Extreme Demon

Chapter 1154 Communication 2

There is no need to change this body for the time being, so as not to alarm the King of Onadu. That old guy could just get stuck and run away a few days before I went to Onadu. It is definitely not an ordinary alert.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment, then the power of the gray liquid flowed into the body slightly, and according to the rules of the universe, he slightly transformed the basic structure of the body.

This kind of transformation will prevent him from mastering too much strength and causing too much fluctuation, but it will allow him to master various relatively convenient life abilities.

Just like the wind.

Lu Sheng's heart suddenly moved, and a whirlwind spun invisible, quickly gathering most of the dust in the entire shop to form a small black tornado, which automatically flew into the trash can at the corner.


With a muffled sound, the lid of the red trash can automatically closed, filled with a large amount of dust that had just been cleaned.

Lu Sheng looked at the brand new store again. Although there was a lot of dust in the corners that had not been cleaned, overall it was pretty good.

Fortunately, what's more convenient is that this body itself is an orphan. It has no parents, no relatives, and nothing except itself. Oh no, there is also this little shop.

This small store was bought by Hal Saladin in full, and it was the only business he accumulated after working hard until he was in his thirties. It is the only thing he relies on to survive.

He usually makes a living by opening a convenience store in this store and selling food and daily necessities.

I just didn't expect that last night, I encountered two superpowers fighting each other, so that Chi Yu was affected and was shocked to death.

Let me see your last wish. After all, he is himself in this universe, so Lu Sheng is still very happy to help him fulfill his wish.

He carefully examined the remaining souls in his mind.

.Find your parents?


Lu Sheng frowned. Although he is strong enough, there are no clues about this guy's parents. If we really want to find him, we probably won't be able to find him in a short time.

Har Saladin was thirty-four. The orphanage he was in had been closed for more than ten years, and he didn't know where to go if he wanted to look through the files.

Lu Sheng frowned. Although this world and planet are very similar to the super version of Earth, the various social rules are similar. But he is not a strong person involving time and space. You can browse history at will, turn back time, and trace cause and effect.

If we really do this, it will not be an ordinary trouble.

Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. He was too lazy to think about it.

He picked up a flip-up makeup mirror from the shelf, opened it and took a look at his face.

What was reflected in the mirror was a handsome middle-aged blond man with a beard. His skin color is Caucasian, his eyes are pure blue, but his eye sockets are somewhat sunken and black, and he looks like he hasn't been resting well.

Putting down the mirror, Lu Sheng scanned the shop again.

Since I'm the one who opens the store, let's continue to open it. With this identity, I can also secretly investigate and find King Onadu. Anyway, as long as I don't show up, they won't be able to lure me and the void forces there.

He is determined not to have a gun in the Alliance.

So, how do we secretly investigate the information? Lu Sheng looked at the goods in the store and gradually came up with an idea.

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately started to take down various goods.

Not long after it started, sirens sounded outside.

A black and white police car also drove up in front of the store, with red and blue lights flashing. Two thick-shouldered police officers got out of the car and walked to the door of the store to inquire about the situation.

Lu Sheng answered the questions honestly based on what happened last night. No modifications, no concealment. Except for the fact that he was knocked unconscious and died, everything else was exactly the same as in his memory.

It seemed that the two policemen were just here to take notes. After taking notes, they saw that Lu Sheng had nothing to do, so they left voluntarily. It sounds like he went to the store next door.

Lu Sheng followed him out for a walk.

I found that all the storefronts in the surrounding streets were in ruins, and all kinds of glass billboards were broken on the ground.

Some shops were deserted at night and escaped damage. The shopkeepers were moving things and counting the losses.

Like Lu Sheng, some shops were inhabited at night and had their crops damaged. Ambulances would stop from time to time to carry people in. Some were seriously injured and some were fine.

Lu Sheng walked around and then returned to the store.

He pulled down the rolling shutter door of the shop and stood in the middle of the shop in the dark.


He snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, all the goods on the shelves floated into the air and flew towards the open storage room. They were neatly stacked one by one in wooden boxes in the corner, and some were even classified into categories.

Then. I need some special products that can spread my tentacles and vision to products everywhere.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, found a flashlight, turned it on as a light source, and illuminated the dark shop, and then pulled out a stack of printing paper.

Suddenly he moved for a moment, then stopped, put the printing paper back, and walked to the storage room.

There are also some newly imported assembly-line wood carvings in the shop, all of which are carved with various small animals the size of eggs.

Lu Sheng took a wooden carving and weighed it. The portion was pretty good.

He stretched out his index finger and started carving a few times at the wood carving.

As a master-level painter, he has mastered various talisman formations in the Xianxia World System. His own knowledge is extremely profound.

It is not difficult for Lu Sheng to make some special gadgets. It can even be said to be very easy.

In less than a minute, a small, complex formation and mysterious symbol appeared on the wooden carving base.

As soon as these patterns and symbols were completed, they flashed with silver light, disappeared into the wood carvings, and disappeared.

Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction, put down this one, picked up the second one, and started carving.



Hannah was wearing high heels, and her gray skirt kept swinging as she walked quickly.

From time to time she trotted forward for a while, but then stopped and walked quickly.

The distance from the subway to the company was not short, and she did not dare to go any faster while wearing high heels, lest she fall or break her heels. Such an accident happened last time.

It's almost late, it's almost late! She kept muttering in a low voice, If I'm late, that fat pig Henry doesn't know how to prank me! Oh my God! Why did I suddenly fall asleep last night? So dead? I obviously set the alarm clock in advance!

I don’t know what happened to this street. After one night, the ground was covered with black dust and cracks. Most of the surrounding shops were closed and closed. Only a few houses still had lights on.

Hannah was walking quickly, and when she passed a store called Saladin Convenience Store, she suddenly remembered that the staplers and printing paper she bought yesterday were not enough.

Originally, these things were supposed to be distributed uniformly by the company's logistics, but Henry, that fat pig, took all the things he had distributed and used them himself, leaving only a small part for each employee. The number of cards is very tight.

She accidentally broke a dozen pieces of paper before, so she had no choice but to buy them herself and replace them.

With a twist of her steps, Hannah straightened her figure and walked directly into the Saladin convenience store.

It's just that the goods in this convenience store seemed different from when she came in before.

The items on the shelves are not the original snacks and daily necessities. Instead, there are wood carvings of different sizes and exquisite ornaments that look old and worn out.

The boss is a somewhat handsome man with a beard, and he is sitting on a lounge chair in the store to rest.

If you need anything, see for yourself. The boss said lazily.

Hannah frowned a little. There was nothing she wanted here. It seemed that the store had changed its business.

She turned around and planned to leave quickly. But an inexplicable feeling made her stop involuntarily.

Her intuition told her that if she left so rashly, she might regret it later.

Do you want to get rid of your current life, current job and current predicament? The uncle boss said lazily while sitting on the recliner with his eyes closed.

You can look at the boat on your right. Maybe he can help you.

Hannah's expression froze, and the boss actually guessed the thoughts that had been lingering in her mind with just one sentence.

If you are determined to change, this boat will give you hope. The boss spoke again and then said nothing.

Hannah couldn't help but look to her right, where a small red wooden boat, only the size of an egg, was placed on the wall shelf. The price is marked above: one hundred yuan.

Not expensive.

Looking at the exquisiteness of the workmanship, Hannah quickly made a judgment. She reached down and gently picked up the boat.

Suddenly, a confused and hazy murmur entered her mind from the boat.

‘Worship this thing with all your heart and soul for one hour every day, and you will receive invisible help to change your predicament. ’

This is the original worship object from the ancient Phoenix King. It is a small thing that I brought out from a certain ruins. According to the legend of the Phoenix King, such a small boat can bring hope~ the boss said again .

Hannah looked normal, but there was already a storm in her mind.

I want this. She put the boat on the checkout counter.

The boss lazily stood up, walked behind the counter, settled the bill for her skillfully, and accepted the money.

Okay, welcome next time.

Yeah. Hannah held the wooden boat slightly nervously and walked out of the shop quickly. The boss didn't seem to notice the specialness of the wood carving in her hand. It seemed that only she could hear the voice that came into her mind. She has found a treasure! !

The ability to transmit sounds directly into her mind is definitely a superpower she has longed for.

Although the boss seemed to understand some psychology, he definitely didn't realize the value of the wooden boat she bought.

Otherwise, he would never sell the boat for just a hundred dollars.

Hannah's mood was ups and downs, and she rushed towards the company with strong expectations.

Behind her, in the Saladin convenience store, Lu Sheng lay lazily on the recliner again.

Spread out a Phoenix King's wooden boat. As long as you can pray to it devoutly, you will be able to transform yourself with powerful invisible superpowers. The more prayers gathered, the stronger the original holder will be. You can also use the wooden boat Give superpowers to lower-level believers.”

Lu Sheng was very satisfied with the missionary item he had made. This thing was simply a weapon for missionary work. As long as you are pious enough and for a long enough time, the feedback you will receive will be stronger. It's not very good for collecting divine power.

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