Extreme Demon

Chapter 133 Transaction 7

Ox carts drove slowly, moving towards the darkness in the distance. The low sound of cow hooves slowly sounded like raindrops.

Lu Sheng rode his horse and walked slowly in front of the team.

At night, the river breeze blew and it was a bit cold. From time to time, you could hear coughs from the gang members in the team.

The convoy left the Red Whale, protected by more than fifty people along the way, and headed towards Windless Valley.

After passing through a large sandy land, there is a dense forest mountain road. There are many oxcarts and there are no wild beasts to attack along the way.

Lu Sheng led the way, wearing a black and red patterned brocade robe. He had a calm demeanor and looked a bit like the leader of a big gang.

Walking in the dense forest, Lu Sheng asked his gang to hold torches and scatter around to drive away any wild beasts that might appear.

He and the three elders guarded the team's surroundings to prevent possible ghosts.

After walking for about half an hour, we could finally vaguely see similar torchlight spots in front of us.

Lu Sheng sped up and signaled the convoy to stay in the woods. He ran forward for a short distance and was almost out of the woods. On the hilly sand outside, he saw Li Shunxi and others who had come to trade.

In the dark night, Li Shunxi also quickly saw Lu Sheng riding on his horse. He took a step forward and cupped his fists.

Brother Lu!

Lu Sheng responded by cupping his fists.

Did Brother Li bring something you need?

Li Shunxi smiled, and Guan Nian beside him took a step forward and raised an iron box in his hand high.

At this moment, Guan Nian, Zhong Yunxiu, and Zhang Wuya who were accompanying the team were all carefully observing Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, the largest gang in the North.

His face was straight, his skin was fair and delicate, he wore a square hat inlaid with ruby ​​​​on his head, and a long gown and brocade robe. This Lu Shenglu gang leader looked more like a rich young man than a big gang leader. Although he is a little stronger, his temperament is vaguely calm and leisurely.

Lu Sheng also looked at the people who came with Li Shunxi one by one. Several of them gave him a vague sense of familiarity. They seemed not to be ordinary people, but to have a certain level of toxicity. He guessed that it should be the master of the forces that Li Shunxi joined.

The grain ox carts are at the back. The ox carts are provided for free. Do you have enough manpower? Lu Sheng asked loudly.

Enough! Guan Nian walked out, jumped a few times, and stood high on the tree trunk. He saw more than a dozen oxcarts in the distance, and his eyes lit up. There was a lack of food in the valley this time, so he used a meaningless meal. Martial arts secrets can be exchanged for so many supplies, which is really a big bargain.

He was afraid that Lu Sheng would regret it, so he quickly asked Mr. Zhang Wuya to send someone to take over.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously. He just went back and ordered his subordinates to get out of the way of the bullock carts, and smiled as he watched them take over the food.

The people below handed over, and Lu Sheng and others walked away alone to discuss other matters.

Thank you Gang Leader Lu for your righteousness. Since the Gang Leader is righteous, we are also willing to learn another martial arts as a reward. It is also a martial arts at the Tongyi level. After walking out of the woods on the other side, Zhang Wuya behind Li Shunxi suddenly Stand up and speak loudly.

Oh? Lu Sheng's eyes lit up and he looked at the old man. Is this true?

Zhang Wuya stared closely at Lu Sheng's eyes, ignoring the pull of Guan Nian and Zhong Yunxiu beside him.

I am old and incompetent, but I still have a collection of several Tongyi Martial Arts. Even if it is a personal gift from Zhang, I just want to ask Gang Leader Lu a question personally. I wonder if Gang Leader can answer it?

Problem? As long as it's not a special issue, Lu knows everything. Lu Sheng smiled.

Zhang Wuya smiled and was about to continue.

Suddenly, in the darkness, there was the uneasy roar of several cows in a bullock cart in the distance. The gang members rushed forward to comfort him, but to no avail, the cow's growl became louder and louder.

What's going on?! Lu Sheng frowned and looked in the direction of the sound.

puff! puff! puff! !

Suddenly three red lights suddenly took off and exploded in the surrounding woods, like three fireworks. Suddenly illuminated everyone.


Suddenly, a person behind Guan Nian swung his sword at a teammate next to him. With a single pull of the sword, the teammate's head was cut off from his neck.

Zhang Peng, you!!?? By the time Guan Nian found out, the man had already jumped up with a strange smile and ran more than ten meters away.

He was frightened and angry, and wanted to chase him, but was surprised to find a familiar shadow vaguely appearing in the surrounding forest.

Long time no see, Guan Nian, I won't let you escape again this time. A beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure and revealing clothes, wearing a black short skirt, her hands tangled in black hair, walked out of the darkness, looking at To everyone from the Xiangwu League.

Bai Jing.! Guan Nian's face suddenly darkened.

Zhong Yunxiu, Guan Nian, today I was able to kill two big rats from the Wu League at once. Not bad, not bad, good luck. On the other side of the crowd, a white-faced scholar slowly walked out of the darkness.

The scholar had a smile on his face and held a pink folding fan with a painting of beauty and flowers in his hand. He seemed to have some makeup for women on his face, and a strong fragrance was faintly wafting from it.

Quan Huan! Guan Nian's expression turned extremely ugly.

If Bai Jing was alone and he teamed up with Zhong Yunxiu to attack in a sneak attack, he might still have a chance to win. But there is one more Quan Huan, this one is not a novice like Bai Jing who has just entered the third level. Quan Huan's reputation spread to the ears of many children of the Central Plains families as early as more than 20 years ago. It is because he is not only good in strength, but also has a good mind. He can save the day when he is surrounded and suppressed by stronger masters many times.

Now we're in trouble. Guan Nian tensed up and exchanged glances with Zhong Yunxiu. He was ready to escape at any time. As long as they escape first and distract the two strongest Bai Jing, then ordinary people like Mr. Zhang Wuya and the others , there will also be hope of survival.

But then, two shadows slowly walked out from the other two directions, making Guan Nian and the two of them feel their hearts sinking to the bottom.

Their hearts felt cold, and some people in the team behind them even showed a faint look of despair.

Most of them have been dealing with Wuyou Mansion for many years, and most of them recognize several of the envoys from Wuyou Mansion. These envoys are like Xiao Hongye, and they are extremely powerful masters guarding the place. However, they did not expect that they would meet four of them here. ! ?

Lu Sheng rode his horse and looked at Li Shunxi's team from a distance. His expression was also gloomy.

Brother Li, it seems you have leaked the news.

Li Shunxi's face turned pale, knowing that he would not survive this disaster. He smiled bitterly at Lu Sheng and said, Brother Lu. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Sheng looked around at Bai Jing and the others, his eyes turning cold.

Our transactions cannot be leaked. It seems that these people cannot be kept.


Bai Jing and the four others were stunned. Among them, a bronze-skinned man who was close to Lu Sheng looked at Lu Sheng as if he were a fool.

You kid is... His eyes suddenly changed and he looked in the direction of Lu Sheng. His eyes opened wider and wider, and his mouth gradually opened into an O shape.

you you you you you!!?

Don't blame me. If not, blame you for knowing too much! Lu Sheng slowly drew out the two swords from his back. His entire body's muscles were twisting and squirming like blowing air. In just a few breaths, he swelled from an ordinary person over one meter tall to a muscular giant close to three meters tall! !

The most terrifying thing was that there was a terrifying and hot transparent air current lingering around him. The feeling of the breath even made the strong bronze man standing more than ten meters away feel hot all over, and his skin burned and hurt.

Chiji Jiusha. Divine power!!!

boom! ! !


The horse at Lu Sheng's feet howled miserably and fell to its knees with its limbs broken at the same time.

Lu Sheng, who was on his back, put his foot on the horse's back to gain strength. He jumped up high and his heavy body fell suddenly like a huge boulder.

The person who hit it was a strong bronze man, one of the four.

The strong man's pupils shrank, his arms were blocked in front of him, his back feet supported the ground, and black membranes covered his body.

ah! !

He roared wildly, his pupils dimly glowed with red light, activating the secret technique, and his whole body was dimly covered with white python scales.

Boom! ! !

The two swords and the strong man's arms collided suddenly, like two boulders facing each other.

The stalemate only lasted for a moment, and everyone heard a crisp sound. The strong man's arms suddenly broke. He had no time to react, and his chest was cut off with a knife.

With a pop, the bronze man's entire head, including his upper body to waist, was deeply chopped into two pieces by the machete in the blink of an eye.

You!! The strong man struggled and fell to the ground, and finally said one word.


Before he could finish speaking, his head was crushed by Lu Sheng's kick.

The hot inner energy wrapped around the blade and burned the strong man into a ball of black ash in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng held up the two swords and then looked at Bai Jing and the other three.

There are three more. A sinister smile appeared on his lips.

The whole forest was deathly silent.

Big demon. Big demon.!! Guan Nian had sweat dripping from his forehead and the tip of his nose, his body was trembling, and he stared at the transformed Lu Sheng.

No matter how you look at the nearly three-meter-long black-gray figure, it doesn't look like a human being, but more like the transformed demons in Wuyou Mansion.

It's just that a demon of this level can kill an envoy from the Worry-free Mansion with one sword, and even the black film seems to not exist.

Such strength!!

If they really encounter a big demon, then everyone here will really die.

No, not a demon. Unlike him, Zhang Wuya looked excited and stared at Lu Sheng with a crazy and crazy expression.

Hard Kung Fu. This is Hard Kung Fu! The strongest external Kung Fu in one! We have gathered together and deduced together that the theoretically strongest hard Kung Fu state is so incredible! Unbelievable!! It actually exists. Such people exist! It's simply unbelievable!! He muttered, carefully staring at every inhuman change on Lu Sheng's body.

You mean, this person relied on martial arts?! He used martial arts to hack a regional warrior to death??! Zhong Yunxiu said in disbelief at the side.

This talent is a genius! The strongest genius that no one has ever surpassed in ancient and modern times!! Is there really someone in this world who can actually deduce so many hard skills to great success!!? Hahahaha!! Martial arts are promising! Martial arts are promising!! Zhang Wuya almost started dancing. Extremely excited.

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