Extreme Demon

Chapter 129 Transaction 3

After sending Li Shunxi out, Lu Sheng just turned around and was about to go to the pharmacy when he saw his senior brother Hong Mingzi leading an unknown middle-aged man towards the gang leader's study.

The two of them walked side by side. The middle-aged man had a tall and straight figure and was not very old. But if you look closely, you can see that his hair is gray at the temples and his eyes are weathered. He is definitely not just in his thirties or forties.

Lu Sheng took the initiative to greet him.

Senior brother, why do you have time to come to my place? Who is this...? He looked at the middle-aged man.

As soon as this person arrived, he looked at him carefully with a strange look. It was like seeing a rare treasure.

This is Wang Yuanshan, the Nine Directions Sword Master, who is also his eldest brother that you heard Elder Wang mention before. The original complete version of the Broken Heart Palm that you have learned is the martial arts passed down by Brother Wang's family. Hong Mingzi introduced.

Wang Yuanshan? Lu Sheng indeed recalled it. Come on, let's talk first.

He welcomed the two of them into the study, closed the door, and asked for tea.

After the three of them sat down, Wang Yuanshan spoke politely.

When I saw Gang Leader Lu today, it was really better to meet him. Gang Leader Lu was both internally and externally trained, and his hard work and internal energy had reached the point where his body and soul were indistinguishable. Compared with this, the old guy and I looked like dogs when we were older. It's on me! His tone was straightforward and seemed literate, but his wording was a bit rough, giving people a weird and awkward feeling.

Senior Wang, you're welcome. I wonder what you're doing here, senior? Lu Sheng said with a smile.

His hair has slowly grown out now, and he is no longer as bald as before. Although his muscles are still very strong, he looks like he has regained a lot of his youthful appearance.

Junior brother. Wang Yuanshan said nothing, but Hong Mingzi spoke first.

He looked around.

Lu Sheng knew what he meant, waved his hand to let him go down, closed the door, and guarded it as before.

Seeing everyone left, Hong Mingzi picked up the teacup at hand and his expression gradually became serious.

I came here just to ask my junior brother a question. Please be sure to answer me truthfully.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled. Senior brother, please tell me.

Hong Mingzi took a sip of tea, gently put down the tea cup, and rubbed his fingers on the edge of the cup.

May I ask, junior brother, which family does his mother's ancestors come from?

Lu Sheng's eyes widened slightly, but he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. The two of them regarded him as a descendant of a noble family.

Before he had time to reply, Hong Mingzi continued.

To be honest, I have been busy and urgent before, so I didn't have time to ask, but ever since I saw you, junior brother, defeat the ghosts in the Red Square, I had a suspicion in my mind. Hong Mingzi said solemnly: Ordinary gang members may not know The key trick is to believe that ghosts are ghosts and are invincible. But those of us who have come into contact with people from aristocratic families still understand the difference.

The gap between ghosts and weirdness is so huge that it is unimaginable. The junior brother can defeat the deputy boss of Hongfang head-on, and his strength is beyond doubt.

The most important thing is that if such strength is true, looking at the entire Northland, there is no second person, not even in the Central Plains. Wang Yuanshan, the master of Jiufang Sword, also interjected and said in a deep voice.

The purpose of the two people's visit was immediately clear to Lu Sheng. No wonder the middle and high-level leaders of the gang, including Chen Ying, were more and more respectful towards him. It turned out that they mistakenly thought that he was also from a noble family.

Just like the swordsman who was pulled by Xiao Hongye to test him before, it is not that there are no remaining bloodlines of these declining aristocratic families living outside. It's just rare.

Lu Sheng's heart sank for a while, then he raised his head.

What senior brother asked is actually not important. What is important is whether I can lead the Red Whale Gang and the Red Sun Gate to find a better path.

His answer did not directly affirm yes or no.

But Hong Mingzi and Wang Yuanshan exchanged glances, and both seemed to understand something.

Lu Sheng didn't know what they understood or what they were sure of.

That's fine. This topic has been discussed. It is a blessing for us to have someone like Junior Brother leading our Scarlet Sun Sect. But there is another question, about how to cultivate and grow the disciples in the sect. Hong Mingzi asked again .

Lu Sheng then remembered that Song Zhenguo, whom he had left in the city like a sheep and had never been in charge of him, had given him a direction for martial arts training and Qingsong's determination to get started, so he no longer cared about him. Now I don’t know how it will develop.

To grow in the sect, the key is to recruit disciples and open up your mind. Lu Sheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

Open your mind!? That's not possible! Hong Mingzi was startled and quickly stood up to refuse.

Senior brother, please listen to me first. The method of opening your mind I am talking about is not completely open, but only some of the basics. It is used to screen out the geniuses who have the qualifications that meet the skills of this sect. In this way, you can choose gold from the sand. Find the best disciple. Lu Sheng had already had this idea.

Anyway, even if the skills he practiced were completely thrown away, no one could surpass him. So he didn't really care about the leakage of his skills.

As long as he has Yin Qi, he can be countless times faster than others and achieve martial arts in an instant.

That's not okay! The technique is the essence of the sect's ancestors who have worked hard and put in countless efforts to create it. To leak it casually is a great disrespect to the ancestor. Junior brother, you should think of his method. Hong Mingzi is completely uncompromising in this regard. .

After Lu Sheng talked for a while, he still couldn't convince him, so he had to give up. According to the original method of selecting disciples, first observing the character and personality, and then testing the qualifications, this process is too inefficient and it is impossible to strengthen the Red Sun Sect.

Hong Mingzi and the other two got the answer they wanted, and soon got up and left in disappointment. Now that they knew that Lu Sheng was a bloodline of the aristocratic family, the deputy boss of Hongfang who was able to fight against the Ju level should be because the blood's force of restraint resisted the weirdness. Only by having a black film can you stand on the same level with the opponent and fight fiercely.

This made Hong Mingzi and the two people who came with hope very disappointed. Although I have been disappointed many times, this time, it seems that there is great hope and possibility. Unfortunately,

Lu Sheng sent the two of them off, sighing in his heart.

The fewer people know about the fact that I am an ordinary person, the better, otherwise the aristocratic family will not know how to react.

After taking a short rest, he left the study and went to the pharmacy to get the golden ointment.

As soon as I entered the pharmacy, I saw two of my senior apprentices, Lin Honglian and Yuan Zhong, chatting outside the pharmacy.

Uncle Master! As soon as the two of them saw Lu Sheng, they quickly bowed and saluted with respect on their faces.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

Are you coming to get medicine too?

Yes, I'm here to get the Talisman Pill for Master. Lin Honglian replied in a low voice.

Fu Zhong Pill? Lu Sheng was stunned. This is a pill used to treat extremely serious internal injuries. Although Hong Mingzi was not in good health, he had not fought with anyone. Why would he suddenly need to use this pill.

He suddenly thought of Wang Yuanshan whom he had just met, and he had an idea in his heart.

Okay, you go. He waved his hand and strode into the pharmacy.

Lin Honglian and the two stuck out their tongues behind them and trotted away quickly.

After entering the pharmacy and taking the golden ointment, Lu Sheng asked the pharmacist to get some elixirs to help cultivate internal energy. He immediately received a message from Yu Lianzi. The preparations for the ritual ceremony were almost complete. The list was It has also been delivered.

Lu Sheng directly ordered a small gang meeting to be held to arrange cooperation matters, and then directly asked Duan Meng'an to send the list to Xiao Mansion.

Afterwards, he went back to his room to practice Aquarius Qi.

In less than two hours, one of Duan Meng'an's subordinates hurried back and heard the news of Duan Meng'an's death.


When Lu Sheng heard the message outside the door, his eyes suddenly opened, and the inner energy in his body suddenly leaked out, causing the gauze curtain of the bed next to him to puff and turn yellow quickly.

What's going on!? He said with a gloomy face. Although Duan Meng'an was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, he had always worked diligently for him. Lu Sheng also picked up more easy and easy things for him to do. This trip was just to go Why did he die suddenly after sending a letter?

Not long after he took charge of the Red Whale Gang, Duan Meng'an was one of his cronies. He represented his face when he was out and about, and suddenly died for no reason. This was a slap in his face. If he doesn't handle it well, who will be willing to be his confidant in the future? Serve him sincerely?

Elder Duan, who went back to the gang leader to deal with it, said he couldn't make a decision. Please come in person, the gang member outside the door said loudly.

Lu Sheng stood up with a sullen face, changed his clothes and opened the door.

Come here! Prepare the horses. Ask Elder Chen and Elder Duan to follow me.


The gang members guarding outside quickly went to inform the two elders. These two were Tongyi masters that Lu Sheng had recently selected from the gang. One person is good at the hidden weapon of Tiannu Sanhua, and the other is good at the double hammer. They are both not too old, and they are masters who dare to attack.

Carrying two machetes and putting on a suit of iron armor that he had just ordered, Lu Sheng got on his horse and headed straight for Yanshan City with two elders and a dozen gang leader guards.

Without stopping all the way, he went straight to Xiao Mansion.

The streets in the city were empty, and the number of people was much smaller than before. It is no longer as prosperous as it once was.

When they arrived at the Xiao Mansion, a crowd of people had gathered in front of the residence, surrounding the entire Xiao Mansion.

As a local snake, the Red Whale Gang's powerful manpower in the entire Yanshan City is naturally not comparable to that of the Xiao Mansion.

Not far away, there were also city guard generals who held positions in the gang leading a team. Although they are not the Feilian Army, the City Guards, as an army guarding the city gate, are very powerful. They also have crossbows and other lethal weapons. Yanshan City is a big city after all.

In the evening, the Xiao Mansion was surrounded by a large number of people.

Elder Duan stood in front of the door, holding a pair of judge pens with an ugly expression. When he saw Lu Sheng arriving, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and his expression also brightened.

Gang leader! Not long after Brother Meng An went in to report the news, there were screams. When I arrived, I tried to rush in, but was blocked.

Oh? Lu Sheng raised his eyes and looked towards the gate of Xiao Mansion.

The door was slightly open, revealing a gap. Behind the door stood a hunched-over one-eyed old man.

The old man looked calm when facing the huge battle outside, and still stood in front of the door without raising his eyes.

There were several gangsters outside who were covering their arms as if they were injured and did not dare to step forward with long knives in their hands.

Get out of the way, I'll do it! Lu Sheng's eyes were cold and he strode towards the door.

Many gang members quickly separated to make way for them.

Lu Sheng put his right palm behind his back, his palm faintly glowing as red as cinnabar, and walked straight towards the old man.

Oh? It turns out that the current leader of the Red Whale Gang has arrived in person. The hunchbacked old man's eyes finally changed slightly as if he sensed something, and he looked at Lu Sheng seriously.

Before I came here, I heard that Gang Leader Lu is invincible in mystical arts and is the number one master in the North. I want to see it today.

When I beat you to death, I won't want to see you again. Lu Sheng's arms swelled rapidly, and the power of his heart-breaking palm was stimulated by the inner energy of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong, and traces of burning inner energy quickly surrounded him.

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