Extreme Demon

Chapter 140 Healing 4

The two stood up, Lu Sheng took the lead and walked out of the hall and left from the side passage, followed closely by Hei Lao.

None of the others followed, and they were all secretly signaled by him to stay. Afterwards, Hong Mingzi coughed a few times and stood up to take charge of the situation instead of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng and Hei Lao quickly arrived at the top floor of the Red Whale, a spacious terrace.

The river wind blew quickly, making the corners of their clothes squeak.

Lu Sheng asked the gang to go ahead, while he and Hei Lao stayed alone on the terrace.

I met the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion not long ago. Mr. Hei, what do you mean by what you just said? The chief priest is missing? Lu Sheng pretended to be slightly shocked. He frowned and stared at Hei Lao.

The night you went out to Dongshan Wufeng Valley a while ago, my master disappeared at that time. Lu Sheng, I advise you not to pretend. The Shangyang family can't protect you. If this matter gets serious, even if Shangyang Jiu Li can't get him any favors. Hei Lao calmed down a little at this time and looked at Lu Sheng with a gloomy expression.

What does Hei Lao mean? The officiating master is extremely powerful. Do you think his disappearance has something to do with me? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

I don't care so much. You just need to tell me what happened that night. I will judge for myself! Hei Lao asked.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment and recounted what happened that night in detail. Of course it will not be the real version, but from the perspective of an ordinary gang member, I heard a loud noise in the distance in the forest, and many potholes of different sizes. He was so taken by the momentum that he didn't dare to get close, so he could only quickly end the transaction and leave quickly. It was calm and nothing happened after that.

So, you don't know why there was such a loud noise because you didn't see what happened? Hei Lao frowned after hearing this.

Indeed. Lu Sheng nodded solemnly, If the officiant is really missing, could it be related to the loud noise that night?

What about the others? Where did you get in touch with the mysterious person you were trading with? Hei Lao asked in a low voice.

An old friend of mine contacted me suddenly and asked me to provide a batch of grain. I saw that the price and profit were extremely high, so I agreed.

This is the first transaction, so it is very important. It was originally intended to be the beginning of a long-term transaction, so I went over there in person, but unexpectedly... Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

Then did you hear any neighing of a big bird, or a roar like a bear? Hei Laoxi asked.

Birds chirping and bears roaring? Lu Sheng recalled carefully, No, not really. He shook his head slowly.

But I suggest you go to the scene and have a look. There may be a lot of clues left. Those mysterious people are most likely related to the loud noise. If the disappearance of the officiant must be related to this matter, then it is very likely to be related to those mysterious people. It's about people. Lu Sheng said seriously.

You think so too? Hei Lao's expression softened slightly, feeling that Lu Sheng was seriously helping him recall the details.

If it is really related to this matter, then we can only start from here. Lu Sheng nodded seriously.

Okay, I'll go to the scene and take a closer look. When Hei Lao saw this, he could only nod. Indeed, with Lu Sheng's strength, there was no way he could pose a threat to his master. There was a gap of several levels between the two sides. Even if the master stood still and let him hit him, he still couldn't break the black film.

No! You are lying!! Suddenly, Hei Lao's expression changed, he turned around and rushed towards Lu Shengfei.

I kill you!!!

He looked crazy, and his palm was like an aquiline hook, hitting Lu Sheng's chest like lightning.


Amidst the huge sound of breaking the air, a black film appeared on Old Hei's palm, and the shadow of black feathers faintly appeared around his body. A palm hit Lu Sheng in the middle of the chest.

Lu Sheng didn't have time to think about what went wrong. He couldn't use the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong internal energy at all. He could only use the Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi of the acupuncture energy, and it was impossible to resist Hei Lao's sudden attack.

With the opponent's strength at least at the level of three lines, once he is hit, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead!

His mind went blank and his body retreated rapidly. But the opponent's speed was too fast. Now that he didn't have the inner strength to explode, he couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch as the black palm quickly approached his chest.

Getting closer and closer, getting more urgent.

grumble! ! !

In an instant, a sharp and extremely violent friction sound suddenly sounded.

A blurry green figure flashed behind Hei Lao and grabbed his shoulder with one hand.

Black Crow, how brave are you!?

Hei Lao suddenly paused, as if he was caught by something. His hand was only less than one finger away from Lu Sheng's chest, but this distance was something he couldn't cross. of natural danger.

Shangyang.!! Hei Lao slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest stiffly.

Where there was nothing there before, a huge hook slowly flashed.

Hiss. Thin traces of blood slowly emerged from around the hook.

Spare my life. Hei Lao's eyes widened, as if all the strength in his body was disappearing quickly.

boom! !

His entire body exploded like a bomb in the blink of an eye.

There was no flesh, blood, and bones, just large groups of black feathers flying and exploding. Then he flew away and shot into the distance.

But before they could escape far, a silver hook appeared in the middle of all the black feathers at the same time, puff puff puff puff! !

All the black feathers exploded into pieces and turned into black spots all over the sky.

Shangyang Jiuli stood on the terrace with a cold expression and a hint of sarcasm in his expression. Appearing with her, there was another middle-aged man.

The man looked dull, wore a white robe, and held a steel brush more than half a meter long in his hand.

Although Wuyou Mansion is not as good as us, Black Crow is the chief priest's old servant. You shouldn't kill him. It makes no sense for us to have such a grudge against Wuyou Mansion.

Shangyang Jiuli rolled his eyes slightly, glanced at the man, and said nothing.

The man glanced at Lu Sheng, with a hint of evil in his eyes, and said again.

For a mortal gang to do this, will you take charge of the overall situation? Didn't your mother personally teach you these principles?

What do I, Shang Yang Jiuli, want to do? Who do you think you are? You dare to discipline me!? Shang Yang Jiuli raised his eyebrows and exuded a fierce aura. If you don't talk nonsense, I'll kill you!

You!? The middle-aged man's chest felt tight. He expected that the other party would be unhappy if he came over, but he did not expect that Jiuli's attitude would be so bad. He is her biological uncle!

I've met Master Jiu Li. Lu Sheng then stepped forward and said respectfully.

Shangyang Jiuli is the second genius of the Shangyang family. His strength is terrifying. He is definitely much stronger than the chief priest. He dares to go to the Red Square to interview the owner of the workshop. This level is no longer measurable by level.

It must be the level of the Seven Marks, or even the peak of the Seven Marks.

So as soon as Lu Sheng found out that he was seriously injured and needed time to buffer, he decisively wrote a letter and sent it to Shangyang Jiuli as soon as possible.

The letter mentioned the possible troubles that might be encountered on this trip, just to see the attitude of the Shangyang family.

Unexpectedly, this top genius actually came over in person and killed the old man Hei next to the officiant with one move.

Unlike him, the demons of the aristocratic family were fighting each other to the death. If it weren't for the huge gap in strength, they wouldn't be able to kill each other in a short period of time, and they would have to fall into a water grinding battle.

And Shangyang Jiuli killed Hei Lao with three lines in one move. It was obvious that his strength had reached the point where he was too strong.

Lu Sheng, is everything you said in your letter true? Shangyang Jiuli asked seriously.

Lu Sheng nodded seriously.

It's absolutely true! He pretended to be righteous at this time, Actually, my subordinate was seriously injured by the unexpected flying boulder. As soon as he came back, he felt something was wrong. Such a loud noise must be someone fighting, so he immediately Give the letter to my subordinate and send it to you. If this black man is killed by you, will there be any trouble?

Just kill an old slave from Wuyou Mansion. If there is any problem, let their master come to me himself! Shangyang Jiuli said impatiently, You said that the chief priest surnamed Bai is fighting with others, except I, who else in the North can fight with him? What kind of Lao Shizi leader from the Martial League?

I don't know. Lu Sheng shook his head.

Forget it if I don't know. The Wuyou Mansion actually dares to threaten my people, Shang Yangjiu Li, and they don't know how to live or die! They just don't say anything about this matter. If they really dare to come to the door, it just so happens that I have recently been lacking in meat and teeth to sacrifice! Shang Yangjiu! Li's expression gradually turned cold. Who comes and who dies!!

Such murderous intent!

Lu Sheng's heart was shocked. He had already noticed that Shangyang Jiuli was very vicious. This time when he sent the letter, he just planned to prepare a case with her. After all, it was his family, so he had to clear the air for such a big matter first.

Unexpectedly, she actually took action herself.

Jiu Li, you represent the Shangyang family, not you personally! This is not the time when you were still in Jurong Kingdom! The middle-aged man finally couldn't help but speak out.

go away!!

Shangyang Jiuli turned around and hit him hard on the chest.

boom! !

A big hook appeared on the middle-aged man's chest, and suddenly silver light exploded,

The middle-aged man flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the metal side of the terrace. There is a shocking arc in the depression of the ship's side.

Shangyang Jiuli took back his right palm, his white eyebrows were stern. Let's go, where is that thing you mentioned? He glanced at Lu Sheng.

I will carry it with me, Lu Sheng said respectfully, taking out a small black object from his sleeve. This is what my subordinate picked up from the battlefield in the forest.

It was a small black round tripod, with fine patterns like words engraved on the surface. There were six ears around it. It was only the size of an egg and was made of neither gold nor jade. It turned out to be the little tripod that Zhuo Wenyu wanted to trade with Lu Sheng.

This thing was obtained from the mouth of a strange corpse, and it is said that it contains extremely high levels of corpse energy.

Is this it!? When Shangyang Jiuli saw this object, his eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly snatched it from Lu Sheng's hand.

Not bad, not bad, you did a good job! If you have something like this in the future, you must remember to hand it in as soon as possible!

As long as you like it, adults! Lu Sheng said with a smile. Over there at Wuyou Mansion

I'm about to make a breakthrough. If I give them ten courages to attack a mere Wuyou Mansion, will they dare? Shangyang Jiuli waved his hand casually. He looked like he had no regard for the overall situation of the Shangyang family.

But Lu Sheng likes this kind of disregard for the overall situation.

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