Extreme Demon

Chapter 122 Glazed Mirror 2

Xu Chui glanced at Lu Sheng, and after receiving approval, he drove his car to follow the men. After walking along the streets of the town for a while, he saw a huge four-story red attic coming into view.

The attic has a white roof and red walls, and a pair of large bronze scissors hang on the door. The scissors are as tall as a person and look extremely sharp. But if you look closely, you can tell that it is just decoration, a pattern embedded on the door.

Behind the attic is a large, layered courtyard.

Outside the gate, a long-haired girl with a slim waist and a well-proportioned figure was waiting there, wearing a green gauze dress with a long sword on her back.

Seeing Lu Sheng and the two of them, the girl's eyes lit up and she hurriedly came to greet them.

May I ask, are you the envoy of the Red Whale Gang?

Exactly, you are Dong Qi, the eldest lady of the tea gang, right? Xu Chui replied with a smile. My lord is here to resolve this matter in person, please lead the way.

Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the car at this time. His figure was now much more normal than before. He no longer had the exaggerated muscular lines. There was also a thin layer of short hair on his bald head. At least Not so fierce and violent.

But looking at it like this, Dong Qi immediately felt a fierce aura rushing towards him.

Just by looking at the two crossed swords carried behind Lu Sheng's back, one knew that this person was the one who was responsible for solving the matter.

May I ask what the name of this envoy is? I am Dong Qi, the daughter of the leader of the Tea Clan. Now I am the assistant to the Prime Minister of the Clan. She asked with solemnity in her tone.

My surname is Lu. Miss Dong Qi, let me first introduce you to the tea gang. Lu Sheng did not introduce himself in detail. Naturally, his identity as the leader of the gang was not easy to spread to others.

It turns out we are envoys on the way, please follow me down. Dong Qi looked relieved. She had been suffering every night these days and had constant nightmares. Now the savior has finally come, and the Red Whale Gang has not dealt with this kind of thing once or twice. In the past, the Tea Gang also applied to invite experts from the Red Whale Gang to come, and it was successfully resolved. So I still have confidence.

At that moment, she took Lu Sheng and the two of them into Sheng Mingfang behind them.

Passing through the main room, a large table of wine and food was already placed in the side yard, obviously used to entertain the two of them.

After inviting Lu Sheng and Xu Chui to take a seat, he told them one by one what had happened in the tea gang so far.

This is what happened. Dong Qi fell into memories, with a trace of sadness on his face. More than a year ago, in early spring, something happened in our gang. It was this incident that caused my father, my uncle, and many senior members of the gang to get into trouble one by one.

What's the matter? Miss Dong, just tell me. Lu Sheng sat alone where two people sat, holding the wine glass and taking a sip.

Dong Qi nodded, calmed down a little, and continued.

At that time, my father, the leader of the tea gang, Dong Shengsheng, met the current pharmacist in the gang, Zhuo Qingyang, when he was out inspecting the tea mountains.

My father and Zhuo Qingyang hit it off immediately. They often talked by candlelight at night and stayed up all night.

At first, my uncle and I just thought that the two of us were really chatting. But once, I accidentally got up at night and passed by my father's room, and I heard something strange.

What's strange? Lu Sheng asked. From the moment he entered Shengmingfang, he felt something was wrong. I always feel like I'm missing a little bit of life.

I peeked and saw that my father and that *** Zhuo Qing were not talking at all, but in the room, kneeling together in front of a glass mirror that was as tall as one person. I was very scared at that time, because I saw Zhuo Qingyang and his father knelt down and chanted words while their faces turned a little blue. He quickly ran away.

The next day, I went to ask dad again, but he actually actually Dong Qi lowered his head and paused. You actually don't remember this happening at all, and you still call me nonsense.

Don't remember? Are you pretending or do you really don't remember? Lu Sheng asked with narrowed eyes.

My father and I are very close. Since I lost my mother when I was young, my father raised me alone, so I am very familiar with all the details of his habits. Dong Qi explained, I can tell them clearly. , he probably really doesn’t remember such a thing happening.”

You really don't remember? Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and slowed down his breathing, and glanced at the willow trees in the yard from the corner of his eyes.

There is more than one willow tree planted in the home. Willow trees are yin, which is not common in ordinary people's homes.

You continue. He motioned to Dong Qi to continue.

Dong Qi nodded and added: From that day on, every night after that, I went to peek outside the door of my father's room, and from time to time I would ask other people to join me. But every time after that, what I saw was my father sleeping normally. There is nothing unusual. As time goes by, this matter will gradually fade away.

Until one day. Dong Qi's expression suddenly became extremely painful. She lowered her head and squeezed her hands tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably.

I really don't want to remember that day, she said, and began to cry softly.

Lu Sheng remained silent and gestured to Xu Chui beside him. Xu Chui immediately spoke up and began to comfort Dong Qi.

Lu Sheng took the opportunity to look at the layout of the house.

Six willow trees were planted in the center of the yard, all with hanging branches and catkins fluttering in the wind.

The eaves and walls are all old, with mottled walls exposed in many places, and a lot of thin moss growing on the stone tiles on the floor.

The entire courtyard was very quiet. The maids standing guard all looked listless and had dark circles under their eyes, as if they were in a trance due to severe lack of rest.

There is a corridor in the courtyard leading to the bedrooms in the inner courtyard.

Lu Sheng glanced towards the corridor. Looking along the corridor, he could only see a dark and gloomy area. Bursts of cold wind blew out, and there was a biting coldness.

After Xu Chui comforted him for a while, Dong Qi seemed to recover and continued.

My father went out on inspection, and what he brought back was corpses. Even the corpses were badly mutilated. Later, after crying for several days, I vowed to find the real culprit, and went to find the pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang.

But the man looked strange, and although he said a lot of comforting words, it sounded awkward to him.

I had some doubts at that time. After that, I asked my uncle and uncle to monitor him, but what I didn’t expect was that not long after, both uncles and uncles disappeared one after another.” As soon as Dong Qi said this, she could no longer hold back her tears, like pearls with broken strings, and burst into tears. It flowed down.

What about the pharmacist? Lu Sheng interrupted and asked.

In the gang, he didn't leave, and no one dared to let him leave. There were some high-level officials in the gang who would come to his room every night and didn't know what they were doing.

Everyone is normal during the day, but at night... Dong Qi showed a hint of fear and worry. I am now worried that the entire tea gang will be completely destroyed like my father, so I have no choice but to ask the envoy to come. Let’s investigate this matter.”

Lu Sheng asked a few more details and roughly understood the process.

By the way. Have you seen the glazed mirror that your father and the pharmacist worshiped before? He asked in a deep voice.

I've seen it before. It was placed in the bedroom of the pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang. He would not leave the mirror when eating, sleeping or doing anything except to go out. I took advantage of him to go out to go out and look at it once. It is no different from an ordinary glazed mirror. , I just feel that the photo is quite clear. Dong Qi answered quickly.

Glazed mirrors are much more fragile than bronze mirrors, but the mirror reflects people very clearly. Such mirrors can only be obtained from the Jurong Kingdom, and they are extremely expensive. Have you asked the pharmacist how he got it? Xu Fuki couldn't help but interjected.

Dong Qi shook his head.

That pharmacist is very weird. You will know it when you go see him. I am alone and I don't dare to see him at all.

Lu Sheng nodded and stood up.

Forget it, take me to see that pharmacist Zhuo Qingyang now. It won't be too late.

Now? Dong Qi didn't expect Lu Sheng to act vigorously and resolutely. After hearing the whole story, Dong Qi went to investigate the situation.

Yes, right now.

Dong Qi hesitated for a moment, then slowly stood up.

I'll take you to the pharmacist's room, which is in the far corner of the inner courtyard. Please come with me, both of you. She stood up slowly and led Lu Sheng and the two of them towards the corridor leading to the inner courtyard.

While Lu Sheng followed, he looked back at the maids who came up to clear away the food and drinks.

These maids' eyes were dull and their movements were weak, as if they were severely deprived of sleep. The look gives people a wooden puppet feel.

The three of them walked through the dark corridor and soon entered a spacious courtyard. They then passed through an arch to the left and passed through three arches in succession before arriving at a remote and deserted courtyard. inside.

Two well-dressed men who yawned nonstop were guarding the entrance of the courtyard. When they saw Dong Qi coming, they quickly came up to greet her.

Dong Qi communicated with the two gatekeepers before turning to Lu Sheng.

This is the courtyard where the pharmacist lives, you two.

Just go in. Lu Sheng, wearing a golden sword, walked into the courtyard with his hands down.

Fallen leaves piled up on the ground in the yard, turning in the wind and making a thin rustling sound.

There is also a doll hanging under the eaves, which seems to be made of linen. The palm-sized doll has two small hands and two lower legs that are gray in color. It also wears a head of messy black hair, covering most of its face.

Lu Sheng walked over and looked at the doll.

Through the black hair, one can see his face. Two eyes and one mouth were dotted with cinnabar. The eyes are painted extremely vividly, as if they are smiling.

But the corners of his mouth were curved downward, as if he was unhappy.

Lu Sheng looked at the doll, then ignored it and walked straight to the bedroom door.

Sir, I'll do it. Xu Chui caught up and stopped him.

Lu Sheng shook his head. I'll just come, please pay attention to your surroundings.

Xu Chui nodded and walked to the edge to be wary of his surroundings.

Boom, boom, boom.

Lu Sheng reached out and knocked on the door. After a while, there was no response.

Boom, boom, boom.

He knocked again, but still no response.

Perhaps it's a courtesy? Dong Qi whispered from behind.

Do you have a key? Lu Sheng turned around and asked.

No, no. Dong Qi shook his head. She was scared to death now, and most of the people in the gang were vaguely listening to the pharmacist. Now the situation had become extremely strange. She finally used her authority to send someone to deliver a message to the Red Whale Gang.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible to have the key to the pharmacist's room.

Then wait until that person comes. Naturally, Lu Sheng would not just listen to Dong Qi's words. This kind of investigation would naturally require multiple verifications. Otherwise, if Dong Qi also has a problem and frames the pharmacist or other people in the gang, and he just takes action without verifying the evidence, he is not completely mistaken about the target.

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