Extreme Demon

Chapter 125 Mirror 3

Holding the knife, Lu Sheng quickly chased after him to check. I saw a little stuffed doll lying quietly on the ground, it was the one that was hung on the beam before.

He reached out to pick up the doll and saw a deep cut on its surface, with blood oozing out.

Is this the root cause? Lu Sheng looked around and found nothing else.

With a creak, Xu Chui hurriedly chased after him, holding a long sword in his hand.

My lord? he asked in a low voice.

Lu Sheng stood up and held the doll in his hand, feeling a trace of Yin Qi permeating it. He walked to the broken and fallen mirror holder, stepped on the messy glass shards, and looked down at the copper mirror holder.

Gently lifting the mirror base, he noticed that among the three animal patterns on the back of the copper base, the dog had disappeared.

Three animals, do they mean there are three ghosts?

Sir, something is wrong. Xu Chui, who was standing next to him, had a solemn look on his face and kept looking around vigilantly.

With such a loud noise, no one in Shengmingfang was alarmed. Normally, there should be many people getting up to see what happened. But now there is no movement at all outside!

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed, he suddenly turned around and rushed out of the room in a few steps.


A breeze blew across my face.

What is outside is not a courtyard, but a large empty straw field.

The dry and harvested rice straw fields are filled with bundles of bundled straw stalks. There are still signs of fire damage in some places.

The moonlight was cold and cold, and the undulating mountains appeared dimly in the distance.

This is it. Lu Sheng turned around. The study he walked out of had disappeared. Xu Chui was also nowhere to be seen. Apparently he was the only one who entered here.

Count to ten.

No peeking!

Run quickly! Hahaha.

Lu Sheng heard the sound of children talking. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw several black figures trotting away into the distance.

That silly girl really trusts us to play with her.

I heard that her mother sells it on boats. It's really disgusting.

Yes, yes, whoever wants to play with children of that kind of people will be looked down upon if they tell anyone about it.

But isn't it a bit bad for us to leave her here alone?

Her mother will come to find her, why are you worried about this?


Lu Sheng watched as those dark figures slowly disappeared into the night and disappeared without a trace. There was a faint suspicion in my mind.

He turned back and looked at the piles of straw.




A vague sound echoed from the field.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, pulled out the other knife from his back, and held it in his hand. He strode towards the direction from which the sound came.

The fields are full of dry soil and wheat ears, and they feel like thick grass when you step on them.

Lu Sheng crossed several straw piles and soon came to the largest straw pile.

A light blue little girl, with her back to him, was lying on the haystack, counting motionlessly.




The little girl had two very rough braids hanging down, covering her face with her hands, as if she was playing a game with someone.

Lu Sheng held the knife and stopped a few meters away from her.





The count is up to ten.

Lu Sheng's muscles tensed slightly, ready to start exerting force at any time.

I'm going to start looking. Are you ready?

At this moment, the little girl suddenly spoke.

Her voice was very distant and calm, with a hint of gloom and weirdness.

Lu Sheng didn't reply. It was obvious that the little girl was talking to other children, but he felt that the other child seemed to be talking to him.

What is this place? Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

The little girl turned her back to him and didn't respond. She just stood there.

Or do you think you have won me? Lu Sheng shook the two machetes in his hands. He was testing to see what kind of ghost the other party was.

Should I start looking? Suddenly the little girl said calmly.

Start? Lu Sheng looked around at the piles of straw and suddenly laughed.


He kicked over a pile of straw poles on the side with a strong kick.

Come on. Hack me to death, or be hacked to death by me! He was already a little impatient. He crossed his swords in front of him with a clanging sound, and the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong all over his body suddenly started to work, and the body-protecting blood network filled the air around him. If The transparent and invisible inner energy can be seen, so his whole body is now burning fiercely like a human-shaped torch.

The little girl slowly turned around and covered her face with her hands. She couldn't see her face, only her green and bluish skin could be seen. Stiff and pale.


In an instant, she disappeared from the spot.

Lu Sheng suddenly raised his two swords and struck them in front of him.

clang! ! !

Amidst the deafening impact, a petite figure was severely knocked out and disappeared again in mid-air.

When she reappeared, she was already behind Lu Sheng, and a blue palm grabbed him hard.


As if being caught on steel, a stream of yellowish sparks flew from Lu Sheng's neck.

He growled and stumbled backwards. The whole body's inner energy supported the blood network, and it was suddenly wrapped back. He flipped the two knives in his hands and slashed backwards and forwards.

Poof! Two muffled sounds in a row,

The blade struck the straw pole on the side and missed.

Chichichichichi! !

In the field, in an instant, yellow sparks exploded from Lu Sheng's body. A blue figure flashed beside Lu Sheng at high speed, and its poisonous claws clawed at him crazily.

Lu Sheng slashed twice and couldn't catch up, so he simply didn't bother to move anymore. He closed his eyes and raised his upper body for her to catch.

A large number of sparks continued to fill his body. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been caught and turned into mincemeat. To him, it was just like a massage.

After a few breaths, Lu Sheng stood still, occasionally protecting his ears and eyes. Let a lot of sparks fly from your body.

Suddenly, his eyes opened and his whole body slammed forward.

Bang! !

A light blue figure happened to grab his forehead, and he hit his head and flew backwards. Before he could fly away, Lu Sheng wrapped an arm around him, pulled him back, and hit him hard on the forehead.


The little girl was knocked unconscious. She was held in Lu Sheng's arms and hit on the head several times.

puff! puff! Puff puff puff puff! !

Lu Sheng kept hitting the little girl on the forehead with his head. In just a few blows, the little girl's head was smashed, and balls of blood mixed with messy dirt fell from her neck along with the bone and cervical membrane. There was only a headless body left, which was caught in Lu Sheng's hand and raised high.

The huge machete was aimed at the center of the body and was about to chop down.


Lu Sheng didn't expect that the corpse's legs were suddenly placed on his chest, and it jumped out of his hands with a hiss.

He was originally holding the little girl's waist, but now there was only a piece of flesh and blood left in his hand, and a large piece of flesh was missing from the side of the other person's waist, which was the part he was still holding.

Oh? Lu Sheng was a little surprised, watching the headless corpse stumble and run towards the distance.


He swung out the knife with lightning speed.

The machete flew out and hit the corpse's legs, cutting them off at the roots. The hot internal energy on the blade immediately caused the corpse to roll on the ground in pain.

Is this the end? Lu Sheng looked at the other party boredly. If I guess correctly, this should represent the fox.

After struggling for a while, the headless corpse slowly faded away and disappeared.

Silence returned to the rice straw field again.

Then there is the last phoenix. You are the three animals. Lu Sheng looked around and slowly walked towards the place where the body disappeared.

Lying quietly on the ground was a piece of light blue torn clothes. He picked it up, felt the yin energy on it, and put it in his trouser pocket.

Suddenly, he felt a faint numbness in his vest, as if something had been stabbed by a needle.


Lu Sheng turned around sharply.

Far behind him, a young woman with disheveled hair and dirty body was standing in the field and looking at him quietly.

This woman was dressed in a mess, as if she had put many pairs of clothes from different seasons on her body, but her chest and lower body were stretched wide open, and a pair of thighs were exposed, and there was dried blood on the inner thighs.

Her mother is crazy!

Crazy! Crazy bitch!!

How did this lunatic survive? She had no food, and she had a child with her. I don't know whose seed it was.

How else can I live? If I am not supported by men in the village, I have to queue up every day.

Shh, keep it down.

When the village chief picked her up, it wasn't just what he pictured. There was nothing to hide.

Beat her to death! Beat this crazy bitch to death!

Put her into a pig cage! How dare you seduce my man!!

A chaotic mess of voices, shouts, and curses kept echoing in Lu Sheng's ears.

That child, I'm afraid she doesn't know that her mother is dead, right? Every day when I go back, I hear her calling her mother, which is really scary.

She acts crazy every day and has the same virtue as her mother. I heard that someone saw the Chen family man going to that house again last night.

You're such a bitch for seducing a man at such a young age!

To be able to grow so big, maybe he was helped by the men in the village.

Lu Sheng listened and looked at the crazy woman standing not far away from him, his eyes narrowed again.

Are you resentful?

A deep voice came in his ear.

Your mother actually died two years ago, but even though she was a lunatic, she still couldn't let you go and still took care of you every day.

Who caused you to do this?

Who killed your mother?

Who abandoned you in a deserted rice field?

The voice asked again and again in a low voice.

I just want someone to play with me. A timid, weak girl's voice slowly sounded.

Go in and enter this mirror, and there will always be someone to play with you. There was a hint of temptation in the low voice.

boom! ! !

In an instant, a large ball of red light exploded, and a radius of more than ten meters around Lu Sheng was completely transformed into a sea of ​​fire. A large number of straw piles were ignited, the flames crackled and burned, thick smoke billowed, and ashes flew everywhere.

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