Extreme Demon

Chapter 1195 Release 1

A peaceful world.

The mountains in the distance, the river on the ground, the giant birds flying by, and the swaying grass. Everything is like the most standard green mountains and green waters, without any violation.

Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked around at the peaceful green grassland around him.

Not far away, there was an old man in gray robes squatting on the ground picking something.

In the forest farther away, a gray rabbit was jumping around, lowering its head from time to time to nibble on the tender grass on the ground.

Is this the Eternal Circle? He was a little dazed.

Shaking his head, Lu Sheng looked at the old man in front of him with his back turned to him. He walked over slowly, deliberately bumping his feet into the grass and making a sound.

The old man heard the sound and turned his head.

Old uncle, please ask where this place is? Lu Sheng felt something was wrong as soon as he opened his mouth.

This place is called Bai. Bai. Bai. The old man tried to muster enough energy to reply. It's just that the last word is stuck in my throat and I just can't spit it out.

‘Forget it, you’d better stop talking. ’ Lu Sheng silently patted the old man’s shoulder and said no more.

In just a little while, he had already figured out the rules of the world here.

This is a world where everything else is normal except for the extremely slow sound.

Seeing that the old man spoke very slowly, Lu Sheng decided to wait for two minutes. Communicate more with this only living person.

He remembered that he had just entered the immortal circle on the edge of the eternal particles, so why did he suddenly come to this world?

‘Could it be that this is the Circle of Eternity? ’

He was confused. Then he stood there and waited patiently for the old man to finish.

ten minutes later

Lu Sheng sighed and patted the old man's shoulder again.

Really, you'd better stop talking.

He turned and walked elsewhere.

What made him feel weird was that the old man was still standing there, still trying hard to say what he had not finished just now. She didn't seem to notice him leaving.

Cross the lawn and follow a path along the edge of the woods.

Lu Sheng originally planned to fly into the air, but unexpectedly found that the place was filled with extremely powerful viscous force, and even he could not float up. I can only walk step by step.

As for the entire area, after walking for a short distance, he could already see the end.

This is an oval bowl-shaped area with a white light film covering the sky, which can be regarded as imitating the sky. The rest of the place is a forest and field landscape.

It's as if an area was dug out from a certain mountain forest world and placed here.

Walking through the woods, he soon came to the edge of the river.

The river is only more than three meters wide, and there are two people fishing on the bank. These two people were dressed like farmers, but because they were able to stay in this area, Lu Sheng would never believe that they were ordinary people.

He jumped onto the river bank and walked straight towards the two of them.

As he got closer, Lu Sheng stopped in shock.

The two people sat blankly on the stones by the river, motionless, their eyes looking straight ahead. There were no eyeballs in their eye sockets, only dark holes.

It was a corpse that had been dead for who knows how long.

Just looking from a distance, I saw that their skin was as normal, with no sign of decay. Let Lu Sheng misunderstand that they are still alive.

Standing by the river, Lu Sheng lowered his head and glanced at the water.

What was supposed to be a transparent and clear river water quickly turned into a gray-black, sticky river full of debris as he got closer.

The river water gave off a faint stench. With Lu Sheng's eyesight, he could see something vaguely emitting yellow light at the bottom of the river.

He squatted down and dipped his hand into the flowing river water. The gray-black liquid was so heavy that it was indescribable. It was just a little bit that stuck to his skin, but it was like mercury and slid down automatically as soon as he raised his hand.

This place Lu Sheng frowned and stood up. It was difficult for him to describe how weird this place was.

There are obviously people, plants, and animals here.

But it felt like it was lifeless. Everything is like a program programmed in advance.

With a slight leap across the river, he moved on.

The green fields in front are lush and floating in the wind.

The young shoots that have just grown reflect the crisp new green color.

Lu Sheng walked forward into the field and moved straight forward. After about a few minutes, we finally reached the edge of this area - a transparent wall covered with an invisible film.

The entire space seemed to be held upside down by an invisible giant bowl, completely cut off from the outside world. But the rules inside are confusing, and a few rules, including sounds, seem to have been slowed down dozens of times, making it difficult to understand.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the wall, stretched out his hand and knocked gently.

Boom boom.

The walls were very solid, like beating tough cowhide.

He thought for a while, closed his eyes, and adjusted rapidly inside his body, and a large amount of material poured into his body from the world of mind.

The density of this body is getting bigger and bigger. But the individual size remains the same.

A few minutes later, Lu Sheng reached out and touched the wall in front of him again.


The originally tough wall now seemed like liquid, rippling slightly when he touched it lightly.

It's exactly what I thought. The difference in concentration and density leads to different regional divisions here. But I didn't expect that the gap would be so big.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and strode straight into the wall in front of him.

What was a solid wall to him before was now like ordinary water.

It sank into it with a slight bump.

Behind the wall is a wide yellow space. The ground is covered with countless golden sands, and the sky is illuminated by a blazing sun.

The air here is so dense that it is tough and solid compared to other places.

If a creature with a lower body strength and density comes in, it may be frozen in place in an instant, motionless, and then the inner cavity will be easily squeezed by the external air pressure and die.

But for Lu Sheng, who had devoured countless universes, it was not difficult to adjust the density of his body with the help of gray liquid.


He stepped into the large mountains of golden sand hills. The instep of his feet sank into it and he almost lost his balance.

But compared to the weird area just now, this place is much more normal.

It was more like being in a transition zone where density was constantly adjusting and neutralizing. But here, the density has been completely balanced.

Lu Sheng took a breath and felt countless viscous, oily liquid pouring into his lungs. It's almost impossible to breathe.

The lung function is not enough. Dark blue. He quickly called up the modifier.

After the light blue interface popped up, Lu Sheng quickly turned over the exercises to strengthen his body and poured out his divine power.

After a few minutes, he took a long breath and his body finally adapted to the intensity here.

Stepping on the golden sand hills, he moved forward step by step, neither too fast nor too slow.

This area was smaller than the previous one. Lu Sheng only walked a few hundred meters before he saw a dilapidated white church-like building standing quietly in the middle of the sand dunes.

He quickened his pace and approached, standing in front of the church door.

There is only one prayer hall in the entire church, seven or eight meters high, with a spire at the top and a diamond-shaped metal mark erected on it.

Looking from the outside, the church door is half open, and the rows of large arched windows on the side walls have almost no glass, turning into holes.

Lu Sheng paused, then slowly walked in through the half-open door.

There was an orange fire burning in the church. Except for the high platform in front, there were only three rows of seats in the hall. It can seat at most thirty people.

An old man with white hair all over his body was standing on a high platform with his back to him, facing the statue of the god.

His hair and beard were like countless flowing white threads, extending from the high platform to most of the hall.

The floor, walls, even the ceiling, tables, chairs, and statues are all covered in white and hair. The entire church is more like a hair nest than a dilapidated building.

Lu Sheng paused, glanced at the man with his back turned, and then focused on the towering statue.

The statue is also extremely weird.

It's not a human figure, but a huge golden polygon standing upright.

Like some kind of metal ore or unpolished crystal, the large number of sharp water chestnuts protruding randomly make the entire statue feel cold and hard.

I'm glad someone is here again.

A hoarse voice came from the polygonal statue.

This made Lu Sheng take a closer look at the standing hairy man. He originally thought it was the hairy man who spoke. Unexpectedly, it was the crystal-like statue that made the first movement.

Who are you? he asked aloud.

I am the ancestor of all rocks, you can call me, Yellow River.

.Aren't you the ancestor of rocks? I still have the Yangtze River.

Lu Sheng was speechless.

Don't worry, it's just a name. The ancestor of the rock said with a smile, I'm just a rock that wants to become a river. Outsider, how should I call you?

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

I have done countless good deeds in my life, but the most shameful thing is seeing people suffer. You can call me, Holy Mother.

If you use a fake name, I'll do it too. Who can't brag and pretend?

. The Ancestor of Rock looked at Lu Sheng's rolling demonic energy. The countless grievances and resentments on it were almost the most he had ever seen in his life.

Call her the Holy Mother. Do you have any shame in meowing me?

Okay, Holy Mother. I am very happy to meet a new guest at the place closest to the eternal particles. This is the core of the immortal circle. Directly below where I am, there is a mysterious passage that leads directly to the eternal particles.

There is the ultimate mechanism that suppresses one of the two poles of the entire positive void. Now, tell me why you are here. The Yellow River, the ancestor of rocks, calmed down.

My purpose is very simple. Lu Sheng raised his hand without any delay.

Last time, in order to save the common people, I had no choice but to go deep into the edge of chaos, and ended up sowing the seeds of disaster.

The colored thread in his palm was frozen, apparently suppressed here.

Chaos aura? The Rock Ancestor was a little confused. It is rare for a life contaminated with the aura of chaos to persist for such a long time. You were able to persist all the way to the Eternal Circle from there. It can be seen that you are very strong.

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