Extreme Demon

Chapter 1164 Danger 2

Lu Sheng stood aside and didn't understand what they were doing. However, these two people did not seem to be relying on the power of the divine religion, but other types of power.

He wasn't surprised either. The information of these two people showed that they had once served as heroes in the League of Heroes. Although his main job is a geologist.

Soon, a small volcanic island sandbox made of soil appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

Then, Anka took out a small glass bottle from his body, unscrewed it, and poured out two round black pills.

Come, give our volcano baby some medicine. He threw both medicines into the crater of the volcano sand table.

Okay, let's go. Cissaduo stood up.

The three of them continued on their way. As they moved forward, they soon discovered a fast-flowing stream on the right side in front of them.

The stream slowly emits mist like heat.

After marking this area, Cishaduo and Lu Sheng followed Anka and continued forward.

Soon, a huge purple crack ten meters wide and three meters high fell across the forest floor.

The white mist drifts out from here.

Lu Sheng's heart moved. From this crack, he seemed to vaguely detect some familiar atmosphere.

That's it. Cissaduo sighed. This is the source of all abnormalities. He looked at Lu Sheng who was following him.

Lu Sheng nodded.

You can go outside and take a rest. I'm going to go in and investigate. Lu Sheng nodded.

Okay, please be more careful. Although they joined the Divine Religion, the two of them were much stronger than before. But he still showed deep respect and respect for nature.

I see.

Lu Sheng nodded, no one would understand the void rift better than him.

Under the attention of the two people, Lu Sheng walked slowly and slowly approached the huge void crack. In front of the crack glowing with purple light, he gestured to the two of them, asking him to leave here as soon as possible.

The two people understood what he meant, nodded, turned and walked towards the outside of the woods.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and grasped the edge of the void crack. The touch felt like hard, cold marble.

Looking at the entrance in front of him, he took a deep breath and dug in hard.


There was a soft sound.

He felt as if he had passed through a slippery and wet door and plunged into a mysterious space that was completely void and dark.

This space is very similar to the void darkness beyond the Mother River. A large number of individuals of different sizes could be sensed around him, swimming towards him quickly.

But Lu Sheng didn't feel any threat.

He carefully distinguished the breaths of Wang Jing and Wang Jing. They seemed to have entered here, and there were still faint traces of marks around them.


A huge sea lion-like monster opened its mouth wide and bit Lu Sheng in one bite.

Then with a pop, the monster disappeared instantly. Disappeared into the surging circles of transparent ripples beside Lu Sheng.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and fourth void monsters rushed toward Lu Sheng in a frantic manner. Then he quickly disappeared into the transparent ripples around him.

Lu Sheng, possessing the power of gray liquid, turned these eaten void monsters into energy nutrients almost instantly.

He swam forward unhurriedly, and soon, a huge squirming creature like a mountain of flesh appeared in front of him.

He couldn't see the opponent's shape in the darkness, but through other perceptions, he could picture the monster's size and twist.

It was like a ball of tomatoes that had been stepped on, with the skin, flesh, and juice mixed together.

Swallow, destroy, destroy. The monster slowly opened its mouth towards Lu Sheng.


Then in the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared into the void.

Lu Sheng continued to swim deeper.

After confronting Kaiou Xining, he felt that he was almost invincible. Facing these little void monsters was like facing fresh meat pellets delivered to his mouth. You can eat it with just one mouthful and your mouth will be full of oil.

As time went by, Lu Sheng devoured monsters faster and faster, more and more.

The monsters in the surrounding void initially pounced on Lu Sheng, but later, Lu Sheng took the initiative to devour monsters like a magnet whirlpool.

He planned to make reserves for seclusion. After finding Wang Jing, he would find a universe where he could not care about the world, rest well, and enjoy life.

The premise of all this is to reserve enough preparations for the future. Whether it's food, energy, or various other nutrients, there are a lot of things needed to maintain a huge mental world.

What's more, Wang Jing is definitely a guy with a big appetite, which makes it even more necessary to store food and consume it for seclusion.

So he accepted everyone who came and ate as much as he could.

Store more food so that you can live in seclusion.

The power of gray liquid continuously transforms these void monsters into energy and injects it into the world of mind.

After swimming for a while, he suddenly became stunned.

What is it? A faint terrifying power that made his body tremble slightly was expanding and gestating deep in the darkness of nothingness.

Lu Sheng's originally peaceful heart quickly felt a strong sense of threat.

Nothingness is indeed the greatest mystery. Even now, I still encounter powerful dangers that threaten me. Lu Sheng remained calm and slowly slowed down his speed. Turn around and swim towards the way you came.

I originally thought I was already strong, but now it seems I'm still far, far behind.

It seems that we need to be more prepared. This world is indeed very dangerous.



Deep in the void.

The edge of the huge giant black ball.

Xining was wearing a black cloak, covering his whole body in the thick cloak, making his appearance invisible. Only the long hem of the cloak continues to flow in the void, slowly flowing and fluttering with the power of the void.

There were three similarly dressed figures around him. They all wore identical black cloaks covering their entire bodies.

Between the four people, there is a huge dark red formation-like pattern connected.

The edge below the pattern shines with a faint and strange silver light. The silver light seems to be alive, sometimes transforming into singing mermaids, and sometimes turning into ugly and strange smiling faces.

I can't hold on any longer, a figure said in a low voice.

Hold on a little longer. With the combined power of our four realm kings, as long as we can create the True Seal of Destruction in one go, we will definitely be able to defeat the Eternal Fortress of the existing alliance head-on.

One of the dark figures encouraged.

This is all my fault. Xining blamed himself, If I hadn't been held back, maybe

It's none of your business. The fourth black shadow comforted, My side is also a little suppressed. The existence alliance is developing too fast. We just maintain the status quo and can't keep up with the pace.

Okay, stop communicating and concentrate your will! The second black figure interrupted. This supreme power can only be maintained for a short time. It must be effective in one blow, otherwise we will not have a second chance!


The other three spoke up one after another.

As kings of the realm, they sound powerful, but in fact they are just pitiful people manipulated by nothingness.

On the one hand, we must resist the mad erosion of the will of nothingness and avoid becoming a complete puppet of destruction. On the one hand, we must fight against counterattacks from existing alliances. Otherwise, they will be replaced and destroyed by nothingness soon if they are unable to perform their functions.

The only thing that can preserve their existence is to maintain the status quo.

But it is a pity that the existence alliance hopes to expand more living space. And those wild monsters of nothingness that are not under their control will crazily erode the space of existence driven by the instinct of nothingness.

Therefore, despite their appearance, they are actually the hardest living group.

At this moment, a bit of gray light rose from the core of the magic circle between the four people.

This light seems to contain countless images, and any living soul can see the hope in it at a glance, making people unconsciously fall into it. But the next moment, countless lights of hope will be destroyed in an instant and completely collapsed.

No matter how many times I see it, the True Seal of Destruction is always so beautiful, Xi Ning couldn't help but admire it.

Hurry up, we can only hold on for thirty heartbeats. The second black figure said.


The four ethereal kings shot out black chains from their bodies at the same time, stabbing hard at the True Seal of Destruction.

The True Seal of Death is the collection of everything related to death in countless universes, countless worlds, and all dimensions.

This is not an illusion, but a collection of real concepts and forces.

What they have to do now is to draw out the true meaning of death and use it to deal with the huge eternal fortress of the Alliance.

Such a trace of the true meaning of death can destroy all tangible and intangible things, including themselves.

Soon, black chains continued to pierce the gray light, and they struggled and slowly pulled out tiny gray threads.

A thread was slowly pulled out of the silk thread, as if there was a huge force preventing them from separating and dying.

Come on! It's almost done! the second black shadow encouraged.

Xi Ning desperately mobilized all the ethereal power in his body, which was the highest level of emptiness power possessed by the King of Kai.

A large amount of Void Spirit King energy is poured into the black chain, turning it into a huge force that pulls the true meaning of death.


Seeing a trace of the true meaning of death, three-quarters of the expected length has been pulled out.

Suddenly, a sharp pain surged out of Xining's body.

puff! !

He accidentally lost his strength.

Chi! !

The true meaning of death instantly lost a bit of strength, and it quickly retracted.

Quick!! One of the Kaiowens had quick eyes and quick hands. He opened his mouth and spit out a black light, cutting off the thread of true meaning of death with a click.

But still a quarter of the length was forcibly shrunk back.

Xining! You!!? The others looked at Xining angrily.

But at this time Xining was speechless.

He bent over in pain, dripping with cold sweat. Although this is only a concrete representation, any changes in the ontology will also be fed back here.

Something happened to the void world that I control! He said with difficulty, enduring the severe pain.




I eat, I eat, I eat eat eat!!

Lu Sheng manipulated the world of telepathy, and in the darkness of nothingness, he took a bite out of the black universe he had just discovered.

This black universe is extremely large in size and tastes very good. Unlike other universes, which need to be chewed carefully and slowly, this thing is just mixed with broken meat sauce, bite after bite, delicious and soft, and very easy to digest.

As soon as he discovered this place, he didn't want to leave.

Because he discovered that although this black universe is filled with a lot of void power, it actually contains a lot more spiritual power than the existing universe.

Not too nutritious at all.

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