Extreme Demon

Chapter 120 Solution 2

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng asked again, What are the characteristics of the criminal I want to arrest?

Xiao Hongye was obviously prepared. He clapped his fat hand, and immediately a girl next to him stepped forward and presented a stack of drawing paper.

He handed the drawing paper to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took it and unfolded it gently, his face suddenly looked slightly strange.

The first picture on the drawing paper was that of Li Shunxi. Although the portrait is slightly distorted, you can still recognize it as Li Shunxi at a glance.

He flipped through the other pictures below. One of them showed a fat monk, and the other two were clearly the Liu sisters who had just left him.

Lu Sheng put away the drawing paper and looked calm.

These people, it seems, have had a relationship with Lu. He had no intention of hiding this relationship. Xiao Hongye looked like a well-informed person. If he wanted to hide such obvious information, Not very realistic.

Li Shunxi had been in and out of the gang many times with him at the beginning, and saw many people, so it was useless to hide it.

There are also the Liu sisters, who lived in the Jinyu Flower House for a while because of their extremely special appearance, and are known to many people in the gang.

Hehehe, brother Lu is honest, but there is nothing we can do about it. They have violated the palace master's taboo, and there is nothing I can do about it. Xiao Hongye was not surprised at all, and replied with a smile.

I'll look back and take a look. If I find anyone, let me know. Lu Sheng also expressed his stance.

Speaking of which, he and Xiao Hongye were just representatives of the forces behind them, and they couldn't make the final decision on such matters.

That's good. Xiao also knows a thing or two about my brother, so I can rest assured that I will definitely not protect the fugitive. Xiao Hongye finally said with a smile. Drink, drink.

He raised his glass to Lu Sheng again.

At night, after leaving Xiao Mansion, Lu Sheng sat on the carriage going back, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

Taking advantage of Xiao Hongye's drunkenness, he tentatively asked a few common sense questions and roughly understood the key to hierarchy.

Even at different levels, if the number of lines on the same level is different, the immortality will be different. The immortality of single and double lines is far inferior to that of three lines. That is to say, 30% of the body parts are destroyed, will not die, and there are no vital points, such as the head, heart, etc.

But once it reaches the third line, it is the level of qualitative change. It is impossible to kill without completely destroying more than 80% of the body at once.

Then came the Seven Patterns, which was the second qualitative change in the level of restraint. Legend has it that a strong man with seven lines can quickly regenerate even if his whole body is completely smashed. And because he has reached the highest level of restraint, he needs to be killed seven times in a row with effective means to destroy the seven black film patterns and completely kill the seven-marked strongman.

Seven times. Lu Sheng felt heavy in his heart for the first time. This is a terrifying number, plus the strong ones with seven lines are already extremely strong. That is to say, unless they are much stronger than the strong ones at this level and have the means to make it impossible for the opponent to escape, otherwise they will not be able to escape. For such a strong person, it is better to think of how to escape immediately.

I originally thought that after reaching such a state, I would finally be able to protect myself. But now it seems that I am still too weak. Lu Sheng sat in the dark carriage, with a hint of fatigue in his eyes for the first time.

But after relaxing for a moment, he immediately recovered. There was no need for weakness in this world. As an ordinary person, being weak meant being slaughtered by others.

Judging from the previous battles, the magic weapon can be obtained. If I am strong enough, can I seize a magic weapon and become a noble family? Lu Sheng suddenly thought of this.

But on second thought, he rejected the idea.

Every ten years, hundreds of people have to be sacrificed alive. What's the point of such a family!? He thought of the Xu family that was wiped out, and the rows of corpses still stayed deep in his heart.

If I really became such a noble family, how would I be any different from a non-human being at that time? He felt disgusted and stopped thinking about it.

With the modifier in hand, so what if the family is aristocratic? As long as I collect enough strong enough martial arts and find more Yin Qi, I will be able to push the martial arts to a level that ordinary people can't imagine! By then, what kind of family god will it be? Soldiers, hack them all to death!

Lu Sheng felt an unknown fire in his heart. He hated this kind of world and these monsters from aristocratic families who crawled on top of mortals like parasites and sucked blood!

It's up to me to correct this deformed world! A trace of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

The thought of cutting down all injustices in the world surged in my heart.

Kill, kill, kill, kill!!! Countless manic thoughts of killing became more and more swollen in his heart. Let the world return to the way it should be!! Anyone who doesn't like it must die!!

Lu Sheng was sitting in the carriage, his eyes slowly began to turn red, and a straight line of blood could faintly crawl out of the whites of his eyes.

This blood line connected the pupil and the corner of the eye, and it was extremely scarlet. At a glance, you could feel the boredom and rage in your chest, and there was an extremely uneasy aura emanating from it.

Huh? Not good!! Suddenly Lu Sheng suddenly woke up and felt that the energy of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong in his body was running at a high speed, far exceeding the limit that his body could bear. The skin all over his body became faintly red, and his whole body seemed to be on fire at any moment.

This is a sign of going crazy!! He was shocked, quickly calmed down, and calmed down his inner energy.

Fortunately, his martial arts were directly modified with modifiers, so his foundation is solid and he can control it freely. It's easy to calm down.

After a while, he slowly recovered from his trance and let out a long breath.

The coachman's confused cry came from outside.

Master? Master?

It's okay. Are you here? Lu Sheng looked tired and asked in a low voice.

Well, we're here. The coachman was a little panicked when he asked before, but when he heard Lu Sheng's response, he felt at ease. We have arrived at the gate of Lu Mansion.

Lu Sheng sat in the carriage, motionless in the darkness for a long time.

It should be that I have practiced too many hard kung fu, and I also practice yang kung fu such as Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong. This has caused the blood and yang energy to be too heavy, and the body is out of balance. I need to use yin kung fu to balance it.

With the modifier in the body, it is not a problem to practice the Yin Gong method. As long as you notice it, it will be easy to adjust. It was just this experience that allowed him to vaguely see the direction of future development.

Since the anode state appears after practicing too much hard skills, there must be a corresponding cathode state. Go back and check it out in the arsenal. Lu Sheng had a plan in mind, and seemed to have a vague understanding of his future path.

If you want to reach a stronger realm of internal strength, if there are no modifiers, perhaps the realm of pure yang after the reconciliation of yin and yang is the right way.

The anode state is absolutely violent and powerful. The accumulation of hard skills is combined with the positive internal energy to produce it, while the cathode state must also have a very strong effect. Lu Sheng's heart actually rises with anticipation.

After returning home to rest, early the next morning, he went to the Red Whale and arrived at Xuanwu Pavilion.

Mr. Ge was still sitting behind the counter, but he looked sleepy.

It turns out that the new gang leader has arrived. He raised his eyes and looked at Lu Sheng. His attitude had not changed from before. It seemed that he just changed his title.

Many of the surrounding gang members who came to view the secret book saluted and greeted Lu Sheng. Their attitudes were all respectful, but the pavilion elder still looked like he didn't care whether love would come or not.

Looking at the situation of the gang leader, he should be looking for Yin Internal Skills, right? Here is a list of all Yin Internal Skills in Xuanwu Pavilion. He casually pulled out a piece of paper and threw it to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng was stunned. Before he spoke, the other party knew his purpose. Could it be that his situation had become so obvious?

He looked at Mr. Ge suspiciously for a while, then reached out to take the piece of paper and read it.

‘Yuquan Gong, Sanyin Jue, Baoping Qi, Four-ring Hanmei Gong, Spirit-Stepping Pill Kung, and Feishuang Jue. ’

There are six doors in total, all of which are at the Tongli level. There are detailed introductions to each one below.

Now that there is no Zhen family, there is no need to abide by the rules they set regarding contribution. As the leader of a gang, he still has this privilege.

Lu Sheng put down the order.

How did Mr. Ge know that Lu needed Yin internal energy? He had always felt that this Mr. Ge was not simple. He could guard Xuanwu Pavilion calmly even in the midst of a great calamity. The most important thing was that the huge Xuanwu Pavilion stored Having read so many important classics, surprisingly not a single accident has occurred so far.

This is not simple anymore.

The old man can only see that the gang leader's yin and yang are out of balance. The gang leader's talent is extremely strong, but his methods are a bit too extreme. Although there are some miraculous medicines that can increase one's skill, it is better to take less of them. Mr. Ge said calmly.

Thank you, Mr. Ge, for reminding me. Lu Sheng nodded. The other party mistakenly thought that his power was obtained by taking medicine, but he did not point it out. His background is infinitely stronger than the medicine jar used to take medicine. There is also the possibility of unlimited improvement, which is not comparable to those taking drugs.

After carefully looking at the internal skills on the list, Lu Sheng asked for a bottle of treasure qi and took it out, intending to go back and practice it carefully. He is now in a state of great anode, and perhaps his body's meridians can be improved.

In addition, it was time for him to go out in person and collect Yin Qi. Since there are no antique items or anything like that, and Zhuo Wenyu has nowhere to go, it would be more efficient to deal with some ghost objects by himself in order to collect Yin Qi.

The Hongfang side cannot be touched. Now that the opponent is retreating, he and the Red Whale Gang will stay on the right side for the time being. As long as he does not take the initiative to touch it, Hongfang will not take action.

However, the recent spawning of strange ghosts in other places must be dealt with.

After leaving Xuanwu Pavilion, Lu Sheng returned to the gang leader's study. Yu Lianzi was immersed in sorting out the affairs of the gang. When she saw him coming, she felt like she was being pardoned and quickly stood up to give up her seat.

Gang Leader, you are finally here! Recently, there are more than ten unsolved cases from various places that have been sent to you. There are more than ten cases at the ordinary level alone, and there are five or six cases at the spirit level! It's really a mess. Yu Lianzi quickly complained, he was as beautiful as a woman There are also two more conspicuous eye bags on the face. Apparently he has been too busy recently, causing him to not sleep well.

After Lu Sheng took office, the first thing he did was to classify all the cases that occurred according to the ordinary level, spiritual level, and detention level. As for those above the Judgment level, there is no difference for ordinary gang members, as they are all classified as Judgment level.

In this way, all cases can be solved in a more detailed and targeted manner.

Where is Gang Leader Chen Ying? Lu Sheng asked casually as he sat down.

We have already taken people to solve one of the spirit-level cases. Yu Lianzi replied.

How many people are detained? Lu Sheng asked.

Ju-level, there is one, but I'm not sure yet. Yu Lianzi frowned. What do you mean, Gang Leader?

I plan to do it myself. Lu Sheng nodded, confirming his guess. If he wanted to collect Yin Qi, he would naturally have to find ghosts and kill them to get it easily. In order to save time, it is naturally more cost-effective to find ghosts with more Yin energy.

With his current strength and level of three lines, he is even higher than the umbrella girl, the deputy head of Hongfang. He can easily deal with ordinary monsters, let alone ordinary ghosts. If you be a little careful, you should be fine in Zongheng Northland.

Since the gang leader personally took action, success will be immediate. Yu Lianzi breathed a sigh of relief. When I saw this case, I was a little hesitant. I didn't know which level it should be classified into.

Show me. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yu Lianzi stepped forward, quickly found a folded yellow paper on the desk, and unfolded it gently.

Lu Sheng took it and looked at it. The three words at the beginning of the paper immediately came to his eyes.

‘Tea gang, pharmacist, glass mirror’

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