Extreme Demon

Chapter 123 Mirror 1

The three of them stood in front of the door and waited for a while. Soon someone walked into the courtyard near the door.

Is Master Qingyang here? A thin, white-haired old man stumbled into the courtyard, with dark circles under his eyes and looking depressed. After a few moments, he rushed to the door and banged on the door.

Elder Yu!? Dong Qi was shocked when he saw the person coming, How did you become like this?

The old man seemed to have noticed Dong Qi standing next to him, and turned to look at Lu Sheng and the two standing nearby.

It turns out to be niece Dong. I haven't seen you for a long time. I have something important to discuss with the pharmacist. I wonder if you have met the pharmacist Qingyang?

I haven't seen him before, we just arrived, Dong Qi replied softly.

Suddenly the old man let out a disappointed sigh, turned around and walked away slowly without asking the identities of Lu Sheng and others.

After a while, several people came one after another looking for the pharmacist. When they found that the pharmacist was not there, they all felt extremely disappointed. These people are all high-ranking members of the tea gang, but they all have a common characteristic, which is dark circles under their eyes and the appearance of being severely rested.

Lu Sheng noticed that most of them looked frightened and in a daze, not knowing what they had encountered.

The three of them waited in the courtyard for about half an hour. Finally, an old man with gray hair and a hunched back slowly walked into the courtyard.

Niece Dong, you are here. The old man's face was dull, with a hint of blue. Do you also want to come and take a look at my precious mirror? It's okay, uncle will take you in to take a look. When he spoke, it was obviously supposed to be a friendly tone, but when he said it in a dull or even dull tone, it seemed Weird and awkward.

That's it, Uncle Qingyang, I have two friends who want to see the precious mirror. I wonder if it's okay? Dong Qi squeezed out a smile and whispered to the old man.

Yes, why not? Zhuo Qingyang smiled but looked at Lu Sheng and the two of them.

Come on, I'll let you take a good look. He took out the key, opened the big lock hanging in front of the door, and pushed the door open.

Dong Qi shrank and glanced at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng nodded at her, and she walked in slowly.

The three of them entered the room, which was a very ordinary bedroom. The only difference from other rooms was that there was an extra glazed mirror as tall as one person.

This mirror is facing the door. As soon as you open the door and come in, you will immediately see your own appearance reflected in the mirror.

Lu Sheng was not surprised, but Xu Chui saw the glazed mirror for the first time. He looked at himself in the mirror out of curiosity, which was quite novel.

You can watch as you like. I'm tired. Let's go and take a rest first. Zhuo Qingyang sighed and walked to the bed. As soon as he fell down, he ignored everything and fell asleep.

Lu Sheng planned to ask him something, but when he saw this man, he felt something was wrong. This person's demeanor was similar to that of the others. He was also in a daze and his speech was weak. Compared with Dong Qi, his energy and energy were far behind. But since he brought the mirror, and they are still together day and night, there is no way he can be as ordinary as others.

At this time, he also somewhat believed what Dong Qi said. This pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang is indeed a little weird.

Let's take a look at the mirror first. Lu Sheng walked straight towards the glazed mirror that was as tall as a person.

The glass mirror is square on the outside and round on the inside. It has a square frame on the outside and a tall oval mirror on the inside. The frames are all made of copper, with many delicate and complicated patterns carved on them.

Lu Sheng walked to the mirror, stretched out his hand and gently stroked it along the pattern.

The square frame is engraved with the patterns of three animals: phoenix, fox, and dog.

The bodies of the three animals are all elongated, giving them a weird, primitive look. And it seems to be flying around the entire mirror.

However, Xu Chui glanced at Zhuo Qingyang, who was already sleeping soundly on the bed.

He actually wasn't worried at all about us damaging his mirror. This is a glass mirror, a rare and valuable thing.

Maybe he knows that we can't break the mirror. Lu Sheng said calmly. He turned the mirror over, and with great force, he saw that the base of the bronze mirror, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, was nothing. He gently stretched out his hand and turned it over.

There are also a lot of animal patterns on the copper frame behind the mirror. In addition, the back of the mirror seems a bit rough, as if someone has scribbled on the back with a knife or something.

There seems to be writing behind this.

Xu Chui moved closer to take a closer look.

I have seen this kind of writing. It seems to be Tang Dynasty. It was the official writing used in the previous dynasty. It was promoted for a period of time at that time, but it was later abandoned because it was not practical and caused many problems.

Tang Wen? Do you know what it means? Lu Sheng also had some impressions, as if he had seen certain records in the books he had read before.

I don't know my subordinate because my father heard it from the old man before he was alive, because the first sentence of the family motto at that time was written in Tang script, so I am quite familiar with this kind of writing, but I don't recognize it. Xu Chui shook his head and said , obviously his family history is quite profound.

Lu Sheng carefully touched the words on the back of the glazed mirror. There were only three words in total, but there were so many strokes that each word required at least fifteen strokes to finish.

So, who might know him? Lu Sheng said, looking at Zhuo Qingyang on the bed unconsciously.

I'll go wake him up. Dong Qi took a deep breath, knowing that she could only step forward at this time. However, although she was scared, there were two people behind her, and it was broad daylight, so she was not so frightened.

Lu Sheng and Xu Chui nodded at her, indicating that she could go forward and call for help.

Dong Qi hesitated for a while and was about to walk over.

Suddenly, he saw Zhuo Qingyang standing up straight from the bed, eyes open, looking at the three of them blankly.

What's up?

Dong Qi quickly approached and introduced the identities of Lu Sheng and Xu Chui. Seeing that Zhuo Qingyang still had no expression, he also told them about the words behind the mirror.

Um, I don't know what it means. It's just that when I got the mirror, it was already carved on it. At first I thought it was just a pattern, but later I discovered that it was someone else who scratched it with a knife.

You really don't know? Lu Sheng walked over and stood beside the bed, looking down at Zhuo Qingyang.

He looked arrogant, and his muscles were three times bigger than the old man's. It felt like he could crush Zhuo Qingyang to death with one hand.

I really don't know. However, if the envoy wants to know the meaning, he can look for it in a dictionary. The gang leader was lucky enough to collect a Song Zheng dictionary compiled by the royal family. It is extremely valuable and is in the study.

Then I will take this mirror away first and return it to you after investigating it. Is that okay? Lu Sheng stared at Zhuo Qingyang and said slowly.

Zhuo Qingyang smiled when he heard this.

Of course, your Majesty is free to do so. He seemed not to care about the mirror that was so precious to him.

This man was really strange. He knew that Lu Sheng was the envoy of the big gang, but he still dared to sit on the bed and talk, without any regard for etiquette. But the tone of his words was clearly respectful.

Lu Sheng looked at Zhuo Qingyang carefully and found nothing unusual about him. Regardless of his breathing, heartbeat, or blood flow, he was at most an ordinary old man who had practiced martial arts and was in a weak state.

Okay. Xu Chui, move the mirror away and go to the study here. Lu Sheng ordered.

Okay sir.

Xu Chui and Dong Qi said a few words, and soon called the two guards who were guarding outside. Together, the three of them quickly left the room carrying the glazed mirror and walked towards the study.

Lu Sheng noticed that from the beginning to the end, Zhuo Qingyang was sitting on the bed, watching them holding the mirror calmly, without any expression.

Xu Chui and the others went out, and Dong Qi also pointed in the direction of the study. Lu Sheng and Zhuo Qingyang were suddenly the only two people left in the room.

Pharmacist Qingyang, you should know the purpose of my visit, right? Lu Sheng said solemnly. It's just to investigate the mysterious disappearance of so many people before, and the reason why Gang Zhudong died unexpectedly in his life.

Do you have any clues about this matter?

Zhuo Qingyang opened his eyes, without blinking, and turned his neck stiffly, facing Lu Sheng.

The envoy wants to know some clues. I was not the one who killed the gang leader Dong Sheng. The missing person has nothing to do with the old man. It's useless for you to ask me.

I'm asking you because you are the biggest suspect. Lu Sheng replied, If you can't clear your suspicion, then I can only arrest you and bring you to justice. For us, of course, we will solve it as quickly as possible. He There was a hint of threat in his expression as he stared at Zhuo Qingyang.

I don't know anything. Zhuo Qingyang said dullly. Catch me if you want, and do whatever you want with me.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, not expecting such an answer from him at all.

After looking at Zhuo Qingyang intently for a while, he snorted coldly, turned around and left quickly.

After the Liuli mirror was moved to the study, Lu Sheng asked Xu Chui and Dong Qi to find the Song Zheng dictionary to find out what the words on the back of the mirror meant.

The meaning was quickly found out.

Sir, I found out clearly. Those three characters are, count, to, ten.

Xu Chui brought Dong Qi, whose face was frighteningly white, back to Lu Sheng who was resting and drinking tea in the lobby, and said seriously.

Count to ten?

Lu Sheng was stunned, what does this mean? It came out of nowhere, and I couldn't make out its meaning.

Your Majesty, you don't know. These days, I often have a dream, a nightmare about a little girl playing hide and seek and being abandoned by her companions in a straw field.

The little girl Lingling inside was playing a game called counting to ten. Dong Qi's face turned pale.

Oh? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Dong Qi. Tell me the details.

Dong Qi bit her lip and felt her heart beating hard.

That dream was like this. She recounted the dream carefully.

Where did the little girl Lingling go in the end? How did it end? Xu Chui couldn't help but ask.

I don't know, maybe it's more dangerous than bad. Dong Qi gasped for breath. Even if he recalled the content of the dream, he still felt difficulty breathing.

Let's go back and look in the mirror. Lu Sheng stood up and drank the tea in one gulp.

The three of them walked towards the study together.

Dong Qi arranged for two men to guard the door of the study to prevent anyone from approaching. Seeing them coming, the two of them quickly nodded and came forward.

Envoy, eldest lady, you are here. The things are inside. No one has ever gone in.

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