Extreme Demon

Chapter 134 Transaction 8

Different from their excitement and shock, Bai Jing and the others were numb and stared at Lu Sheng who was walking towards them.

Unconsciously, the three of them lost their previous relaxed aura, especially after the bronze man was killed by Lu Sheng's knife. Bai Jing and Quan Huan were the strongest two among them, but they also asked themselves what happened under that knife. Not immune.

Master Lu, do you really want to start a full-scale war with my Wuyou Mansion? Are you representing the Shangyang family, or are you the attitude of the Red Whale Gang? Bai Jing took two steps back and asked in a deep voice with a tight face.

Lu Sheng was like a mountain of muscles, holding two swords and taking one step at a time. To him, the thick grass was almost like a swamp, slightly sagging under his weight.

Attitude? Those are not important. He raised the knife, and the inner energy lingering on the knife was like an invisible burning flame.

The important thing is, you all have to die now!

boom! !

In an instant, Lu Sheng disappeared from the spot, and his heavy and huge body exploded incredibly fast at this moment.

So much so that the three of them stared at him closely, unable to react.

Bang bang! ! ! !

Quan Huan and another area envoy were hit almost at the same time. Two huge machetes whirled around and broke their necks with a snap. They rolled out and were unable to get up.

Blood was scattered all over the ground, dyeing the entire forest red.

Lu Sheng's figure appeared directly above Bai Jing. His huge body of nearly three meters actually rose into the air, and his palms moved left and right towards Bai Jing's head. The shadow cast even enveloped Bai Jing's entire body.

If this blow were real, Bai Jing's whole head would be blown open, killing him instantly like a crushed watermelon.

Even if she could recover quickly, if the black membrane was broken, once she lost her resistance and was ignited by Lu Sheng's inner energy, she would only be burned into black ash.

Kong Yan!! Without any time to think about it, Bai Jing screamed, twisted her body, and turned into a white bird half as tall as a man, which flashed past Lu Sheng's palm in a thrilling way.

boom! !

The ground where she was originally standing suddenly exploded into a large crater, and countless dirt and grass clippings flew and rolled, and soon turned into charred black, directly scorched by the high temperature internal air.

No! You can't kill me!! Bai Jing screamed in fear and flew high into the sky.

Before it flew a few meters, Lu Sheng, who was catching up from behind, grabbed his hind legs. Hit the ground hard.


There was a loud bang.

Lu Sheng only had half of the bird's leg left in his hand, and the rest was smashed into minced meat. A large hole in the ground was filled with a mixture of flesh and earth.

Lu Sheng casually threw away his leg and walked towards the other two area envoys who were slowly struggling to recover on the ground.

Quan Huan and another middle-aged woman.

Gang Leader Lu! Gang Leader Lu! If you have something to say, it's easy to say! Quan Huan's face had no blood at first, but now it was as white as snow, and he was miserable.

I, Wuyou Mansion, have no enmity with you. You have no need or reason to kill us all. If you are willing, I, Quan Huan, have also hidden some gold, silver, jewels, treasures and rare things. I will give them all to you, all of them.

Before he finished speaking, Quan Huan's entire body turned into a black shadow, rushing into the distance like lightning.


Unfortunately, before he could run very far, Lu Sheng, who suddenly caught up with him, kicked him hard and crushed him on the spot. He didn't even return to his human form before disappearing completely.

In the end, the middle-aged woman's eyes showed despair, and she stabbed the knife between her eyebrows, falling to the ground and quickly turning into a puddle of pus.

A trick? Lu Sheng stepped forward with a strange look on his face and stepped on it. His inner energy exploded and immediately burned the pus into black ash. A woman's scream could also be heard faintly.

She originally pretended to be dead, but she didn't expect to be seen through and was burned alive without any resistance.

After the four people were completely eliminated, Lu Sheng had time to look back, his body quickly returned to normal, and he looked at Li Shunxi and the others.

I've kept you waiting. Let's continue. Where did we just talk? He looked at Mr. Zhang Wuya who looked dazed.

The gap was too big. Lu Sheng's explosive speed was almost impossible to dodge in a short distance. Whoever is caught will die.

The disparity in strength meant that the four regional envoys were crushed to death without even using many tricks. At that critical juncture, there are very few people who can react as quickly as Bai Jing and use life-saving tricks.

Lu Sheng's huge body, but his explosive speed was so flexible and terrifying, which shocked everyone. As long as such shock lasted for a moment, without any reaction, with Lu Sheng's strength, everything would be over. .

Guan Nian looked at Lu Sheng, who was walking slowly towards him with his upper body naked, and swallowed his saliva. He cursed in his heart that those old guys from the intelligence department in the alliance were all trash!

According to the intelligence, Lu Sheng is a pure warrior, but at the moment, it seems that any pure warrior can crush to death a dual-marked Wuyoufu regional envoy like he is doing in front of him?

But then he thought about it, and luckily Lu Sheng suddenly broke out and solved the siege of Wuyou Mansion. Otherwise, they would really be caught and killed this time.

Thank you, Leader Lu, for your righteousness, Guan Nian said quickly, cupping his fists.

Li Shunxi also clasped his fists in thanks with a strange look on his face.

Brother Lu. He seemed to feel that it was no longer appropriate to call him that way. Lu Sheng's strength was too terrifying and he was a fatal threat to them. For Lu Sheng, he could be solved with just three punches and two kicks.

This difference in strength was so great that even if he wanted to make friends with Lu Sheng like before, he would feel a little overwhelmed.

You and I have our own business, don't worry about it. Lu Sheng waved his hand. He was just testing his strength level just now. After the breakthrough, he was indeed stronger, and his explosive power and lethality were much more ferocious than before.

This was just a simple use of his anode state. He didn't even use all his strength to defeat the four regional envoys of the Wuyou Mansion. In the hierarchy, the gap in strength is too obvious. Just one level away is really a world of difference.

Among them, Bai Jing was almost on the same level as the umbrella girl he had just fought against not long ago. However, before she even showed half of her strength, she was forced to use the secret escape technique to escape, and she died of suffocation.

Brother Lu, you are different from us. Didn't you, on behalf of the Shangyang family, have interactions with the Wuyou Mansion? Why are you still treating them? Li Shunxi asked the doubts in his heart.

When Guan Nian and others heard this, they nodded.

Unlike them, Lu Sheng was a member of the Shangyang family, and he only had a cooperative relationship with the Wuyou Mansion. Even if the cooperation deal with their martial alliance was exposed, he would not kill four regional commanders in one go so completely. Lu Sheng could definitely use his background and identity to mediate.

Lu Sheng actually thought so at first, but when those four vague murderous intentions focused on him, he understood that these people were not only coming for Li Shunxi, but also for him.

So either don't move, or if you want to move, you have to kill them all. So he took action decisively. Before the opponent can adapt to the speed and strength of his anode state, he destroyed everyone.

The previous temptation, coupled with the fact that Wuyou Mansion actually ate one of his cronies, dared to ask him if he minded in front of him.

This is simply a big insult! !

Sooner or later, he will drag down the officiant and chop him into minced meat!

As for the pursuit of hidden dangers in Wuyou Mansion, he also thought of a way to deal with them. People had already come to his door and were ready to attack him. If he still backed down and dared not take action, then he would be really stupid.

Of course I have my reasons for this. Since this place has been discovered, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's evacuate first. Lu Sheng said casually.

So, this is the original secret book for this trip. Zhang Wuya hurried forward and handed the iron box to Lu Sheng. Then he took out a withered yellow booklet from his clothes and stuffed it into him.

This is the authentic copy that I have collected for many years. I will give it to the leader as well. Thank you for your help today.

Lu Sheng nodded, took it and held it in his hand. Then everyone went to check on the food delivery.

The other part of the forest was not affected much, and with the special comfort of the three elders of the Red Whale Gang, the handover was completed smoothly.

Many people didn't even know that the bosses had been attacked and beaten severely. I just heard loud noises coming from far away from time to time. After a little commotion, it was fine.

Brother Li, please be sure to keep the matter regarding these people in Wuyou Mansion a secret. Lu Sheng warned Li Shunxi.

Of course! Li Shunxi said seriously.

Guan Nian and others also looked solemn. If there hadn't been a traitor in their team this time, who leaked his whereabouts and provoked the Wuyou Mansion, there would have been no need for Lu Sheng to take action.

They took action to save them, and if they were targeted and hunted by the Wuyou Mansion because of this, it would really be repaying kindness with hatred.

Don't worry, Gang Leader Lu, no one outside the scene will know about this! Guan Nian will guarantee it with my life! Guan Nian said bitterly, patting his chest.

Lu Sheng nodded and said nothing more.

Then, let's say goodbye and hope we can work together again when we have the opportunity.

It's easy to go, Lord Lu! Guan Nian and others clasped their fists.

Lu Sheng found a coat and put it on. Under the strange and incomprehensible looks of Li Shunxi and others, he led the people back towards the Red Whale quickly.

Li Shunxi felt that everything that happened tonight was like a dream.

First, a traitor suddenly appeared in the team and stabbed one of his own people to escape. Later, he was besieged by the four major regional envoys of Wuyou Mansion.

I originally thought I was dead, but I didn't expect that the real perverted hidden figure Lu Sheng broke out and hacked to death the four elite regional envoys of Wuyou Mansion with a few devastating blows.

Those are all elites at a certain level, and they are at least at the double-grain level. He was like a radish and a cabbage, and was eliminated by Lu Sheng in just a few strokes. It was completely impossible to see how powerful the area master was.

But Li Shunxi knew that this was actually all an illusion, and it was just because Lu Sheng was too fierce, making the regional hero weak in comparison.

In fact, he had seen a regional envoy before the transaction, and he couldn't kill him no matter how hard he tried. If the head is chopped off, it can be picked up and closed again. If the body is smashed, it will grow back and become complete in just a few breaths. As long as it doesn't destroy most of the body at once, it's useless.

Moreover, each of the regional envoys of Wuyou Mansion are demonized and have their own unique special abilities.

It's impossible to guard against it. Hard to kill.

As long as the essence of power does not rise to the level of destroying the black film, no matter how their physical bodies are destroyed, they can be quickly restored.

As for destroying the black film, there is no other way except using a stronger black film to offset it.

The black film is not just a defensive toxic layer on the surface, it is more of an invisible force that runs through every part of the body. If this force is not destroyed, no matter how you kill it, it will only destroy the surface and core. Still there.

Regarding the chapter release time, it is definitely updated at five o'clock, but sometimes it is forty-five and five o'clock, and sometimes it is posted at five o'clock together, don't mind~~

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