Extreme Demon

Chapter 130 Transaction 4

Just as the two of them could take action at any time, they were getting closer and closer.

Brother Lu.

Xiao Hongye's voice came from inside the gate.

It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. This is the officiant's servant. I didn't know our relationship before. The officiant came all the way here just to preside over the overall situation.

Xiao Hongye slowly opened the door and glanced at the formation outside, Master Priest, please come in and talk.

Officiant? ?

Lu Sheng didn't expect that there would be an extra officiant for no apparent reason.

He squinted at Xiao Hongye and the one-eyed old man. Since he is the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion, judging from Xiao Hongye's performance, he is definitely a person with a higher status than him.

He hesitated for a moment, held back the anger in his heart, and slowly withdrew the energy in his hands.

Okay, it just so happens that I need to ask for advice on some matters. Everyone, please wait outside!

After giving instructions to the gang, he strode in through the space left by the two of them.

Xiao Hongye was smiling, but there was a strange color in his eyes. He didn't expect that Lu Sheng could still endure it after reaching this point.

When Lu Sheng entered the courtyard, the first thing he saw was the white-haired old man sitting in the middle of the courtyard, holding a jar of wine in his hand.

The old man has a majestic appearance. Although his beard and hair are white, he is as powerful as a mad lion. His muscles are strong, just like the strong body of a strong man.

The most important thing is that as soon as Lu Sheng entered the door, he felt a hint of danger lingering in the courtyard.

He squinted his eyes. He hadn't felt this kind of aura for a long time. Since he achieved the anode state, his strength has soared. Not even the Red Square Umbrella Girl can give him such a sense of threat.

I have received the list sent by Gang Leader Lu, which is good.

In addition, when the old man saw that the man who delivered the message had firm flesh, he couldn't help but grab it and roast it. I think the gang leader wouldn't mind if he's just a mere mortal, right? The old man officiating at the ceremony stared at Lu Sheng with a smile on his face.

The moment his eyes fell on him, Lu Sheng suddenly felt numb all over, as if he was being stared at by some ferocious beast. His body trembled violently and spontaneously began to speed up. He seemed to feel a serious threat.

This numb feeling all over his body was still the same shudder he had when he first encountered a ghost.

Lu Sheng knew in his heart that he would only feel this way when he encountered a being that he could never match.

Strong. Very strong!

His heart was boiling, but he had to suppress it. His previous idea of ​​taking action directly was suppressed.

‘This person is definitely the top expert in Wuyou Mansion, the one who comes to preside over the ritual. This kind of threat. I will never be my opponent now!

Now that I have the Shangyang family behind me, he must not dare to attack me at will. ’

He already understood that this matter was a trap set for him, or another temptation. Duan Meng'an was just implicated and suffered an unreasonable disaster. The other party's real purpose is himself.

Standing on the same spot, the inner energy in his body was spinning faster and faster, and a burning sensation spread faintly around him.

After a few breaths.

Lu Shengcai suppressed his anger and replied slowly and lowly: Of course he is just a mortal. If you don't mind, the officiant doesn't need to care.

His face was calm, and there was no expression on his face. But his heart was already boiling violently, and traces of murderous intent could not be suppressed but were getting heavier and heavier in his heart.

In the Wuyou Mansion, it was okay to test him once before, but now the second test actually killed one of his cronies. Will he destroy the Lu family next time?

The officiant nodded and said with a smile: The leader of the Lu Gang knows the general idea. Not bad. Okay, if there is nothing else, why don't you sit down and have a drink together? This wine and meat is my craft, and ordinary people have no chance to eat it.

From the corner of his eye, Lu Sheng caught a glimpse of a bloody corpse hanging on a tree not far away. An old servant, also gray-haired, was cutting off strips of fresh meat from the body with a knife.

He recognized it at a glance. The corpse was that of Duan Meng'an. When he saw the old man officiating, discussing the smell of livestock, his heart became even colder.

No need, since this is a misunderstanding, just let it go. I won't disturb the officiant, so I'll take my leave first. He lowered his head and said calmly.

That's fine. Leader Lu will send a message to Jiu Li's niece on behalf of the old man, asking her to come here to sit down when she has time. I will also stay at Messenger Xiao's place permanently from now on. The chief priest said with a smile.

I'll definitely bring him here. Lu Sheng nodded, then respectfully stepped back.

When turning around, he glanced at the corpse for the last time. Scarlet blood dripped down Duan Meng'an's head. He was hung upside down on the tree trunk, his feet were tied together, and iron hooks were used to penetrate the soles of his feet, like Like pigs and sheep. The abdominal cavity has been opened, and there are a lot of internal organs inside. Perhaps they have been removed or eaten.

There were stacks of fried and grilled meat dishes placed on the stone table in front of the chief priest, which might be his meat.

Looking away, Lu Sheng's heart became colder and colder.

It's easy to go, leader. The one-eyed old man smiled at him, lowered his head and looked respectful.

Lu Sheng glanced at him steadily and walked past him quickly.

After walking out of the door, he gave a cold shout to the three elders.


Everyone didn't know what was going on. When they saw the gang leader going in and then coming out again with a calm expression, they didn't get an explanation, so they asked people to evacuate.

Although Zhang Er was confused, but out of trust in Lu Sheng, everyone quickly retreated. The generals of the city guard army also came up to greet and salute, and then retreated.

After Lu Sheng left, in the courtyard of Xiao Mansion, the chief priest stood up and the smile on his face faded.

This person is very strong. Even among the noble families, he is one of the best. In a barren place like the North, he can be called the number one expert. It's not an exaggeration. He then looked towards the empty space on the other side. How? Is it him?

Bai Jing stepped out in a black dress.

It's somewhat similar, but the difference is a bit big. It's not very consistent with the clues we got, so we can't be completely sure yet.

Bai Jing, you are always so procrastinating in doing things. A tall and thin white-faced scholar also walked out of the main hall. I did get some good information.

Envoy of power, please tell me. The officiant looked at the scholar.

The scholar looked at Bai Jing proudly.

I just got the news that this gang leader will meet with Li Shunxi in a while to trade something. The time and place have been determined.

Oh? Is the news true? the officiant's eyes lit up.

It's absolutely true. Quan learned this news personally from someone close to Li Shunxi. Messenger Quan said with a proud smile. The Martial Alliance is also involved.

It actually involves the Martial Alliance? These rats from the Martial Alliance can be caught in one fell swoop! The officiant suddenly showed interest, Where is the time and place?

At the foot of the east mountain outside the city, at the entrance of Wufeng Valley. The time is five days from now, at noon.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng slapped the wooden wall next to him hard, causing a gap the size of a washbasin to appear.

Wuyou Mansion! He said every word with a green complexion.

As soon as he returned to the gang, he directly announced Duan Meng'an's matter to the gang, and made up the story that Duan Meng'an's death had nothing to do with Xiao Mansion. There is another reason, which is under investigation.

This can be regarded as stabilizing the doubts in the hearts of the gang members.

Although everyone's doubts were settled, Lu Sheng himself was very angry. This Wuyou Mansion was aggressive and acted unscrupulously. If it weren't for the Shangyang Family behind him, the chief priest might have killed him on the spot. No wonder so many people dared to perform blood sacrifices openly before.

Lu Sheng could feel that the gap between him and the old man was obvious. When facing the other party, the energy in his body spontaneously started to circulate rapidly to resist the stasis poison that naturally emitted from the other party. The stasis poison was so powerful that it even The air within a certain range around the body can also be affected.

It seems we still can't relax. Lu Sheng's eyes became dark again, First increase the inner energy and try to liquefy it. I can't wait any longer. Strength, I need more strength!

Come here! Inform Yu Lianzi that I want to retreat, and he will decide all the help. No one can disturb me before I leave the retreat. Lu Sheng called his personal guards to give instructions.


Help everyone go down quickly and report.

Lu Sheng packed up his things and medicine and went directly to the special retreat room on the Red Whale. It was a special room made entirely of steel.

Lu Sheng prepared everything, brought it in, closed the quiet room tightly, and sat down cross-legged.

Deep Blue. He called out the modifier directly.

A light blue box suddenly appeared. Lu Sheng's eyes immediately fell on the most conspicuous column of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong.

‘Are there any martial arts deductions? ’ A dialog box pops up asking.

Lu Sheng stared for a moment, looking at the modifiable button that appeared behind the technique, and finally took a deep breath.

His mind pressed hard on the button.

In an instant, the body was boiling, and countless Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong internal energy began to violently tumble, and began to flow crazily and accelerated through the meridians in the body.

Lu Sheng's clothes suddenly burst into flames and were quickly scorched by the flames. The little hair he had just grown out was burned to black powder in the flames in an instant.

Come on! Either die or live!!

Lu Sheng let out a low roar, and his whole body swelled up with severe pain, and his anode state suddenly unfolded,

boom! !

Countless sparks exploded, and his figure suddenly grew larger and larger, turning into a strong monster over two meters in the blink of an eye.

A large amount of tumor-like muscles flowed and squeezed under his skin, more and more, and they swelled bigger and bigger. The whole body is covered with blue-gray mesh patterns, like tattoos.

After turning into the anode state, his arms and shoulders became increasingly red, and the skin around his body began to bulge with blisters and black pimples of varying sizes.

Waves of severe pain surged through Lu Sheng's body, as if his inner energy was frantically trying to find an outlet in his body to vent.

But his hard skills in the anode state are unparalleled. It can almost be said that he is unprecedented and has no flaws.

Under such circumstances, the excess internal Qi of the Chiji Jiusha Gong can only continue to squeeze more and more and become thicker in his body.

The huge pressure caused the blood vessels all over Lu Sheng's body to slowly bulge, like blue-purple steel cables wrapped around his body.

The severe pain made Lu Sheng's eyes widen and his whole body trembled. Sweat seeped out in large swaths and quickly evaporated.

The muscles on his temples on both sides slowly swelled up like two protruding horns.

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