Extreme Demon

Chapter 121 Glazed Mirror 1

He covered his face with his hands and looked out through the gaps between his fingers.

I'll count to ten~~~ Lingling shouted loudly, standing beside the straw pile at night.

Don't take your hands away.

You must always cover your face with your hands, no cheating!

Run, run, let her catch us, hahaha!

Children ran away one after another and soon hid in the fields filled with harvested straw.

Lingling didn't know that these children had planned to tease her before, and finally agreed to play with her, just to tease her.

Who would want to play with a silly girl who was born with bad eyes this late at night?





In the silent straw field, only the girl's crisp counting sounds echoed continuously.

The children who had been hiding had already escaped from nowhere. In the huge empty rice field, Lingling was the only one left, covering her face, lying on the straw pile and counting.

She was only wearing a thin singlet, and the evening breeze felt a little chilly, but her heart was happy. No one had played with her until now, but she didn't expect that the children would finally accept her today.

Although she was asked to act as a ghost to catch other people, as long as she had someone to play with, it was okay for her to be a ghost.




Ten! It's my turn to arrest someone!

Lingling covered her face with her hands, looked out through her fingers, turned around happily, and looked around.

The field was quiet, except for her voice.

Let me see, where are you all hiding? Lingling walked slowly, one foot deeper and one foot shallower. She was born with bad eyesight, so she couldn't see clearly anything farther away, only a blur.

At this time, there was only a little dim moonlight in the night. She covered her face with her hands and could only see through the gaps between her fingers, which was even more difficult to see clearly.

As she walked, she quietly came to a pile of straw.

Hey, Xiaoyuan! Is that you?

She jumped over and looked behind the haystack.

There was no one behind the straw pile.

Oh, there's no one there. Lingling said loudly in disappointment, and walked towards another straw pile.

With great difficulty, she almost fell before slowly moving to the second pile of straw.

Chen Daniu! Is that you!? She jumped behind another larger straw pile again.

Still no one.

She searched for them one by one and was very patient.

No one had ever played with her before. Her family background was not good and she was always looked down upon by others. No one usually played with her. Now she finally had someone to play with. She was very happy, really, really happy.

Lingling searched and searched for who knows how long.

It's getting later and later.

She still found no one.

Where are you? Lingling was tired. Stop and take a breath.

Suddenly, under the dark moonlight, at the other end of the straw pile, she covered her face and looked through her fingers, faintly seeing a piece of clothes hiding there.

Right next to the haystack, it seemed like someone was hiding in the haystack. The clothes seemed to be very similar to the clothes worn by a child, and they looked very familiar.

It must be Ajun! Lingling guessed in her mind and quietly walked towards the other end of the haystack.

Her steps were very slow, and she almost fell down several times in a row, but she tried her best to stay silent.

Until he reached the edge of the clothes.

Lingling took a deep breath.

I caught you! Arjun!! She suddenly opened the haystack, revealing the man hiding inside.

In the haystack, she vaguely saw a child with a very pale face standing inside, seemingly smiling at her.

call! !

Dong Qi suddenly stood up from the bed, covered in sweat, and looked at the picture of carps playing with shrimps on the gauze curtain at the end of the bed.

The black shrimp and red carp are brightly colored and the contrast is obvious. You can faintly see the color even in the dark.

It's a nightmare again. Dong Qi took a deep breath. This dream was so real that her heart was still pounding even now.

Turning to the side and looking out, the moonlight outside the window was like gauze, and a small moon disk hung in the sky.

Miss! Miss!

Anxious footsteps approached quickly, followed by a burst of urgent shouts.

Miss, are you okay!?

It's Cuiping.

Dong Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, got up from the bed, and went to open the door.

Cuiping, a maid with braids, hurried in and helped Dong Qi.

Miss, did you have a nightmare again!?

Yeah, it's okay. Dong Qi smiled bitterly, By the way, where is the envoy from the Red Whale Gang we invited?

It takes about two days to get here from the vicinity of Yanshan City. It should be fast, right? Cuiping was relieved to see that Dong Qi was fine.

Yes, it should be soon. Dong Qi clenched his hands, feeling that his palms were all sweaty.

On the green grass, there are dense shades of trees on both sides.

The carriage drove neither fast nor slowly on the mountain road. Lu Sheng sat by the window of the carriage and hurried forward as the carriage swayed forward.

The driver was Xu Chui, and he only brought this person with him on this trip.

As a master of Feiyingtang, Xu Chui is the one most likely to break through Tongli and enter the level of Tongyi. Lu Sheng also planned to train him as his confidant.

Along the way, the two of them brought enough horse feed and dry food, and rushed towards the tea gang at a fast pace and slowly at a slow pace.

Xu Chui, how far is it to Qingcha Town? Lu Sheng took out a bottle of golden ointment from his waist bag, dug out a small piece with his index finger and put it into his mouth.

My lord, we are just over this hill. When we arrive at Qingcha Town, we are equivalent to arriving at the Tea Gang. People around here make a living by growing tea. There are tea mountains everywhere. It shouldn't be that far away. Xu Chui replied respectfully.

Lu Sheng nodded and put away the golden ointment.

This stuff nourishes the body, is extremely effective in hard work and external skills, and is the best tonic to maintain your condition every day. He now eats a little bit at a time, just for maintenance.

After all, his hard skills are too shocking, and there are too many superimposed skills. To maintain such strength of the body, it is no longer enough to just eat, but also to nourish yourself with some of these drugs on a daily basis. Otherwise, your life span will be shortened over time. That would be just practicing without cultivating.

Fortunately, I have learned the health-preserving skills to replenish my body. Otherwise, just nourishing and regulating the body's condition would be far from simple. Lu Sheng understood in his heart.

Feeling the inner Qi that was constantly circulating in his body, he closed his eyes slightly, slowed down his luck, and visualized the overall picture in the Aquarius Qi.

There are three treasures in life. Take the qi from the treasures and turn them into essence to replenish your innate nature. The visualization picture is a picture of a bright day and blue sky, but in the bright sun, there are faint patterns like cotton wool floating and rotating.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and meditated, and his body condition quickly adjusted to the special state when practicing Baoping Qi.

The Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong in the body instinctively repels all the internal Qi in the meridians. There are several meridians in the Baoping Qi that overlap with the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong, so it is extremely difficult to get angry.

Lu Sheng didn't take it too seriously, he had expected it.

His internal energy had already reached the limit of his body's meridians. At this time, it was just a qualitative change in the hard work, causing his body to have a disguised expansion of his meridians. This leaves a little more space to practice Aquarius Qi.

After practicing for a while, he opened his eyes and showed a wry smile.

It still doesn't work. The meridians and Dantian have been filled up for a long time. The treasure bottle qi can't generate inner qi at all, so it is suppressed by the Chiji Nine Evils. If we don't think of a way, we can't improve the inner qi at all.

Sitting on the carriage, Lu Sheng fell into deep thought. If you don’t practice yin internal strength, you won’t be able to reconcile the yin and yang of your body. This is a hidden danger. But now the body's Qi is completely saturated again.

Inner Qi is the accumulated food essence produced by the body's operation according to different meridians. It is the energy of different properties formed by the remaining power of the human body in daily life and accumulated together.

So since it is gas, is there any way to compress the inner gas to increase its density? As thin as air is, it can be compressed into a liquid state under certain conditions. As long as sufficient pressure and low temperature are met.

And what conditions need to be met for the inner energy to become liquid? Lu Sheng closed his eyes and thought.

If you practice hard kung fu too hard, your body will change into another form once you exercise the kung fu. He named this form anode. The anode form seems to have accidentally hit one of the conditions for compression.

The first condition that needs to be met when air is compressed into a liquid state is high pressure. If I want the liquid internal air to flow in my body, it seems that my body must first be strong enough and hard enough to act as a container. This condition should be able to Satisfied.

Secondly, a means of supercharging is needed.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, and a hot invisible inner air slowly emerged from his palm.

He raised his hand higher and placed it at eye level. Through his inner energy, he could clearly see that the scenery outside was somewhat distorted.

There is obviously some kind of transparent gas that refracts and distorts the light.

For compression, I can choose to inject the inner air into the metal box. No, no, metal can also conduct the inner air. I need to find a substance that cannot conduct the inner air. This problem is troublesome enough.

Lu Sheng sighed inwardly and took back the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong inner energy in his palm.

The view outside the window gradually changed from wild woods mixed with tea gardens to rolling green hills.

The mountains are covered with large green tea trees. Many tea trees are old and have not been picked yet, making them look a bit desolate.

The carriage continued forward and soon arrived at an quaint town with only seven or eight streets.

The town is paved with cracked gray stone slabs, most of the shops are closed, and fires and braziers burning paper money pass by from time to time on the roadside.

There are very few pedestrians on the road, only a few hurried figures can be seen occasionally.

Is this Qingcha Town? Lu Sheng frowned slightly, Isn't there a fortress of Fei Lian Army stationed nearby? This place is also under protection, so why is it so desolate and desolate.

Xu Chui shook his head: My subordinates don't know either. But let's go to the Tea Gang headquarters first. I, the Red Whale Gang, have not been here for a long time. If you want to find someone to understand the situation, you must go to the Local Snake Tea Gang.

Lu Sheng took out the letter asking for help sent by the Tea Clan to the Red Whale Clan. It was stamped with the life story of the gang leader Dong, but the handwriting on the letter was elegant and delicate.

The letter was sent by a person named Dong Qi. According to the information, Dong Qi should be the only daughter of the current leader of the Tea Gang. To send a letter asking for help in her name, there must be some arrangement. We will rush there according to the address. OK. The address is Shengmingfang, East Sixth Street.

Yes. Xu Chui responded, driving the carriage while counting the path numbers on the buildings on the street.

After not walking far, the two turned the street twice and saw a lean man wearing a white turban approaching them.

May I ask, are you the envoy of the Red Whale Gang? A man with a Chinese character stepped forward and asked respectfully.

Who are you? Xu Chui asked.

We are the special people sent by Miss Dong Qi of the Tea Clan to greet the envoy. Please go this way. The man greeted him with a smile.

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