Extreme Demon

Chapter 132 Transaction 6

Thank you for your hard work. You all should go down and have a rest. For the next food transaction, you have to trouble Shunxi to go there in person. Qin Wumian flicked his finger, and suddenly a trace of invisible inner energy flew out of the air and landed accurately. On the right shoulders of Li Shunxi and several people present, the inner energy melted into the skin under their clothes like water flowing into the sea.

Li Shunxi suddenly felt a shiver all over, and his body was so warm that he felt uncomfortably warm. Knowing that this was the leader of the alliance using his own skills to cleanse their bodies and warm up their hidden wounds, he gratefully handed over to Qin Wumian, then turned around and left with a few others respectfully.

This kind of nourishment is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Just like this, most of Qin Wumian's meditation practice was wiped out. Such dedication is common in the Martial Alliance, and many people have received help from him.

After waiting for Li Shunxi and others to leave, Qin Wumian gently picked up the bamboo tube and touched the sealing wax at the mouth of the tube. Suddenly, the red sealing wax silently turned into powder and fell naturally.

He tilted the bamboo tube, poured out a thick roll of light yellow paper, and gently unfolded it.

Holding the roll of paper, Qin Wumian looked at it carefully with a calm face at first. As he looked at more and more content, his eyes lit up slightly, and there was a faint smile on his face.


The paper roll was suddenly crumpled into a ball, and in a blink of an eye it was shaken into yellow powder by internal force. Then it fell from his fingers and floated out of the terrace, evenly blown by the wind towards the light green pool.

Here comes someone. Qin Wumian said loudly.

I've seen the leader! A figure wearing green attire and a similar green mask quickly appeared in the pavilion square under the terrace, kneeling on one knee towards Qin Wumian above.

Go and ask Master Zhang Wuya to come and talk to you. Qin Wumian said with a smile.


The green figure stood up, put his feet on the ground, and suddenly flew into the air one after another. The speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared after a few passes.

Zhang Wuya sat in the middle of the deer hall, motionless, with thoughts rolling around in his heart. His face was neither happy nor sad, but the slight flash in his eyes and the whitened knuckles of his hands were clenched, showing that he was very excited at this time. .

The Martial Alliance is a mixed alliance formed by the Tianyuan masters among mortals who are unwilling to be enslaved, and the Ye faction from the aristocratic family, who have a gentle attitude towards mortals, to fight against the blood faction family and demons and monsters.

Therefore, in terms of status, the Tianyuan people are in an alliance with the Ye family, not subordinates.

But because of the strength gap between Tianyuan and Shijiazi, they have been living a very miserable life in the Martial Alliance. Whether they go on missions or do other things, they mostly have to rely on Shijiazi.

Even though the group of old immortals represented by Zhang Wuya are all Tianyuan masters, because they are pure warriors and their strength cannot reach the formal level, they are all treated equally and regarded as weak support personnel.

Therefore, in various tasks, they have always been assigned to do logistics and auxiliary intelligence work. Over time, they have become synonymous with weak and weak groups.

The most frightening thing is that the entire Martial Alliance, whether it is members of aristocratic families or a large part of their own Tianyuan masters, slowly begins to take this division of labor for granted, and ordinary people can only do side jobs such as logistics and intelligence. No matter how hard you try, you will never be a match for the family.

If there is no hope from the alliance leader this time, if this continues, the bad voices against us in the martial alliance will become louder and louder over time. I am afraid that even all Tianyuan will only think that they can only do things for the old and the weak. It's a waste of work.

Once all hopes are placed on snatching the magic weapon and the magic blade, how is this idea different from those of the blood sect's aristocratic families?

Martial arts will definitely bring hope and a way out to the common people. Zhang Wuya's heart was filled with emotions, and the alliance leader's handwriting he held in his hand was like a rare treasure, being pulled hard by him.

Mr. Zhang, have you arranged the manpower? Is there any route? The secret book must be the original. This is what the alliance leader has carefully warned. A tall and thin middle-aged man strode in from outside the Weilu Hall, followed by several young people. They are all wearing light green half-length leather armor, wearing white tight hoops on their heads, and have a green jade the size of a fingernail inlaid between their eyebrows.

They are the masters who were arranged by Qin Wumian, the leader of the alliance, to escort the transaction. The middle-aged man leading the team was named Guan Nian, and behind him was his Green Team.

Okay, it's good morning. This trip is related to the food rations within the Guli League, so Zhang naturally doesn't dare to neglect it! Zhang Wuya stood up and said loudly.

He is eighty-nine years old this year. Since he joined the Martial Alliance after achieving Tianyuan more than ten years ago, he has been leading other Tianyuan in the Martial Alliance to plan and manage logistics matters for the entire organization. He himself is also one of the strongest Tianyuan masters in the entire martial arts alliance.

Okay, okay, old man, why don't you go. I'm here this time, so nothing will happen to you. Guan Nian said with his chest.

It doesn't matter whether he goes or not, he muttered to himself.

As for the Tianyuan and warriors in the alliance who managed logistics and worked diligently, he was grateful and respected for their efforts and support when he and others went into battle.

But he sincerely disapproved of Zhang Wuya, a stubborn person who refused to admit defeat and used martial arts to compete with the famous family for the limelight.

If you are weak, you are weak. Why should you be embarrassed to admit it? If you are weak, you should do good logistics. Isn't it equally good for everyone to divide labor and cooperate? We will do the work, and you will transport the food and grass. Isn't this great? This is what he said. A statement made publicly on some occasion.

But these old die-hards are just not willing to give in. They are always tossing and turning, and even though they are clearly not strong enough, they still insist on refusing to say anything. Those who have been clamoring all day long are the candidates who represent the hopes of the warriors.

But for those candidates on the list, the masters who are known as the top wizards of human martial arts. To be honest, he secretly sent people to try their hands, and they couldn't even beat one of his weakest brothers.

The weakest of his younger brothers is also a person who practices purely auxiliary secret arts among the single-layered single lines, but even so, there is still no suspense.

Seeing that Zhang Wuya was still full of hope despite his age, always paying attention to the stars of hope on the list, he never had the heart to tell him this cruel fact. People always need to have some illusions and hopes.

Sir, did you find another star of hope this time? The last time you found that Zhang Songyu, he had this look on his face, Guan Nian said helplessly.

Don't talk nonsense. Zhang Songyu has been in seclusion recently. He must have gained some insights. It is very likely that his martial arts will improve greatly after he comes out of seclusion, and he may have a chance to break through the extraordinary line! Zhang Wuya blew his beard and glared.

Guan Nian had no choice but to say that Zhang Songyu was in seclusion because he was beaten by his younger brother. If he really said that, the old man would definitely be angry on the spot, and he might be grabbed and taken to the alliance leader for comment.

He couldn't bear to stand with an old man and have a verbal spat for several hours.

Okay, okay, okay, whatever you say is what it is. Speaking of which, who is the person we are dealing with this time? Where is the edict arranged by the alliance leader? It is said that Zhong Yunxiu and I will go out together. This is a rare thing.

This time, this time. Zhang Wuya became obviously excited when he mentioned this transaction, The person we are trading with this time can be said to be the number one master in the North, the real star of hope among my pure warriors!! Red Whale Gang leader Lu Sheng!

Lu Sheng? Leader of the Red Whale Gang? Isn't the leader of the Red Whale Gang the old man named Hong who is the leader of the Red Whale Sect? I remember borrowing a map from him before. Guan Nian asked doubtfully.

Lu Sheng is the head of the Scarlet Sun Sect who has just taken office. He is a talented person who has cultivated the Chiji Mental Technique in the sect to a very high level. It is said that he also dabbles in hard skills and sword skills.

Okay, okay, okay, don't talk to me about martial arts. I'm not interested. Let's talk about business first. Business. Guan Nian was speechless and quickly stopped Zhang Wuya's tirade. He was only interested in the tyrannical secret skills promoted by the power of blood. As for the Martial arts, that kind of thing, if you practice it for a lifetime, you can't block a secret skill and just rub it down, does it make sense?

Zhang Wuya was interrupted by Guan Nian and was so angry that he couldn't do anything. His face turned red, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhang just wants to remind the captain that the leader of this gang is very powerful. Maybe we can try to recruit him.

Mr. Zhang, you just call yourself an old man like other old men. You still pay someone so and so at such an old age. No matter how strong the gang leader is, he is just a Tianyuan. What does it matter whether he absorbs it or not?

Guan Nian knew that these old Tianyuan elders had always believed that warriors would definitely be able to fight against the weird and noble families. But facts are facts, and countless facts have proven that this is just a fantasy.

Okay, stop dawdling, pack up, we should hit the road. Guan Nian finally reminded. Hurry and show me the oracle so that I can determine the time and place.

Zhang Wuya was helpless and threw the oracle in his hand towards Guan Nian.

As one of the top masters in the alliance, Guan Nian is the top killer among the aristocratic families in the double pattern level. Although he has a good relationship with Zhang Wuya, he doesn't care about what he says. But in this regard, like the other masters, he is equally dismissive of Tianyuan and ordinary people's expectations of martial arts.

This is actually quite normal. Whenever we learn that a powerful martial artist has been born, after careful investigation, we finally find that he is from a noble family. As time goes by, everyone's expectations for martial arts become lower and lower.

Qin Wumian sent Guan Nian and Zhong Yunxiu this time because they had the gentlest attitude towards ordinary people, because Lu Sheng was a purely human warrior without any bloodline. In addition, Mr. Zhang Wuya is with the team, so it is easy to develop a close relationship.

After reading the handwritten letter, Guan Nian paid no attention to the record of allegedly repelling the deputy head of Hongfang head-on. Let’s not talk about the fact that the Redfang umbrella girl had a hard fight with the Zhen family and her injuries were not healed. Let’s talk about this. Suspicions like this have occurred on other Hope Stars. After a lot of time, manpower and material resources were spent on the investigation, it was finally discovered that it was just a farce.

There are too many such examples.

At night, the full moon hangs high.

On the dock outside the Red Whale, a dozen ox carts that had been prepared for a long time were parked. Big bags of grain were hidden under the bags piled in the car.

Bags of shabby clothes were placed on the surface of these vehicles as a cover. The deepest part below is where the food is placed.

Lu Sheng brought a total of 5,000 kilograms, a bag of fifty kilograms, and a dozen grain trucks contained a hundred bags.

Are you ready? Lu Sheng rode the black horse and looked back at the people in the team.

Everything is ready. Ning San ran back and forth in a low voice, Clan Leader Chen Ying and Elder Duan asked when to set off. The ox cart is slow. If we don't leave, we might have to wait until dawn to arrive.

Let's go when you're ready. Lu Sheng said calmly. If he could get in touch with the mysterious forces behind Li Shunxi this time, he might be able to quickly get enough new martial arts that are powerful enough. He is currently very lacking in hard skills and can help The hard skills collected in the collection are no longer effective on him. Only high-level hard skills may be able to create new stimulation for his anode state.

Looking at the more than ten oxcarts in a row, Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, but his mind drifted to his own martial arts practice.

‘Hard work is the container, and internal force is the water in the container. After the internal energy is liquefied, only by continuously strengthening and enlarging the container can it accommodate more and stronger internal energy.

I must plan ahead and collect hard work first. This will prevent the body from being lifted when the liquefied internal air cannot be accommodated in the future. Cultivation stagnation occurred again. ’




The gang members beside the bullock cart made a sound at this time. Seeing this, Lu Sheng slowly raised his hand.

Set off!

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