Extreme Demon

Chapter 142 The storm is coming 1


A galloping horse.

Liu Caiyun was thrown down hard and fell onto the black mud. She rolled around for more than ten times before stopping. Then she groaned in pain and had no strength left to struggle.

Let's go!! Liu Caiyun finally looked at her sister and Li Shunxi who were running in front of her, biting her lip, her vision gradually blurred.


A dark gray shadow suddenly flew past her, followed by a second and a third.

What to do with this on the ground?

Her things have been moved. They are worthless. Kill them. A voice answered.

Liu Caiyun's eyes widened, and before he could make a sound, he felt a pain in the back of his neck and lost consciousness.


Liu Qin, who was on the horse in front, also noticed that her sister had fallen off the horse. She screamed in pain, and tears suddenly blurred her vision.

Li Shunxi's eyes were also red, but she still grabbed Liu Qin's hand tightly.

Let's go!! Only if we live can we avenge Caiyun!! He shouted sharply.

Caiyun!!! Liu Qin screamed in pain. But after all, Li Shunxi's hand did not struggle desperately.

A blurry circle of colored light spread from her body and quickly enveloped Li Shunxi. The two of them disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye, completely gone.

It's gone! It's the Xuanji Jade! Gray shadows suddenly fell on the place where they disappeared.

The Liu family's mysterious jade is indeed in their possession, and it has been activated! A gray shadow said in a low voice.

With our power and manpower, it will be difficult to completely surround and capture them. Another person replied.

Why didn't you catch the woman just now and threaten them? one person asked politely.

It's useless. No one in the Liu family will be threatened. We have done this at least ten times.

The chief priest here is in trouble, so it is not appropriate to enter in large numbers for the time being.

What should we do?

Ask Hongfang to cooperate. The leader of Hongfang has not returned, and the ghosts under the deputy leader are best at speed. As long as their whereabouts can be found, it will be fine.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

The cool water droplets touched Liu Qin's lips, and the moist feeling made her slowly wake up from her coma.

Cough cough cough cough

As soon as she woke up, Liu Qin suddenly turned her head to the side and coughed loudly.

How's it going? Are you okay? Li Shunxi looked at her worriedly, holding a celadon bowl with a missing mouth in his hand.

The surrounding environment seemed to be a cave, with the crackling sounds of bonfires constantly coming from the cave, and a faint warmth spreading inside the cave.

Caiyun. As soon as Liu Qin woke up, she immediately thought of her sister. She and her sister were the only ones left in the Liu family. However, she didn't expect that she would be chased by the demons from the Wuyou Mansion and eventually die in the barren mountains. Even the ashes cannot be kept in the grave at home.

Liu Qin felt sad when she thought of the years when she and her sister were dependent on each other. She couldn't stop her tears and kept flowing down the corners of her eyes.

Wuyou Mansion! I, Liu Qin, swear that I will root you out!! Liu Qin gritted his teeth and yelled this sentence with all his strength.

Li Shunxi looked sad at the side.

The Wuyou Mansion caused the death of my family. If I could really get revenge, I would definitely not miss it. It's a pity. With our strength, how can we keep up with such a huge force?

You want to give up!? Liu Qin stared at Li Shunxi and said sternly.

No, I don't want to give up, but I'm just an ordinary person. I can't do anything at all. I can't do anything. Li Shunxi lowered his head in pain and clenched his fists.

If you don't have what Caiyu gave you, her most precious thing. You would no longer be an ordinary person. Liu Qin said coldly.

What? Li Shunxi was stunned and raised his head.

That's the top magic weapon my Liu family has, the Mysterious Jade. Liu Qin gradually calmed down. My sister and I hold half of the Mysterious Jade. As long as we cooperate, we can activate our abilities and see things that ordinary people can't see. thing.

How do you think Caiyun and I escaped from Yunzhou and came here in the first place? Why do you think Wuyou Mansion keeps chasing us? Now half of the jade is with you, and you will be hunted down like us in the future.

Wuyoufu has been my life-and-death enemy for a long time, it doesn't matter, but this mysterious jade? Can it see things that ordinary people can't see? Li Shunxi looked confused and asked.

Where do you think my sister and I got the abscesses all over our bodies? If you see too much of some things, you have to pay the price eventually. Liu Qin looked cold, You are now armed with a magic weapon, although you are not the commander of the weapon or the commander of the weapon. The descendants of the envoy, but it is still possible to appropriately borrow the power of the divine weapons.

What's the use of that? Li Shunxi asked puzzledly. If the Xuanji Jade was really so powerful, the sisters wouldn't have been hunted down all the way. They would have been unable to capture the Wuyou Mansion after escaping here.

As long as you use it once, you will understand it soon. Liu Qin's eyes gradually became quiet.

How to use it? Seeing his serious expression, Li Shunxi gradually became solemn.

The bonfire cast their shadows on the cave wall, beating like monsters.

Come and give me your hand. Liu Qin gently stretched out her hand towards Li Shunxi.

Li Shunxi followed the instructions and stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on Liu Qin's pus-filled palm.

Remember, you want to take revenge on Wuyou Mansion for my sister and me. Liu Qin suddenly smiled brightly at Li Shunxi.

do not forget.

Bang! ! !

Her whole body suddenly exploded, turning into a large mass of blood mist that quickly merged into Li Shunxi's whole body.

Liu Qin!! Li Shunxi was stunned for a moment. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Tears welled up from his eyes all of a sudden. During this period of time together, he had slowly fallen in love with Liu Qin. It was only because Liu Caiyun liked him that although the two had some affection, they did not really get close to each other.

He could see that Liu Qin's appearance was not like this originally, and he secretly vowed to find a way to cure her appearance.

But the change happened too quickly.

First, there was an investigation into the traitors within the Wu League. Everything was in chaos. Everyone was suspected and each was in danger.

Immediately afterwards, the place where he lived was searched and a series of evidence of murdering others was found. There are even letters communicating with mysterious forces outside.

He immediately wanted to meet the alliance leader, but was told that the alliance leader was in seclusion and could not see anyone. Then that night, a group of men in gray broke into the place where they lived, and severely injured Sister Liu Caiyun in the blink of an eye.

But none of the guards in the Martial League were alerted. Without any time to think, they were forced out of the Martial League and fled.

Then he rode a horse and ran wildly, and after that, everything that just happened

Liu Qin. Li Shunxi bent down in pain, trying to hug the empty ground. Liu Qin's body, which was still there just now, was now gone, leaving only a little of the clothes she was wearing.

I will definitely avenge you! He looked at the blood mist that Liu Qin had transformed into, and the red mist was rapidly integrating into his hand.


In the blink of an eye, the vision in front of me changed drastically.

Li Shunxi's eyes suddenly widened, and he actually saw scenes he had never imagined.

Time passed little by little, and soon, beads of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

That's the Baihe Gang. Looking at the fluttering flag in the picture, he murmured to the words above.

Found it! It's near here!! Suddenly there were shouts from outside the cave.


After returning from the temple, Lu Sheng sent Chen Yunxi home and quickly went to the headquarters of the Red Whale Gang.

That night I found my senior brother Hong Mingzi.

Wu Meng? Then junior brother, are you going? Senior brother Hong Mingzi obviously knew about Wu Meng, and he didn't look surprised.

What do you think, senior brother? Lu Sheng asked back.

I'm afraid there's a scam. You were on the Red Whale and in Yanshan City, both within the scope of the Shangyang family, but once you left here, you went to the Martial Alliance.

The location of such a secret organization must be extremely hidden. Even if something happens to you there, Miss Jiuli will not be able to find any clues. Hong Mingzi stroked his beard and said seriously, I suggest you wait and see what happens. There will be a follow-up to this matter. I'm afraid the letter asking for help was not written by me. If your friend really wants to ask you for help, he will definitely come to Yanshan City.

Lu Sheng sat in the study and nodded.

What the senior brother said is absolutely true. I also feel that this letter came strangely. I have been in contact with both Li Shunxi and the Liu sisters. The most suspicious thing is that the Liu sisters already know me and would never use such a strange tone to replace Li Shunxi. Like me asking for help.”

It's good that junior brother is awake, but we can mobilize some foreign informants from the gang to keep an eye on this matter at any time. Once Li Shunxi's whereabouts is discovered, junior brother can decide how to deal with it on his own. Martial Alliance and Wuyou Mansion are mortal enemies, but behind us is the superior The Yang family's attitude is naturally neutral. No matter how things are done, with the strength of the junior disciple, as long as it is not too blatant, nothing will happen. Hong Mingzi said solemnly.

Thank you, senior brother, for the tip. Lu Sheng nodded and ignored the matter.

The two chatted and started talking about the growth of Chirimen.

In the previous competition, outsiders broke into the competition, and the middle and high-level members of the gang were also injured with one move. It had a great impact on the disciples below. Hong Mingzi said helplessly with a frown.

There's nothing we can do about it. The gap between mortals and demons is such that, except for the top masters, ordinary people can't even look up at them. Lu Sheng looked calm. Senior brother is rich in experience. Similar situations must have occurred in the past, right? How should they be handled?

Hong Mingzi pinched his beard.

The disciples in the gang need to reposition their position and strength. It is difficult for them to come into contact with monsters and monsters, and they live in ordinary areas most of the time. Therefore, just bring them back to a normal living environment and see their surroundings clearly.

Oh? What do you mean, senior brother? Lu Sheng looked at Hong Mingzi in surprise. He was able to understand this level of management on his own. He really matured with age.

Communicate. Hong Mingzi laughed, We used to find some other gangs and sects to communicate and compete in martial arts. If we find a few more, they will have more experience and compete more, and they will understand that our Red Whale Gang is not Weak. Not only not weak, but also very strong. Confidence always comes from success and victory, right? He winked at Lu Sheng.

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