Extreme Demon

Chapter 150 Worry-free 1

What about you? Lu Sheng had quite complicated feelings about Li Shunxi. At first, he made friends with him with the idea of ​​investing in him. Later, he shared the same enemy and was extremely dissatisfied with Wuyou Mansion, so he helped him.

Even this time, it was a coincidence. If the old man who was the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion hadn't killed one of his gang members for no reason, he wouldn't have planned to go back and kill people.

Several coincidences happened one after another, and they all happened to save Li Shunxi inexplicably.

Now this person possesses a Mysterious Jade, has the power of foresight, and vows to destroy the Wuyou Mansion. This made Lu Sheng's senses about it completely different from those of ordinary people before.

I'm going to the Central Plains. The other person with giant spirit blood that Wuyou Mansion is looking for is right there. Li Shunxi said seriously.

Brother Li is traveling. Do you know anyone in the Central Plains? Lu Sheng asked again.

Without my wanted warrant everywhere now, no one I know would dare to take him in. Li Shunxi smiled bitterly.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment.

In this way, you can go to this place and stay temporarily if necessary. After you get familiar with the place, you can decide how to act. He said a place name, which was the name of the Flying Eagle Hall members he had sent to the Central Plains to establish a branch. point place.

Then he explained his contact details in detail, and explained that he must change his appearance and go there.

Li Shunxi was extremely grateful. In the next few days, Lu Sheng arranged for the disguise masters in the gang to give him detailed instructions and explanations. At the same time, he also wrapped a large bag of gold leaves for him.

Because of the long distance, banks in the Central Plains do not necessarily accept banknotes from here. Although they are both part of the same imperial court, the real power is still in the hands of the aristocratic families in various places. The banknotes from Central Bank are not widely used in most places, but actual gold and silver are more valuable.

A few days later.

A dark sailboat was docked on the river.

Lu Sheng sent Li Shunxi and Bai Qiuling to the dock and stood in front of the ship as a final farewell.

Brother Lu, if you don't say thank you for your kindness, you will be rewarded in the future! Li Shunxi said seriously and handed over to Lu Sheng.

Brother Li, what are you talking about? You and I, brothers, are too outrageous to say this! Lu Sheng was righteous. In fact, he had already planned to leave when he was in Shuangying City, but he accidentally saved Li Shunxi.

To be honest, if he had known that Li Shunxi was there, and had known about Xie Yu's trouble, he would not have necessarily gone back to save her.

Of course it was impossible to say this. Since favors have been done for this purpose, then make mistakes.

Uncle Lu's life-saving grace, Qiu Ling will never forget it! Bai Qiuling was much haggard now, her eyes were lifeless, but at least she had more hope than before, the hope of revenge.

Qiu Ling, I believe you will succeed. Lu Sheng nodded and patted her shoulder.

By the way, I made this thing overnight. I hope it will be useful to Brother Lu. Suddenly Li Shunxi took out a piece of light yellow oilcloth from his sleeve, rolled it into a scroll and handed it to Lu Sheng.

Be sure to go back and open it again! he solemnly confessed.

In order to get this thing, he lost at least nearly half of Liuqin's sacrifice essence and blood by using the Mysterious Jade. He also contributed a lot of blood, his vitality was severely damaged, and his life span was shortened, but he was finally able to repay Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took it doubtfully, but did not open it in person when he heard this. He nodded to Li Shunxi and put it away quietly.

The green mountains will never change, and the green waters will always flow. Brother Lu, see you soon! Li Shunxi finally cupped his fists towards Lu Sheng.

See you later! Lu Sheng also said sternly, cupping his fists.

The two got on the boat, and the sails were untied and swayed with the wind. The strong wind carried the boat slowly towards the distance.

Lu Sheng stood at the dock and kept watching the ship go away. When he realized that he could no longer see it, he slowly turned around.

Behind him was Ningzo Xuchui and a group of masters from Feiyingtang, all waiting for his orders.

Gang leader, the letter below is urgent. Xu Chui stepped forward and handed a letter in his hand to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng tore off the sealing wax, unfolded the envelope and looked at it.


The content of the letter is about the Shangyang family, Shangyang Jiuli's younger brother, Shangyang Ce is going to fight someone in the north to determine life and death.

At this time, Jiu Li could not come out of seclusion, so the duel in Shang Yang Ce fell on Lu Sheng.

However, I am a gang leader at the level of three lines. Even if I am considered to have some family blood, I have long since declined. Shangyangzhi was at the level of four lines two years ago, and now I am afraid that I have the strength of five lines. This level is not what I seem to be. Anyone with an identity can intervene. Just send a letter to the Shangyang family about this matter. Lu Sheng made up his mind.

Send the order. If there is any movement in the mountains and forests near Banye City, the entrance and exit of ordinary people will be blocked. It will be lifted after the Double Fire Festival. Lu Sheng arranged in a low voice.


Xu Chui took the order and went to convey the message.

Lu Sheng also immediately asked Ning San to arrange the return trip.

In the carriage on the road, he waited until the team was on the road and the carriage was stable, then he took out the cloth scroll given by Li Shunxi and placed it on the table.

Something that can make him so solemn must be extraordinary. Lu Sheng slowly grabbed the corner of the scroll and slowly unfolded it.

As the scroll slowly stretched, Lu Sheng's eyes widened slightly, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

This is actually...?

I saw a row of writing clearly written on the cloth.

‘Baqu Ruyihua, taking its stamens can nourish the five internal organs, reconcile the extreme yang, and greatly enhance the purity and richness of the internal energy. ’

‘Millennium Uncaria, when boiled and taken in its soup, has miraculous effects in prolonging life and nourishing muscles and bones. ’

‘White Jade Ginseng King, raw food and fire combined with medicinal prescriptions can replenish the vitality of the life, prolong life and open up the meridians. ’

The specific locations of each heavenly material and earthly treasure are roughly marked on the entire cloth scroll. The cloth scroll is a map of the North. On the side, the growth characteristics and characteristics of each different treasure and medicinal materials are carefully written in small gnat characters. Specific location characteristics.

Lu Sheng counted roughly and found that there were about ten different types of natural and earthly treasures.

If all of this is true, it would be really extraordinary.

Because the Red Whale Gang also has its own medicinal materials industry, he has been frequenting the alchemy room of the pharmacy, so he has a certain knowledge of some of the medicinal materials.

These medicinal materials are all expensive and unavailable, and they are of great help to him in cultivating his inner energy.

This is a great gift, and some of the medicines are even rumored to be top-notch medicines on the same level as Zhu Guo.

If you can get it and take it, it may be of great help to your internal strength!

After returning to the gang, Lu Sheng immediately sent someone to check the location of the writing recorded on the cloth, confirming the approximate location first.


Central Plains·Wuyou Palace.

Late at night, bursts of silk and bamboo music floated out from the palace with high red paint walls, and faint laughter of men and women could be heard.

The house is brightly lit, in the main hall.

A handsome man with a dignified appearance and good facial features was sitting at the main seat, watching the dancing girl below with the guests around him.

Several anxious ministers had even reached out to sneak into the skirts of the women around them, but on the surface they remained calm and chatting with others.

King Ashoka is over seventy years old, and his complexion still looks like that of a middle-aged man, always youthful. The worry-free meeting he was conducting at this time was one of his methods to win over other important officials.

Worry-free meeting, worry-free meeting, of course there is no sorrow, only happiness.

Except for the dancing girls, most of the women who were having fun with the important ministers were mortal women secretly captured by his men from all over the country. Among them were ladies from big families, jaspers from small families, noble ladies, and beauties from the countryside.

In addition, many of them are the daughters, daughters, nieces, and cousins ​​of certain ministers. Many ministers have been connected with him, and they have gradually formed a strong network of interests with each other.

King Wuyou looked at the sexual scene below with satisfaction, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in a good mood.

His eyes moved and quickly fell from one minister to another middle-aged minister in his fifties. This was his new target.

However, this person has some strong tastes and doesn't like anything else. He just likes to play with members of the opposite sex in his family. His own sister has played with it, and then his daughter, cousins, and granddaughters. All the pretty ones in the whole family were played by him.

However, the family behind this person completely relied on him as a backer. Many times, after the palace helped him lead, the person's originally sanctimonious appearance was completely torn apart. Turn the entire family into his place of pleasure.

Because of his important position, King Wuyou also specially provided him with a large number of medicines to maintain his body and delay his youthful physical strength.

Of course, he got more, and many political opponents were solved one by one with the help of this person.

Just when he was feeling comfortable, suddenly a girl in a pink skirt came in quietly, walked up to King Wushou from the side, and whispered something in his ear.

King Wuyou's originally smiling face suddenly changed slightly, and then quickly returned to normal.

Everyone, Xiao Wang will leave for a while. Don't be restrained. You can enjoy everything here. He stood up and said loudly.

Your Majesty, please go on your own and don't pay attention to me.

Yes, yes, thank you for your hospitality. Your Majesty, you don't have to miss important events because of me.

As long as we send more good medicine later.

Everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, King Wuyou walked slowly out of the main hall with a smile on his face.

After leaving the hall, we came to the columned corridor on the side. There were huge red lanterns hanging on the dark corridor. The red light shone down, making his face look a little ferocious.

There were already two figures waiting in the corridor. They are a man and a woman.

The man was dressed like a rich man, his body was full of jewels, gold, silver and jade. He was about sixty or seventy years old, with gray beard and hair.

The woman has a voluptuous figure, billowy breasts, slender waist, long legs, and charming appearance. Wearing a close-fitting red dress, most of her chest was exposed. Except for two points, the outline could almost be seen. Most of the jade legs are also faintly visible from the bifurcation of the skirt.

Zhaorong, Ling Mo, tell me what's going on?! King Wuyou stared at the two of them with a gloomy expression.

Zhaorong, the woman in the red dress, looked solemn, and took a step forward: Back to the prince, there has been no news from Bai Zhan in the North for a long time. There is also something wrong with Xie Yu, and there is a ghost.

You won't tell me that the soul bells of the two chief priests are gone. King Wuyou said coldly.

Zhaorong lowered his head and said nothing.

Ye Lingmo on the side said in a deep voice: Your Majesty, the top priority now is to find out who is targeting our Wuyou Mansion. The two chief priests are missing and may even die. Such losses have already occurred in the past ten years. There are very few. If the main priest is gone, we can recruit more, but if the ceremony is delayed, it will be a huge problem.

Yes, now is the critical period, Zhao Rong agreed.

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