Extreme Demon

Chapter 124 Mirror 2

Open the door. Dong Qi calmed down and ordered as a young lady.

The two quickly unlocked the door, and after the three of them filed in, they closed the door again.

It's finally time to guard such a valuable thing. One of them couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

This Shengmingfang has become more and more gloomy recently. I don't know what's going on. Every time I come in, I feel uncomfortable. Another person also complained, Next time I come here to work, I will be beaten to death. I won’t come. Just in case I encounter something unclean.”

Bah, bah, bah! Could you please stop saying a few words? If you say such unfavorable words, you may attract dirty things!

That's right. The other person quickly patted his mouth lightly.

Lu Sheng and the others entered the room and quickly walked behind the copper base of the glazed mirror.

Xu Chui pulled out a piece of yellow paper, on which were the standard scripts of the three characters they copied. Lu Sheng took it over and compared it.

He carefully touched the scratches on the back of the mirror and looked carefully to distinguish them.

The three characters in standard font are straight, well-proportioned and neat. Although the three characters on the back of the mirror can be clearly recognized as having the same glyph shape, these three characters are written crookedly and seem to be very unskilled. It's like the handwriting a child would write when he couldn't hold a pen.

Count to ten. Lu Sheng carefully stroked the scratches. The cuts were deep and cruel. If it was really a child who made such a deep scratch, under what circumstances could a child use a knife to make such a deep scratch?

He whispered to himself, and seemed to be asking the other two people.

Xu Chui hesitated.

Copper is not too hard. If a child uses a sharp knife, it depends on how old the child is.

Where's the seven or eight-year-old girl? Dong Qi suddenly interrupted and asked.

For a seven or eight-year-old girl, I'm afraid she would have to use all her strength to write such handwriting. Xu Chui shook his head. Looking at Dong Qi again, this woman was already sweating on her forehead, her face was extremely ugly, she was obviously frightened.

Lu Sheng straightened up, feeling that he had not found any clues today. He looked at the sky and saw that it was already late. He also looked at Dong Qi who was in extremely difficult condition and said.

That's it for today. Get some rest early. Tomorrow morning, we'll go take a look at the remains of the gang leader to see if we can find out any problems. In addition, if the senior leaders of the tea gang will look in the mirror at night, Miss Dong Qi, if you If you find out, be sure to call us.

Yes! Thank you, sir! Dong Qi nodded quickly.

Go and have a rest, you look so bad. Lu Sheng said calmly. If you notice anything unusual at night, come to us immediately.

Yes. Thank you, thank you, envoy. The two guest rooms are also ready. I will ask someone to take you there. Dong Qi said gratefully.

They each went back to their rooms to rest. After Lu Sheng had eaten and meditated in the room to practice some internal energy, he felt sleepy unknowingly, so he covered his head with the quilt and slowly fell into sleep.

He sleeps differently than other people. Even if he falls asleep, he will wake up immediately if there is the slightest disturbance.

Originally, he had no intention of falling asleep. Although with his hard work and the automatic protection of his internal energy, there would be no problems, but it was easy to lose vigilance after all. So when he goes out to do errands like this, he mostly meditates instead of sleeping.

But this time, sleepiness came over me, and I couldn't suppress it, so I fell asleep slowly.

In the middle of the night, Lu Sheng vaguely seemed to hear something.

He slowly opened his eyes from the bed. He was feeling sleepy, but he heard faint noises coming from the window.

Lu Sheng let out a breath and raised his eyes to look out the window.

On the windowsill, the curtains were lowered, and the moonlight was shining in from the outside.

There was a little head faintly visible in the window, jumping up and down, trying to look in from outside the curtains.

What is it? Lu Sheng straightened up and looked carefully at the window.

The dark shadow of a little girl was clearly reflected on the curtains. She was jumping up and down, as if she was standing outside the window, trying to jump up to see what was in the bedroom.

Who? Lu Sheng asked.

The little girl stopped moving and stood outside the curtain, looking quietly in Lu Sheng's direction, motionless.

If you want to come in, you can knock on the door. Lu Sheng got out of bed, stood up, and walked towards the window.

The shadow of the child outside the curtain remained motionless.


He opened the curtains, and there was no one outside the windowsill. There was no one in the courtyard outside, not even the night guard. Empty, deserted and lonely.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around, snorted, and pulled back the curtains again.


Dong Qi kept Lu Sheng's instructions in mind and lay on the bed undressed, planning to get up in the middle of the night and go out to see if those people would come again, but unknowingly he saw her slowly falling asleep.

It was strange to say that she was obviously in good spirits, but as soon as she touched the bed, it was like being hypnotized, and her sleepiness suddenly came in waves, one after another. After a while he fell asleep.

I'll count to ten~~~





Drowsily, Dong Qi seemed to hear someone shouting next to him.

It's a girl, very young.

She reluctantly opened her eyes and looked towards the bed, vaguely seeing a little girl in blue standing beside the bed looking at her.

Her face is very white, her eye sockets are very dark, and her long hair is also very dark.



call! !

Dong Qi suddenly stood up and straightened up from the bed, panting heavily and covered in cold sweat.

She looked at the bedside, there was no one, nothing.

I ME!! Her heart was beating fast, like a drum. His face was also very pale.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the window.

Dong Qi quickly looked over there, but this look surprised her.

I clearly closed the windows before going to bed, how could this happen?

I don't know when the window was opened. In front of the window, a faint moonlight was projected from outside the curtain, which was cold and lonely.


There was another crisp sound.

Dong Qi was stunned and looked carefully toward the window.

But outside the curtain, there seemed to be a short little girl with long hair standing. The girl's shadow was reflected on the curtains by the moonlight.

She stood outside the window sill, jumping up and down, as if she wanted to jump up to see what was in the bedroom.

Who?! Dong Qi felt her voice trembling.


The dark shadow of the child jumped again, seemingly not hearing her voice at all.

Dong Qi's whole body was covered with cold hairs, and he slowly began to tremble. He huddled under the quilt and didn't dare to move. The figure of the child outside the window also kept beating one after another.




With every beat, the little girl seemed to jump higher and higher. At first, only half of the forehead could be exposed, and then slowly, most of the head could be exposed, and then, the entire head could be exposed and reflected on the curtains.

Dong Qi covered her mouth with the quilt and huddled at the foot of the bed. Her face was pale and her whole body was shaking. She didn't dare to look at the movement at the window.





Suddenly the sound stopped.

Dong Qi closed her eyes and was so frightened that her whole body went numb. There was suddenly no sound. She quickly strained her ears to listen, but she couldn't hear anything.

She quietly opened her eyes and looked towards the window.

This sight made her soul tremble - the curtains of the window were completely opened, the place was empty, and the window was also opened, as if something had come in.

Come in! ! That thing is coming in! ! !

The color drained from Dong Qi's face, her heart felt like a big stone was pressing down on her, and she was out of breath. She tried to breathe and wanted to scream, but her throat seemed to be blocked and she couldn't scream anything.

Suddenly, she saw a hint of blue clothes hanging from the gauze curtain beside the bed.

Help, help! She struggled to make a sound.

get out!!

There was a sudden roar.

boom! !

The door instantly exploded into countless pieces and burst open. A light red figure suddenly bumped in, and it was Lu Sheng.

He held the knife in his hand and strode into the door, filled with hot inner energy.

A knife was directed at the end of the bed.

call! !

The sword was shining brightly, but it came to nothing. It brought out a sharp whistling sound.

Lu Sheng's eyes were cold and stern, and he stopped the knife. His upper body was naked, and his ferocious twisted muscles were covered with light red and black mesh lines, like tattoos.

Ever since the little girl left his room, he chased her all the way, but unexpectedly she actually ran into Dong Qi's room.

As soon as he saw the little girl jumping into the room, he slashed the door with his knife without saying a word.

The ghost this time seems to be extremely cunning and difficult to catch. If I don't catch up quickly, I'm afraid it will slip away again.

Don't you want to play a game? Come on, let big brother accompany you. Lu Sheng tried his best to show a gentle smile on his face, but he still looked extremely ferocious.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked around, trying to find the figure of the little girl from before.

The bed was empty, not a soul in sight. Lu Sheng was not surprised. He didn't even look at Dong Qi, who was breathing heavily after being rescued. Instead, he scanned the room, turned around, and ran towards the study room where the glass mirror was placed.

With a bang, he kicked open the study door.

In the dark room, a blue figure stood in the glass mirror that was as tall as a person.

Lu Sheng walked into the room and rushed towards the glass mirror.




He walked faster and faster step by step. It took a few steps to reach the mirror.

If you can bear my sword, I'll play some random game with you!!


He growled lowly, holding the knife in both hands. In an instant, a silver-white sword light suddenly lit up in the night. Like wind, like moonlight, but also like a huge meteorite falling from the sky.

The machete, which was as huge as a door panel, caused a storm in the entire study.

Bang! ! ! !

A hand suddenly stretched out from the mirror, firmly blocking the huge machete blade.

Lu Sheng's eyes widened, and a line of blood suddenly shot from his lower abdomen to the center of his eyebrows. The muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, as quickly as blowing air, and large chunks of tumor-like muscles swelled out. The whole person suddenly expanded into a huge giant of more than two meters.

Holding the knife in both hands, Lu Sheng pressed it down sharply in front of the mirror. The huge machete in his hand was almost like an ordinary knife, but it was as heavy as a sledgehammer.

The huge wind pressure and force blew the books and papers in the study room flying everywhere.

Seven days to change the sky·Slay the spirit!!

Boom! !

The blade hit the arm in the mirror again, making a loud noise. The arm snapped on the spot. The mirror shattered and was smashed through. The entire mirror base, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, flew into the air and hit the wall behind. superior.

A large amount of hot inner energy poured into the mirror base, and a blue shadow was immediately thrown out of the mirror. It screamed in mid-air and tried to escape.

But he was immediately chased by Lu Sheng with a knife in the air.


The shadow exploded completely and disappeared without a trace.

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