Extreme Demon

Chapter 1165 Outbreak 1

Everything is for seclusion. I must eat harder and save a few more universes to live a happy life with Wang Jing. Lu Shengxin has already set a new goal in surprise.

It is rare to encounter a good universe that is so easy to digest. If you don’t eat it now, you may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

This universe is rich in nutrients, large enough, and has no protective power. It doesn't even require much spiritual power to digest it. It is simply a delicacy destined to be placed in front of him by fate.

Lu Sheng thanked his fate while eating, but he didn't expect to come out to look for his wife. You can also encounter such good things.

Suddenly, he felt that around the universe in front of him, there was a huge, terrifying and tyrannical aura that was spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

Huh? He chewed again with some doubts.

The image of his mental world, in the void, is a giant fish with only a mouth and no other organs.

At this time, the giant fish slowly swam several times around the huge black balloon-like universe. Temporarily stopped trying to bite.

What's going on? Has the taste become spicy? The big black fish that Lu Sheng transformed into shook its tail, decided to take one last bite, and turned around to leave.

It is impossible for such a delicious universe to be without a master for so long. The only possibility is that the master just left temporarily and should be returning now.

Looks like we have to do it as soon as possible!

With a thought in his mind, he accelerated his devouring speed.

A large amount of the power of nothingness and the time and space of the universe were forcibly chewed up by the world of mind, and turned into the tiniest particles of existence and integrated into itself, while the power of nothingness was transformed into the power of gray liquid, which can be said to not let go of any dregs.

Lu Sheng's material energy conversion rate at this time has reached an astonishing level close to 100%.

After taking one bite and then another, Lu Sheng quickly forgot about his decision to take just one bite.

After taking four or five more bites in a row, an extremely familiar breath suddenly rose from the center of the universe.

Who! Who is it!!! A furious voice, accompanied by the other three huge angry auras, rushed out from the center of the universe.

Xining!? Lu Sheng immediately recognized the subject of the voice and screamed, so he turned around and ran away.

Forget about one Xining, he is followed by three similar auras of the same level as him. This is more than he can handle alone.

The big black fish flicked its tail and quickly jumped away in the distance in the infinite darkness.

Just as the big fish left, in the darkness, four figures in black cloaks with silver haloes flashed quickly to where Lu Sheng was originally.

Here just now!

He ran away! Who is it that deliberately interfered with our summoning ceremony? Is it a master of the existence alliance?

Now that they know about our plan, without further ado, let's take action immediately to prevent them from taking full precautions! The second black figure said in a deep voice.


Teach them an unforgettable lesson this time!

It is related to the prestige of our realm king. This time we must inflict heavy damage on them and retaliate!

The kings of the thinking world, including Xi Ning, all agreed that they must fight back.

At this time, Lu Sheng had already swam a long distance in the darkness of nothingness.

The darkness of nothingness is huge and almost boundless. There is a huge and boundless force of nothingness here. They are like groups of hollows, constantly rotating and swallowing everything around them.

There is also a huge and boundless mother river in the distance. The mother river is like a colorful giant vine and a giant tree branch. The branches go from the back to the front, past the side, and extend to the invisible end.

In addition to the consciously condensed power of nothingness, there are more thin areas in the darkness of nothingness where the power of nothingness and the power of existence are mixed.

These areas are eccentric and constantly evolving with all kinds of wonderful landscapes.

Lu Sheng swam for a while and then rushed towards the place where he came out.

Looking towards the mother river from outside, he could see clearly that the exit of the universe was a small crack opening at the edge of the power of nothingness.

I don’t know how this gap was opened here.

But from here, he also saw that in addition to the mother river system, other places can also enter other universes in some way.

It can even be speculated that perhaps it is not just the mother river that has the universe.

The purple crack was glowing with fluorescence and had become much smaller than when he entered.

Lu Sheng was separated from the mental world, and his conscious body rushed into the crack. Disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The big fish transformed into the world of mind and body swung its tail and swam rapidly away into the distance.




Lu Sheng rolled over, rushed out of the crack, and landed firmly on the grass in the island's woods.

He quickly stood up from the ground and slapped his palm towards the crack with his backhand.

An invisible twist came out of his palm and hit the purple crack hard.

The purple cracks suddenly shattered, like countless dust, turning into fragments and scattered and disappeared.

The two old professors saw Lu Sheng coming out from a distance and quickly got up and approached. But when he saw the purple gap, it was shattered by Lu Sheng's palm.

The two looked at each other, sensing that danger might be coming, and quickly increased their vigilance.

But unfortunately, the only source of danger is the purple crack. And it had been shattered by Lu Sheng.

This trip is very dangerous. The terror that may break out here is very great. If it is not necessary, you'd better not rush in to investigate. There is a great possibility of facing life-threatening danger. Lu Sheng stood up, breathed a sigh of relief, and said seriously.

Understood. Dear mediator, can I ask what is in this crack? Anka said solemnly.

The threat coefficient of some dangerous existences that you are still unable to contact is equivalent to a large group of devastating disasters gathered together. Lu Sheng described it to the two of them in a simple way.

Anka and Xishaduo immediately understood, and when they looked at the location of the purple gap, their eyes suddenly changed.

There is another gap that needs to be dealt with! I will take you there right away! Cishaduo said quickly.

Okay! Lu Sheng nodded.

The three of them walked around the island and quickly found another purple rift that was much smaller. This rift seemed to lead to a different void and darkness, but Lu Sheng did not enter rashly this time, but simply destroyed the gap to avoid being found and caught up by Xining from before.

After taking care of these things, Lu Sheng finally found the traces left by Wang Jing's master and apprentice somewhere on the island.

It was a miniature vortex of energy turbulence.

It seems to be left behind due to some powerful energy battle.

It contains subtle marks intentionally left by Wang Jing.

Although there was no time to retain any information in the mark, Lu Sheng probably guessed Wang Jing's situation.

She is also trying to break free from her teacher's control and return to him.

After understanding this, he returned to White City and finally planned to officially start the foreshadowing of the entire Star Temple arrangement.

He had not wasted a year in White City in vain.

After summoning monsters from the Star Temple, the Four Gods' Religion gained a lot of capital to fight against the League of Heroes and was in a period of rapid development.

Except for the Flesh Evil God Cult, which was openly suppressed by the League of Heroes, the other churches developed rapidly, with a large number of believers being developed, and many ordinary people who were displeased with heroes also joined them.

More are politicians and the military.

These people in power have long been unable to tolerate the huge and distorted influence of the Heroes Association. The emergence of the Four Gods, who could gain power through faith, suddenly became their only life-saving straw.

The Flesh Evil God Cult, which is on the front, has been fiercely welcomed by a large number of poor people, and its influence is like a storm, sweeping through half of the world.

After Lu Sheng returned from the island, within a few days, he felt a significant increase in his spiritual power.

And a large number of prayers from the Flesh Evil God Religion conveyed countless images and sounds to him.

Although most of the information was filtered by the mind world and not much was left, there was always some information that entered Lu Sheng's mind.

Let him know that in just these few days, the Flesh Evil God Cult, under the leadership of the newly promoted cardinal, has really done something big.



A steady stream of flesh and blood dissolved into copper-red mucus, spreading and flowing along the curved passage on the ground, forming a huge mysterious symbol.

This shape looks like a circle, but if you look closely, you can see that the edges have extremely fine jagged edges. There are circles of mysterious symbols with different patterns in the center.

The followers of the Flesh Evil God Cult were continuously carrying the captured sinners one by one to the edge of the formation. They raised their swords and axes one by one and chopped off the heads of each individual, and a large amount of water spewed out from the broken neck. Blood poured into the huge formation on the ground.

At least hundreds of people have been sacrificed in the array here.

And there are at least thirty such formations in the entire world!

Lu Sheng withdrew his spiritual gaze and felt a little pain in his head.

Sacrificing such flesh and blood at once was indeed a great benefit to him.

Not to the body, but to this body here. The power of sacrifice of so much flesh and blood can be transformed into a large amount of local power that can leverage the rules of the universe.

Because this is transformed from the local energy itself, there is no need to worry about being backlashed by the rules.

Using this as a springboard to integrate a large amount of the power of the original body, the newly formed power will greatly reduce the possibility of being backlashed by the rules of the universe here.

Lu Sheng could already feel that the essence of this body was undergoing earth-shaking changes during this sacrifice.

But the problem is, what he needs is not energy, but divine power!

Without enough spiritual power, the universe he had eaten before had not been completely digested, let alone some black universes he had eaten later.

Fortunately, the black universe I ate recently is very soft and easy to digest. Even if you don't need to use divine power to activate it, it only takes more than ten years to completely become a part of yourself.

Otherwise, he really planned to go directly to rob.

Rob the source power of the universe and separate the divine power from it!

Well Lu Sheng rubbed his forehead, The scene the Flesh Evil God Cult has created is too big. They have killed so many corrupt officials and bully leaders. Even if they all deserve to die, they can set up a trial court and directly declare the death penalty. What the hell? He sacrificed tens of thousands of people continuously in one go. The most powerful evil god in history is not as reckless as you.

You don't need to look at it to know that this matter will definitely cause a big shock within half a month at the latest. What is the concept of sacrificing tens of thousands of people? The connected relationships involved, at least hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people will be directly affected.

If the public opinions spread on the Internet are added up. This storm may be bigger than imagined.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the shop.

Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at the time, it was half past eight in the evening. It's so late, and someone is still here?

He regained consciousness and immediately saw a figure standing outside the shop.

It's Enna German. The sister in his body and blood.

It was so late and she still didn't go back.

After thinking about it, Lu Sheng stretched out his hand a little, and the door lock opened automatically.

Enna walked in quietly, turned around and closed the door.

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