Extreme Demon

Chapter 1166 Outbreak 2

Only then did Lu Sheng see clearly what she was wearing. It was actually a gorgeous black dress dotted with many diamonds.

Before he was outside the door, he hadn't noticed the clothes this guy was wearing, but now that he saw it, he suddenly felt a little weird.

Brother. I'm here to hide myself. I'll leave soon. Enna raised her finger at Lu Sheng who was sitting on the lounge chair in the shop and hissed.

Who is it? Do you need my help? Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

No, it's just the son of one of my father's business partners. He keeps trying to chase me and I'm really annoyed. But he will give up soon. Enna waved her hand and said calmly.

I hope so. Lu Sheng nodded.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps running past the door, as if they were chasing Enna.

After the footsteps passed, Enna breathed a sigh of relief. Turning around and walking to Lu Sheng's side, he skillfully pulled up a stool and sat down.

Brother, you are more comfortable here. The family is too restrictive. Nothing is allowed.

I'm very bored here. Lu Sheng said casually without even bothering to open his eyes.

But there are no nagging parents here. You are free! You don't have to worry about your image. The goddess Enna's image plummeted and she licked her nostrils. Then roll it into a ball, aim it at the front and pop it out with a bang.

Also dubbing in the mouth

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched when he saw the old girl bending down to take off her flesh-colored stockings and throwing her shoes aside. Then he untied his long hair and draped it over his shoulders.

Are you attending a cocktail party nearby? he asked casually.

Yes, it's a dance, and my father insists that I go. Enna shrugged helplessly. Recently, my family's business has been somewhat affected. The labor force in many places is making revolutions, insisting on raising wages and improving benefits. It is becoming more and more difficult to achieve significant increases in costs. Dad is so busy that he doesn't work every day. Home.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he knew that it was a chain reaction caused by the turmoil caused by the Flesh Evil God Cult.

According to his instructions, the Flesh Evil God Cult will not attack his family's property at all. The only possibility is that other forces are taking advantage of the situation and inciting workers to cause trouble.

But this matter should be easily solved by Germain's group. It's not like he needs to take action.

Just in case, Lu Sheng scanned his sister's body out of habit. Usually, his consciousness is completely invisible, and most of the time is scattered in the Four Gods Religion to act as a pretense of divine consciousness.

Now I took the initiative to pull back a little to check on my sister.

Huh? What he didn't expect at all was that his sister Enna was actually a little abnormal.

It's not a ghost possession, nor a curse, but an inexplicable and wonderful force, like a wind or an air current, constantly rotating slowly around Enna.

This is not an ordinary power. He has already manipulated ordinary things on his family members, and he discovered the young one as soon as he appeared. But this one is different.

What the hell? His eyes moved. His consciousness quickly came into contact with this air current.

Unexpectedly, what surprised him was that this power actually absorbed and swallowed up the spiritual power he extended in an instant.

Interesting. Lu Sheng was not surprised but overjoyed. Now that he is in a state where he can make things that he has never seen before, whether it is matter, energy, or other things, there are too few and too few. Now that something can appear that makes him Fresh things are just the thing to relieve boredom.

Anyway, it will take him a month to fully launch the arrangements.

What's wrong, brother? Enna found Lu Sheng staring at her and suddenly became confused.

It's okay. Lu Sheng suddenly realized and quickly pulled the airflow over and wrapped it around his arm.

This thing was rapidly devouring his wrapped spiritual power at a terrifying speed.

But such a small amount of mental power is not even one billionth of Lu Sheng's. This so-called terrifying speed is just for ordinary people.

If this thing wanted to suck Lu Sheng dry at this speed, it wouldn't even be possible for at least billions of years. This is just his descendant in this world.

After squeezing the airflow a little, Lu Sheng probably understood the principle of this thing and frowned slightly.

Have you offended anyone recently? he asked in a low voice.

Offend people? No, I usually pay attention to my interactions with people. Even if someone pursues me, I won't reject them too much. Enna asked doubtfully.

What about home? Is there anything unusual at home, brother, parents, etc.? Lu Sheng asked from a different angle.

There's something wrong with this. There's been a flu in the family recently, and everyone has been infected. I felt like my nose was itchy when I came in before, but it seems to be fine now. Maybe I got cold from running around outside. Enna replied with a smile.

That's good. Lu Sheng roughly understood the situation. It seemed to be just a small problem. This method may not necessarily be done by humans, but it could also be nature itself that happened to infect the German family. Still need to observe.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Sheng took out something from his pocket. Throw it to Enna.

This is for you. Take it home and put it away. It is said to have the effect of warding off evil spirits. I have tried it and it seems to be very effective. Maybe your physical condition will be better in the future.

Really? Enna caught the thing in surprise and looked at it carefully. She believed in these mysterious things.

This thing is a gray-white seal that looks very simple. At the bottom of the seal is engraved a strange shape with almost incomprehensible words.

After giving the seal, Enna happily chatted with Lu Sheng. It was almost eleven o'clock before she reluctantly returned home.

Lu Sheng sent his sister away and returned to the inner room to sit down. He took out a thin glass plate made of crystal from the drawer. There were a total of thirty different shapes of patterns engraved on it. Some of these shapes had different shapes and some were different. Symbols, some are not even basic circles.

Lu Sheng tapped the glass plate lightly, and suddenly some of the patterns on it lit up quickly.

There are thirty patterns in total, at least ten of them light up.

The previous threat and the dangerous experience of entering the rift made him deeply feel that he was still very weak at this time, so he decided to speed up the absorption of the divine power. To digest the devoured universe.

And these thirty patterns are the formations used to spread his power towards other time and space in this universe.

The core of this universe is this planet, and the thirty arrays he designed can obtain more divine power through all the planets connected to this planet.

The spiritual power of this planet alone is not enough. After checking it, Lu Sheng put the glass plate back into the drawer.


Suddenly, a crisp sound crackled in his mind.

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed.

This was the sound of the little thing he had just given to Enna. That thing is broken! ?

What's going on??! He stood up immediately, his expression serious.

At this time, he can almost be said to be the strongest on the planet. He has given the seal of attached power. No matter what force, sensing the aura of power above, it should give some face.

But now, the other party actually crushed his seal into pieces.

There are actually people in this universe who dare to confront me head-on? Interesting. Lu Sheng grinned.

The power fluctuation on that seal is not strong. How strong can an ordinary small wood sculpture be if it is not made of special materials? What was strong was the aura he poured into it. But the other party actually didn't give him any face.

Thinking again of the secretive nature of the air flow before. Lu Sheng became somewhat interested.

In countless dimensions and dimensions, although he is considered knowledgeable, there are countless types of powers that he does not know. It's normal to encounter a power you haven't seen before.

After thinking for a while, Lu Sheng clapped his hands gently.

A burst of transparent ripples spread out in front of him, and a heavy swordsman wearing black heavy armor and holding a black giant sword in both hands walked out of it.

It's just that black smoke keeps drifting from the gaps in the heavy swordsman's armor. It doesn't look like a living person at first glance.

Go and check, who is attacking the German Group? Lu Sheng ordered.

The power of this universe is very weird. Most of the powerful and extraordinary power is concentrated on this planet, so he is not surprised at all if someone can destroy the seal.

Yes. The black swordsman slowly knelt down and made a buzzing sound.



In a suburban manor owned by Germain, Enna looked at the small seal she had just taken out with confusion. This thing looked quite strong, but it actually broke after such a short time?

She complained that her brother always used such substandard products when purchasing goods. But she still collected the broken seal, put it away, got out of the carriage, and walked towards the head maid who greeted her.

Good evening, Cindy.

Good evening, Miss Enna. The head maid looked worried, which made Enna feel a little bad.

What's wrong Cindy, what happened? Enna asked in a low voice.

A stranger has come and is arguing with Mr. Germain in the hall. We dare not get close and we can't understand what they are saying. Please go and see for yourself. Cindy stayed at Germain's house. Thirty years later, she was already over fifty, and she didn't want to lose her job because of some minor issues.

I understand. I'll go right away. Enna also frowned. My father has been in this situation a lot recently. Factories everywhere are unable to operate, and the demand for products is increasing, but the labor contracts are ineffective. Those greedy workers are asking for salary increases again and again, completely ignoring the group that is already extremely burdened.

They don’t know that if the group collapses, they won’t be able to live well, right?

Enna thought helplessly and sadly, striding towards the house in the middle of the manor.

Just after pushing the door open, in the brightly lit hall, a middle-aged man with a red beard stared expressionlessly at his father, Nordin German.

Mother Ivanova was sitting on the sofa with red eyes.

My brother is not here, so he must have gone out.

Germain, this is an ultimatum. The Federation will not care how much contribution you have made in the past. This is war, there is no compromise. No one can compete with the power of fate. The red-bearded man said solemnly.

You don't even know what you are facing.

Or do you think that the few heroes you recruited privately can fight against the entire association? Red Beard mocked.

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