Extreme Demon

Chapter 1196 Release 2

Is there any way? Lu Sheng asked. If I can solve this problem, I owe you a favor.

At his level, the meaning of truly owing a favor is far more astonishing than any wealth, power or power.

The ancestor of the rock also understood this meaning, and his attitude suddenly became solemn.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the guy in front of you is a great being who can at least be on the same level as him before. If he could be made to owe him a favor, it would definitely play a big role in his plan to get out of trouble.

There is a way. It said, You are not contaminated with the aura of chaos, so you can try it.

What can I do? Lu Sheng's eyes tightened and he stared at the other party.

However, I helped you. If you succeed, you must promise me one thing. The ancestor of the rock said calmly.

What's the matter? As long as it doesn't violate my principles, everything else is fine. Lu Sheng replied quickly.

It's very simple, help me get out of trouble! The ancestor of the rock said solemnly. I have been imprisoned here for countless hours. I have been imprisoned here since the last cycle. I want to go out and see what has become of the outside.

No problem. Lu Sheng nodded. I'll help you!

Huh? You promised so readily, so you are not afraid that I am some kind of world-destroying troll? The ancestor of the rock asked doubtfully.

I believe you, the guy who has been imprisoned for so long and still maintains his sanity intact, must not be a bad person. Lu Sheng said in a low voice.

. The ancestor of the rock thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of any logic between being imprisoned for a long time and whether he was a bad person.

Okay, it seems you don't care about this. Then let's get started. The ancestor of the rock paused, I wonder if you have heard of the cycle formula.

Cycle formula?

A very interesting rule that I once discovered. The ancestor of the rock smiled and continued, You know, the universe has rules and laws, nothingness has rules and laws, and chaos also has rules and laws. The only difference between them is that, The number of laws contained within varies.”

“The universe is all-encompassing and has countless laws.

And nothingness only has the laws of destruction, death, disappearance, and other laws that unilaterally eliminate everything. After all, its function and meaning of existence is to eliminate everything.

Chaos encompasses everything, whether there is something or nothing, or even the intermediate state between something and nothing.

The same goes for eternal particles. The law of their existence is to make everything eternal.

That seems to be the case. Lu Sheng seemed to understand, and nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Have you discovered that laws also have high-level and low-level distinctions, microscopic and macroscopic differences. There are trunks and branches. In terms of trunk laws, the fewer laws contained in anything, the purer it is. More and more powerful. The ancestor of the rock explained.

The reason why I was imprisoned in the first place was because I realized this truth and began to refine the experiment. As a result, I was framed by my friends and was imprisoned here forever. But now you are here. I finally have a chance to escape from here and be free.

What should I do? Just understanding this means nothing to me. Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

Of course, I have spent countless hours studying the cycle formula, from how to establish the main rules, to the subsequent pure rules, and finally the transcendent rules to inspire the great cycle. All have extremely perfect levels.

What I just said is just a concept and an outline. If you want to get rid of the aura of chaos, you only need me to teach you some basics of cycle formulas. The ancestor of the rock said calmly.

Basics? Very good. Then you teach me the basics first, and I will help you get out of trouble immediately! Lu Sheng said clearly.

That won't work. You should help me out first, and then I will teach you the basics. Otherwise, what if I teach you the formula and you turn around and leave, ignoring me?

You should know that at our level, any oath is meaningless. Even if we swear by the three ultimate institutions, the binding force of the oath alone is far from enough to bind us. The ancestor of the rock said solemnly.

Tell me how to help you first. Lu Sheng looked around, and soon his eyes fell on the hairy old man.

Kill him, yes, it's the white-haired man you saw. Kill him, and I will be free. The ancestor of the rock gave the answer. Of course, if you can cut off all the white hair, you can achieve the same goal. After all, you are the Holy Mother.

Lu Sheng fell silent. He circled around the white-haired man carefully.

Let's do it together. You must be bound by these white hairs, right? I will remove part of your hair, and you will pass me part of the formula. But you must first pass me part of the beginning. I need to verify whether your method is effective. He said bluntly.

Okay. The Rock Ancestor agreed.



Xining was sitting in the Void Spirit Realm King's Palace, with traces of the true meaning of death floating behind him.

Apart from him, there was no other creature in the empty hall. Only the slimy force of nothingness trembled slowly in the darkness.

As the king of the northern ethereal realm, Xining has three forms.

One is the most basic giant black sun, and the second is the ordinary human form. The third type is the form of nine separate bodies.

The nine major fragments complement each other, and it is impossible to completely eliminate his existence without killing all the fragments in one breath.

On weekdays, there are eight of the nine major branches, suppressing the forces of nothingness and the alliance of existence.

The remaining one is responsible for observation and intelligence.

At this time, sitting in the main hall was the ninth branch that was responsible for intelligence.

Damn the Chaos Clan!

Opening his eyes suddenly, Xi Ning's face twisted sharply, his eyes full of anger.

Originally, they thought they would just cooperate with Lu Sheng to open the entrance to the Counter-Void. Unexpectedly, those guys from the Chaos Clan actually took the opportunity to secretly rush out of the Counter-Void, occupy a bridgehead in a super-level universe, and establish a permanent shuttle stronghold.

Fortunately they found out in time. Send troops to contain it.

And Lu Sheng, who was supposed to show up at the beginning to cooperate with the plan, ran away to nowhere.

The rest of them had to be dragged into a confrontation with these crazy Chaos clans.


Suddenly a rich male voice echoed throughout the hall.

This Void Spirit King's Palace itself has a powerful ancient existence of life. He and Xining are old friends who have been partners for billions of years.

The two were together when he was a weak, ordinary void creature.

Over there at the Eternal Circle, some subordinates said that they saw Lord Lu Sheng, the Demon Lord, sneaking in.

Eternal Ring? Xining was slightly startled. What is Lu Sheng doing there?

For a big boss of Lu Sheng's level, every move is extremely noticeable, and given his level, after making a fool of the alliance of nothingness and existence at this critical moment, he sneaked into the immortal circle. It will be with the purpose of going in for a visit.

Can you analyze his purpose? he asked in a low voice.

It's difficult, but the most likely one is to go for the cyclic formula. Void Spirit King Palace replied.

Cycle formula. No way. That old monster was an old pervert who almost destroyed everything in the last cycle! Doesn't Lu Sheng want to release that monster? Xining's expression changed slightly.

Perhaps he wants to obtain the secret of the cycle formula from the ancestor of the rock? the Void Spirit King Palace guessed. Otherwise no one would want to deal with a madman who wants to destroy everything.

Absolutely impossible. In the last cycle, the ancestor of the rock was the most powerful and terrifying existence with a notorious reputation. If it hadn't been for the last ancestor of the heavenly beings who sacrificed himself with the help of the power of eternal particles, dragged them to death together, and were sealed together. I'm afraid we are now Still living in a situation ruled by the Holy Stone Realm. Xining frowned.

Furthermore, although Lu Sheng's power is very strong, it is impossible to break the seal of the ancestor of heaven and man without activating the three major organs. He continued.

News just came that the third clan of Chaos is extinct. It is rumored that Lu Sheng entered the edge of Chaos and then went straight to the Eternal Circle. The Void Spirit King Palace said quickly. “He is probably contaminated with the aura of chaos and plans to go to the Eternal Circle to find a way to eliminate it.

I want to remind you, Xining, apart from our two opposing camps, only the Rock Ancestor still has the method to eliminate the power of the three major organs.

What!? Xining paused and stood up suddenly.



The core area of ​​the immortal circle.

Inside the church.


Lu Sheng pulled hard, and the chaotic aura in his palm suddenly trembled, and he violently tore off a handful of white hair in his hand.

In the entire church hall, less than half of the white hair had been torn off.

At this time, the ancestor of the rock was continuously transmitting spiritual information, and the basic part of the cycle formula was continuously input into his brain.

There was a hint of enlightenment on Lu Sheng's face, and many previously unreachable difficulties were easily solved through the basic principles of the cycle formula.

This is an improvement in realm. He could feel that his physique, soul, strength, and even the world of his mind were constantly undergoing qualitative changes as the principle of the cyclic formula was transmitted.

When he reaches this state, what restricts him is no longer the quantity of energy and matter, but the quality.

The circular formula explains the most fundamental principles at the level of the three ultimate organs.

Although there is only a little foundation, for Lu Sheng, it is equivalent to opening a brand new door.


The last tuft of white hair was completely cut off.

At the same time, the flow of information in Lu Sheng's ears stopped abruptly.

This is the entire basis. At this point, it is enough for you to activate the eternal particles and offset the breath of chaos. The voice of the ancestor of the rock, trying to be calm, was full of uncontrollable excitement.

Lu Sheng raised his head and his thoughts came back from countless formulas and principles. He made a rough estimate and found that, as the other party said, he now had a little understanding of the power of the three ultimate institutions. Simple enough to induce use.

A fair deal. He sighed. He looked at the dark blue interface in his field of vision and saw the brand new box that had been formed.

Unlike other boxes, the edge of the new skill box that appears this time is pure gold.

‘Cycle formula: basic level. (Known Level 3) (Trait: Increase resistance to the three ultimate powers by 10%. Heart of Truth.)'

It was precisely because he saw the appearance of this box that Lu Sheng was sure that the ancestor of the rock had not lied to him.

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