Extreme Demon

Chapter 128 Transaction 2

This man is kind to everyone. He is a good man in the mansion. The old priest put down the thigh bone in his hand, How is the matter of the missing wild dogs in the mansion that you were asked to investigate before going?

When Bai Jing heard this, a smile appeared on her face.

We have found out that the wild dog chased Li Shunxi into a restaurant in Yanshan City. He has not been seen again since.

Oh? A restaurant?

That's right. A restaurant called Silan. Unfortunately, this restaurant is secretly owned by the Red Whale Gang, the largest gang in the North. The smile on Bai Jing's face became even wider.

Oh?? Now the officiant became interested. continue.

Bai Jing walked around for a few steps, walked to a seat and sat down.

My subordinates have not fully investigated the rest of the matter, but this matter is definitely related to the Red Whale Gang, there is no doubt about it.

A small mortal gang actually dares to confront my Wuyou Mansion? The chief priest was a little confused.

Perhaps people think that they are doing it without anyone noticing? Even the Shangyang family behind the scenes may have some tricks? Who knows. Bai Jing said with a smile.

I'll leave this matter to you to investigate and make sure you find the person in charge. Even if we have to do it all, we have to strike with thunder and seize the evidence to avoid being caught by other families. the chief priest ordered.

Don't worry, sir. This matter will definitely live up to your trust. Bai Jing said, cupping her fists. The leader of the Red Whale Gang, Lu Sheng, is the biggest suspect in this trip.


Lu Sheng swept away ghosts along the way, solved several troublesome incidents one after another, and collected three units of Yin Qi. It took him about ten days to return home.

After returning to Yanshan City, he spent another two days and immediately began to prepare the sacrifices for the Wuyou Mansion.

The task of selecting sacrifices was given to Yu Lianzi before he left. Later, the search for ordinary sacrifices for hundreds of people was done by the old Taoist Bai Feng, who had been rummaged through death row. As well as searching for copycat bandit spots outside.

During the rest of the time, Lu Sheng practiced Aquarius Qi every day in order to achieve a balance of yin and yang.

But at this moment, an unexpected person came to him and asked for cooperation.

Brother Lu! Long time no see. How are you?

In the study room on the Red Whale, Lu Sheng saw two mysterious people wearing black cloaks and black veils.

One of them gently lifted the veil, revealing a familiar face.

Brother Li?! Lu Sheng was slightly startled, Why are you here?

The visitor turned out to be Li Shunxi, who had been missing for a long time.

Li Shunxi looks much better and calmer. The person behind him seemed to be a woman and had no intention of taking off her veil. Judging from his skill, demeanor, and pace, he should be at least a top-level expert in Tongli.

To be honest, I had no choice but to come to see Brother Lu this time. Li Shunxi smiled bitterly.

Lu Sheng waved his hand, and the guards outside immediately closed the door tightly to prevent any news from leaking out. The guards around him were all extremely fanatical admirers of him. They were loyal and brave people who could be called dead soldiers. They were all selected by Lu Sheng and were the only ones in the family who had no worries, so there was absolutely no problem with their loyalty.

Brother Li came to see me under such severe news. What could make you take such a big risk and come back? Lu Sheng frowned and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

Li Shunxi felt helpless as he looked at the increasingly powerful friend in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Sheng, who was still the leader of the gang at the beginning, has now sat on the throne of the number one master in the North, and is still the leader of the Red Whale Gang, answering every call.

Although Lu Sheng was very powerful, this matter involved too much. If he had really no choice, he would not choose to come and take action against this friend who had helped him.

In fact, this matter was related to the wealth and livelihood of many friends, so he had to come. Therefore, in order to compensate Lu Sheng, he also tried his best to help him obtain maximum benefits.

Li Shunxi sat down slowly, compiled his words, and said slowly: Brother Lu, I don't know if you have enough food and vegetable oil. To be honest, some of my friends who live in seclusion in the mountains suddenly found that they couldn't buy food and oil. Life is becoming more and more difficult, so I have to

Some of your friends? Lu Sheng frowned slightly. Brother Li, could it be that he has entered a bandit's den in some cottage?

Unbridled!! As soon as these words came out, the masked woman behind Li Shunxi became furious and suddenly wanted to draw her sword and strike at Lu Sheng.

Huh? Lu Sheng sat still and just glanced at the woman. The power in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger. With just one look, the woman put her hand on the hilt of the sword and did not dare to pull it out halfway. move.

Beads of sweat slowly formed on her exposed white forehead, and her face turned red. Even through the veil, you could barely see her expression of shock and anger.

The woman's body trembled slightly and she just froze in place.

Qingmei, don't be impulsive. Brother Lu just said it casually. He didn't know anything about it. There is no need to break the relationship just because of this matter. Li Shunxi quickly stood up and grabbed the woman.

The woman also walked down the steps, snorted, put back her sword and returned behind Li Shunxi.

Is this the attitude of asking for help? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, half-smiling.

You!! The woman Qingmei was angry again and wanted to draw her sword, but was severely held back by Li Shunxi.

Okay, okay! Qingmei, you go out first, I can come here. Brother Lu, I beg you, please stop saying a few words. Li Shunxi said one sentence on both sides, also looking helpless.

The woman reluctantly muttered something in a certain dialect before being pushed out of the door by Li Shunxi.

There were two people left sitting opposite each other in the study, and the atmosphere was much better this time.

To be honest, Brother Lu, I would like to purchase a batch of grain from you on behalf of others. It must be at least two thousand kilograms.

Two thousand catties. Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, This is a small matter, but Brother Li, it's not that I don't give you face. At this critical period, the rice fields everywhere are deserted and no one is cultivating them. You must have gone to the city to inquire, and you know that now Food prices are so expensive. My brothers and I try our best to catch river fish every day to fill the gap. We are reluctant to eat it ourselves.

In this critical period, if you want to buy food on behalf of your friends, you should have an approximate price in mind, right?

Li Shunxi nodded seriously: Indeed, there are gold, silver, jewelry, precious medicines, and even sharp weapons.

Oh? Lu Sheng's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed who Li Shunxi represented behind him.

Brother Li, tell me the truth, who are you representing on this trip?

Li Shunxi pondered for a moment, but still smiled bitterly: Brother Lu, it's not that I don't trust you, but I promised others not to leak anything.

The only thing I can tell you is that they have no shortage of gold and silver, no shortage of medicinal materials, and no shortage of weapons and martial arts.

Oh? Lu Sheng was slightly moved. He dared to say that he had no shortage of gold, silver, medicinal materials, weapons, and martial arts in front of him, the leader of the largest gang in the North. One can imagine the background behind this.

Okay then, several thousand kilograms of food is not much. It's not that I can't give it, but what are you going to give it in exchange for? What if I want martial arts? Lu Sheng tried.

As long as it's not the top concentration technique, anything else is fine. It's just the price. Li Shunxi whispered.

Oh? Even martial arts skills can be used!? What about Tongyi? Lu Sheng was suddenly shocked. This was a big deal.

It is necessary to know that a Qigong method at the level of understanding, if there are enough detailed practice steps and attention, it is a family heirloom, enough to revitalize a family.

Such a precious secret book is impossible to buy even at auction, and it is impossible to sell it.

Tongyi also has it! But the price is naturally far higher than ordinary. Brother Lu must also be prepared. Li Shunxi nodded and lowered his voice. I dare not say that there are too many. It is easy to change to three or five.


Lu Sheng also took a breath of cold air now.

You know, even if the Zhen family had the entire Northland, they could only use the highest level of Tongli skills. The remaining Tongyi skills were all contributed by their own people to help the middle and high-level people. Excellent art. This type of exercise is not allowed to be passed on to anyone without the permission of the person involved.

For example, the Chiji Mind Dharma is also at the level of understanding. Although it has been circulated among the gang for a long time, it is impossible for people who are not from the Chiri Sect to obtain the truth.

But now, the group behind Li Shunxi actually dares to use the Tongyi Kung Fu to buy food.

This is as shocking as hearing that gold is used to buy garbage.

It seems that you have so much capital, but you still choose to take risks to buy food from me. Lu Sheng didn't finish his words, but the meaning was already obvious. In other words, those people behind Li Shunxi were definitely invisible. Light. Otherwise, with such a huge capital, one could have gone to an auction house or something like that.

Li Shunxi had no choice but to smile bitterly and nod.

If it's the Tongyi secret book and five thousand kilograms of grain, I can make the decision to change it to a Tongyi technique. He finally saw that Lu Sheng was not interested in anything else, except for the technique.

Can I choose at will? Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

We will agree on a place and time later, and I will ask him to bring the original exercise method. There are visualization diagrams on it, so it cannot be faked. Brother Lu doesn't have to worry about whether there have been any changes. It's easy to tell. Li Shunxi continued.

Even if there are some changes, as long as most of them are true, it's still great. Lu Sheng said seriously. Five thousand pounds a piece, he couldn't say anymore. The price was too cheap.

Li Shunxi also smiled bitterly.

They also guessed that you would want the secret book, so they asked me to bring a list of exercises that you can choose from.

As he spoke, he took out a booklet from his arms. The booklet had a light blue thread-bound cover and was blank with no words on it. It was obviously just transcribed.

Lu Sheng took it and turned to the first page. The sharp meaning of the black writing on it came to his face.

Good calligraphy! He praised and looked carefully.

The roster is divided into three categories: ordinary, Tongli, and Tongyi. Lu Sheng looked directly at the martial arts section of Tongyi.

This level of martial arts is all on the last fifth of the page on the roster.

‘Tongyi: Thousand Trees Burning Heart Palm, Sheyue Heart Technique, Shadow Splitting Technique, Eight Meditation Meditation Magic Sword. ’

There are four doors in total, and the following is a brief introduction to each.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and quickly fixed his gaze on Qianshu Fenxin's palm. Among these four techniques, only this one is a hard exercise in the nature of body training, and its introduction is extremely overbearing.

This palm technique is the famous stunt of Lu Wuxiang, a master of Tianyuan who once traversed the Central Plains. However, because Lu Wuxiang accidentally took a fire grass when he was young, his physique is extremely suitable for practicing this hard skill, so he relies on this skill. Breaking through Tongli Tongyi, directly reaching Concentration, and finally entering Tianyuan, disappearing in seclusion.

But ordinary people practice, their physiques are not good, and it takes decades to achieve success. It is considered a blessing to be able to concentrate.

After all, after reaching Tianyuan, although mortal masters still cannot defeat the monsters at certain levels, they already have the capital to escape. My fate will not be left to others as before.

Anyway, it's just a few thousand kilograms of grain. I want to exchange it for the Thousand Trees Burning Heart Palm. It should be exactly in line with my Chiji Heart Dharma. Lu Sheng returned the booklet to Li Shunxi.

Actually, there are still skills available, but these are the cheapest, and many of the others require strict training conditions. Li Shunxi replied, In that case, let's make an appointment at a time and place, and exchange them when the time comes.

Okay! Lu Sheng nodded.

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