Extreme Demon

Chapter 126 Mirror 4

This explosion also completely interrupted the sound that kept echoing in Lu Sheng's ears.

Is this your memory? Everything is sealed in this mirror. Lu Sheng lowered his swords and walked slowly towards the crazy woman in the distance.

Roar! !

The crazy woman rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Her movements were faster than the little girl before, and the sharp nails on her fingers were stronger, but for Lu Sheng, everything was in vain.

He didn't even look at the opponent's shadow, but the blood network all over his body suddenly shrank and swelled.

boom! !

The masculine and scorching Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong inner energy exploded, blowing away the crazy woman who appeared behind Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng suddenly threw out the machete with his backhand.


The machete nailed the mad woman to the ground with precise precision. The hot masculine energy on the blade made her roar in pain and tried to pull out the knife, but to no avail.

Lu Sheng calmly walked up to the woman and looked at her condescendingly.

Do you hate it?

He asked the same question that sounded like that.

The mad woman struggled and roared in pain, knowing nothing at all, like a dying beast.

Lu Sheng held the handle of the knife.

Lingling Lingling's mother is here the crazy woman suddenly called out softly.

Her body became calmer, and her eyes in her messy hair slowly became gentle. His hands were waving around, as if he was looking for something.

Mom is here the woman's voice became soft and she kept repeating.

Lu Sheng's expression calmed down, and his inner energy flowed into the hilt of the knife.


The woman's entire body suddenly burned and completely turned into black ashes.

As the woman disappeared, the surrounding rice straw fields began to twist and turn black, slowly returning to the original Shengmingfang courtyard.

Lu Sheng stood in the middle of the yard holding a knife, looking at the black dust on the ground.

The maker of the mirror, although he didn't know why, gave the little girl such hope.

Lu Sheng couldn't tell whether his intentions were good or bad, he just felt unhappy. After killing so many ghosts, this was the first time he felt like this.

The last question he asked and the woman's answer made him feel upset.

Sir?? Xu Chui walked out of the room at this time, What should I do with the mirror holder? He seemed not to have noticed what happened before.

Lu Sheng looked back at him.

Pack it all up and take it away.

You want these fragments too? Xu Chui hesitated.



Lu Sheng stood in the courtyard and did not move for a long time. Until the sky gradually turns white. Dong Qi came out of the bedroom timidly.

Your Majesty! Dong Qi walked up to the road and saluted him seriously. If it hadn't been for you last night, Dong Qi would have encountered something unexpected.

Just hand over the reward. Lu Sheng said calmly. Let's go and see that pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang.


At this time, Xu Chui had also packed up the lens holder, and the large bag of lens fragments was difficult for him to handle. He found a cowhide mattress as a baggage and wrapped everything up.

The three of them went straight to Zhuo Qingyang's bedroom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

No one responded.

Lu Sheng glanced at Xu Chui, who understood, took a step back, put his foot on the door, and the door opened immediately.

Lu Sheng walked in first and saw Zhuo Qingyang lying on the bed, motionless, his face turning blue.

He strode over and stretched out his hand to feel his breath. He found that he had long since run out of breath.

Dead. He turned back to look at Dong Qi, and suddenly thought of the maids, maids, and guards he had seen before.

Why is there no sound at all so early in the morning? Go check on your maid or something.

Dong Qi also seemed to remember something, nodded, and turned pale. After hearing Lu Sheng's instructions, she quickly agreed in a low voice and ran out of the room in small steps.

Xu Chui stepped forward to check the cause of death and said in a low voice: The corpse seemed to have died of natural aging. There was no obvious trauma, bleeding, and no signs of poisoning. Perhaps it was caused by ghostly means.

Lu Sheng took out a breath and was about to speak. Suddenly there was a scream from Dong Qi outside.

He and Xu Chui immediately turned around and ran out, chasing after the sound. Outside a side room, they found Dong Qi, who was holding on to a pillar and breathing heavily.

Dong Qi almost collapsed as soon as he saw the two of them.

The envoy is dead, everyone is dead, she cried in a tearful tone.

Lu Sheng glanced at the open rooms, stepped in and saw that there was a maid lying on the bed. She was already lifeless and her body was somewhat smelly.

On the other side, Xu Chui also rushed to another room and heard a low cry.

Lu Sheng left the room and looked at Xu Chui, who nodded towards him with a solemn expression. Sure enough, he was dead too.

He took a few steps and looked in from the door. Sure enough, there was a body lying on the bed. The thick corpse smell kept wafting out, making the whole room feel disgusting.

Check all the other rooms. Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Yes! Xu Chui responded, speeding up and breaking in one room after another.

Lu Sheng also split up to look at other rooms.

As time passed, the two quickly looked at several surrounding courtyards.

The entire Shengmingfang was dead silent. Except for a girl who was close to Dong Qi, everyone who lived here was dead. And many of them have been dead for who knows how long, and their bodies are infested with maggots.

Dong Qi was frightened. At least one-third of the entire tea gang's top executives were resting in Shengmingfang. Unexpectedly, this trip would

After it fully dawned, the men outside came to help. Then, under Dong Qi's instructions, they carried the corpses out of Shengmingfang one by one with pale faces.

Many people came to the town to watch the fun, forming a circle around the gate and watching corpses being carried out one after another.

The town's garrison commander, the chief executive, led a team to inquire about the situation. This music leader is the leader of the Feilian Army stationed in the nearby fortress. He is also an old friend of the tea gang, and he pays a lot of silver every year. This time I came to inquire about the situation as a favor.

Dong Qi talked to Qu Chang for a while, sent him off, and secretly stuffed some silver coins as hard-earned money before sending these military masters away.

Lu Sheng took Xu Chui to check on the body of gang leader Dong Shengping.

With the assistance of one of Dong Qi's deputies, the two quickly found a tombstone buried on a hillside outside the town.

Dong Qi set out to dig out the body, set up a shed and put it in. Lu Sheng and the others went in to investigate carefully.

On a sunny day, it was sweltering in the pergola.

Lu Sheng stood next to the corpse covered with white cloth, reached out and gently lifted up a piece of cloth, revealing the head of the corpse.

A knife mark can clearly be seen on the head of the corpse diagonally across the eye sockets, bridge of the nose, and mouth.

The depth is great.

This should be a fatal injury. Lu Sheng frowned. Without looking further, he felt a faint yin energy coming from the wound.

This kind of yin energy can only be felt on corpses killed by ghosts themselves. And because this kind of Yin Qi is too weak, Lu Sheng needs to absorb it at least a hundred times before he can get enough Yin Qi to increase the amount of Yin Qi in Tongli Martial Arts.

So he didn't bother to get it. The doll, cloth piece, and copper mirror base from before this trip were the main source of Yin Qi.

There is also a scar on the abdomen. It is a stab wound. It should have been stabbed with a weapon such as a dagger. Xu Chui added on the side.

Lu Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood. He looked at the corpse, slightly lost in thought.

The mirror was the culprit. He took advantage of the resentment of the little girl Lingling and killed her, and then it seemed to have turned into some kind of special tool.

There is definitely something wrong with this mirror. It cannot kill a poor little girl and so many people for no reason. It must have some purpose.

After checking for a while, Lu Sheng roughly figured out how everyone in the tea gang and the leader of the gang died.

The gang leader died in a conspiracy. The murderer is unknown, but it should be the ghost named Lingling. Lu Sheng explained.

The rest of the middle and high-level gangs were also attracted by the pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang. They used mirrors to absorb life force and died.

Can this vitality be absorbed? Xu Chui was stunned.

Vitality is the power naturally generated when you eat, sleep and rest. This power makes your heart beat and gives you strength. It allows you to move, talk and laugh. This is vitality. Lu Sheng explained, In other words, to put it simply , it’s Yang Qi.”

Oh Xu Chui suddenly realized.

Lu Sheng stood by the pergola and took out the doll he had picked up before from his pocket. The rolling doll is filled with a thick yin energy.

Although the ghost that was solved this time may be just a single-level monster in terms of strength, the mirror behind it has some profound meanings that are unpredictable.

Forget it, this tea gang matter, let's just leave it at that, we will continue to raid other places. Lu Sheng ordered.

Yes, apart from here, there is also the nearest rescue point nearby, but it is only at the spirit level. The reward is three hundred taels of silver. Xu Chui pulled out the list he had brought with him before.

Go and replenish dry food and water with Dong Qi. We'll leave today. Lu Sheng looked at the tea gang waiting nearby.

The purpose of this trip is mainly to clear away the Yin Qi. He practices Yin Internal Skills, which requires a large amount of Yin Qi, and also compresses the internal Qi. He has no clue yet.

‘Perhaps I can use Yin Qi to forcefully deduce and improve my internal strength. If my body is strong enough, I should be able to squeeze the internal Qi and liquefy it. ’ An idea suddenly occurred to him.

But let's solve the imbalance of yin and yang first. Lu Sheng's mind was spinning. As long as you can get started with one level, and then forcibly improve the Yin Qi with Yin Qi, you may be able to force the inner Qi to liquefy and reconcile Yin and Yang at the same time.

So, if everything goes well, I just need to introduce the Baoping Qi and increase it to a sufficient amount, and it may have miraculous effects. Lu Sheng's heart moved.

The imbalance of yin and yang and the bottleneck of skill that he had been worried about might be solved in one fell swoop.

Xu Chui quickly went to talk to the tea gang members who were standing by for a while. Dong Qi hurried over immediately and directed everyone to bury his father's body again.

The envoy is leaving now? I don't know the reason for this. Have you investigated clearly? Dong Qi quietly stuffed a note into Lu Sheng's hand.

Lu Sheng glanced at it calmly and saw that it was a golden ticket with the word 100 vaguely printed on it.

One hundred taels of gold, this was Dong Qi's personal reward to Lu Sheng, in addition to the payment to the Red Whale Gang.

One hundred taels of gold is equivalent to one thousand taels of silver, which was converted into one million yuan in the previous life.

As expected, those who make tea are all extremely rich. Lu Sheng knew very well that in such a small rural place, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the profits that can be made are much greater than in a big city with strict jurisdiction. There are many unknown but wealthy gangs like this in the Northland, let alone other regions.

In particular, the Tea Gang is backed by the Fei Lian Army, which also has experts from the Supervision Department. It is under the control of the old Taoist Bai Feng, and its safety is no worse than the trade routes of the Red Whale Gang.

Thanks to friends who tipped more than 10,000 points this week ~

Night, lonely

maple leaves late autumn moon

Drunken person

A fisherman on the Canglang River

I also recommend this book. If you are interested, you can read it and listen to Mr. Tao and become a swordsman in Marvel.

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