Extreme Demon

Chapter 1197 Accompanying 1

Do you know why the edge of chaos is just the edge of chaos and has no name. The edge of nothingness is also the edge of nothingness and also has no name. Is the edge of eternal particles called the immortal ring? The ancestor of the rock trembled slightly. asked.

I don't know, I'd like to hear the details. Lu Sheng stared at the statue and took a few steps back.

that is because.


The church slowly began to tremble.

Countless white hairs floated up, turning into white light and dispersing in mid-air.

A low sigh echoed from the void. With the sigh, the whole body of the old man covered with white hair melted rapidly.

In less than a few seconds, the old man completely turned into a puddle of white wax, gradually blending into the ground.

The tremors of the earth grew louder and louder.

The statue slowly floated up, emitting a hazy silver light.

That's because the Immortal Circle was originally established to seal me!!!

In an instant, a circle of transparent ripples exploded from the idol crystal.

Lu Sheng's expression changed, and he raised his hands to protect his face. The massive cosmic source power and gray liquid power in his body surged crazily, condensing a hard and transparent round shield in front of him.

Boom! ! !

A dazzling white light exploded, accompanied by a burst of wild and dull laughter.

In the macroscopic space, the white spherical immortal ring is like an exploding ice ball, shattering from the inside out and turning into countless white fragments, sweeping away everything around it.

The white fragments quickly became thinner and turned into countless light spots.

The light spot shrank rapidly, forming a white-gold light group again.


The ball of light was slowly pinched by a golden arm.

The owner of the arm slowly stepped out from behind, gently picked up the light ball, and pressed it into his chest.

I have almost forgotten the taste of time and space.

The ancestor of the rock breathed deeply intoxicatedly, and the surrounding macro space also fluctuated slightly with his breath.

Lu Sheng was floating not far behind, staring at the rock ancestor in front of him with narrowed eyes.

He didn't expect that the so-called ancestor of the rock was actually a woman.

However, many myths and legends have matrilineal worship, and the mother's body gives birth to everything and reproduces everything. As an ancestor, it is normal for the image to be that of a mother.

He carefully looked at the rock ancestor in front of him.

From a distance, she looks like a seductive woman wearing golden armor, with long blood-colored hair tied up high, which represents depth and fertility. Her breasts are high, her waist is slim and her legs are long, everything is in perfect proportion.

In addition to the pair of dark golden narrow eyes that dazzle people, the most eye-catching thing is the huge golden crystal triangle pattern suspended behind him.

The huge golden crystal triangle, which was several times larger than the body of the Rock Ancestor, was spreading circles of golden patterned halo around it.

In the center of the Golden Crystal Triangle, there are densely packed gold, crystals, diamonds, gems and other seven-color mineral deposits, which condense into countless complex monsters, plants, flowers, giants, flames, gods, etc.

After the ancestor of rock gently pressed the white light ball into his towering chest, he lazily sat back on the triangular frame. The crystal triangle frame turned slightly and turned to face Lu Sheng.

Let's get to know each other again. I am the origin of stone. You can call me, Stone Mother.

Lu Sheng's face was expressionless. He raised his hand to reveal his palm, and the chaotic colored lines on his palm were still flickering faintly.

I let you out, but this thing is not finished yet. He did practice according to the basic cycle formula taught by the other party, and the Chaos Color Line did become weaker and weaker, but no matter how he activated the cycle formula. There is still a trace of chaotic colored thread left in the palm that cannot be removed.

Are you questioning me? Mother Shi raised her eyebrows.

No, I just want to know why this is happening? How long will it take to completely eliminate it? Lu Sheng said calmly.

The Stone Mother is very strong, very strong. Standing in front of her, it feels like facing the edge of chaos.

But Lu Sheng is a person who sticks to his principles, so what does it matter to him no matter how strong the opponent is? Anyway, as long as the threats from the three major agencies are eliminated, he will take his wife and children back to live in seclusion. The other party is not his enemy.

It's very simple. The corner of Shi Mu's mouth curled up slightly, To eliminate the breath of chaos, not only the breath of eternal particles is needed, but also a trace of the true meaning of the true seal of death of nothingness.

So I have to go to the core of nothingness? Lu Sheng said speechlessly.

As long as you understand. Shi Mu opened her arms, But I also want to go to the depths of nothingness to catch up with some old friends. You can come with me.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment.


He nodded.

The stone mother turned around and looked at the original location of the immortal ring. There was a white spot rapidly expanding there. That was the eternal particle passing through the exit of the passage, releasing the eternal breath to solidify everything around it.

It won't take long for a new white ball to appear here again.

Let's go, I still have a lot of old feelings to settle. Shi Mu closed her eyes. Open it slowly again.

The moment she opened her eyes, she seemed to have cut off something.

How do we get to the core of nothingness? Lu Sheng asked from the side.

It's very simple.

The stone mother raised her right arm.

Nothing is harder than me.

Nothing is more brilliant than me.

Nothing is more beautiful than me!

She lightly jumped off the triangular crystal, and a golden rock path naturally appeared in the void where her toes touched.

The road extended forward, rapidly lengthening all the way, and the end vaguely penetrated into some unfathomable dark shadow.

Shi Mu gently shook her palm, and a ball of golden light exploded in her palm.

Let's go. Where I want to go, no one can stop me. She took the lead and walked forward along the golden road.

Lu Sheng quickly followed.

This was the first time he had seen someone create such a grand spectacle in the macroscopic space.

You must know that even top experts such as him and Xi Ning live cautiously most of the time. Power cannot be put around randomly, otherwise it will easily be swallowed up and digested by the power of nothingness or the tide of the mother river.

It's not like the guy in front of me, who just casually created a golden road that is so long that there is no end.

Walking on the golden road, Lu Sheng felt like walking on a hard marble slab, without any sense of floating.

I have three paths in total. Among them, the Silver Path can lead me to the universe in any dimension.

The golden road can go anywhere in the macro space at will.

The best gem road can lead to all time and space that are weaker than me. Of course, a strong person like you who condenses all time and space and practices great achievements is naturally not among them. You only exist in the present, past and There will be no you in the future, at most there will be only the mark you left.

Shi Mu explained as she walked.

Lu Sheng understood what she meant. Ru Tianmo's final state required merging himself in countless time and space and transcending everything. Achieve the only true self.

The other roads are actually mostly the same.

The truly strongest person, no one can shake him by interfering with time and space.

Who is in control of the core of nothingness now? Mother Stone asked in a low voice.

I don't know. I have only been in contact with the Void Spirit Realm King. Lu Sheng shook his head.

King of the Void Spirit Realm? Isn't it already ruled by the Void God Clan? Stone Mother paused slightly.

I have never heard of the Void God Clan. The four Void Spirit Realm Kings currently rule the periphery of the Void. They have the power to activate the True Seal of Destruction. Lu Sheng replied.

The existence you are looking for may be gone long ago. He said calmly.

After all, the biggest advantage of being imprisoned outside the eternal particles, apart from having no freedom, is that one's own time is greatly slowed down.

Everything in this world has a limit to its longevity. Even the universe, macroscopic space, etc. are not completely eternal.

There are only eternal particles. Eternal existence, eternal and unchanged.

Mother Shi's expression fell silent.

After a long time, she slowly spoke out.

No, I know those old guys. It's very simple for them to survive the big cycle. It's easy to increase their survival rate by being on the edge of the three ultimate mechanisms.

Lu Sheng remained silent. Compared with these old guys, a young man like him has never even seen what a cycle is. Unlike the old woman in front of her, her tone sounded like she had experienced the cycle more than once. Tsk tsk.

Let's go, no matter what, just go and have a look and you'll find out. Shi Mu stopped thinking about it and strode forward.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind.



Nothingness, seen from a distance, is just a hazy black mist.

Various strange forms continued to emerge from the black mist. It seemed as if there were fingers waving inside, stirring the mist.

On the edge of the surrounding void, there are huge ethereal beasts swimming around.

This is a creature that resembles a giant whale. Their lifespan is short, only a few hours from birth to disappearance. The maximum time limit shall not exceed five hours.

They are born when the power of nothingness ripples and rolls, and they die when the tide of nothingness recedes. Go to the end of life.

Ethereal beasts were born along with the wave of void power. They cruised on the edge of void, and outside, there was a thundercloud-like area covered with purple-black electric arcs.

There are a large number of void monsters of varying shapes. Most of the void monsters here are wild and have no intelligence.

But the strength is also the most powerful.

This place is called the inner virtual spiritual world by the outside world. The four former ethereal kings were born here.

At this time, in the Inner Void Spiritual Realm, on the land that was condensed like clouds, countless ferocious-looking creatures of destruction were constantly fighting, running, and chasing.

Large swaths of purple and black lightning rolled across the sky. Countless black mist is like a dark cloud, covering the heads of all living beings.

The only light source here is the purple light dots slowly swimming in the air.

At this time, at the corner of the inner void spirit world, a golden staircase slowly penetrated the black mist and extended to reveal itself.

Two tyrannical figures with invisible huge waves rippling around their bodies slowly walked in step by step along the golden stairs.

“It still hasn’t changed here.”

Shi Mu reached out and gently pinched a bit of purple fluorescence floating over.

It was something like a snowflake. As soon as it touched her palm, it melted and disappeared.

What is this? Lu Sheng walked to her side, one step behind,

This is snow. A trace of recollection flashed in Shi Mu's eyes. Can you imagine that in the inner spiritual world, only when it snows is the only time many lives have light and color in their lives?

It's amazing. Lu Sheng praised.

Yes. This is creation. Macroscopic space, we once called it Yuan Space. This is the source of everything. But do you know that Yuan Space is actually not everything. Shi Mu said lightly.

What is outside the metaspace? Lu Sheng asked slightly curiously. It is estimated that only a strong person of Shi Mu's level is qualified to talk about this issue. In the past, including Xining and the existence alliance, etc., they were all limited to this macro space, and no one was qualified to touch the outer layers.

Beyond is greater chaos. We call it the original sea. Stone Mother calmly replied.

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