Extreme Demon

Chapter 1153 Communication 1

The colorful mother river water.

Lu Sheng slowly poked his head out of the mental world on the inner wall of the mother river.

The inner wall of the mental world is about the size of a colorful coconut, with various vortexes of various sizes spinning inside.

The swallowing was successful, but the digestion was too slow. I have to find a way. Before he swallowed it, he estimated that the absorbed spiritual power should be enough. After all, the accumulated spiritual power of a universe will not be too little no matter what.

But the strange thing is that after he spent time to completely separate the spiritual power, he discovered that the yellow universe did not have much spiritual power at all.

Not even 10 billion.

This little bit of divine power made it impossible for him to completely digest the universe.

Last time, it took me more than 30 billion of my divine power to digest and devour the part of the cosmic source power and land. Now the cosmic source power devoured is far more than last time, and the material land that has been integrated is much more than last time. . It has divine power, but it doesn’t even have 10 billion units.”

Lu Sheng stood up from the river a little irritably, exposing his upper body.

The extremely corrosive mother river water and the various concentrated substances washed away from time to time pose no threat to him at all.

At this time, although he is only the agent of the condensed body outside, his strength has already surpassed his former self by an unknown amount.

We must find a way to absorb more spiritual power. Lu Sheng sensed the speed at which the mental world was devouring and digesting the yellow universe. He felt that this speed could not be completed in tens of millions of years.

If we really wait until then, my wife will probably die of old age.

The power of gray liquid can use the characteristic of absorbing all abilities to assist in digesting the universe, but even so, it takes too long. Even if all my gray liquid power is thrown in, it will not take more than a million years. It’s hard to digest the entire universe.”

Lu Sheng rose slowly, his feet stepping on the water of the mother river.

He hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached out and touched the gray round spot on his chest. This is the contact information left for him by Hui Liang.

Lu Sheng didn't particularly trust the gray liquid forces. They seemed to be just a group of beings with forbidden powers, and they didn't seem to have any bad intentions. But that's just the surface.

If you maintain a kind-hearted mentality outside the universe where the jungle is strong, the only result you can get is to be devoured to the point where no bones are left.

If I can have enough gray liquid power, then my digestion speed should be greatly improved. But... He hesitated and gave up the idea of ​​asking the gray liquid forces for help.

The opponent's purpose is unknown, his intentions are unknown, and his strength is unknown. If something unexpected happened, he wouldn't know how he would die.

After all, the mental world is his true foundation. No matter how the body dies, it will never die, but once the mental world is destroyed, it will all be gone.

Although the mental world is already very huge now, after swallowing the new universe, it will be as big as two former suns. But for star-killing masters, the difference is just a few more moves.

If the mental world is completely exposed and he is held back by others, he will really be left to his own devices.

Forget it. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and lightly drew it in front of him.

Suddenly, a string of silver spark-like light spots appeared on the fingertips. All the light spots slowly fell down and turned into small silver insects in mid-air.

All the bugs quickly arranged rows of coordinates in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng quickly memorized the coordinates, and then saw the insects naturally and sadly turned into white ash and dispersed.

As expected, King Onadu took Wang Jing to the front line. He frowned.

The opponent's purpose was very clear, but he had to follow its path and rush there.

There was silence for a while.

It's decided, if we find him, we'll beat the King of Onadu to death. His heart moved.

The mental world on the inner wall of the mother river suddenly broke away slowly and merged into the darkness and nothingness of the outside world.

His mental world was originally developed from a fragment of the universe that had been floating in the dark void.

It's nothing to break away again at this time. As long as it is not discovered by the enemy.

After dealing with the mental world, Lu Sheng quickly followed the coordinates and flew towards the upper reaches of the mother river.

The colorful river swept quickly behind his feet, occasionally interspersed with patches of makeshift banks and islands. Occasionally, you can see caves with soft white light on the island.

Boss, can you hear me? Ban Sai's voice suddenly sounded from his ears. Lu Sheng paused for a moment and looked up. The black line left by Yin He Shijia condensed on top of his head again.

What's wrong? he responded.

I thought about it for a long time and decided to inform you about this. Ban Sai said seriously.

Say. Lu Sheng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Well, it's Lu Ning. He slept with Li Shunxi's daughter and made her pregnant. Ban Sai felt helpless.

. Lu Sheng immediately recalled what kind of thing Li Shunxi's daughter was. She was still complaining to him a while ago. His daughter was called the mother of joy and she took men back in various ways.

There are hundreds if not thousands of faces.

When he thought of this, he immediately felt bad.

What's going on?! he asked sharply.

Well, it's really hard to blame Li Huanna for this. It was Lu Ning who used medicine to confuse people, and then you know. Ban Sai smiled bitterly, Anyway, Li Huanna has a big belly now, and things are not easy to handle.

Let them get married! If Lu Ning dares to go out and mess around in the future, his cultivation will be abolished and all resource supplies will be stopped. Lu Sheng said decisively. What did Li Shunxi say?

He has put Li Huanna under house arrest and started to formally teach all kinds of serious fertility knowledge. Bansai explained. He told me in advance that Lu Ning is not to blame for this. His daughter also has vague temptations.

I can't go back for the time being. Please help me get this done quickly, so that we don't look bad when we get pregnant later. Lu Sheng said silently.

Okay. Ban Sai also knew that Lu Sheng was too far away from the Demon Realm.

In addition, there is another thing. The erosion of nothingness has accelerated. I don't know why. Xining and his subordinates have obviously been temporarily entangled. But more new nothingness monsters have appeared. The number of newly added nothingness monsters has increased. and strength are very strong, and they are unable to communicate or communicate.”

I'll pay attention. Lu Sheng frowned. He knew that the power of the void would not be that simple. Even though the King of Kai and his subordinates were determined to delay, the power of the void continued to erode the existing alliance. This in itself was an unreasonable phenomenon.

He quickly asked about the characteristics of these new void monsters. I feel that the biggest difference between these monsters and Xining and others is intelligence. These monsters themselves have almost no independent consciousness and only act according to instinct. Unlike Xining and others, they have a clear sense of self-preservation.

After disconnecting, he paused, his body slowly reduced speed, and gradually hovered above a wide vortex of the mother river.

The river here naturally forms a huge whirlpool.

The coordinates are here. There's just something wrong. Lu Sheng frowned and looked around. On the inner walls on both sides of the river, densely packed universes of different sizes were like whirlpools of various colors in stained glass.

Different universes have different colors and sizes.

The universe here is almost all at high energy levels, which is a bit troublesome.

It was also the first time for Lu Sheng to come to such an upper reaches of the Mu River.

It's really hard to tell which universe Wang Jing is in.

Thinking of this, he took out a small fragment of the golden mask that he had taken off Onado from his arms.

He is well versed in all kinds of mysterious knowledge, and he happens to have a technique that can make this golden mask resonate with the same type of energy. In this way, the location of Teacher Wang Jing and the King of Onadu can be quickly located.

He gently squeezed the golden light shield, and tiny dots of light suddenly scattered from it. He caught it with his hand, put it to his mouth and licked it gently.

That's it!! He suddenly turned his eyes and looked at a white cosmic vortex diagonally above the right side.

His whole body suddenly turned into a black line, like a bolt of lightning, which shot into the white cosmic vortex in the blink of an eye and disappeared completely.




Lu Sheng opened his eyes suddenly, and in front of him was a glass counter covered with black dust.

He was lying on the counter with his hands as a pillow, and his nose was filled with a thick, rusty smell.

He exhaled again, took a step back, and looked around at his surroundings.

He was sitting behind the counter of what appeared to be a small retail store, wearing gray overalls and a gray peaked cap.

This body is neither fat nor thin, but there is some white fat on the surface. It looks like it has not exercised for a long time.

This damn place. Lu Sheng stood up and took a look at the situation of this small shop.

The counter, the shelves, and the only freezer were covered with thick black ash. It was like a fire had just broken out.

But he checked carefully, and there were no signs of burning anywhere.

After patting the dust off his body, Lu Sheng walked out of the counter and picked up a package of something that looked like instant noodles.

The packaging above is printed: Bai'an Pork Instant Noodles, shelf life: 180 days.

It's still too early to expire. This feedback instinctively flashed through my mind.

Lu Sheng quickly began to check the memory of this body again.

Soon, he became somewhat aware of the anomalies in this world.

The entire world here is completely abnormal development.

The people here can generally be divided into two categories: superpowers and mortals.

Superpowers have a variety of powerful abilities, among which the weak ones can light a fire and smoke, or run much faster than ordinary people.

And the stronger ones can even easily destroy continents and exterminate planets.

Living in such an extremely dangerous world, most of the people here have developed strong nerves.

The original owner of this body, Hal Saladin, had such a personality.

He had just experienced a battle between Ember and Shock Man, who controlled the black ash.

The small shop that was originally located in the corner was hit by a large amount of black ash. He himself was knocked unconscious by the spreading shock wave.

The world of capable people. Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction. In such a world, it is indeed easy to hide one's strength. And the rules are not very strict. Now he can quickly mobilize the gray liquid power of his body and evolve a variety of powers at his disposal.

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