Extreme Demon

Chapter 143 The storm is coming 2

Lu Sheng was speechless. His feelings were to transfer this helpless frustration to others. This is called processing method.

Then, which gang should we communicate with? he asked again.

The Red Whale Gang is the largest gang in the North. Now that the North is gradually declining, the targets we used to have are probably no longer available. We can go a little further this time, closer to the Central Plains. There are large grassland valleys and several cities there. It is under the jurisdiction of the Baihe Gang. We can go there to communicate. Hong Mingzi said with a smile.

White River Gang?

Yes, this is a big gang that has only been around for thirty years. Gang leader Xu Tianfeng and I had a relationship back then, so we can keep in touch. Hong Mingzi continued.

That's good. The other party is also a big gang that governs the same area. Although it is smaller than the Red Whale Gang, it is at the same level. The communication is not bad. Lu Sheng nodded and agreed, I will get engaged immediately, and then go to communicate .

Get engaged now?! Hong Mingzi was stunned. The gang leader's engagement is a big deal!

No, I don't want to be public. The lower profile the better. Lu Sheng said sternly, When the time comes, just invite a few of you to come and get together.

Chen Yunxi is just an ordinary person. The higher her profile, the more people know that she is more important to him, and the greater the danger to her.

The Lu family was almost wiped out by Chi Yu. Lu Sheng didn't want to go out one day and find that Chen Yunxi's whole family had died unexpectedly when he came back.

In addition, there is no safe environment to recuperate after being injured, and there is no safe place for family members and relatives to be protected.

Lu Sheng now wants to cultivate his own power more and more. He alone will not be the opponent of the aristocratic family and the monsters after all.

Putting strength aside for the first time, there will always be times when people relax, and there will always be times when they want to relax. At such times, other forces are needed to protect and protect one's own safety.

That's fine. Hong Mingzi understood Lu Sheng's thoughts. Remember to let me know when you're ready.


Lu Sheng nodded.

After arranging a series of help, he made medicine and took medicine as usual, and then went around with Chen Yunxi every day. As for Li Shunxi, he sent people to pay attention at all times and report his presence in the Northland in time.

The engagement was very simple.

Lu Sheng asked his father and second mother to host a simple banquet at his home.

Then, at a property of the Red Whale Gang in Yanshan City, another banquet was held secretly, so that father Lu Quan'an and Chen Dao could meet each other early, even if they were in-laws.

There were not many relatives present, and there were only some new friends of the Lu family, Lu Quan'an, and Dabo Lu Anping.

The relationship with Chen Yunxi is settled.

In addition, he also found Song Zhenguo, a wealthy young man who had been practicing kung fu hard since he got Qingsong Yiyijue. The progress at this time left Lu Sheng speechless.

Not far from the Feilian Army Fort outside the city, Song Zhenguo rented a school ground here and rode his horse there every day to practice martial arts.

When Lu Sheng found him, he was holding a stone lock in his hand, flying up and down, constantly dancing in his hand, trying to gain strength.

In autumn and winter, when the weather turns cold, Song Zhenguo is still wearing only a single coat, his whole body is steaming, and his blood is surging.

There was also a personal maid who was dedicated to serving him.

Road Master!

Seeing Lu Sheng's arrival, Song Zhenguo was startled at first, then overjoyed, dropped the stone lock and walked towards him quickly. Master Lu, you are finally here. I have been waiting here and there but there is no news, and I don't know if I have practiced correctly. If you don't come, I will have to go to other martial arts masters to ask about the details of the taboos.

Lu Sheng was dressed in black clothes and a black hat, and he looked a bit like Hei Wuchang. He looked Song Zhenguo up and down.

I haven't seen him for many days. This former weak scholar is now covered in tendon flesh, and his skin has a light bronze color, which is quite healthy.

Have you mastered the internal skills? Lu Shengqi asked.

It's still stable and consolidated, but my appetite and strength have increased a lot. I'm much healthier than before. Song Zhenguo said with a smile.

Lu Sheng nodded. This was the standard process for normal people to practice internal energy. Even if a genius like Song Zhenguo could sense Qi in one day, it would still take at least three years to consolidate the first level of entry.

Internal strength is not so easy to cultivate.

It has been a few months since the last time Master Lu taught me the real skills. I explored on my own and also learned a set of wave flips from an expert I met by chance. I also asked Master Lu to review it!

Song Zhenguo seemed to have a great interest in martial arts and actually found someone to learn martial arts on his own.

Expert? Can you give me a demonstration? Lu Sheng was very interested and took a step back to give up his position.


Song Zhenguo also took a few steps back and spread out his hands, first in a starting position, a bit like the classic posture in the Once Upon a Time movie.

The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched and he said nothing.

Oops! ! !

Suddenly there was a thunder, and Song Zhenguo mustered up all his strength to shout. A palm crackled and danced towards the front.

Ah ah ah ah ah! Da da da da da da! ! ! !

After only ten breaths, Song Zhenguo stopped panting and blushed.

This is a martial art that combines sound striking and palm techniques. I spent a hundred taels of silver from an expert in exchange for it. What do Lu Sheng think of it? Is it very powerful? he asked enthusiastically.

. Lu Sheng was speechless.

It's a pity that after the master taught me this set of martial arts, he drifted away and disappeared without a trace. Song Zhenguo said sadly.

If he doesn't leave quickly, he won't be so angry that he will be beaten to death after you find out the truth?

Lu Sheng was helpless. After relaxing for a moment, the only disciple he accepted developed into this.

Guide your inner strength into your hands, and then hit my palm. He stretched out his right hand and said solemnly. As for your lazy wave-turner, don't use it, just hit it lightly.

Song Zhenguo was not a fool. When he heard this, he immediately realized that he had been deceived. His eyes widened and his face quickly turned the color of pig liver.

Hurry up. Lu Sheng urged.

Song Zhenguo took a deep breath, and with Qingsong's determination, he gently patted Lu Sheng's hand.

Sure enough, there is still a long way to go before I can get started. The inner energy is weak and unstable. Lu Sheng sensed it and immediately knew Lu Sheng's progress.

How's it going? Song Zhenguo looked at Lu Sheng expectantly.

Lu Sheng's mind moved, and he suddenly remembered a special effect of Yin Yang Jade Crane's Baoqi Qi: crossing Qi.

He slightly controlled a trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi in his mind, pinched his arm with his backhand, and slowly passed it towards Song Zhenguo.

This is such a deep inner energy!! Just the passing of the breath as thick as a hair made Song Zhenguo look shocked and stood motionless.

He clearly felt that a trace of cold, soft and delicate inner Qi had penetrated into his body. Wherever this trace of inner Qi passed, his body's meridians, blood vessels, muscles, bones, flesh and blood all trembled and felt refreshed, as if he had received supreme relaxation and enjoyment.

But Lu Sheng's feeling was completely different from his.

As soon as the Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi entered Song Zhenguo's body, something happened that surprised him.

This trace of inner Qi actually completely swallowed up Song Zhenguo's Qingsong Yiyiyi inner Qi, which he had practiced hard for months, in one gulp. Then it quickly simulated and transformed into Qingsong Yiyi's inner energy form.

If that was all, then forget it, but he clearly felt that his inner energy was still in Song Zhenguo's body and could still be controlled and withdrawn at any time.

This was like a seed that completely penetrated Song Zhenguo's body.

Is this the so-called energy transfer and assimilation? Lu Sheng was shocked. This meant that he could devour the inner energy of internal energy masters who were weaker than himself at will.

But this doesn't matter to him. No matter how strong the masters of internal energy are in this world, they are only at that level.

He just suddenly thought of the method of Dao Heart Demon Seed mentioned in a novel he had read.

Zhenguo, give it a try. Can you still control your inner energy now? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

Song Zhenguo also discovered at this time that the inner energy in his body had suddenly transformed into Qingsong Yiyijue.

He tried to mobilize his mind a few times, and he was able to direct it like an arm, and he was immediately overjoyed.

The Qingsong's determination after transformation was countless times stronger than the inner energy he had cultivated through hard training.

It's controllable! He quickly replied with joy.

Lu Sheng's expression was serious. He let go of his hand and took a few steps back. He was several meters away from Song Zhenguo. But he can still sense the trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi left in his body. But as the distance faded, the feeling of inner energy also faded a lot.

But he knew clearly that as long as he was willing, he could easily take back all of Song Zhenguo's current inner energy with one touch.

This Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi is a bit evil. Lu Sheng secretly thought in his heart, but remained calm on the surface.

Your current level is considered to be a beginner. I will no longer help you. What about the move that I asked you to practice hard after you went back? How are you practicing now?

He originally passed on a tailor-made move to Song Zhenguo. I just made an idea and experimented to see how far I could achieve by practicing just one move.

I've been practicing. Song Zhenguo nodded. He slowly took a stance, and then punched forward very casually.

call! !

His punch was extremely skillful and looked ordinary. Although he had worked hard, a few months was still too short. It was already good to have reached this level.

Keep practicing and you will gain something. Lu Sheng encouraged.

Yes! Song Zhenguo was greatly encouraged.

Lu Sheng did not take back the trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi, but instead passed on to him a set of practical small grappling skills, which were free martial arts from Xuanwu Pavilion.

Anyway, Song Zhenguo is a disciple of the Red Sun Sect, that is, a member of the Red Whale Gang, so it does not violate the rules. What's more, his current level of strength has far surpassed that of the past. No matter what he does, it is not the turn of other martial arts masters to criticize and lecture him.

As for the aristocratic family, they don't care whether martial arts is spread or not.

After taking care of Song Zhenguo's matter, Lu Sheng's injury was finally almost healed.

For the exchange, he named a group of experts in the gang. There were thirty people in total. They were all elites in the gang, including elders and several newly promoted foreign envoys, as well as rudders, deputy rudders, and nine fish levels from various places. Of the masters, the worst one is also the peak of Tongli, followed by the four top Tongyi levels.

The baggage, gifts, guards disciples, etc., added up, formed a small caravan to go to the Baihe Gang.

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