Extreme Demon

Chapter 1152 Design 2

What's wrong? Undine? The voice of the Holy Mage came from the golden light spot.

They are coming. The guy who swallowed Huang Universe!! They are coming!! Undine looked horrified.

Devouring a monster from the universe so quickly was beyond the ability of an eighth-level mage like her to deal with.

Although she can destroy such a large amount of cosmic creatures, it does not mean that she can also destroy the entire universe.

It's like wiping ashes on an iron ball and completely eating it are two completely different things.

Undine wanted to say something else, but it was too late, the other party was too fast.

She couldn't even hear clearly what the Holy Mage said.

There was only time to activate Onado's air defense siren.

A sharp, piercing sound filled the sky.

This ancient and powerful arcane capital finally faced a new attack from a foreign enemy after tens of thousands of years.

Golden protective shields emerged layer by layer in the sky. Countless white characters and colorful halos continue to light up all over Onadu.

In this country where all residents are mages, every creature is ready to resist foreign enemies at any time when the alarm sounds.

More than ten rays of golden light rose from the ground to the sky. They were the strongest defense force in Onadu, seventeen eighth-level true spirit mages.

They come in different shapes, including humanoids and other forms. The strength of each one is comparable to that of a god. There are circles of colorful light surrounding them. Spell books that shine with powerful fluorescence are constantly flipping and flying in the air beside them.

Everyone raised their heads and looked solemnly at the terrifying black energy approaching quickly outside the golden light shield.

The evil and powerful fluctuations emitted by the black energy made them feel cold and tremble slightly even through the protective shield.

What on earth is this...??! A white light flashed, and Undine's figure appeared at the front of all the true spirit mages.

She raised her head and looked at the rapidly approaching black air. With her eyesight, she could clearly see that there was only a human figure in the black air.

A tall giant in black armor with an extremely burly figure.

The giant had black scales, blood-colored eyes, and two horns, one long and one short, on his helmet. The muscles on his body are twisted and knotted like the roots of an old tree. It gives people an indescribable and huge sense of oppression.

As the distance got closer and closer, the speed of the black-armored giant actually slowed down.

Soon, he approached the golden light shield and came to a complete standstill.

Excuse me, is there a woman named Wang Jing here? He reached out and knocked on the light shield. The opening transmits sound into the interior of Onadu.

I have something to do with her, can you inform her on my behalf?

Undine was about to raise her right hand and give the order to prepare for an all-out attack. Suddenly I heard this sound, which was transmitted in the Ethnic language and was a sound wave that all living creatures could understand.

She was stunned for a moment.

What are you looking for Wang Jing for? She is my senior sister, and now she is following the teacher to the front line. Wendini quickly answered in Eryxian.

Going to the front line?? Lu Sheng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Yes. The teacher suddenly met a mysterious visitor from the Mother River Alliance a while ago, and then immediately took the senior sister to the front line to fight against the forces of nothingness. Undine suddenly felt an inexplicable aura of conspiracy.

Did he say when he would be back? Lu Sheng also felt something was wrong. Why didn't you leave earlier and later? It happened to be when he came to look for someone? Didn't you say before that you didn't practice enough and you still have to practice quietly in order to inherit the position of King of Onadu?

I don't know, I didn't say. But I remember that when they left, they went to the first half of the mother river. Undine quickly added.

Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

He has already sensed the other party's calculation.

what is this? Just drag his wife away and throw him on the front line, just so that he can follow him around and participate in the war?

He hated such calculations.

Lu Sheng actually saw it somewhat clearly now. In fact, the forces of nothingness do not want to completely destroy the Alliance of Power of Existence.

After all, they are just life forms derived from the power of nothingness. If the power of existence is really completely destroyed, then their value will be gone. The final outcome is that they, along with them, are all completely destroyed and turned into nothingness.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the void strength clearly has the upper hand, but it has never started a decisive battle.

Under such an overall situation, whether he actually lives in seclusion or not has little impact on both parties.

But now Onado's plan made him feel a little unhappy.

This clearly told him that if he wanted to find a wife, come to the front line.

And as long as he goes to the front line, he will definitely attract a large number of strong men with the power of nothingness to gather. Xining, in particular, will definitely pay attention to his whereabouts.

At that time, as long as he pushes the situation a little, he will have to fight even if he doesn't.

Sinister intentions. Lu Sheng sighed and looked at Onadu in front of him.

What do you want to do??! Undine was startled by his malicious eyes.

Your teacher did something that made me very uncomfortable. Lu Sheng said calmly, So, now I have to do something that will make him regret it.

You, you. Undine wanted to speak, but the subsequent sound was immediately forced back into her lungs.

She could clearly see that Lu Sheng's mouth slowly opened, opening wider and wider, from the size of a goose egg at first, to the size of a washbasin, and then to a huge black hole with a diameter of more than ten meters.


Countless black mist surged out from the black hole. The golden mask surface quickly covered the entire Onadu.

As soon as the black mist and golden light came into contact, they made a hissing sound of violent corrosion.

Swallow it. Lu Sheng opened his arms, and the entire Onadu sky quickly became dark, and countless dark clouds rolled in and gathered here. Lightning flashed and arcs exploded.

boom! !

Suddenly, a huge translucent octopus tentacle flew out of the void behind Lu Sheng and collided with the huge golden light shield.

Immediately afterwards, the second tentacle came again.

The third and fourth, densely packed and countless huge tentacles, impacted towards the golden light shield like raindrops.

Hold on!! Undine has seen the terrifying scenes of black mist swallowing up an entire universe.

Being able to target the level of an entire universe is a realm that only great wizards who exist at the top of the ninth level can reach.

These eighth-level true spirit mages are not at the same level at all.

If this layer of golden light shield is broken, it means that the entire Onadu is in danger!

Hold it! You must hold it!! Undine took the lead and flew a golden arc from her hand, which instantly connected to the golden light shield above.

The other true spirit mages behind her also imitated, releasing a golden arc of pure mana, which was linked to the shield to help resist the tentacles and black mist from the outside world.

After Lu Sheng summoned the giant monster, he turned around and flew back towards the way he came from without even looking at the result.

This is just a small warning. Judging from the level of Wang Jing's teacher, Onadu definitely has some kind of long-distance mysterious connection with her.

Attacking Onado was just to teach her a small lesson.

After all, it was his wife's future foundation, and Lu Sheng didn't really want to completely destroy this mage capital.

With the thick black mist, he quickly turned into a black line, shuttled through the vast void, and returned to the Olga Imperial Capital again.

The entire universe was swallowed by him and turned into a part of his own mental world.

After fusion, he still needs to thoroughly digest this huge amount of ingredients.

The digestion method is still the same as last time.

He needs to split himself first and then condense his body again, which requires a lot of spiritual power.

Therefore, when Lu Sheng returns to the Imperial Capital, he first needs to absorb a large amount of cosmic source power, separate the divine power from it, and supply it to Deep Blue.

The divine power of a universe, even though this universe is only as big as a large star. But the accumulated spiritual power is also quite impressive.

After Lu Sheng returned to the Imperial Capital, he rested for another month. Completely separate all the devoured divine power of the universe.

Fortunately, he has already swallowed up the universe integrated into the world of mind.

Otherwise, in another place, he would not be able to absorb the divine power so quickly.

Although the universe that is integrated into the world of mind is not as arbitrary as the world of mind, it can even significantly modify the rules and change the world as one wishes.

But he can also possess the ability to dial in the rules to a certain extent and mobilize energy and matter at will.

This gave Lu Sheng great convenience and made him even more convinced that he was going in the right direction.

At the same time, the resurrection blood pool he arranged in the Olga Imperial Capital was also able to easily adjust some of the rules because the universe was swallowed up, making it simpler and easier.

Lanier's mother was quickly resurrected successfully. Although Emperor Redman's head was a little unclear, he was still alive. The missing brother who escaped was quickly found after Lu Sheng's extensive search.

He is hiding in a cave, gathering his men in the name of a cult, covering his face, planning to take revenge and train assassins.

Lu Sheng used flesh and blood to squeeze Lannie again, and then copied Lannie's memory into the past.

When the physical body is completely the same, memory and past experiences are the key to shaping a person's character and personality.

The reborn Lanier looked exactly the same as before. But her character was still stuck in the moment when she was crying in her mother's palace.

Finally, the family is reunited.

Lu Sheng used this method to bring everything back to the past in disguise. Lanier's wish stuck in his heart was fulfilled.

The advent of this world has finally come to an end.

The only thing he needs to do is to quickly digest the universe he just swallowed and turn it into strength, instead of just unconsciously using the swallowed universe to expand its size like other universes. Add rules and resources.

What he wants is not just to increase the rules and volume, but also to increase the source power of the universe. Rather, it builds intensity.

Enhance the intensity of the mental world while maintaining volume.

Soon, he received a message from Onadu. Wang Jing's junior sister named Wendini was afraid that he wouldn't know where her teacher had gone to the front line. It not only marked the specific possible areas, but also listed various methods on how to find teachers in a detailed table.

In this hope he will undo the erosion of Onadu.

The huge monster octopus was still lying outside Onado's golden shield, devouring a large amount of arcane energy every day, and they could no longer hold on.

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