extreme Demon

Chapter 151 Worry-free 2 (Thanks to the leader of Noctis1 for the reward~)

Without the main priest, do you have to perform the ritual sacrifice in person? King Wuyou said coldly.

The Red Dragon Tribulation in the Northland is in chaos. It's difficult to find out the power of the gesture. The Twin Eagle City team originally wanted to gather ten evil jade crystal spears, but they didn't expect to fail. The impact is huge, and we should investigate with all our strength. Ye Lingmo said in a deep voice.

You want to take action personally? King Wuyou was stunned and heard what he meant.

It's enough for Zhaorong and I to go together. Ye Lingmo replied.

No one knew that there were two snake-level experts in Wuyou Mansion, one was King Wuyou and the other was him.

Ye Lingmo was originally the master of Juanren Mansion. After the destruction of Juanren Mansion, he was absorbed into Wuyou Mansion. Together with Zhao Rong, he is the deputy palace master and assists King Wuyou.

Something big has happened now. King Wuyou's death is approaching. There are only five chief priests under his command. The other three have important tasks and cannot be transferred. He has no choice but to go out personally.

King Wuyou cannot die. Once he dies, the woman from the royal family will definitely pounce on him like a demon and bite the flesh and blood of Wuyou Mansion.

Ye Lingmo didn't have the confidence to stop that person. Only his identity as King Wuyou could make him slightly afraid.

King Wuyou stared at Ye Lingmo for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

Over at Hongfang, the boss has received news. He has been hit hard and will return to the Northland in the near future. You can go to the Redfang and join forces with them to carefully investigate the Northland ritual. As for Twin Eagle City, the deputy boss of Hongfang I’m here too, so you can ask us.”


Ye Lingmo lowered his head and responded. I'll leave immediately.

Bai Zhan is about to break through the seventh line. He is the most promising seed in my house to reach the level of you and me. I didn't expect to be lost in the North like this. Whether it is life or death, we must find the result! King Wuyou said coldly .

What if it was Shangyang Jiuli's hand?

King Wuyou paused for a moment, and then his expression became even more gloomy.

Even if you are from the Shangyang family, don't worry. My deadline is approaching, and there is nothing I can't let go of!

A hint of coldness also flashed in Ye Lingmo's eyes. When he was driven away from the North by the Zhen family, he was like a lost dog. Now, it's time for him to go back.

Neither of them mentioned the Martial Alliance. To them, the only leader of the Martial Alliance, Qin Wumian, could see, and the others were just local chickens and tile dogs, not worth mentioning.

For the two people who have stepped into the destructive power of the snake level, the power of the restricted level, even the top seven lines, cannot tear apart their protective black snake.

The biggest characteristic of the snake level is that the black membrane condenses and turns into a black snake for body protection. This kind of black snake is not a living creature and is collectively called an immortal black snake. It has the ability to be constantly reborn.

Different families, different magical weapons and magic blades naturally bring different abilities, but all strong men who have reached the snake level will condense such immortal black snakes.

All damage that falls on itself will be transferred to the Immortal Black Snake. As long as the immortal black snake is still there, the body will never die.

In other words, at this level, the snake level no longer has the concept of key points, but has become a level of competition for foundation and strength accumulation.

In addition, once the immortal black snake is condensed, it is impossible to break it with the power of the specific level.

This is completely different from Ju's power in nature. It has been sublimated into another kind of power. This is also the basis for Ye Lingmo to be able to see the seven lines of Yang Yang Jiu Li as nothing.

Because the gap between them and the level is too big.


Northland·Red Square.

The umbrella girl rushed into the compound in a state of embarrassment.

Her body was in a state of dilapidation, and the red umbrella in her hand had holes everywhere. At the moment before the evil jade broke out, in order to avoid being discovered by Lu Sheng, she waited for the Red Whale Gang to leave before finally leaving Twin Eagle City, so she was affected and suffered heavy injuries.

But at least he survived.

The umbrella girl trembled slightly as she recalled the scene where the officiant Guifa was grabbed by the hair and had no power to resist.

Compared with his previous strength when he fought against her, Lu Sheng didn't look like the same person as before. Was he always that strong, or did he make a breakthrough during this period?

The umbrella girl had no way of knowing, and the only thing she wanted to do now was to quickly tell the Wuyou Mansion and the shop owner the news.

Stumbling to the ancient well, she looked at her current miserable state in the well water and couldn't help but sob softly.

The owner of the shop is not here, and most of his subordinates have been destroyed in Shuangying City. The current Red House is almost in name only. Except for some lonely ghosts under his control, he has no power.

And these lonely wild ghosts have little intelligence and only know how to prey instinctively.

The more the umbrella girl thought about it, the sadder she became. She was alone in the shop, surrounded by people who were not fully intelligent or had no intelligence at all.

Recalling the previous scene when the boss was still around, she cried even more sadly.

After crying for a while, she slowly stopped.

The damage to Twin Eagle City is too great. Wuyou Mansion will definitely send someone to investigate. That Lu Sheng caused my plan to fail. I will definitely kill him!

The umbrella girl had many doubts in her heart, but she also knew that before the stronger masters from the Wuyou Mansion came, the current Hongfang was simply an undefended place for the monster from the Shangyang Family and the Red Whale Gang. Now that she knew the details of Lu Sheng, she might have been killed before the Wuyou Mansion arrived.

That monster is hiding so deep. He must have a plan! The umbrella girl leaned on the edge of the well and looked at the ancient well blankly.

Now she can only wait for the masters from Wuyou Mansion to arrive.


Along the mountain city road mansion.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the main seat at home, beside his father Lu Quan'an and a group of relatives and friends at home.

This family dinner was to celebrate Uncle Lu Anping's successful transfer from Jiulian City to Yanshan. The uncle was sitting on the parallel main seat with a smile on his face, and he kept returning the toasts to the surrounding people.

At the main table, Lu Sheng sat second only to his father, Lu Quan'an, and his uncle, Lu Anping.

By now, his status has gradually spread in the family. Although Lu Quan'an has no access to the senior leaders of the Red Whale Gang, he can't resist Lu Sheng's people taking the initiative to flatter him.

After going back and forth more times, he gradually figured out what his son's identity was now.

The absolute top brass of the Red Whale Gang.

The hall was brightly lit, and maids and servants were serving stacks of dishes as if they were running water.

At the main table, in addition to the positions of Lu Quan'an and Lu Anping, there were several officials from Yanshan City, all of whom happened to be the immediate bosses in charge of the Lu family's shop, and were specially invited to celebrate the banquet.

It's just that these officials were sitting in their seats, their eyes wandering in the direction of Lu Sheng from time to time.

Quite a bit restless and frightened.

If Lu Anping hadn't frequently toasted to several people, the atmosphere at the table would have been extremely awkward.

Lu Sheng held the wine glass casually and drank the tea slowly. Putting tea in a wine glass is what he can do.

After his injury improved, he did not continue to improve immediately. Instead, he calmed down and used luck every day to consolidate the yin and yang in his body.

Another drop of gas liquid erupted in Twin Eagle City before, slightly injuring his muscles and bones, and he needed to recuperate.

It just so happened that word came from home that a housewarming banquet was going to be held to celebrate the transferred uncle.

He hadn't seen Lu Anping for a long time, so he came back to attend the banquet.

But the suddenness of his return caused the atmosphere at the banquet to be a bit strange.

By the way, where's Yingying? Lu Sheng suddenly looked around and didn't find Lu Yingying who was pregnant.

When Lu Yingying was mentioned, Lu Quan'an's expression changed slightly and he did not reply.

The uncle glanced at his younger brother and said with a wry smile: It's in the backyard.

Lu Sheng knew something was wrong as soon as he saw it. Without asking any more questions, he just couldn't stand the weird and awkward atmosphere now, so he stood up and said, I'll go take a look.

After all, she is a pregnant girl. No matter what bad things she does, the child in her belly is still innocent.

Brother Sheng, Yiyi is staying with her from behind. The uncle's son Lu Hongying whispered at the next table.

What's going on? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

That scholar has a wife at home. Lu Anping said in a low voice.

Lu Sheng was stunned.

The scholar married his first wife, which meant that Lu Yingying could only be a concubine.

No matter what Lu Yingying means, whether she wants to be a concubine or not.

His Lu Sheng's sister actually went out to be a concubine for others. If word spread, what would others think of his Lu family? ! His sister, the majestic leader of the Red Whale Gang, was made pregnant by someone, and she still wants to be a concubine?


Bang! !

He slapped the table, causing the entire main hall to shake and buzz. There is a clear five-fingerprint on the table.

The main banquet hall, which had been lively just now, was suddenly interrupted by Lu Sheng's slap, and everyone fell silent.

Lu Sheng was tall and muscular, with slightly short hair on top of his head, but he still had a fierce face and eyes like knives. No one dared to look directly at him.

When he got angry, the entire main hall fell into silence. The few foreign officials were frightened to death. Their faces were trembling, and their faces turned pale and their whole bodies were shaking while sitting on their chairs.

All the younger members of the family, the female dependents of the main house, the second house, the third house and so on, all remained silent and did not dare to express their feelings.

Lu Quan'an looked ugly but didn't say anything. On the contrary, his uncle Lu Anping stood up and patted Lu Sheng on the shoulder.

Xiao Sheng, your father and I are very angry about this matter, but there is nothing we can do. The scholar's family is quite powerful.

Just leave it to me. Lu Sheng habitually showed a ferocious smile. I'll handle it myself later. Let's see which family dares not to give me face.

Xiao Sheng, this is your uncle's wedding banquet. Liu Cuiyu, the second mother at the other table, stood up and scolded.

Lu Sheng immediately realized what he was doing and accused the uncle repeatedly. Indeed, he was too powerful and he was actually trying to dismantle the uncle and usurp the throne.

No matter what happens, we are all one family. Uncle Lu Anping smiled wryly and waved his hand. Xiao Sheng, if you are free, there will be a cocktail party later, and you can hang out with the younger members of the family. These younger brothers and sisters will need more support from you in the future.

That's no problem! Lu Sheng nodded. I'm going to see Yingying and Yiyi first. He stood up and left the table.

I'll go too! Zhang Xiuxiu, who was beside Lu Tianyang, suddenly stood up and quickly followed.

In addition, several juniors stood up and left the table with Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is now the backbone of the Lu family, so naturally many people want to join him.

People of the older generation are getting closer to Lu Quan'an one after another. It is naturally inappropriate for their generation to please Lu Sheng, but no one will gossip when they are close to Lu Quan'an. It is impossible for a son to disown me.

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