Extreme Demon

Chapter 139 Healing 3

After recovering from his injury for several days, Lu Sheng almost regained the ability to walk freely. Before, it was difficult for him to even walk for a long time and he could only move in a small area. Toxins spread throughout his body and he lost too much blood. The only thing he could do was to hide in a secret room and recuperate quietly.

Fortunately, the Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi is very powerful, and the high-speed gas return effect on the seventh level greatly speeds up Lu Sheng's recovery time. Paired with a large amount of food and nourishing medicine, he ate it and turned it into internal energy, nourishing the whole body.

In just four days, Lu Sheng consumed precious medicinal materials worth more than ten thousand taels. Hundreds of years old wild ginseng and poria cocos are almost eaten as food. The body also regained its basic power of movement.

That is to say, as the leader of the Red Whale Gang, he has the financial resources and channels to obtain such precious medicinal materials. Other people, even ordinary rich people, cannot buy so many good things in a short period of time.

Lu Sheng came out of seclusion after his injury improved a little, and stayed on board the Red Whale to slowly recover.

On the surface, others could not tell that he was seriously injured. He convened as usual, went to the pharmacy and Xuanwu Pavilion, and occasionally went to the school grounds on the shore to practice his sword skills.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed.


Rays of lightning flashed across the gloomy sky, and blue-purple arcs of lightning flashed across the clouds.

The water on the Songbai River was turbulent, and layers of waves kept hitting the side of the Red Whale, making a thin buzzing sound.

In the Yanzi Hall, Lu Sheng, Hong Mingzi, and Chen Ying were sitting together. He was not affected by the weather outside at all, but carefully watched the gang disciples in front of him fight.

Hong Mingzi's two disciples Lin Honglian and Yuan Zhong, Chen Ying's three disciples, and a large number of young men from the gang are all here to hold a competition among the gangs. The selected candidates are all no more than 20 years old. .

There were many other middle and high-level gang members sitting in the hall.

This is a routine strength ranking competition held by the Red Whale Gang every three years. Anyone under the age of twenty can participate. And if you get into the top ten, you can get rewards such as actual property and skills guidance, and you can get into the sight of the top gang and be promoted to a higher-level position in the gang.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the gang leader's seat, casually watching the competition among the disciples below, a little absent-mindedly.

This level is too weak for him now. On the surface, he seemed to be watching the battle, but in fact, he was stimulating his inner energy with his mind, quickly accelerating the recovery rate of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi. We hope to recover soon in the future.

Clang, clang, clang! !

Two female disciples happened to come up below. They were fighting each other with two swords. Although they lacked strength, their speed and timing were good. In addition, these two female disciples were famous beauties in the gang. At this time, one was wearing purple and the other was blue. The gauze and clothes are fluttering, which is pleasing to the eye.

Although Su Yuer'er's Jin Hong Sword Technique is not very smooth, her timing is very good. Shangguan Rong's speed is slightly faster, and Shangguan Rong is also slightly stronger in the Purple Desire Heart Technique practiced by the two, which just makes up for it. This shows the difference in timing between the two. This victory or defeat may determine the tenth place. Chen Ying nodded slightly and commented.

Chen Ying is right. At the peak of Tongli, these two people in our big Red Whale Gang are considered to be extremely talented and have extraordinary strength. Especially Su Yuer'er, they have very good communication skills. This is exactly what we need in Jielong City. talents. Hong Mingzi suggested with a smile. Junior brother, what do you think?

Lu Sheng hummed absentmindedly.

Yes, senior brother's suggestion is very good. Then let Su Yuer'er be transferred to Jielong City as the deputy helmsman.

Junior brother...? Hong Mingzi noticed Lu Sheng's distraction and asked with some confusion. Ever since he went out at night a while ago, he has been so absent-minded. Now it is a big competition among the gangs, and there are a large number of senior disciples below watching.

There were no less than thirty people sitting in the Yanzi Hall, all helmsmen or sub-rudders from various places. Being distracted in front of everyone, as a gang leader, would eventually greatly affect the morale of the people below.

Well, if Shangguan Rong is the case, you can transfer him to Transforming Star City as the helmsman. It borders the Jurong Kingdom and needs this kind of talents with soft skills. Lu Sheng came back to his senses and thought for a while before replying.

His voice was not loud, but the senior leaders here were all masters, even the weakest ones were at the Kung Li level, so how could they not hear what he said.

Everyone actually saw that Lu Sheng was distracted, but since the Umbrella Girl battle, the gang had suffered heavy losses. The remaining masters and senior leaders almost respected Lu Sheng like a god and were completely convinced of Lu Sheng who turned the tide, so even if he was distracted, The impact was not as bad as Hong Mingzi imagined.

At this time, the two women fighting on the field were finally exhausted. They each took a step back and clasped their fists to calculate a draw. If the two continued to fight, they would only be half-matched without using their killing moves. In the end, it would just become a competition of endurance and physical strength. Then No sense anymore.

Thank you for the promotion, leader! Upon hearing Lu Sheng's reply, Shangguan Rong was overjoyed, with a sweet smile on her pretty face, and she clasped her fists and bowed in salute. This time, she finally succeeded in entering the management of the gang, which was also the goal she had been working hard for.

There are many women in the Red Whale Gang, and many of them were originally family ladies. Among them, there are not a few who are as beautiful as her in martial arts. She also put more effort into dressing up, and this slowly spread among the gang. reputation.

Being able to get the attention of the higher-ups this time can be regarded as a reward for the previous efforts, and I am satisfied.

Unlike Shangguan Rong, Su Yuer's expression moved slightly and she took a step forward without any joy on her face.

Reporting to the leader of the gang, Su Yue does not want to be transferred to the helm.

Don't you want to be transferred to helmsman? Lu Sheng, Hong Mingzi and others were stunned. This is the biggest wish in the hearts of tens of thousands of gang members. To become a person in charge is equivalent to a local prince, but there are still some people who don't want to be a leader.

Lu Sheng's eyes turned slightly strange and he looked at Su Yue. He remembered this girl. She was the granddaughter of a certain elder in the gang.

Since the death of the elder, this woman has had to stand up to support the family. Fortunately, she has extraordinary talent and good luck, and avoided the disaster of the umbrella girl's attack on the headquarters before, so she stands out now.

Then what do you want to do? To participate in the competition, you have a wish in your heart, right? Chen Ying also asked curiously.

Su Yue pursed her lips, took a step forward, and looked directly at Lu Sheng.

Su Yue, I want to become the leader of the gang, so please let him do it! She fell to her knees, her forehead touched the ground, and there were several bang bang bang sounds.

Suddenly, the field fell silent. Many high-level experts did not expect that Su Yue would make this move.

The strength of the leader of the Lu Shenglu Gang is obvious to all. He is recognized as the number one master in the North. He is the best in swordsmanship, palm skills and internal strength, and no one can match him.

Even if we compare them to the Central Plains, they are definitely the top group.

Many uninformed people even speculated that the gang leader had most likely reached the Tianyuan realm.

Hong Mingzi and others believed that Lu Sheng was not a pure ordinary person at all, but also a remnant of the bloodline of an aristocratic family, so he could offset the poison and protection at the lowest level and be on an equal footing with the Umbrella Girl.

Such strength cannot be copied, so they have no intention of finding a way to learn from it. He was even vaguely in awe of him.

At this time, Su Yue became a disciple. Hong Mingzi and others were stunned for a moment, and then they all felt that it was impossible. Lu Sheng's strength could not be copied, and there was no point in becoming a disciple.

Your request...me... Lu Sheng said slightly and looked at Su Yue calmly.

Although he recovered quickly, because the meridians have not been repaired yet, it will take at least a month to relax and repair, so there is a lot of time in this month, but

Bang! !

Suddenly, the door of the Yanzi Hall was violently smashed open. The heavy wooden door was like two thin pieces of wood, and it bounced off and hit the walls on both sides.

Who!!? A burly red-haired man suddenly stood up and rushed towards the door with a magic pestle in hand.

Step aside!


The red-haired man flew back at an even faster speed in an instant, and fell more than ten meters to the ground with a hiss, knocking over a bunch of tables, chairs and stools.

How brave! This is the headquarters of the Red Whale Gang, and you actually dare to barge in! Chen Ying stood up suddenly. He recognized the red-haired man. He was a high-ranking Tongyi member of the gang who was famous for his strength. He was actually arrested in such an instant. Smashed back.

The opponent's strength was unfathomable. Chen Ying shouted loudly, but he paid more attention to it than ever before. All his strength was concentrated on his palms, and his whole body flew lightly. He slapped the black shadow that came in.

Bang! !

The figure also slapped Chen Ying on the head, casually sweeping Chen Ying aside like a blade.

Several more people rushed forward, and all their swords, swords and daggers fell on him.

Clang, clang, clang! !

In a series of crisp sounds, all the weapons were bounced away. The black shadow was unscathed and still walked quickly into the center of the hall.

Lu Sheng! Let me ask you! What happened at the foot of Dongshan Mountain that night? How did my master disappear?

Only then did the black shadow reveal its figure, and it turned out to be the hunchbacked one-eyed old man Hei Lao who followed the old man in Wuyou Mansion.

Lu Sheng sat on the gang leader's throne and looked at Mr. Hei below. My heart tightened.

He is now severely deficient in internal energy, and without the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Kung, relying solely on hard kung fu or something like that, even if he can barely develop the anode state, it is impossible to kill Hei Lao, who is a demon.

He was at an unprecedented low point in his strength. He originally wanted to cultivate himself and hide for a while until he recovered, but he didn't expect the people from the Wuyou Mansion to come to his door so quickly.

If he really wanted to take action now, he might not even be able to defeat a member of a single-line family, let alone a master like Mr. Hei.

I just went to make a deal with a group of mysterious people that night. As for your master's disappearance? What do you think I can know based on your master's situation? Lu Sheng said calmly without changing his expression.

Also, I don't like others talking to me in this way and tone. This is the Red Whale Gang, not your master's Xiao Mansion.

Hei Lao stared at Lu Sheng gloomily. He had seen the opponent's strength before. If he really wanted to fight at his own level, he might not be able to beat him. At most, he would be half a match.

But Lu Sheng must know something about what happened that night.

Hei Lao stood still, staring at Lu Sheng with one eye, and a trace of murderous intent slowly spread across his body.

Gang Leader Lu, do you not want to say it, or do you not know?

Lu Sheng saw Hei Lao's eyes turning sinister. It was obvious that even if he didn't say anything, the other party was really planning to take action.

But he must not show any cowardice at this time. Once it is discovered that he is seriously injured and unable to take action, he will be in even greater trouble!

He looked around and took action here. With the other party's temperament, he was afraid that he would go on a killing spree, and the entire Red Whale Gang might be completely destroyed by then. His current strength cannot stop this person.

I really don't know about this matter, but this is not the place to talk. You and I can talk in detail somewhere else. Lu Sheng said in a low voice. Hei Laoyi only injured but not killed when he came in. Obviously, he didn't intend to completely fall out with the Shangyang family.


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