Extreme Demon

Chapter 1198 Accompanying 2

Primordial sea? What's in it?



Yes. The so-called primordial sea is just the primitive form before the formation of the Yuan Space. I once entered it to avoid the big cycle. There is nothing there, no life, no matter, no energy, no rules. Even sometimes, After you go in, it feels like you've fallen asleep. You can't even realize that you've gone in. Mother Shi said softly.

Is it because feeling requires a reference object to exist? Lu Sheng asked rhetorically.

Yes. Because I can't feel anything, including my own time and space. I can't see, hear, smell, or touch. I can't even imagine. Shi Mu sighed.

Then how do you know you've been in there? Lu Sheng asked.

Because any being that has gone in will leave a mark on itself. A very strange trace. The stone mother gently opened her right shoulder pad. On the fair, delicate and perfect skin, there was a light green birthmark-like mark.

The scars have no shape, they are just ordinary irregular shapes, and the color is very light, almost invisible unless you look carefully.

All the powers of things we have ever perceived are actually based on the three ultimate mechanisms and are derived from them. Including ourselves. Therefore, all of our existences will be affected by the three ultimate powers and cannot get rid of them.

Stone Mother gently put on the shoulder armor.

And there is only one way to really get rid of this influence.

Just entering the primary sea? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

Not bad. Shi Mu laughed. Entering the primary sea is the only way to isolate the three ultimate institutions. There is no second way. If you want to completely get rid of the threats of the three ultimate powers, you must also take this path.

Can every existence that enters come back? Lu Sheng finally asked.

When Shi Mu heard this, she was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

What do you think?

She said no more, and her gaze fell directly on the gloomy black and purple earth below.

AstraZeneca, get out!

She stretched out her left hand and gently grabbed it with her perfect jade-like arm.

Suddenly, a brilliant and majestic huge colorful halo suddenly exploded in her palm.

Countless transparent raindrops sprayed out from the center of the colorful halo, scattering from high altitude to the earth.

Countless raindrops fell on the ground one after another, and wherever they went, the ground was transformed into pieces of colorful gem crystals.

Ruby, sapphire, green crystal, blue crystal, etc., all imaginable treasures are available here. It seems like it has existed for countless years.

A large number of crystal gem flowers bloom in clusters on the ground. Transform everything you touch into a part of yourself.

Some ethereal rhinoceros-like creatures that were caught off guard and failed to avoid were quickly hit by the rain, and their entire bodies quickly began to crystallize.

Ouch! !

They struggled and ran wildly, but before they could run far, they fell to their knees and shattered into large fragments, which were mixed with other crystal stones.

From Lu Sheng's perspective, the earth was being completely crystallized at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's really breathtaking. Lu Sheng was shocked.

He has also traveled through the Yuan Space with his real body tens of thousands of meters away, precisely because of the comparison and personal experience. Only then did he realize how difficult it was to do this.

You must know that this is the metaspace, not the inside of the universe.

The rules of metaspace, called macroscopic rules, are the fundamental laws that restrict all universes and even restrict the operation of mother rivers and other huge things.

In addition to the three major organs, the macro rules are the foundation and everything here.

Lu Sheng could swallow the universe alive and devour the mother river in his true form, but it would be extremely difficult to influence the rules to this extent.

This directly affects the nature of macroscopic rules, completely transforming all matter and energy, including the power of nothingness, into the crystals she controls.

On the purple-black ground, it was as if countless sparkling gems were pouring down from the sky. The ocean-like gems continued to spread, covering farther around.

The power of nothingness was actually among them, and was transformed into purple-black crystals, which fell to the ground.

Countless ethereal creatures howled miserably, and those who had no time to escape could only watch as they were turned into crystals, fell and shattered with a crash.

Lu Sheng made some estimates and found that with just one big move, there would be hundreds of thousands of ethereal creatures transformed in this space.

And it seems that the crystals are still spreading. It was obvious that the Stone Mother had stopped releasing raindrops. But the crystallization of the ground is still spreading, like a fire, it ignites on contact.

This used to be the hometown of an old friend of mine. Since the last cycle, she and I often came here for walks and rest. Unfortunately, even she betrayed me in the end. Mother Shi looked a little lonely and stretched out her hand to squeeze Holding a strand of hair on her chest.

Is she also a being similar to an ethereal creature? Lu Sheng asked casually. He happened to have nothing to do, so he simply opened the deep blue silently and began to pour divine power into the cycle formula. Anyway, he can't use up all his spiritual power now. It doesn’t matter if it’s all used to deduce this.

Yes. They are ethereal creatures that rely on the power of nothingness to live and claim to be immortal. It's a pity that they met me. The stone mother smiled and said, My crystallization can transform them into crystal gems. Transform them into something else. A form. Not elimination, not destruction but transformation.

Click click click.

The words just fell.

The areas below that are visible to the naked eye have been completely transformed into crystal gems.

The earth covered with countless crystal gems began to slowly split and move.

Huge dinosaur-like creatures made entirely of crystals rose from the ground and roared silently toward the sky.

The so-called immortality is just a joke. Shi Mu smiled and gently let go of her hair.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment. If he could have done that blow just now with all his strength, then this level is beyond his reach.

Even the power of nothingness and ultimate power can be completely transformed into his own.

At a glance, his mental perception quickly extended to an extremely distant place. In the distance, a large amount of crystallization is still spreading rapidly on the earth.

These crystallizations are like fires that will never go out without completely destroying the entire area.

It's just as you thought. If she doesn't come out, this place will soon be completely crystallized and transformed into part of the cornerstone of my Holy Stone Realm. The stone mother restrained her smile and said calmly.

Lu Sheng was speechless. This was not a visit to a friend. It was simply seeking revenge.

He finally figured it out. This guy had just been released from prison. He was in an agitated mood and his attacks were unusually ruthless.

There are more than hundreds of millions of void creatures in this area, and she can easily kill countless of them in one go.

He thought for a moment and gently stretched out his hand.

A small piece of red crystal on the ground suddenly flew up and quickly fell into his hands.

As soon as he took it, Lu Sheng felt a burning pain in his palm. Looking carefully, his hand began to crystallize rapidly.

Awesome! He transformed his palm into countless energy and material structures in an instant. But nothing can stop the crystallization from spreading towards the body. Even the power of gray liquid has no effect.


He simply cut off his wrist in advance with one palm.

The broken palm rapidly crystallized in mid-air in front of him, turned into hard and crystal clear red crystal, and fell down.

A brand new hand quickly grew back on the broken hand.

But Lu Sheng was still very shocked by what just happened.

At his level, he could only avoid crystallization by cutting off the tail of a gecko. Not to mention other ethereal creatures that are countless weaker than him.

He could feel that this was a qualitative difference in pure power. And it's a big gap.

If the Stone Mother attacks him, he will have no choice but to run away.

Lu Sheng's eyes darkened slightly, he withdrew his attention and once again focused on the dark blue interface at the bottom of his field of vision.

A large amount of spiritual power is still pouring into the box of the circular formula.

The box is blurred and remains in a state of deduction.

However, he had a hunch that the deduction should be completed soon.

Have you seen your chaotic aura? It's about to be neutralized. Suddenly the Stone Mother said.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to take a look.

The chaotic colored line in the palm of my hand was quickly fading and disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After mastering the basics of the cycle formula, you can activate the three ultimate powers and actively coordinate and balance. And if you are a guy who has not mastered the cycle formula, you are contaminated with the three powers. The only ending is to explode instantly and mark your own Whatever is left disappears forever and turns into nutrients in the macroscopic space. Shi Mu explained.

She liked Lu Sheng's personality very much. Having just returned, she also needs a deputy who is powerful enough to help her handle affairs. After all, she can't do all the chores, large and small, by herself.

Generally, unimportant matters can be left to the deputy, which is just right.

When you completely master the basics of the cycle formula, you can use the three ultimate powers to form a small cycle in your body. This is the seed of the cycle. Normally, it can provide you with unparalleled violent power. It is unique to you. The special power of human imprints.

And when you need it, it can explode in an instant, producing unparalleled terrifying and destructive power, which is the power of circulation. It is the power that can transform and destroy everything. Shi Mu said calmly.

This is also the reason why they fear me and fear me.

She glanced at Lu Sheng, and was satisfied to see a hint of shock and awe in his eyes.

If you want to completely conquer such top powerhouses, it's not enough to just show your strength.

She planned to wait until the right time to tell Lu Sheng that there were nine levels of cyclic formulas. As long as he attached himself to her, subsequent cyclic formulas could be taught to him.

Anyway, each level of improvement and perfection would take at least hundreds of millions of years, even for her. And as long as the final ninth level is in his hands, he can't change the world.

Lu Sheng was silent, staring at the dark blue box in his field of vision.

Just now, the formal deduction of the first stage of the cyclic formula ended.

This trip was also the longest time he had ever practiced the technique, it took him a full five hours!

He couldn't imagine how much time the subsequent cycle formula would take.

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