Extreme Demon

Chapter 1163 Danger 1

Life is always full of surprises. Wei Dazhuang's eyes fell on the guard of Duotou Star Temple.

These monsters appeared out of nowhere and seemed to be on the side of the mysterious man in front of them.

Yeah, but I don't think it's an accident, it's a surprise. Lu Sheng licked his lips.

Since we are destined to meet each other, why don't we go have a drink together? He was now very interested in Wei Da Zhuang. The world as a whole was like food to natural enemies for the Void Crack, so the resistance should not be so strong.

After all, this is just a high-energy world, not a super energy level. This level of combat power is only possible in a super energy world.

You must know that it was Xining's incarnation who took action in person at that time, and almost completely crushed the previous world.

Therefore, the appearance of a powerful man of Wei Dazhuang's level here is a very strange thing.

I don't drink. Let's do it next time. By the way, do you know where there is a profitable part-time job nearby? Wei Dazhuang touched his bald head and asked blankly.

Making money? Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment. This guy is so awesome and he still needs to make money? Will the League of Heroes directly treat him as the boss?

He thought so in his mind, but he vaguely recalled the setting of an animation he had seen on Earth, which seemed to be very similar to the one in front of him.

Could it be that that animation is a projection of the real world in front of us?

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Lu Sheng thought for a moment and tentatively answered.

You really need a job?

Yes, the living expenses in hand now are enough to support the day after tomorrow. I lost too much money in the fight before the day after tomorrow. When Wei Dazhuang thought about this, he held his head and looked in pain.

Speaking of which, I can offer you a job with a good salary, if you are willing. Lu Sheng smiled. This was a test, and whether it would succeed or not was only a matter of words.

What kind of job, let me tell you first, I will not do anything illegal or disciplinary. Wei Da Zhuangyi said righteously.

It doesn't matter, I am also a good law-abiding citizen. I don't engage in pornography, gambling or drugs. I don't have any other hobbies except eating and drinking. Lu Sheng said seriously, The job I want to entrust you is to help me find my wife.

He looked affectionate.

My wife is very gentle, kind, and peace-loving. She has a beautiful heart. Although she occasionally gets passionate and has minor accidents, she never takes the initiative to harm others.

I can see that you love your wife very much. Wei Dazhuang nodded.

Yeah, so I'm still looking for her now. If you are willing to join me and accept this commission, I can pay you a salary of one hundred thousand Lasso coins per year.

Lasso currency is the currency in circulation in the area where Wei Dazhuang is located, with a purchasing power equivalent to one hundred thousand U.S. dollars on Earth, maybe slightly more.

In this era of low productivity, this amount of money is an absolutely huge amount of wealth for anyone.

One hundred thousand lasso coins??! Wei Dazhuang slowly opened his mouth, his face full of surprise.

Are you serious?

Of course. Lu Sheng smiled.

Me, me. Wei Dazhuang's expression suddenly darkened rapidly. It's a pity. I owe the Heroes Association a lot of money and have to work for them for twenty years.

. So this is how the League of Legends tied him together?

Lu Sheng was speechless.

Forget it, thank you for your entrustment. I have to leave first. Without the permission of the Federation, I can't work outside now. Wei Dazhuang said helplessly.

I think you misunderstood something. There are many S-class heroes in the League of Heroes, right? Think about it, where did your previous debt come from?

I destroyed a lot of buildings while fighting.

What about the S-class heroes? Didn't they destroy the buildings when they fought? Lu Sheng asked.

Uh Wei Dazhuang was speechless for a moment. Maybe they have more money than me?

No, they just have privileges. They don't need to compensate themselves. Lu Sheng replied. So, you are actually being cheated. The Heroes Association is deliberately cheating you.

Really?? Wei Dazhuang was suddenly stunned.

Although you are very weak in my eyes, you are much stronger than ordinary heroes. It is completely abnormal for a strong man like you to still worry about money. Lu Shengchunchun induced. .

.It makes sense. Wei Dazhuang began to think thoughtfully. Although the guy in front of him was talking big words and he felt like he could handle it with one punch, he had to say that his words made sense.

Understood? Then let's go back and discuss it with the people from the association. It's time for me to leave. This is my contact information. If you encounter any trouble, you can call me for consultation. Lu Sheng smiled Smile, Don't worry, there is no charge.

Wei Dazhuang is still distracted.

Lu Sheng turned around and quickly returned to the hotel.

When I arrived here just now, I encountered the warm hospitality of the void creatures. The indigenous people here are really warm.

He planned to investigate carefully next to see if there were any other traces left by Wang Jing and the others.

Wei Dazhuang left quickly. Lu Sheng stayed in the hotel for more than three days and found no new attacks or incidents. All the void monsters around him seemed to have been wiped out in the previous wave.

The ten-headed star temple guards he released hunted void monsters everywhere, killing almost the entire city. In the end, under Lu Sheng's active liberation, the symbols representing the four gods were left behind, and they quickly disappeared.

It can be regarded as a wave of publicity for the Star Temple.

After checking the surrounding area and finding nothing, Lu Sheng continued to another place where Wang Jing's master and apprentice had left traces - Kanshabia.

There were no void monsters this time. But unexpectedly, there are also traces of void cracks here.




The white spray drags long water marks on the sea surface.

On a small speedboat, Lu Sheng and two elderly scholars wearing suits, gold-rimmed glasses and silver-rimmed pocket watches looked at the rapidly approaching island in front of them.

These two scholars are local followers of the Seven Colorful Dragon King sect in Kanshabia. One is named Anka and the other is named Xishaduo. Both are professors of geology at a university in Kanshabia.

After receiving the news that the mediator was coming to investigate the situation in person, they immediately put down their work and took the initiative to cooperate with the mediator.

This is the place where abnormalities have occurred frequently in Kanshabia recently, Hange Island. Anka adjusted his glasses and said loudly.

If the sound is not loud enough, nothing can be heard over the sound of the speedboat's engine.

I hope we can gain something. Lu Sheng nodded.

We will walk ahead in a moment. Xishaduo and I have been here alone before. I have to say that the environment here is very harsh. If it is not necessary, please do not leave us ten meters away. Anka warned.

No problem. Lu Sheng nodded.

The speedboat, dragging its long white tail, quickly approached Hange Island and slowly stopped in the shallow water.

There is still some distance from the island, but there is no way to get close here. The shallow water area is full of various coral reefs.

With the speed boat's draft, we can't get any closer here. Anka dropped a heavy anchor and hit it on a coral reef in the shallow sea.

Cishaduo began to carry various equipment on his back to get to the island.

So, shall we go to the island now? He looked at Lu Sheng and asked.

After all, this industry is mainly based on Lu Sheng.

Okay. Lu Sheng glanced at the two elderly people. I was about to ask them how to get to the island.

But he saw Ansha slowly taking off his shirt and neatly putting the clothes into a waterproof leather bag.

When we scholars go out to investigate, we often need to prepare a lot of various coping methods and tools.

For example? Lu Sheng was also a little curious about how they planned to face the shallow coral reef area in front of them, which was at least more than 20 meters long.

Just like this. Ansha took a deep breath, and her naked upper body quickly began to expand.


He spread out more than ten leaves in one hand.

In the swish, swish, swish, leaves were scattered on the shallow water surface.

Ansha jumped up, his legs expanded violently as if inflated and became thicker. He stepped down hard and hit one of the leaves in the middle.

Bang! !

A white spray exploded from the water. Using his body's strength, he flew forward again and stepped on the second leaf.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Amidst the continuous explosions, Anka crossed the entire shallow water area and landed on the island beach in less than three seconds.

The second Cishaduo also used a similar method and stepped on it all the way, landing steadily on the golden beach.

Lu Sheng was speechless and took off his shirt. Turn over and jump into the water.


He picked up the speedboat, stepped on the water at full speed, and rushed to the beach in a few steps.


The huge speedboat hit the beach hard, leaving a deep dent.

Cissado and Anka gave him a thumbs up.

Let's go, there are two trouble spots here. When we came here before, when we inspected the geological rock formations, we solved some minor problems. Now I don't know if there have been any changes. Anka introduced.

You lead the way. Lu Sheng clapped his hands and put on his clothes again.

Among the three, Anka took the lead, followed closely by Lu Sheng and Xishaduo. Walk along the dense woods.

Soon, they didn't go far when they saw a two-meter-high white skeleton lying in the forest. It looked like a big cat like a tiger, but it was a little too big.

Cissaduo pointed at the pile of bones and said with emotion.

We who do geological surveys always need to deal with some additional emergencies like this. I knocked this giant saber-toothed tiger out with my own hands and put it here. Unfortunately, it seems that someone took advantage of it. Still couldn’t escape the fate of death.”

Life is always full of accidents. Don't blame yourself, Cissado, it's not your fault. Anka comforted.

Yes, I know. Xishaduo sighed.

Lu Sheng looked at the size of this giant saber-toothed tiger. It was obvious that it was a mutated giant beast that had been contaminated by the breath of nothingness.

It seems that this trip will not be in vain.

The three of them continued walking inside.

Gradually, more and more corpses of giant beasts appeared in the woods on the roadside. Many of them were monsters that Cissado and Anka had killed and knocked unconscious with their own hands.

The largest one, even more than four meters high, was a giant piebald white crocodile. The thick hard armor on his body is covered with fist marks.

When I first caught it, my dear, the strength was almost the same as when I used to catch big fish when I was a child. It was so powerful! Now it seems that this guy has also suffered an accident. Anka lamented.

More and more behemoths are dying, which makes Anka and Xishaduo, two gentle-tempered pacifists, more and more anxious.

They wanted to investigate more and more what could kill so many powerful monsters.

The woods went deeper and deeper, and as the three of them walked, a light white mist gradually filled the surroundings.

There are some geological problems here. Anka suddenly squatted down and touched the soil on the ground.

He picked it up and smelled it.

There is a possibility that a volcano will erupt. I remember that there is an active volcano here. We need to suppress it and solve this active volcano. Otherwise, the area will be severely damaged for thousands of miles around.

You know, you're usually the best at this kind of thing. I just take care of the chores, Cissado shrugged.

The two elderly people quickly started to arrange some auxiliary and incomprehensible positions on the spot.

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