Extreme Demon

Chapter 141 Poetry Party 1

Okay, I came here to ask you about the whole incident in Wuyou Mansion, but now it seems that there is no need to ask. Shangyang Jiuli said casually. Also, even the black crow can see the corpse poison on your body, you'd better take care of it.

May I ask, sir, why did Mr. Hei say that I lied to him? Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and then asked suddenly.

I don't know. Maybe he smelled something from you and saw some flaw. Who knows? For me, as long as I have the face of the Shang Yang family and I still have the face of Shang Yang Jiuli. Shangyang Jiuli reached out and pinched the small tripod, and suddenly asked: Did you really trick the chief priest?

Why do you say this, sir? There is such a huge gap between my strength and that of the officiant, do you think it is possible? Lu Sheng smiled.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't do it, Shangyang Jiuli said with profound meaning. It's better to do less picking up corpses next time. Of course, it would be fine if everything was like this time. Okay, I'm leaving first, and remember not to miss out on the annual offerings. She waved her hand, turned around and picked up the coma The middle-aged man on the side of the ship jumped off the ship. Like a petrel flying high, he circled in the air and suddenly disappeared.

Lu Sheng couldn't laugh or cry. Shangyang Jiuli actually regarded him as a corpse picker. Fortunately, she arrived in time this time and did not let Hei Lao succeed. Otherwise, in his current state, if he wanted to resist Hei Lao's hands, he would still have to fight hard. It's really difficult.

Without positive inner strength, he could only resist without killing the black crow. He had no choice but to flee on the spot.

An unused small cauldron of unknown origin has temporarily suppressed the Wuyou Mansion. This is a good deal. Looking at the direction in which Shangyang Jiuli left, Lu Sheng straightened his collar and strode down. Go up the stairs.

The competition was still going on. Su Yuer'er was waiting outside the Yanzi Hall. When she saw Lu Sheng coming back, her eyes lit up and she hurried forward to kneel down.

Don't worry, I still need to observe and observe. If your character and physique are not suitable for practicing my martial arts, then I will not accept you. Lu Sheng quickly stopped her.

Thank you, leader, I won't let you down! Su Yuer'er suddenly looked overjoyed.

The competition that had been interrupted by the Black Crow's arrival was now coming to an end. After the middle and senior members of the gang were injured and Chen Ying was sent for treatment, the atmosphere of the competition was far less enthusiastic than before. Many people revealed that A look of helplessness and sadness.

Although martial arts can change people's lives, compared to some people, it is still too weak. This incident severely affected everyone's enthusiasm for practicing martial arts.

The atmosphere in the entire Yanzi Hall was dull. After Lu Sheng returned to the main seat and Hong Mingzi reluctantly awarded awards to the top ten, the competition was over.

Time passes slowly.

Lu Sheng continued to recover from his injuries, taking medicinal baths with medicinal materials every day and taking a large amount of rare medicinal materials. The injury continues to improve.

Taking advantage of his free time and being unable to practice, he also began to quickly solve the things that he had never had time to do before.

The most important one is the engagement with Chen Yunxi.

Lu Sheng planned to visit her again. Regardless of success or failure, if she was still waiting, he would give her an explanation.


Chen family.

Ever since Young Master Wang was crippled, Chen Yunxi's life has been very awkward.

In the plum garden, Chen Yunxi was melancholy, holding an exquisitely carved jade Ruyi in her hand, which was a treasure that her father had specially acquired from a foreign country.

The white plum blossoms were blooming in the garden, but she was absent-minded, her eyes were blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Miss, the people from Plum Blossom Pavilion have sent another gift. At the entrance, a personal maid walked slowly and whispered beside Chen Yunxi.

What's this trip about? Chen Yunxi asked casually.

It's fragrant powder. There are ninety-nine kinds of fragrant powder with different fragrances and colors. The maid replied in a low voice, with a trace of envy flashing in her eyes.

For such a long time, every once in a while, Plum Blossom Pavilion would send all kinds of good things, such as fragrant powder and blush, clothes and accessories, or all kinds of novel and weird little things.

Some of the items are so treasured that even Chen Yunxi’s father, Chen Daozao, was impressed by them. He was full of praise for Lu Sheng, who he had never met before.

Although he was frightened and fainted once, as a businessman, how could he not know the meaning behind Meihua Pavilion's actions.

The backstage of Plum Blossom Pavilion is mysterious, but Chen Daozao, as the richest man, is well-informed and roughly knows the reason for these gifts.

But Chen Yunxi didn't know.

Yu'er, tell me, who is Brother Sheng? Why do so many people come to give me gifts specifically for him?

The maid Yu'er shook her head slightly, her face full of envy.

I don't know, slave, but he must be a very important person, right?

Chen Yunxi was a little stunned.

Amazing. Big shot. She unconsciously rubbed Yu Ruyi with her fingers, not knowing what she was thinking.

Yu'er stood beside her, lowering her head and feeling extremely complicated.

Looking at Chen Yunxi's tall and slender figure, especially her long legs, which accounted for almost two-thirds of her body, she felt slightly jealous.

Such a figure is really ugly. Nowadays, everyone likes to be petite and cute, just like her.

I never thought that a woman with a figure like Chen Yunxi could find such a good home. It is simply incredible.

Yu'er's head dropped even lower. Why am I smaller and cuter than her, but I can't even find an ordinary husband?

Chen Yunxi also knew that many people speculated that because of her poor condition and poor figure, the unknown big shot must have taken a liking to her because of her family's wealth. But she knew it wasn't.

Lu Sheng has never been that kind of person.

Quietly picking a plum blossom and holding it between her fingers, Chen Yunxi looked at the white plum blossom and gradually fell into memories. Next to her, Yu'er gently put on her coat.

Miss! Suddenly a maid hurried in.

What's going on! What should I do if I'm making such a fuss and startle you? Do you understand the rules? Yu'er quickly scolded her.

No. It's Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu is here!! The maid said loudly and out of breath.


Chen Yunxi's jade Ruyi fell to the ground. She took a few steps together, then ran up and held down the maid's shoulders.

Are you telling the truth?!

Really! I saw a passing gentleman. His carriage is still parked at the gate of the mansion and has not been taken away! The maid replied quickly.

I'm going to change clothes and freshen up! Chen Yunxi turned around and ran towards the bedroom resolutely.

Yu'er quickly shouted from behind and chased after her.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the main hall, and Chen Daozao was sitting with him. Meiji filed in, musicians came in, played music slowly, and wine and food were served.

Weng Chen, I really enjoyed it. Lu Sheng smiled, picked up a glass of wine and sipped it slightly.

If your nephew likes it, you can get these easily. Chen Daozao smiled and said, It's just that we are just ordinary people and have no qualifications to practice martial arts, so we just break the pot and throw it away.

Weng Chen, you are being humble. You focus all your energy on business, and you are just pursuing differences. Lu Sheng shook his head.

I wonder why my nephew came here this time? Yunxi has been depressed during this period and has not thought about food and tea. If my nephew is fine, you might want to go see her. Chen Daozao was slightly proactive and eager.

Lu Sheng knew that he had obtained some information about himself. He didn't take it seriously. As the leader of the Red Whale Gang, he couldn't always hide his identity. There would always be times when the paper couldn't contain the fire.

I came here this time to ask Yunxi to go to Jinguang Temple for an outing. It happens that the Jinguang Poetry Festival is being held there, so we can join in the fun. I just don't know if Yunxi is willing.

I'm willing! I'm sure I'm willing! Chen Dao quickly agreed before he could finish his words. Yunxi, I've been waiting for a trip with my nephew for a long time. After saying that, Chen Daozao, perhaps feeling that it was a bit too explicit, made up for it.

After all, the girl is bored staying at home all the time. I originally planned to send her out to get some fresh air, but my nephew came here just in time! Haha, hahahaha!! He laughed dryly.

It's a coincidence. Lu Sheng naturally knew why Chen Daozao was like this. On the one hand, it was because he had too much power and the pressure he brought to him was too strong, making him lose his sense of proportion. On the other hand, the key point is that the Chen family has offended the deputy chief military officer to death, and now it is all due to his victory in Lu that they will not be retaliated against.

For these reasons, it is natural for Chen Dao to have this attitude.

It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence. Chen Daozao smiled, It's a little late today. My nephew, are you planning to attend the evening poetry party?

Well, that's true. Lu Sheng nodded.

Okay, okay, it may rain soon. Remember to bring an umbrella. The night dew is heavy at night. I remember that you can stay overnight at Jinguang Temple. My nephew can stay there. If you and Yunxi don't come back, you don't have to go back. It's safer. . Chen Daozao suggested with a smile.

Lu Sheng was speechless.

Let him stay overnight at Jinguang Temple, or take Chen Yunxi with him. Doesn't this imply that he will directly deal with Chen Yunxi outside?

How can any father do this? Before, she wanted to give her daughter to someone else as a concubine, but now she seemed impatient and wanted her daughter to lose her virginity.

This left Lu Sheng speechless.

Chen Daozao also felt that these words were too explicit, and his old face was a little embarrassed. Then I wanted to say something to calm down.

Dad! Suddenly Chen Yunxi walked in quickly from the door. His face was red and he was too embarrassed to raise his head.

What nonsense are you talking about?

Come on, come on! Let's talk. I happen to have an old friend coming over to play chess. Let's make a move first. When Chen Daozao saw his daughter coming, he stood up quickly and left as quickly as he could before Lu Sheng could reply.

The two of you are left, you look at me and I look at you. I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Chen Yunxi seemed to have been carefully dressed, wearing a green knee-length skirt. There are thin slits on both sides of the skirt. Through the slit, you can see a pair of ivory-like slender legs. It is like two pieces of cloth hanging on the body one behind the other, only covering the most basic key parts.

She has black hair shawl on her upper body, a jade hairpin, and a pair of moon-white pearl earrings swaying slightly, which further accentuates her elegance and beauty.

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