Extreme Demon

Chapter 1199 Accident 1

Boiling purple-black lightning streaked across the sky. Only halfway across the distance, the lightning was crystallized and turned into gems and fell to the ground.

Most of the inner void spiritual world has been covered by crystals and has been transformed into countless gem crystals.

Only a small spot on the edge seemed to have something blocking the spread of crystallization.

It was a piece of power like purple smoke.

Wherever the purple smoke covered the place, the crystallization obviously slowed down, slowed down, and finally stopped.


The Golden Road reappeared in mid-air, penetrating through the clouds.

Shi Mu and Lu Sheng walked out slowly one after the other and looked down from a high place.

AstraZeneca, do you still want to hide? Mother Shi said mockingly.

I've turned my back on the world for a long time. Why are you still forcing me?

A purple figure shrouded in black robes slowly appeared on the ground.

She stood in the middle of the purple-black mist, with countless centipede-like poisonous insects gathered into a ball behind her, constantly squirming.

Why didn't you say this when you betrayed me? Ignored the world? It was just a joke. Mother Shi sneered.

You are still the same as before, acting arbitrarily and never paying attention to other people's opinions. The woman in black robe said calmly.

So you betrayed me? Stone Mother raised her eyebrows slightly, her tone slowly raised, and she stared at her once best friend in the distance.

I never betrayed you. It was you who wanted to hurt me, hurt everything, and destroy everything. You have gone crazy, Stone Mother. There was a hint of sadness in AstraZeneca's tone.

Unreasonable! Mother Shi took a deep breath. Forget it, I don't want to hear it anymore. Although I expected that you would have many reasons to quibble before I came here, it was only when I actually faced it that I felt how uncomfortable it was.

She held out her right arm.

Take my last beauty and go to death!

Boom! !

Right at the feet of AstraZeneca, a huge hand of colored crystals shot out at an unimaginably terrifying speed and grabbed AstraZeneca in the center.

Protect Your Majesty!!

Strong beast-faced men of different sizes jumped out from the surrounding purple mist. They roared and waved powerful weapons condensed with the power of nothingness. Their quality even surpassed the various divine weapons Lu Sheng had seen before.

The purple void power condenses into purple-black weapons and shields. One after another, the beast-faced men rushed towards the giant hand that grabbed AstraZeneca, regardless of their own safety.

Bang! !

A void beast-faced man actually blew himself up. followed by the second and third

The huge explosive force is like rings of shining silver light, slowly spreading out from the giant crystal hand.

Be buried with my past. Stone Mother slowly clenched her palms.

The giant hand below that grabbed AstraZeneca also began to tighten its grip.

But this woman with a mysterious temperament was not panicked at all. She just stared at the stone mother in the sky calmly with a hint of sadness and helplessness.


The giant hand clenched tightly, and a large piece of purple-black smoke exploded in the center.

Lu Sheng stood behind Shi Mu and saw the outcome of AstraZeneca's final struggle from a long distance away.

The woman in black robe was squeezed without scruple by the giant hand. The whole person exploded into pieces and turned into countless purple and black smoke.

Or to put it more carefully, it turned into a huge monster with the head of a human and the body of a snake. The monster's long snake-like body was actually made of countless black smoke condensed.

Go to hell!

Shi Mu pressed her palm down.

The giant hand below also made the same move.

Bang! !

The palm of the giant hand fell to the ground. In an instant, the remaining black smoke in the palm was completely crushed.

On the earth, many void creatures that were still struggling before were now waking up from a dream. Traces of purple-black smoke flew out of their mouths and noses.

Lu Sheng stood behind Stone Mother and watched her get angry at these ordinary ethereal creatures. Release majestic power again and again, crystallizing everything.

The ground in the inner spiritual world is shaking violently. Smoke and clouds billowed in the sky, and for a moment it was impossible to tell which was the sky and which was the earth. Chaos was everywhere.

Countless creatures in the ethereal world were angered to death, transformed into massive crystal monsters, and then crushed out of thin air. It quickly turned into a crystal monster and was torn apart again in the battle.

The spiritual wisdom of all living beings is gradually obliterated, diluted and dissipated in this constant transformation.

Under the will of the Stone Mother, the crystal monster destroyed itself again and again, and also washed away the remaining wisdom of the living beings countless times.

Lu Sheng moved back as far away as possible while continuing to pour his divine power into the dark blue box.

There seems to be something wrong with Shi Mu's state, a little too crazy. From this, it seems that AstraZeneca must have some other identity, such as some unknown mysterious character.

Lover? Lover? Lu Sheng guessed in his mind. He glanced at the inner void spiritual world in front of him which was already in chaos and nothing could be seen clearly.

The inner ethereal spiritual world, which was still clearly distinguishable between heaven and earth, has now become like a washing machine drum, with countless fragments of things and smoke mixed together in a mess. Can't tell each other apart.

I don’t know how long it took.

Finally, Shi Mu seemed to have finished venting her anger, and with a tired look on her face, she turned back to Lu Sheng.

Tell me, am I really crazy?

Her body was shaking a little, and she could tell that AstraZeneca had a very special place in her heart.

I think you might be real

Of course I know I'm normal. Shi Mu suddenly lowered her head and interrupted Lu Sheng.

They betrayed me. They betrayed our common ideal. The trembling of her body slowly stopped.

. You think you are normal, why are you teasing me?

Lu Sheng was speechless, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Let's go. Let's go to the core of nothingness. There is what you want there, and there is also the old guy I'm looking for.

Shi Mu raised her head, and the expression on her face had returned to a plain and arrogant attitude overlooking everything.


The two of them, one after the other, slowly disappeared into the darkness of nothingness again.



In the vast dark nothingness mountains.

Shi Mu quietly looked at the ancient, sacred and hazy black buildings in the distance.

Between the buildings there, there is a huge void creature hundreds of meters long.

These creatures are called barbarians to the outside world. They have no intelligence and have always lived freely by relying on wild nature.

And in this core area closest to nothingness, the strength of these huge beasts is also the strongest.

From a distance, the entire black building complex looks like an evil lair of Chaos Demons, more like Chaos than Chaos.

There used to be a great clan here. Shi Mu said with complicated eyes as she looked at the building complex.

Is it the ethnic group from the previous cycle? Lu Sheng asked additionally.

Yes. Shi Mu smiled, That's where the guy I call my brother came from. It's a pity.

It's a pity that he betrayed you too? Lu Sheng asked.

Yes. It's not just betrayal. Mother Shi smiled lightly.

Then what are we going to do now? Just wait here for him to come out? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Of course it's impossible. Shi Mu smiled. He opened his small mouth and blew gently into the building complex.

The black breath surged out from her mouth and turned into a colorful cloud, flying farther and farther and getting bigger and bigger.

By the time they arrived at the building complex, the aura had turned into a thick cloud that covered the entire terrain.


Lu Sheng heard the subtle sound of crystallization spreading again.

He had heard this sound countless times before and was very familiar with it. Now it seems that no clan can escape the clutches of the Stone Mother.

Lu Sheng shook his head, lowered his head speechlessly and continued to deduce the cycle formula.

‘So, is it interesting to feel sad and miserable every day because of love? If we have this time, we might as well go back and deduce the cycle formula more. ’

But just because Lu Sheng didn't care, it didn't mean that progress on Shi Mu's side was slow.

Colorful clouds covered the building complex.

A long helpless sigh finally came out of the void on the left side.

Lingling. Don't you just want me to show up? Now I'm out. Can we leave?

The owner of the voice was a tall humanoid wearing jet black armor that looked like a mecha.

His face was covered by a visor and helmet, so he couldn't see clearly. But judging from the sound alone, you can also feel that this guy must have been very popular with countless women.

When Shi Mu saw the person coming, her body suddenly trembled and she tensed up involuntarily.

Lu Sheng consciously stepped back and walked farther away, leaving time and space for the two of them to live in their own world. Although they are not considered human beings.

Back along the dark ground. Lu Sheng found a hill formed by the solid force of nothingness. He simply leaned against a black boulder and waited quietly for the Stone Mother to finish.

But what surprised him was that not long after, Shi Mu returned to him with a calm face.

Let's go. She said in a low voice.

Lu Sheng nodded, turned around and sensed the direction of the building complex.


The original building complex was now in complete ruins. The unknown man with the nice voice just now had only a little residual breath floating over the ruins. The breath is full of shock, incomprehension, fear, and despair

Where is your old friend? Lu Sheng couldn't help but ask.

Dead. Shi Mu gave him a dull look. Let's go to the next place.

What should I do with my chaotic aura? Lu Sheng asked quickly. He had come all this way just to solve this problem. It would be an injustice if he came all the way.

This is the core of nothingness. When you are here, you are contaminated by the aura all the time. Now look at your hands. Shi Mu explained.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he decisively raised his hand to look.

I could see that the chaotic colored lines on my palm before had faded to the point where only a little indiscernible color mark remained.

Congratulations, your trouble is solved. Stone Mother looked at Lu Sheng, I just happen to still have some grievances, and I want to talk to the current Void Spirit Realm King. Do you want to come together?

The current King of the Void Spirit Realm? Lu Sheng's first reaction was that Xining was going to be in trouble.

It just so happens that he and I also have some grudges, let's go together.

Anyway, no matter whether Xining or the alliance exists, they can't deal with him. Shi Mu can mess with anyone she wants.

Finally, he took a look at the buildings that had turned into chaos.

Lu Sheng followed Shi Mu and walked away.

But he was disappointed.

With Stone Mother leading the team, it was almost effortless to rush into the Void Spirit Realm King's Hall.

It's a pity that Xining inside seems to have gotten the news early and avoided it in advance. The two fell short.

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